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The Boss, Ruler of Pride gets Transported The Boss, Ruler of Pride gets Transported original

The Boss, Ruler of Pride gets Transported

Author: GG_GAMER91

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: Moving into another world with the Lord's castle

Chapter 1-Transportation

There was a MMO-RPG game that has been trending and was the most popular in global rank for 6 years straight, even if it was not the first in trending, the lowest they have gone is in the top 5 trending and that game is called "The Age of The End". The game company that made this said that this game is made up based on a little from legends of earth and a lot of fantasy trope.

And in that company, there is Takuro Hatami. He is one of the administrators for the game. He is also part of the game's 7 world bosses. The 7 world bosses is base from the Seven Deadly Sins. The Seven deadly sins, as in pride, greed, lust, envy, gluttony, wrath, and sloth.

Hatami Takuro is the one who controlled the hardest world boss in the game, the deadliest out of the seven sins,

The Ruler of Pride, Eisriem.

Eyes containing a crimson red iris and a jet-black pupil.

Though he might be considered to be the hardest boss among the sins' bosses, it might be because of his privilege as the one who lead the team into launching the game. When they were in a meeting just before the game launched, they decided that the world bosses should be controlled by the developers.

This way, as the game grows with time, the world bosses won't just have the same fighting pattern and they needn't adjust the bosses' difficulty level each update. Although, the devs have to use strategies to make it harder for players too. However, it's not too strong to the point that players don't have a single chance against it.

This would make the players much more attentive to details on finding new ways to work together on defeating the boss. This would also reduced mindsets of players that think they just need to deal the most damage, without any strategy, as a solo in order to get better rewards.

The quality of the weapons or other item are based on a rarity system. Which from bottom to top is, Common , Uncommon, Relic, Ascendant, Holy, Glorious.

The rewards for defeating the world bosses were considered to have a significant chance to get a high-tiered item even among the others. In other words, Glorious-rank. But the world bosses is only available once a month.

Although, it might sound inefficient, the bosses' rewards could easily make up for that as it can cover up to 3 days worth of items should they fought and reach the top 100.

However, this system of devs fighting as world bosses also means that they would have to work more harder on the game. A single world boss match could easily reach an hour or two.

Be that as it may, the devs have not complained once about their role. Besides they can work while playing and improving the game.

Although this system definitely have high risk of rage quitting people coming and complaining, but even if that is so, it also have the merit of people having trust in the devs as the complain is heard face to face.

As they play the game directly and not leave it all to the beta testers, they could find things that could change a huge portion of the game and brought it up in a meeting about the game.

It was a thrilling game as it could easily surpass other games in terms of details, classes, monsters and more.

It's been 12 years since the game has been functioning. Time shows 2330 already.

"Hahh, what a damn order..."

A voice could be heard in a sore voice. He said so with an anger yet sorrow feeling of emotion.

"Well, it can't be help now, can it? The higher ups demands that we shut down the game to work on the new upcoming game at exactly 2400."

The one who replied to him was his close friend in the company, Kaede Hiro, also the Ruler of Envy in the game. They were video calling each other in their own room.

"Still though, why aren't the others not answering the call to see off the game. I mean, we did start this together, so shouldn't we be together when it's coming to an end?"

"They have their own things they needed to do. Please understand that even they have their own life to live, Takuro."

Takuro seems even more depressed than a minute ago after hearing Hiro answering with no delay.

(Well, what can I even do at this point... I should be grateful to Kaede for answering my call... Though, maybe just one last time, ...)

"Hey, can you shut down the game after I get into the account. There's still plenty of time left before we shut it down."

"Sure thing, you did the most contribution in managing this game while we were gone anyways, so this is the least I can do."

Takuro fell into silence just after Kaede mention that he did the most contribution.

(So he knows i've been maintaining this game by myself...)

Over the past few years ago, the devs that was managing the game begun to frequent the game less and less. They were working on a new game that would come out and in the long run hoping to compete with the "Age of the End" popularity.

Of course, they just need to log into the game for their fight as world bosses, but there is also the matter of them fixing bugs when they enter the game. Thus they become more and more busy, that some also left due to the stress work.

He felt like complaining how hard it had been for him maintaining the game by himself. His eyes have heavy eye bags, his meals become barely 2 times a day. Although he indeed receive a heavy profit from the game's project. However, he doesn't even have the time to use it. Nonetheless, he still try his best to maintain the game almost by himself.

Yet, he thought that this is just him being selfish. Deep down, he knew what the others are going through.

Though,it's hard for him to understand since he doesn't even have a family to welcome him back home because his parents are dead from old age and his other family members have their own family to attend to. Barely remembering him. So he chose to ignore such feelings. It's not his fault for not cope with the others feeling.

Thus, even if he's angered, he chose to ignore it.


Just about 1 and a half year ago, all of the complaints, bugs and etc were manage all by Takuro himself. As you would've guess, at this point of time, this means that the other devs had either lost interest in the game or had family matters.

Takuro wished to believe the latter as the former would only pain him should he think about his friends when he was managing the game by himself.

After some time following his call with Kaede, he logged in his account 15 minutes before the shut down. He logged in, he was wearing a silver and black armour and was sitting on a throne while there was a girl who looks of age 17, sitting on another throne besides him. She is supposedly the sister of Eisriem.

The place he's in, is a place where many players gathers to do all kind of things such as bug-reporting, voicing their opinions and such, an administrator's reporting place or The Ruler of Pride's boss castle.

(Hmmm...There's still more time. Maybe I'll recall all of the subordinates outside the castle. Well I say they're subordinates but they are just there like a bunch of 'security cameras')

In the game, there were a lot of players trade illegal information or other stuff behind many alleyways around the city surrounding the castle. Because of that, there are tons of player reporting what they saw at the alleys, so he decided to put some of the subordinates characters he made to standby in a few of them.

Of course, he can use his administrator authority to do it even without them but he think it would wouldn't be fun to not use them properly. He would use the subordinates to punish such action with the "Ban Hammer" way.

"Well then, the beloved characters that I created... It's time we parted ways..."

For the entire game, he had his fun playing and acting as the strongest boss, Eisriem.

After all of the subordinates gather before him. He said those word with pride as though getting into his role as the boss, The Ruler of Pride. He thought about how embarrassing it is but then again, there's no one here so it's fine to let loose some imaginative speaking.

After that, he stand raising a huge one handed designed battle axe weapon that he took out from his inventory towards the ceiling of the castle.

Chaotic memories have been created during the moments he played this game conjointly with his friends. It flows in like a nostalgic song still ringing in his ears.

"I'll finish the resignation letter and quit tommorow.."


Chaos is his weapon as a boss character. This weapon can change varies on the situation, becoming a sword, spear, lance and etc. The weapon's passive ability is amplifying one's physical offense, physical defense and magical ability. Multiple unique skills can also be received by the weapon. This weapon is also the lowest chance loot that the players can get while the boss event is happening, which is at the chance of 0.001%. It only dropped once in the game's history and a max level tank is the one who receive it by the system.

Lastly, he just sell it in an auction for several trillions of gold. It created a huge turmoil in the whole game and gathers all the top ranking players. The weapon doesn't suit a tank like him plus the weapon is too heavy, so it's a bad matchup with a tank even though the weapon rised physical defense and physical offense.

However, the buyer still remains unknown. To make it more "real-life like", even the devs doesn't know the identity of the person who bought it at the auction.


Since tommorrow is the day that they will work on the new project, he need to sleep early for the day. Leaving his account open and he still have about 5 minutes left, he slept on his desk with his computer still logging into the game.

Thus, tommorrow has come, and he need to leave for work as always to write his resignation letter.

Or so he thought that would happen.


While it is morning, there's a faint delicious smell that he can smell that made him wide awake. And the first thing he saw is the interior of The Ruler of Pride castle. The interior looks real as if he was transported into the game. He thought that maybe the shut down was set at a wrong date or that this is just a dream and he haven't woken up.

This made him a little anxious, but before he could get his mind straight, there's a maid opening the enormous castle doors. The strength that was shown doesn't match her appearance.

(What is this? Isn't that... Ruby?)

"Milord Eisriem, breakfast is ready."

The maid said so while bowing her head.

(Wait, if she is here then is this truly 'The Age of The End' ? Did Kaede delay the shutdown? Still, that doesn't explain how i'm in the game. In Eisriem's body no less.)

During this moment, he was left speechless for a few seconds while he was thinking.

"What... Breakfast, you say...?"

"Yes milord. It's already a little late for breakfast but there's still some time left. The lady is already there if milord is wondering."

(Th-this doesn't make any sense.... What is she talking? Her mouth... And that expression.. How? What is this?)

He thought it was a dream and start pinching himself, but unfortunately, he could feel the pain.

That means that all of this isn't a dream.

She made many different expression the whole time and even though he don't want to believe it, the detail of the expression she just made was just like in real life. He hold his head because of the sudden confusion.

(Where is the menu button? The log out button?)


"Huh? Ah, yes.... Um.. Are you really alive?"

(Shit, that was a stupid question! She may suspect me of something if I suddenly asked that question..)

Since he was in a panicked, he just blurred that question out of the blue.

"....Eh?...Pardon, lord? I do not understand what you mean by that, but I am very much alive lord..."

"I-I see...Um, what do you mean by breakfast?"

"The chef have prepared it for you.....Milord, are you really alright?"

(How in the world is this possible? There's really no way this is true, right?)

His head suddenly throbs like getting hit by a big rock. He hold his head with both of his hands.


"Stop! Don't come over!"

He shouts so with agony in his voice. After a little while, his expression completely calms down.

"What is this..?"

His tone did a huge 180° turn, his nervous feeling was nowhere to be seen on his face. It was like the moment before never existed in the first place.

"Y-yes.. lord?"

"Is there something the matter? Why are you looking at me like?"

"Apologies, milord, I thought you were having a problem.

"Me..? I just woke up though."

Ruby put on a questionable face, as she can't make sense of what is happenning.

"A-Are you truly fine, lord?"

"Yes, I'm fine."

(What is happening right now?... Why am I saying things so calmly.... I don't think I'm the one saying those..)

After regaining her composure, she refix her position.

"Forgive me for my outburst before.... It's about breakfast... And some concerning matters that suddenly appeared.

"Ah, I see. Then, I'll head out now."

(Wait, no, I still have questions to ask... Why... can't I control this body? Is this body being control by something else?)

Despite the thought, his mouth didn't utter a single more word and head out, leaving the weapon on his hand behind.

"Is Elysia waiting?"

"Indeed, milord."

"How long?"

"For about 30 minutes."

"She still haven't started to eat?"

"No, lord. She insist on waiting for you to arrive first."

He whispers something that even the maid couldn't hear.


(Brat? No, wait, isn't Elysia the NPC that was sitting on the throne? Where did she go? How did she move.. Is this truly a real world?)

"....Let us go then"

As they went along, the thoughts in his head kept asking more questions on how the castle's detail looked much different or how the hallway is much bigger than in the game.

The hallway on the 6th floor that he was in, has many glass windows throughout the whole thing.

Needless to say, since he on the 6th floor of the castle, he was high up. So when he peek outside, he was surprised at the surroundings. The body, not Takuro, come to realised about the concerning matter. But just to be sure, he had to ask either way

"Is the matter related to our surroundings?"

"Indeed, milord."

"I see, Judging by this situation, surely this isn't our previous world.. The trees have different details, the weather is unusually nice, there is no players or monsters fighting, no explosions as far as the eye can see.. Peaceful..."

The world they were in before is dark, even if they have light, it's not a completely sunny weather. And the area they were on have a red coloured sky.

"As expected of milord, just by glancing once, you were able to make calm and detailed elaboration. As far as our investigation can tell on the matter, it truly is a different world no matter how one would look at it"

(Different world..? So this place is not The Age Of The End?)

Takuro was baffled from their deduction. During their walk, he is already panicking from his situation. But after hearing this is a completely different world, he was stunned to think anymore.

After some time, he arrived at the dining room of the 6th floor.

"Brother, have you been well?"

A soft and gentle voice could be heard. The voice is like the whisper of the wind blessing the ears. With a white and blue iris. And hair reaching down to her waist. A beauty that knows no bounds in the logic of mortals. Many players were enamoured with such beauty that they make arts about her.

(That girl... Wait, Elysia? She's talking?)

Elysia was an NPC personally made by him.

Ever since his friends had started to rarely played the game. Embarrassingly enough, even as a grown man, he felt lonely and wanted someone to accompany him while he was debugging in-game. Thus, he created her and made her and also created her a background as Eisriem's little sister.

Although she doesn't have a voice actor, he already think that her being there is comforting enough. But, seeing her talking right now is huge shock to the current him rather than excited for her coming alive.

"Indeed, I just feel like any other day. Why haven't you start eating yet?"

"Isn't it proper manner to wait for the king of the castle to appear first before eating? Besides, it's not like the food will get cold since it used magic to always keep it warm."

"We already dismissed such castle manner in the first time we decided to eat in the castle."

(Huh? The first time? When? I didn't remember putting the story when creating these two..)

"Fine, dismissed such thoughts and let us continue on dining"

(I've got to keep my calm... But still, how many food are there here? Is this really for just the both of us? The dining room looks a lot bigger than usual too...)

While they were eating, the panicking thought was significantly reduced. If he was to show any weird behaviour, they might realized something is off. Though he doubt he can even do anything, since he can't even control his body right now, he still need to be cautious at all times.

This is a situation that he can't risk getting suspected even a little bit given how awkward and unsettling it'll be for him in the future.

(I thought that they put a lot of food because there would be more people eating... But, after seeing how he eats, I get it. Though I can only think, I can still feel the tastes of the food.. It's really good, better than anything I've had before on earth, but I still can't claim this as reality yet.)

His body were constantly eating food. Though there's many food on the table, his body still mind his manners. Ellen only ate a normal portion a human must eat.

After all the foods on the table had been cleared out, the maid from before, Ruby, approach him to inform a message.

"Milord, Sir Ezkel is requesting for your audience in the throne room to make a report."

"Tell him I will head there now."

"Right away, lord."

(So even my subordinates are alive and here... I'm guessing that every single NPC in the castle is alive... I'm just going to hold on this expectation so I won't get surprised anymore..)

He head straight back to the throne room with Ruby besides him. He enters and saw Ezkel kneeling in front of the throne. He kept walking as if it's a normal occurrence.

"Though I already know the matter at hand, explain it in detail about the things that you gathered while on your investigation."

"Yes, milord."

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