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Chapter 2: Chapter 2: The Demon Realm: Baator! Maria Von Asmodeus!

" Hey, you. You're finally awake. You were trying to cross the border of the River Styx's right?  Walked right into that ambush, same as us, and that thief over there." An aged male voice called at to me.

Opening my eyes, I found myself in what seems to be a cart with four other people that looked like they just came from the medieval ages. Looking at them closely, I can see horns and bat-like wings coming from their backs and head, and their demonic blood-red eyes.

" Damn you  Nobles!" The middle-aged man with light gray skin, who was talking to me yelled out in rage," Baator was fine until you came along! My life was nice and lazy. If they hadn't been looking for you, I could've stolen that horse and been halfway to the Stygian City. You there. You and me – we shouldn't be here. It's these  hooligans the Nobles wants!"


With the sounds of bones cracking and shifting around, we all heard a genderless ancient voice call out." Quiet."

' Well, that did the job.' I thought, seeing the older demonic-looking man shut up, closing his eyes in fear as he starts shivering.

" Mmm, so how has been your day, Charon?" I asked in a carefree manner seeing the Reaper look at me.

" What...?" The now Identified: Charon let out in profound confusion, in a black tone.

" I said: So how has been your day, Charon? Good? Bad? Ok?" I said once more, looking into what seems to be its eyes that are just blue fire orbs floating in its skull.

" It's been normal...?" Charon said while steering the boat through the black devilish waters, still kind of confused why is this Demon talking to him, even though it's driving them to their doom.

" Good good. Normal is always good. Boring yes, but still good." I said nodding sagely at Charon's answer.

" Mmm," Letting out this, Charon started completely Ignoring me and just looks ahead, sometimes smacking skeletons off the boat with its pitch-black scythe, nonchalantly and uncaring.

" Mmm~" Smiling, I looked over back to the little group I woke up in, who is staring at me in shock and surprise.

" What..." I asked with a low chuckle.

" Y-Y-You t-t-talked to C-C-C-C-Charon!" A nerd-looking young demon man with light yellow skin said, stuttering over his sentence to me.

" Yeah bro, you big balls of steel." A normal-looking human with bat wings said in awe.

" Holy shit, You actually talked to Charon..." A gangster demon with black tattoos all over his body said in a low voice.

" You're a real Man. Unlike the lot of us." The middle-aged man, from before whispered, looking at me into my eyes, In astonishment and mad respect.

" Just trying to converse with a fellow, River Styx Resident," I explained, with a relaxed smile.

" Ay-ay-ay, what a man. I hope my son is going to like you when he grows up." The demon with tattoos said shaking his head with a smile.

" Hahaha..." Everyone started laughing in a low manner.

Shaking his head, the first demon I heard talking to me said," Abir."

Next was, the tattoo demon who smiled, showing off three missing teeth," Ajax."

Following him is the normal human demon with bat wings and the yellow skin demon, said after each other, in an orderly way.

" Harlow."

" Axel."

Now looking at me, I smiled coming up with a name on the spot." Leylin. Nice to meet you all."

""" Likewise.""" The three demons grinned admiringly, looking at me.


And so like that, they all talking about random things that made them a little happy, riding through the River Styx.

However, as they said, all good things must come to an end.

" So these are the criminals, I asked for." A lustful young female voice said as everyone's vision shifted to a dark thrown room, standing behind Charon.


Hearing the sounds of metal hitting metal, everyone looked down, seeing their hands locked up, by a black-Handcuff. Likewise, they found themselves unable to talk or make any sound with their mouths.

" Yes, Great High Noble: Maria Von Asmodeus," Charon said, blankly, looking at a young lady around 13-14 that is the form of a petite beautiful girl with long silver hair and purple eyes. She is wearing a black dress that has white frills most of the time and what seemed to be like a functional keyhole on her collar, with black leggings, and boots that have purple hearts on them.

" What will you like to do with them?" Charon asked blankly once more, seeing Maria scan the demons it brought.

Not answering Charon, Maria appeared in front of all of them and said smiling brightly in a childish manner," Kill each other. Last one remaining, gets to be my new personal servant."

' NEW? What happened to the last one!' The three others yelled in their mind, while Leylin smiled in a twisted manner.


Right after she said that, all the black metal Handcuffs dropped to the ground.


All except Leylin, rushed at Maria, with a crazy smile and glowing red eyes.

However, before they can even say anything, their heads rolled, hitting the ground, not even knowing how they died.

" Ah, Low Demons are really the dumbest of our kind," Maria said out loud with a disgusted expression.

" Really now~?" Mysteriously appearing behind Maria, Leylin said cheerfully, with a black dagger at her throat.

" Huh, I guess you are an exception of this lot," Maria said in a little surprise at Leylin's speed.

" Haha, what can I say? I guess I'm just built different." Leylin said amusingly.

" I guess so. So what is it? Are you going to try to kill me, or be my new personal servant?" Maria asked, not even scared of the black dagger at her throat.

" Mmm~ Would being your personal servant, fun?" Leylin inquired, not caring about being a servant to this little girl. Because his gut, tells it will be entertaining to follow this Great High Noble, around.

" Fun?... Hmm, I suppose it would be fun to follow me." Maria mumbled in confusion, then said nodding to Leylin.


With the sounds of wind moving, Leylin bowed and kissed Maria's hand and said smiling wickedly." I Accept."


Producing the sound of a bomb dropping, a chain appeared around Maria's neck with a bright pink heart in the middle of it. Likewise, a demonic black star with chains surrounding it materialized on Leylin's backhand, with also a bright pink heart in the Innermost ring of the star.

Feeling this, Maria screamed out in pain and agony, following on the floor, holding her neck.

" AHHHHH!!!"

Chuckling darkly, Leylin crouched down in front of Maria," I don't submit to others, you filthy Mongrel. Only others, submit to me. There's no alternative."

" YOU!!! Aghhh!!" Wanting to yell at this criminal, Maria yelled out but soon regretted her attention, feeling the pain Increase, feeling her body wanting to submit to Leylin.

" Hahaha! Yes, Struggle! Like a filthy Mongrel, you are. It will only please me more." Leylin said and laughed in a sadistic manner, watching Maria worm around, screaming at the top of her lungs.

" STOP IT!" Maria yelled out through her teeth, in overwhelming otherworldly pain.

" What? I can't hear you? Did you say Increase the pain? Hahaha! What a masochistic you are! I'm already liking you." Leylin asked and then started smiling approvingly at Maria.

" YOU!!!" Screaming at Leylin, Maria began crying, with tears running down her face, in overwhelming pain and anguish.

" Hahaha! Yes, you were right! This is fun!" Laughing at Maria's suffering and anguish, Leylin smirked.

*" Submit."* A demonic ancient female voice said, into Maria's head.

*'" NO!"* An offspring of the Great Demon God: Asmodeus, will not submit to some low-born Demon.

*" Submit.*" Saying this once more, the voice sounded mad at her objection, making her head hurt now.

*" NO! I Refuse!"*

*" SUBMIT, you foolish demon. Submit to Our one True God.*" The voice said and explained to Maria, now calmly.

" AGHHHHHH!!!" Crying, Maria suddenly nodded as if she made a big decision with herself, only after a long time of misery.

" I-I Submit," Maria mumbled out, looking at Leylin.

" What was that?" Smiling, Leylin asked, staring into her beautiful bright purple eyes.

" I said: I Submit," Maria said in a normal voice, not feeling the pain anymore.


Right after she said that Maria suddenly didn't feel anything, as her consciousness started fading away.

The last thing she heard was that sinister voice, she hates so much.

" Night-Night~ Maria-chan~!"

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