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Chapter 13: Chapter no.13 Talks

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Naruto's mind went blank. He stood frozen as he stared at his leader, his eyes wide and his mouth agape. All sound seemed to have vanished as the words of the Hokage echoed in his head.

Your father's name was Minato Namikaze.

The Fourth Hokage.

The hero he'd always looked up to.

... The man who'd sealed the Kyuubi inside of him.

The old man made a gesture his head and looked to the far wall. Naruto followed his gaze and it landed on a picture he'd seen before. One that he'd looked at many of the times he'd been brought to this office for something he'd done, and more recently on official business as a ninja.

To a picture of a man with a kind smile. With focused, intelligent blue eyes. Eyes that looked so different than his, but then Kakashi told him he'd gotten them from his mother, right? And while they may be shaped differently, they were the same shade a blue. With spikey blond hair... and peach-colored skin...

... So much like what he'd see looking into the mirror every day. The very idea had just seemed so impossible that it never clicked before.

He choked from the emotion welling up inside of him. His body started to tremble, his hands clenched into fists as his eyes clenched shut.

"I know." The old man spoke softly. "I can't imagine how you must be feeling, but I know it must be overwhelming. I've wanted to tell you, since the first time you asked me. But can you look me in the eye and tell me that you wouldn't have shouted this from the rooftops if I'd told you back then?" Naruto was having trouble breathing, but those words got through to him. He wouldn't be able to say that. "Your father had many enemies... enemies that may have sought vengeance upon his son had they learned you existed. That is why I couldn't tell you, but you are a shinobi now. Keeping secrets is a part of this life."

"Why..." Naruto's breath hitched as he spoke. "Why would he... did he know what I was going to go through!?"

"... I'm sure he did," Hiruzen said, closing his eyes.

"Then how could he do this!?" Naruto roared, in rage, sorrow and pain. So many emotions flying through him.


"For many reasons... one was simply this." Hiruzen looked him in the eye. "Because as Hokage, he couldn't ask another to carry a burden, to make a sacrifice, that he was not willing to. To be Hokage means to protect all in this village, to serve as a pillar of support for everyone, and mark the road for its people to follow. And also, knowing the man I believe it was because he felt there was no one he could trust more to use that power for the best in you, rather than succumbing to it or resentment, than his own son. Because he believed in you."

Tears began to flow from Naruto's eyes. He buried his face in his sleeve and wiped them away. So many conflicting thoughts filled his mind. He didn't know what to think of the Fourth... his father. Part of him wanted to blame him for all that he had been through. Another part understood what the old man was saying. And another felt his heart swell at the idea that his father had faith in him.

If he could meet the man now, he'd probably punch him in the gut, then hug him and not let go.

He heard the Hokage rise to his feet and looked up to see him a few feet away with his back to him.

"There is more," Hiruzen said, and Naruto could only do his best to ready himself after that revelation, even as his eyes still shimmered. "First, there are things you need to know. Things that are common knowledge in most villages but were kept from the recent generation here in Konoha in the hope that you would not be treated differently by your peers. The Kyuubi was not the only one of its kind." The blond couldn't help but take in a soft gasp at that. "It is the strongest of nine beasts, entities of pure chakra made flesh known as the Biju. The Biju are immortal; should they be killed their chakra will merely disperse and eventually reform. For that reason, and in some cases to harness their power, the nine are sealed into humans. Humans that exhibit immense reserves of chakra and often some of the beasts' powers as a result. People like you are known as Jinchurriki."

"Jinchurriki?" Naruto echoed the term.

Hiruzen turned to him with a nod. "Jinchurriki are by some regarded as their village's secret and greatest weapons. It is a lifelong status, for you see, if the Biju is removed from its container, the Jinchurriki will die. It is important you know that for you see... your mother was the Kyuubi's previous Jinchurriki."

What? But then she must have known what he would go through. But wait, that didn't make sense with what he'd been told about her before. "B... but..." Naruto struggled, so much going on in his head at the moment. "Kakashi told me she held the Kyuubi down for my dad to seal it! So how could she have..."

The Third Hokage nodded. "The vitality of the Uzumaki is an amazing thing. Strong enough even to allow a Jinchurriki to survive being separated from their Biju... but while they may initially survive, the damage is mortal. Your mother lived past the beast's removal, but she was not long for this world." He then looked to the blond in sympathy, walking forward and placing a hand on his shoulder. "I understand that this is a lot to take in... your father placed a heavy burden on your shoulders. But know this. I can tell you from having known them as well as I did... your father loved your mother, with all his heart. He did not care about the beast sealed within her... and it would not have affected how he would have looked at you." He allowed a moment of silence at a sniffle from Naruto. "And as for your mother... she would not have allowed your father to seal the Kyuubi within you without good reason, though I can only speculate as to what that reason is. But that is a discussion for another time."

"... How did... how did the Kyuubi escape?"

Hiruzen breathed deeply. "When a female Jinchurriki becomes pregnant, part of the chakra that would normally maintain the seal instead nurtures the child. And during birth, it's at its absolute weakest. That said the seal can fairly easily be maintained by a master of the sealing arts. Minato had been trained by Kushina herself. He rivaled the Uzumaki's vaunted skill in the field, so it should have been well within his abilities to keep the Kyuubi from breaking free. As for how it happened, as I said I can only speculate."

The was silence as Naruto thought of all he'd learned before he asked a single question. "What... what were they like? Both of them. How did they meet? And what can you tell me about my clan?"

Hiruzen smiled, clearly happy to tell him

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