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Chapter 2: Ch 2

" I'm going there and ripping them apart." Growls out Wolverine. He was fucking pissed. How fucking dare the Professor not tell him this long.

He turns and almost dashed out the door but Cyclops grabs him, " Listen to everything Logan, there must be a reason."

" Listen here you soft cocked cuck, you don't know half the shit those fuckers put you through! I've lost everything in they're petty shit. You've seen what they do look at Sabertooth, Maverick, Deadpool, X-23, Warpath, Domino, ME! The list goes on and you fucks are letting it happen all over again. I will end it NOW before they make another monster."

" Logan let me finish," The Professor calmly says," to make SURE it doesn't happen again I've been using the connection I've got to have a compiled list of everyone involved. There are channels to-" The Professor, Charles Francis Xavier receives a telepathic warning.

" Jet carrier boarding Magneto and two others are approaching and requesting to land. Meet them at the landing pad and prepare for anything."

" This. Ain't. Over." Wolverine gets out before he books it to the landing pad. Not like anything more can sour his mood.


The carrier lands with a hiss.

'Pretty impressive hydraulics from Toad. ' Magneto musses.

" Get the FUCK out and let me bisect you!"

'And there's the true beast of the useless bunch.' He rolls his eyes.

" Come child." X-25 tries to get up but the seat belt stops him. He was certainly trying his hardest to get out the damn thing but a life in a lab doesn't give you seatbelt training does it? Magneto uses the tiniest bit of power to unbuckle the kids' seatbelt. And the kid gets up to follow him out the carrier. The kid hasn't said a word or reacted ever since he's got him, but on the scale of mentally fucked up mutants he's doesn't even place in D tier.

" Oh so you use children now? Stooping so low just to-"

" QUITE! Where is Charles?"

Cyclops steps forward squinting behind his visor, " And what do you need him for?"

" Because you and him let this one suffer and I need an explanation."

Wolverine's claws pop out and he glares at Cyclops.

" Why come here with him? How do we not know it's not something else?" Cyclops asks.

' Ugh! Must I explain everything?' Magnetop thinks to himself.

" Well if you brought him here all of that would be easy to discern wouldn't it ?" Magneto counters.

" I'm here Erik." Charles wheels over and addresses Magneto, " I appreciate you bringing him here."

" I'll get to the point. The Brotherhood is currently ill-equipped to take care of the younger generation, but seeing as you are more than willing to let stuff like this happen he's not best in your care. I've come here to talk about adoption with another."

The two lock eyes for a while, tension in the air. Magneto breaks contact. He looks over the current X-Men in attendance. Cyclops, Wolverine, Storm, Angel, Polaris, Nightcwraler and Banshee.

" I'd like to come inside, me and Mr. James 'Logan' Howlett need to talk."


" We need to be in there with you Logan!" Cyclops was trying his damn hardest to get through to Wolverine but the man was already pissed off.

Cyclops reasons, " He can play Pinocchio with you at any moment!" Logan fakes taking a second to consider. He quickly gives Cyclops a good right hook to his jaw. The ever annoying ' leader' drops to the floor like a sack of potatoes.

' Damn that felt good.'

He swings open the room labeled Teachers Conference Room.

The super villain Magneto, the man in control of all magnetic field and metallic objects, was feeding the creepy grey kid cookies.

All conference rooms came with a complimentary bowl but who would've thought?

" Please sit. I'll explain what I can."

" You don't tell me to do jack shit!"

" Please, your teacher at least pretend to be civil."

Magneto sticks another chocolate chip cookie in X-25's mouth. The normally emotionless kids happily munches on the molten chocolate product.

" I'll make this quick and easy." Magento pulls a folder out of his suit, " This is a full file of X-25's history, it took quite a bit of 'convincing' from Weapon X members. This is their little magnum opus. Go ahead and give it a quick skim." He throws the folder and it ends up levitating into Logan's hands.

Weapon X himself, Logan, knew full well what kind of things he'd find in the folder. He himself endured up to test 69 ( A/N the number is truly arbitrary ) before he was enhanced and slaughtered all of the people present. He still took the second to study the folder.


Test 1. Survival Eval

Three pursuers intent on torture and information. X-25 captured, no survivors. Requires further evaluation.

Test 2 Sense Eval

4 answer puzzles based on 5 senses, incorrect answers result in shocks. 40% answer rate, above average human result.


Test 25 Survival Test

25% Death rate, almost guaranteed to activate X gene…


He couldn't read past there; he knew too well what Test 25 consisted of. And from that proceeded to nearly throw up all over the conference room floor. Still, he sticks the folder in his leather X-men jacket.

" Exactly. You are the best to empathize and train X-35 in his capabilities. I - no he needs the proper parental figure."

It didn't even take Logan a moment of consideration, " Sure," he spits of the remains of bile in his mouth, " Fuck."

" I'm sure you Weapon X compadres, namely Laura, would be able to help you."

" Okay."

" And you'll go through proper American authorities to have him registered, provide protection from Charles influence and have him out of harm's way ? I'm not asking you to create another X-Man Wolverine." He spits out god knows they don't need another, " I need your care while I'm away."

" YES, now leave! You tin domed-"

" Yes, is what I heard from your pointless drivel."

Magento continues, " If I hear one word of you sending him to his death or otherwise. I will ríp all the adamantium out of your body and kill you with it."

This sends Wolverine to finally use the thinky thinky parts of his head and consider what the hell is happening.

Magneto, the looming threat to X-Men since the start. Is asking him to take care of an orphan. Essentially one who went through the same shit he went through at the Weapon X program.

Logan steels himself, " I'll do my best."

" That's all I ask." Magneto cracks a rare smile.

With that he gets out his seat and levitates. He finally turns to X-25.

The boy is an odd one and clearly a mutant. He wore a bloody white T-shirt and white pants set. On the skinny side but still clearly healthy. His curly black hair barely covers his grey face but lies behind it is just red. No pupil, iris or sclera, just a glowing red. Reminiscent of something but Magneto can't put his tongue on it. Then again, it's hard to remember when the boy in question is stuffing his face with chocolate chip cookies.

Magneto lets out a couple more sentences before he leaves to the landing pad, " Read all of the files Logan, X-25 is more than he lets on. X-25, all Class 1 authorities and actions go to the individual in front of you, James 'Logan' Howlett aka The Wolverine. I pray we never meet in battle and the day Weapon X chains no longer holds you."

He levitates out of the doorway but says one more thing, " And Logan, give him a fucking name."

Finally, Logan is left with what is essentially his son and a headache worth of problems.

" I need a drink." He sighs.

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