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Chapter 10: Surprise

Disclaimer: I DON'T OWN Legacies, Tokyo Ghoul, and Teen Wolf. They belong to their respective owners.

"" Talking

'' Thinking

** Sound effects



[Author's Note: Sorry for the delay, yesterday my PC was stuck on the boot and my files were all on it, it took some time to fix it, hence the delay]

After entering the old mill, Eric felt something was amiss.



"What the hell is this smell?! Do you know what it is?" Eric turned to Hope and asked.

"Smell?! What smell?" Landon asked in confusion.

"Now that you are saying, something smells off here. I have been here a lot of times, but this is the only time I am smelling this," Hope answered.

"Hey, is that normal?" Eric pointed towards the upper floor. From downstairs, the upper floor was visible from downstairs but it seemed to be filled with gigantic cobwebs.

"No, that is the first time that I have seen something like this, Let's check it out," Hope said with seriousness.

"You, go up first, and then, we will follow you. And Landon, stick close to me and don't wander off," Hope continued.

"Me?!," Eric asked while pointing to himself.

"Yes, you," Hope said with a glare.

"First of all, I have a name. And second of all, you decided to check it out, why should I follow you?!" Eric said.

"Mr. Saltzman said that I have to keep an eye on you, so I can't leave you alone, or just with Landon, so your only option is to go up," Hope said while glaring at Eric.

"I won't go, you can stay here with me or go up by yourself. Don't drag me in," Eric said with a shrug.

"Yeah, then I am going to make you," Hope brought her hands up and wanted to say something when Landon interjected.

"Guys, stop arguing for nothing, the staircase is big enough for the three of us to fit together,"

Hope hearing this brought her hands down and nodded, but then said to Landon "Okay, but you still are going to stand behind me, understood?"

"Fine," Landon said dejectedly and then walked over to stand behind Hope.

"C'mon," Hope said to Eric while Landon looked at him pleadingly.

"Okay, okay, is she always this forceful?" Eric said while Hope rolled her eyes.

After this quick remark, he went towards them. Then the trio started to ascend the stairs slowly. When they reached the upper floor, they saw that the whole floor was covered in cobwebs just like how they saw it from downstairs. But this time there was a difference, and at the end of the room, near the window, there was a human-sized cocoon.

"What is responsible for something like this!? Surely not some random house spider, right?" Eric asked Hope.

Hope shook her head but didn't comment.

"What?! You were supposed to be the monster experts, so how was it able to come so close to your school, without anyone finding out?" Eric questioned.

"I don't know. Up until recently, we thought that we knew everything about the supernatural world, but we were proven wrong when we killed a dragon, then a gargoyle attacked the school. So, we also don't know much about these things, because we thought they were not real," Hope said.

Eric didn't comment on what Hope said so the trio slowly started to creep towards the giant cocoon.

Inside the cocoon was a girl. Landon wanted to touch the cocoon when both Eric and Hope yelled "Stop!" at the same time.

"Dude, what the fuck?! Don't try to touch everything you see. Do you really want to touch the web of the spider capable of doing that to humans? Do you want to be stuck? Also, don't you know that some spider webs are toxic?" Eric reprimanded.

Hearing this Landon sheepishly scratched the back of his head when Hope yanked him behind her while sending him a glare.

"Is she one of your students?" Eric asked.

"No, she is not. But she is one of the missing girls from mystic falls high school," Hope answered.

"Oh, okay. But what about him?" Eric asked.

"Who?" Hope asked.

Eric pointed his finger towards the entrance of the building.

"No," Hope answered.

"Connor?! What are you doing here?" Landon yelled.

"Hey, You are not allowed here," Hope also yelled.

"Why is he staring at us from the corner of his eyes like a total weirdo?" Eric asked.

"I don't know. Connor isn't like this," Landon answered.

"Could he be the monst-'' as Eric was saying that the trio saw that Connor did something which made the three of them cringe.

He turned around and looked at them straight in their eyes when they saw that half of his face was torn off with insectoid fangs coming out of it. Then he started to fully tear off his face like it was some kind of clothes.

"Don't you want to call your headmaster? He is supposed to be the responsible adult that keeps you safe," Eric asked. After saying this the spider started to crawl on the walls, and it neared the second floor.

"There is no need, I can handle it, also we don't have much time," Hope answered.

{Ventus} Hope chanted while pointing her hands towards the spider on the wall.


Chanting this caused a violent gust of wind to appear, targeting the spider, causing it to blast back into the ground.

After being violently thrown to the ground, the spider took off the remaining skin on his body. After taking it off, the three of them were able to see the grotesque body of the giant spider.


This time the giant spider started to climb the walls furiously while its hideous face, which was filled with lots of eyes and fangs.

"Looks like your spell wasn't very useful," Eric said.

'So how can I release my kagune? Should I just focus and hope for the best?' Eric thought.

After clearing his mind, and feeling his own body, he felt there was something extra in him. It was dormant in the lower mid level of his back. So he figured he only needs to will his kagune for it to be released.

'But should I even use my kagune now? Nah, I think I can handle that thing without it and only use it when the situation gets more dangerous,' Eric thought to himself.

"Fuck it, I am going to use my powers, whatever they are. I am not going to stay here like a princess in distress, I am going to take matters into my own hands," Eric said and then started to run really fast, not as fast as vamp speed but still very fast.

"No! Wait! What ar-," Hope was interrupted as Eric jumped as high as he could. Eric did not take one thing into consideration, and that was the miscalculation of his own powers. He didn't know that him, jumping as high as he could cause him to shoot through the third story into the side of the gable roof, and out of the building.

"Shiii-!" Eric yelled as he crashed through the ceiling.

"What the hell?!" Landon said while Hope looked at the holes caused by Eric wide eyed.

Eric was falling to the ground from almost 10 meters in the air head first. He was so shocked couldn't exactly process everything for a couple of seconds. But he finally was able to correct his position to go hands first, instead of head first.


Eric finally crashed to the ground, and one of his fingers took the full brunt of the fall which caused it to break.

"Aah," Eric moaned in pain.

'It didn't hurt as much as I thought it would,' Eric thought while looking at his broken floppy right finger which healed in less than one second.

'Wow, that was really fast,' Eric thought to himself, surprised.

When he wanted to stand up, he heard several hurried footsteps, approaching. After a few seconds an afro haired African American teenager, with the Saltzman twins started to approach Eric.

"Is he the new guy?" Eric heard the African American teenager whisper to Lizzie.

"Yes, MG, he is," Lizzie whispered back while they were ignorant of Eric's sharp senses.

"Hiii, I was wondering, have you seen any kind of monster around here?" Lizzie asked with a smile.

"Does a giant spider count as a monster?" Eric asked.

"You mean Arachne?" MG asked.

"Yeah, whatever. It is ins-" As Eric was going to tell them its whereabouts they heard a loud screech.


After hearing this, the four of them ran towards the house.

"Wow, that thing is ugly and disgusting," Lizzie said while MG, and Josie, nodded.

"It is good that you came, cause I need your help," After entering Eric heard Hope say.

"Lizzie, Josie, take my hands!" Hope shouted to the two girls. After taking her hands, their hands started to glow bright orange.

{Imperium fluctus malleus}

{Imperium fluctus malleus}

{Imperium fluctus malleus}

{Imperium fluctus malleus}

"Why are they repeating it, isn't it supposed to work the first time?" Eric asked both MG and Landon, who were watching the girls chant the spell repeatedly while the Arachne stared at them dumbly.

"I dunno," MG answered.

"Could they be overcharging it?" Landon said.

"It is possible," MG answered while Eric nodded his head.

While they were having a discussion near the entrance, they saw the girls push their hands towards the Arachne. At first, the Arachne was pushed back a few steps, but then suddenly, out of nowhere, it was yanked into the air, and into the bottom of the second floor.

It was twitching violently while the girls held their hands up when suddenly something happened.


The Arachne exploded into thousands of pieces, and yellowish chunks of its interior were scattered everywhere, especially on the girls. Eric, Landon, and MG were spared because they were near the entrance.

'Shit, that spell is powerful. I don't think even my healing factor can handle something like this. But obviously, there are several limitations on it as well. It seems that they can't use it alone, and they need help. Also, they have to aim for it as well. If the Arachne wasn't stupid and would move instead of just staring at them dumbly, it would have lived a bit more,' Eric thought to himself.

Landon wanted to go upstairs to bring the dead girl's body down when they heard Mr. Saltzman yell "Hope, Lizzie, Josie, where are you?"

After hearing this the three girls went outside to meet Mr. Saltzman.

"Thank god you are ok, I was worried, especially after that phone call. I had to make Emma do a locator spell to find you. What the hell happened," Mr. Saltzman asked

The girls recounted their experiences while the boys went to retrieve the dead girl's corpse.

"Eric, I owe you an apology, and if possible I want to talk to you alone after everything is settled for today," Mr. Saltzman said wryly while Eric just nodded his head.

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