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Chapter 7: The Rest of the Group.

The sky was almost completely black with the stars coming out and the moon being the only lights aside from my head lights. Night time is definitely one of my favorite times, especially since the apocalypse happened. Before the apocalypse I liked it because it was when my parents went to sleep and I didn't have to endure their abuse, but now it's for the star gazing.

No more light pollution from the cities and even though it's only been a month since the outbreak the emissions from cars has drastically reduced as well. Making the stars light up in the sky how they're supposed to. I'm not sure I believe what some of the early end of days people said over the radio before they were killed. Talking about this being God's judgment on mankind, but I'd be lying if I said I didn't think about it.

The dead rising is truly biblical type stuff, I would say fantasy or comic type stuff but I haven't seen anybody gain any mysterious powers. Though there were people claiming it wasn't God's doing, but the Earth, Mother Nature herself letting her displeasure be known. If that's the case I can't say I'd blame Mother Nature, just a month in and I can see and feel the beauty of place even if it is crawling with the undead.

I find the trail to the quarry and I can see smoke drifting up since it's covering the stars in a smoky haze. As I get closer I begin to see the fire light, and a big RV parked up on a ridge. I pull up beside the box van and see people beginning to come forward to greet me. Rick's out in front followed by Glenn and the scavengers and beside Rick is his old partner Shane. Seem like I was right.

Turning off the humvee I pocket the key as I lock it, can't be too careful, I'm not Rick after all.

"Haha, Will you made it. Where's Merle?" I face them and shake my head and give my shoulders a slight slump.

"By the time I got there he had already gotten loose and escaped. I followed his trail, but it seems like he hijacked a car and left." Rick runs his hand through his hair as he looks at me and Shane rubs at his chin, shock could be seen on the others faces.

"I did bring a tool bag back though, that I found in the roof." I unlock and grab the bag out of the passenger seat and hand it to Glenn, who has it snatched out of his hands by an old white dude.

"Seems someone has some manner. Will was it? I'm Dale, thank you for bringing my tool bag back." He reaches out to shake my hand, but I just give a little 2 finger salute.

"Don't sweat it, I couldn't come back with nothing after all." Now it was Shane who stepped forward.

"Wait you're the King's County Vigilante. What did you say your name was?" I looked at him and nodded my head.

"Yep officer Shane it's me, but my real name is Will Margrove." He furrowed his brows in thought before realization came over him.

"Will, Will Margrove. Your the one that Lambert always checked up on." I chuckled.

"Got it one. Sadly Lambert didn't make it. I found him as a walker near his home." A brief bit of sadness crossed his and Rick's faces but quickly went away as they gestured me to the fire.

"C'mon Will it's been a long day. Besides my wife wants to meet you." I nodded and followed them to the camp fire, where I saw Lori and Carl sitting and watching us approach.

"Lori, Carl. This is the young man i was telling you all about. He helped me get through Atlanta, and I honestly don't know if any of us would have made it out without him." They both looked at me, but it was Carl who spoke first.

"He's a ninja!" I smirked under my mask and looked at him.

"And don't you forget it little dude." Getting laughs from the people sitting around the campfire, I take a seat offered to me on the ground next to T-Dog.

"Are you going to wear that mask the whole time?" It was Andrea who spoke up and everyone looked at me.

"I haven't seen his face either." Rick spoke up and everyone looked at him in shock.

"You 2 have been traveling together this whole time and you haven't seen his face?" Lori exclaims seeming to want to scold Rick for his carelessness.

"Not Rick's fault, I just never took it off. Gotta always be be prepared, so I just never felt like taking it off. However we seem to be safe here so I don't see the problem." I begin pulling the hooded part back first, revealing my messy brown hair. Followed by the lowers portion revealing my stubbled facial hair, I could see everyone's eyes widen.

"What?" I ask to no one in particular.

"You're handsome!" Andrea's sister who I found it is named Amy, said before covering her mouth in embarrassment. Getting laughs from Lori and Andrea while the other just smile at the outburst. I feign my own embarrassment by rubbing the back of my neck.

"Hah, can't say anyone has ever just come out and said that before." Not exactly true as I have heard people compliment me on my looks before, but it was always to their friends and I just happened to over hear them. I could see Amy's cheeks redden thanks to the fire light and I saw Andrea whisper something in her ear that earned her an arm smack.

It was quiet enough that even I had trouble hearing it, but it was a long the lines of her teasing her about finding me attractive.

"I'm surprised, I figured with the face covering you were doing it to hide your face." Lori spoke up and I shrugged.

"I mean it kind of was, when I was doing my vigilante stuff I didn't necessarily want to get seen by any cops or witnesses. So face mask it was." Everyone nodded and we went back to casual conversation around the fire. With conversation drifting to what we're going to do when Darryl gets back, we pick out who's going to tell him.

Though nobody really decided, it seems like we're just gonna have everyone tell him.

"Will, we have some extra tents if you need one over here." Lori says as we all begin to get ready for sleep but I shake my head and wave her off.

"Thanks, but no need. My vehicle has a plenty of space in the back seat, and tomorrow I'll set up my sleeping hammock in a tree." She looks ready to refute but Rick places a hand on her shoulder and she doesn't pursue it.

"Alright, but if you change your mind, just help yourself to them." I nod to her as they take off to their tent, Carl resting his head on Rick's shoulder. I head to my humvee and hop into the back cracking the windows down a little bit to get some airflow. Grabbing an extra blanket from another pack I kept back there and the pillow I brought with me. The humvee was plenty spacious and i sprawled out in the back seat looking out the window next to my feet, watching the stars.

It's only been a day since I met Rick and I've already had more fun than the entire past month. Honestly besides my vigilante nights, it was even more fun than before the outbreak. I'm so glad I decided to travel with him and I hope he takes me on even more fun adventures. Even this group seems perfect.

I saw the looks Lori and Shane would occasionally send each other, there is definitely something going on there. Then for the less than savory, is Ed, Carol and Sophia. I can spot a situation like that from a mile away, so now what to do about ole Ed. Of course he's big as fuck too, but those are the ones that are the most fun to take down.

They always seem to feel better than you and others when they're that size and it's great to watch that superiority crumble. Next is Darryl, I see him being pissed off about what happened to his brother. However I also feel like he will feel relieved that his brother being gone and not coming back. He will probably feel obligated to look for him to feel like he did all he could, but deep inside he'll be glad for it.

Also, Amy seems to be attracted to me. Maybe I can follow through on what Marcus had always wanted for me. She seems to be only a few years older than me, so she isn't a problem. I guess we'll see how things go. I don't particularly plan to pursue her, but I won't deny her advances either.

With that I drift off to sleep to get ready for tomorrow.




I awoke the next morning before the sun rose, the same as I usually do. I crawled out of the humvee and grabbed a spare change of clothes from my bag and cleaning supplies so that I could clean this suit. I had multiple pairs, but there's not reason to let it rank, when I'm already going to washing up.

I headed down to the lake at the base of the quarry and set my clothes down on a stool I bright with me. Didn't particularly want to sit on the rocks while I scrubbed my clothes. I undressed and eased myself into the cold lake water, it felt really really good and served to wake me up completely.

I used a small amount of soap on a rag and began to clean myself up. I didn't have a body odor from the sweat, but you still pick up different bits of dirt and other nasty things. Especially when you gotta friend like Rick who makes you wear Zombie guts. I took my time enjoying the aloneness of being out here by myself. Even just one day of all the interactions was enough to exhaust me a little.

After cleaning myself real good I dunked under and rubbed the soap out of my hair and re-emerged, making my way to my clothes on the shore. To see a couple of blond headed people walking down to the lake. Seems like I'm not the only one that likes to get an early start. I can tell they see me, but they're too far away to actually see anything.

I'm just pulling my shirt on when they reach close enough to call out to me.

"Don't let us stop you from bathing in the lake, I'm sure Amy won't mind." Andrea said with a chuckle as she elbowed her sister, garnering a slap from her.

"Shut up Andrea!" She whisper yelled as her cheeks flushed.

"I don't know if it's Amy I have to worry about. It looked to me like you were the one checking me out the most." I smirked and she flushed briefly before cocking her hip to the side and smirking back.

"Ha ha. Though I couldn't really check you out from that far away." This time it was my turn to laugh as j grabbed my clothes and sat on my stool to begin washing them. Now wearing a black long sleeved T-Shirt and a pair of black track pants, i roll up the sleeves on both. I place the stool far enough in that the water comes up halfway, so that I can wash them easily and place my cleaning supplies in the bucket I brought to float beside me.

"Hah, well I guess next time you'll have to wake up a little earlier if you want a closer look." She smirks at that as they both set up their laundry to begin cleaning as well.

"Maybe I'll take you up on that." Which earns another smack on the and from Amy.

"Hey, it's every woman for themselves out here. If you're trying to get laid you better step up your game, sister." Me and Andreas both laugh and Amy's brightened even more as her jaw dropped. I was already finished with my clothes though and stood to leave.

"Well I'm off to see what's happening up in the camp. You two don't get into too much trouble." As I walk away I see more women begin to make there way down to the lake. Jackie and Carol to be exact, they both have big baskets of laundry themselves.

"Good morning Will. Seems you washed your own laundry, if only the other men in the camp thought to do the same." Jackie says as they get closer.

"It's good of y'all to do it though, nobody wants to be walking around with everyone stinking. Bad enough with the dead walking around." They both smile and nod as I pass them, on the way up the hill.

Everyone seems to be in motion and bustling about the camp except for Rick, so when I see Lori I decide to ask her.

"Morning Lori, Rick still asleep?" She looks up at me and sees my washed clothes.

"Oh you could have asked one us to wash your clothes for you. And ya I figured he could use the sleep." Nodding I look around the camp before responding.

"It's fine, I don't mind washing my clothes. Thank you though, I appreciate the offer." She smiles brightly and notice a bit of glow and I suppress my smirk. Double D you dirty dog, heh! One night back and you've already done the deed, with your kid in the tent no less.

"Well if y'all need me just give a holler, I'm not going to too far." She gets back to her own stuff she doing and I see Shane take a jeep down the hill. Considering the big barrel on back I assume he's going to get water. Entering in the woods, I adjust my machete which is now just at my hip instead of across my lower back and pistol is tucked in my back waistband.

I would normally suit up, but I'm mostly just scouting the surrounding a little bit. Making sure to as little noise as possible I continue stalking through the woods, catching a couple squirrels and a rabbit off guard with some well placed shots. Might as well pull my weight in the food department as well.

Eventually though I stumble across some hoof prints leading towards the camp with some blood spattered on the grass. I decided to follow them and I upped my pace while still staying cautious of the noise I made. When focused I could run and still not make a bit of sound so just jogging through the woods was simple.

The blood begin to be in bigger pools and based off the tracks I could tell the deer was stumbling and moving slower. That's when I heard the growl of a zombie and it's shuffling feet through the foliage. I increased my pace with my gun drawn and came out from behind a tree right as a walker was making its way to the downed deer.

I fired a shot mid stride catching it in the head and dropped it before it could get the deer. Looking closer I see 3 crossbow bolts sticking out of it, and not a second layer I hear some running footsteps and giggles coming from behind me. I quickly grab the walker and toss it behind a big rock when Carl, Sophia and Morales' kids come busting through the bushes and freeze.

They see me and then they see the deer and their faces brighten.

"Will! You caught a deer!" Carl says as they all step closer to look at the deer and I shake my head.

"Nope this wasn't me. Do you know anyone that uses a crossbow in camp?" They all nodded and Carl spoke again.

"Ya, Darryl does." I nod in understanding before looking back down at the deer. I'm guessing the first shit was the one near the front and the back 2 were as he was chasing it down.

"Carl, you and kids head back up to the camp and fetch you dad for me. Gonna need help hauling up this deer." And tell them about this walker, or should I hide it? It could make for some fun times, but Darryl will probably here soon and I don't think I could clean up the scene well enough for him to not notice in time.

About a minute later Rick, Shane, Morales and Glenn all come walking up with Carl leading the way. I give a nod toward Carl and a jerk of my chin back toward camp to Rick and he seems to get the memo.

"Hey, Carl. Why don't you go tell everyone about the deer we're going to be able to eat today." He looks up at his dad and then toward the dead animal.

"Can I help skin it? You always told me we would go hunting before everything happened." Rick knelt down and placed a hand on Carl's head and ruffled his hair.

"Sure, son. Now go get ready and see if your mom needs any help." With a quick nod, Carl rushes off and all of them look to me.

"What is it Will?" Rick asks and I wave a hand for them to follow me and show them the walker behind the rock. Gasps escape a couple of their mouths and they look out into the forest.

"It's the only one I saw while I was scouting around today, but if I hadn't been it would have gotten that deer and possibly the kids. I barely had time to hide before they shooting out of the bushes." Rick looked to me with a serious face.

"Thank you Will. I hate to think about what could have happened."

"Ya, thank you Will. My kids were there too. I'll make sure to tell them to stay out of the woods." Morales stepped forward with a grateful nod.

"It's not safe here anymore if the walkers are coming this far out. We're gonna have to move." Shane said as he rested both hands on his hips, and I could hear footsteps coming from behind us. I turned and they followed my line of sight to see Darryl walking up with crossbow in hand.

"What the hells going on out here? You guys seen my deer?" That's when his eyes land on the walker by the rock and he curses.

"Son of a bitch, them fuckers are up here now. It better not have touched my deer." I shake my head.

"Nah your deer is fine, just around the rock there. Though it did almost get to it." He looks at me in confusion.

"Who are you 2, I haven't seen either of you around camp before. You better be able to pull your own weight because I'm getting tired of feeding everyone while Merle goes off to the city." He grumbles as he stomps past.

"Names Will." I said as I followed him around to the deer.

"And I'm Rick." He gives brief glances and his eyes trail on me for a moment. Looks like he noticed my footsteps being silent and he gave an approving nod.

"Well, how about y'all quit the little pow wow and we carry this fucker back to camp. I've been tracking it for a few miles now and I'm hungry. Where's that bastard Merle anyways." He spoke gruffly but finished his last sentence with a grumble. I found a big tree branch, hefty enough to support the weight of the animal, and Darryl nodded as he began to pull out snare wires and we strung up the legs on the branch.

"Kid, you a hunter or something? I've only know 2 people able to tie up a better knot than me." I give a nod.

"Or something, wouldn't call myself a hunter but I do hunt on occasion." He grunts as he stands up with his side of the branch and I lift my side up onto my shoulder.

"Good enough for me. Maybe you can help me feed these damn free loaders." I fought the grin that wanted to appear on my face as I could only imagine what was going through the other guys minds as me and Darryl hauled the deer back to camp.

I mean what kind of people let him haul a deer back to camp before they tell him about his brother? I suppose you could ask the same about me, but I'm at least carrying a side and I was the one that went back for his brother. Of course I killed him, but that's semantics to everything that's happening. They basically killed him by leaving him handcuffed up there, so I think I'm in the clear.

Entering into the camp with a deer everyone's eyes land on Darryl and they go wide, and I once again feel that feeling in my chest making me fight the smile from appearing on my face.

"Merle! Merle, get your ugly ass out here! Got us a deer and some squirrels to cook up." He leads me to a couple trees near the camp and we slide the ends of the branch into the crooks to hand the deer up.

"Darryl, just slow up a bit. I need to talk to you." Shan says as he walk up to him, Rick not far behind. Careful Rick people like Darryl are gonna feel like y'all are caging him in. Especially since you both give off a cop vibe.

"About what?"

"About Merle, There was a — there was a problem in Atlanta." Oh you guys really shouldn't get on either side of him like this, I know I would have already got my hand ready to draw if you did this to me.

"He dead?" Darryl with a little bit of emotion in his voice, as we walks forward to get Rick out from behind him. Most likely did it subconsciously.

"We're not sure." Shane responds which wasn't the answer Darryl was looking for.

"He either is or he ain't!" Now Rick is walking up, ohhh this is getting good. Lets see how Double D's charm works on Darryl.

"No easy to way to say this, so I'll just say it." Darryl looks from Shane to Rick who are now standing beside each other.

"You got something you want to tell me?"

"Your brother was a danger to us all, so I handcuffed him on a roof, hooked him to a piece of metal. Will went back to get him, but when he got there, he was gone already." Darryl looks to me and I show a sympathetic expression and give a nod.

"Hold on. Let me process this. You handcuffed my brother to a roof. And you left him there?!" Rick looks at the ground and just loud enough for Darryl to hear he replies.

"Yeah." Oh Rick you gotta at least look someone like Darryl in the eye when you're about to tell him something like that. I can see the hate and hurt in Darryl's eyes as he glares at Rick. Then he tosses his string of squirrels and charges Rick only to get tackled by Shane. Ohhh he pulled out a knife.

"Watch the knife!" Well no shit T-Dog, they're just gonna let him stab them. Good dodge of the swing there Double D, yep grab the blade arm. Though if I was Darryl I would have let go and grabbed the blade in my other hand, but he's just pissed. He's not thinking clearly. And there's Shane with the chokehold as they disarm him.

"You'd best let me go! " Darryl growls out while trying to wrestle out of the hold.

"Nah, I think it's better if I don't."

"Chokeholdin's illegal." Agreed Darryl, but it does get the job done.

"I'd like to have a calm discussion on this topic. Do you think we can manage that?" Oh Rick, I would fuck you up so bad if you said something like that to me. Though I'd never get I got his position in the first place. I'm not even close to as emotional as Darryl is. But fuck what you said just annoyed me and I'm not even the one you're talking too.

They finally released him though, so I decided to take a step forward.

"If you want I can take you back there. I tried tracking him, but it seems he eventually made it to a car and got away." He eyes me for a second before looking at the rest of them.

"Hell with all y'all! Just lead me to where he is, so's I can go get him."

"Give me a minute and I'll be ready." I say before heading back to my humvee to change into my gear.

"Rick will go too, isn't that right." I hear Lori's less than impressed voice as I walk away. Ooooh Rick you are in trouble my friend. I leave them to talk it out and quickly put on my gear. Switching my machete back to my lower back and my pistol on my holster on my left thigh. Vest of throwing knives come on and I slide face coverings up into their rightful places.

About that time Darryl comes by to hop in the box van and stares at me.

"You some kind of ninja?" I look toward and smile under my mask.

"You could say that. I ran around as the King's County vigilante back before the dead roamed." His eyes widened slightly as he looked me up and down.

"That was you? I heard stories from some of the people Merle ran with. They made you seem not human." I just laughed as I checked over my straps.

"Haha, well people do tend to embellish stories when they don't know what happened." He looked confused.

"Emb-.. never mind let's just go get my brother." He said as he opens the back door of the van and honks the horn with his foot.

"Hey, Darryl. I'm not trying to get you to lose hope or anything, but you need to be prepared for the possibility that you're not going to find your brother. At least not today or anytime soon. I know if it was me and I escaped the way he did I would be long gone." He seems to mull that over and gets lost in though until the sound of the front doors opening brings him out and he mutters.

"Ya, will do."

(AN: Accidentally made this one a bit long, but couldn't find a good spot to end it. Hope no one is too annoyed at the excessive use of word for word text. Just not much would really change the way the situation went down in my eyes.

I'm gonna breeze through the trip back, just a heads up. Nothing really important is going to happen there, and then we'll be back in the camp.

Hope you all enjoyed the chapter.)

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