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Chapter 2: Talk With Cecil

The way to the hospital was quiet, awkwardly so! Jane, Tristan's mother, was worried about what her son might have gone through while he was blacked out, her worry clouding her sight of his new physique that Tristan was left amazed by her poor observation. When they arrived, she immediately took him to the Emergency room.

"Whoa, hold on, only emergency cases are handed here," a male nurse stopped them. Jane told Tristan to wait there a moment as she took the nurse aside for a private talk. All alone, Tristan looked at the patients with some interest. He could see one with burns all over his body, another one with casts all over his body, here to have them removed and another one had one arm, the other missing and the stump bandaged. He went to the bandaged one to engage in some conversation.

"What happened to your arm?" he asked without introducing himself , just plain out rude. The man looked at him with sceptically before just sighing, reminding himself he was just a teenager, a big one but still a teenager.

"I lost it when Mr Immortal and Martian Man were fighting a villian. A car Mr Immortal had thrown at the guy had its tires flying off and one of them crushed it," the man answered, making Tristan look at him with pity.

"It must have hurt then," he said, making them man chuckle a bit.

"It did, but the insurance bled out the money I was paying just for this. Word of advice, when filling in your insurance, make sure you add that you will be compensated when hurt during a hero and villians attack. If you play your game well, you might get rich just by living in the city protected by one of the Guardians," the man said proudly. Tristan was about to ask another question when he saw the male nurse coming over, looking a little bit distressed.

"Young man, can you follow me to the doctor's office?" he asks, his worry leaking in his voice. Tristan sighed helplessly and followed him. After a three minutes walk, the nurse ushered him into an office where a middle aged, stern looking woman was in. She looked at him, head to toe, then looked back at the form she was reading, not even thanking the nurse but he just went away.

"You don't look molested," the doctor said as she put down the form.

"Never claimed I was," Tristan answered, curtly. She nodded before putting on her surgical gloves

"Your mother claimed that you were gone for forty eight hours or more. Can you tell me what happened to you?"

"As far as I know, nothing. I remember nothing, just looking at the sky, feeling sleepy then waking up thinking it was the following day. I rushed home and that's when I noticed that two days had passed," Tristan answered. The doctor looked at him carefully before sighing in resignation.

"I am going to collect some blood samples and test it for any residue drug. After that, I will need a urine and stool sample before I conduct a full body test," she said, taking her needle. Tristan shrugged and let her take his arm. When she tried to pierce his skin with the needle, it just bent, not even denting it. Stunned, she thought the needle was defective so she took another and tried again, only, it showed the same results.

"Huh, it appears that we now know why you were asleep for that long. Your body was changing and it would appear you have become a super human," she said as she sat down, giving up.

"Do I still have to give you my urine and poop?" Tristan asked so roughly it even made the cold looking doctor be taken back for a second. Suddenly, the door was opened and in came the last man Tristan wanted to meet at the moment, Cecil.

"No such thing will be taken. Dr Rivers, I advice you to leave the room immediately," Cecil said and the woman folded like a piece of paper, making Tristan wonder if she is the same cold woman as before.

"Tristan O'Neal, I have been looking for you all over the globe. The commotion you caused all over the world has made me busy," Cecil said as he sat at the doctor's chair. Tristan just looked at him without saying anything.

"Not a word, eh? No problem, I have plenty to say myself. Listen here kid, what you did violated a lot of laws; flying in another country's air space, restricted air space even, destroying property, causing a phenomenon with your speed that later caused a tsunami to hit Asia! With these, I can guarantee you that you have earned a spot in prison!" Cecil intimidated him, looking at Tristan coldly. He then sighed as his face lost its cold demeanor, adopting a tired one before he smiled at him. "But, the government has recognized your potential. We are willing to overlook your misdemeanors if you agree to let us train you. You can be a superhero like Mr Immortal and with what you have showed us, it won't be long before you actually become a member of the Guardians of the Globe. What do you say?" Tristan almost laughed when he heard this but still kept his stoic face. He looked around the room and noticed that the invisible squad was not in the room.

"I have a plus 100 tonnes strength, my speed can exceed Mach 19, I can bathe in lava like it was a hot spring, I can go months without food while fully exerting myself, my ears can pick up frequencies from Mars, my eyes can magnify even the microscopic organisms on dust particles. Do you know why I am telling you this?"

"No, do enlighten me," Cecil said, intrigued by where this was going.

"It means I can and might be the biggest threat this world will ever handle if you try and push my buttons. I know all about you, Cecil, the man shrouded with a cape of mysteries it makes all the conspiracy theories look like child's play. I know what you can do, how far you will go in order to get the job done. I do now want you as an enemy, but don't mistake my stepping back for cowardice. If I wanted to, I can tow this continent into space and not lose sleep about it! But, I will not do that because of what is out there." Cecil was quite taken back by Tristan's speech. Sure, the abilities he just listed would make him a tough opponent but he was sure he would still beat him, albeit with a lot of effort, no, with all the effort he should muster! Just his speed alone shows that he was capable of being an enemy like no other! Perhaps Omniman can help but the Guardians, even with Red Rush, would be left in the dust if not dead when they fight him. His last sentence was the one that made him frown even more.

"What do you mean? What's out there?" Cecil asked.

"I am sure you must have asked yourself, is Omniman the benevolent saviour he claims to be? If not, what is he and his people going to do to Earth? Well, Cecil, Vultrumites aren't the only race out there and just like humans, I can assure you that there are races out there that are capable of doing evils so atrocious they will make our worst look like Saints. The problem is, you are ready for threats on Earth, are you ready for threats in space?" Cecil was quiet, contemplating what Tristan had told him.

He had been considering whether Omniman, Nolan Greyson, was here on his peacekeeping mission as he suggests. There were red flags here and there but with years, they disappeared. Nolan had even got himself a human wife and they fooled with each other enough for her to get pregnant and bear a son who was fourteen years old. The boy did not have superpowers yet but he was sure they would come sooner or later because of how Nolan was been expectant. But, it all come down to one question, Is Nolan a threat or not?

"You sure are thinking a lot, fits your Xenophobic nature. But again, humans are like that, not accepting beings different from them, whether they are from the other continent, other country or even other counties! To be honest, I think you are right in keeping an eye on the planet. Humans will kill themselves first before a threat from the stars does that. Now with emergence of super humans, their extinction might be hastened. So, you are keeping an eye on the wrong group. You should be keeping an eye on all of humans!" Tristan said then got up to leave, making Cecil look up at him with a frown. "Also, yes, I would like to help the people, at least it will reduce the danger my mother comes across. If you can help me get a proper teacher we can even start right away!" With that, he walked out of the office, leaving Cecil thinking.

'That was way too stressful! Cecil is a brilliant man so I had to keep his mind away from my situation before I got out of the office. If I stayed any longer he would have pulled bullshit out of his ass and he is a dangerous person to anger. If I killed him and he suddenly has a clone somewhere then I will have angered the Batman of this universe. With this offer, he will see that I am willing to cooperate and he might send me someone who will make me loyal to Earth and most definitely America, most probably Mr Immortal. He will be a good choice because with his huge battle experience, I will train without a hitch,' Tristan thought to himself then saw his mother coming over.

"What did the doctor say?" she asked him.

"She said I am the picture of health, I can go home and continue my studies," he answered, making her smile.

"Okay then, I am glad you're okay," she said then hugged him. That's when she noticed something was different. "Since when did you have man boobs! Wait, since when were you taller than me? Is this a smaller sizes pair of trousers you're wearing, why is it tight fitting?"

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