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Chapter 26: Chapter no.26 Naruto's Seal Mastery: Practice Makes Perfect

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The clunk of wood clashing with wood rang out in the clearing as two kunoichi clashed. Sakura made several rapid strikes with her Bo staff, right, left above, below, only for Tenten to easily block each strike with her own.

The pink-haired girl leaned to the side to avoid a retaliatory jab at her chest before ducking down as Tenten swept the weapon to the side. She lashed out at Tenten's legs, only for the brunette to leap over her attack, flipping and spinning in the air to land on her feet.

Sakura immediately charged, spinning to add momentum to her next attack as Tenten landed. A sweeping blow aimed at her waist. Tenten kicked back out of range. Sakura brought her staff over her head and put all her strength into her next attack.

Tenten raised her staff and blocked Sakura's overhead attack with a final loud crack.

For a moment, the two strained against each other before Tenten smiled. "Pretty good, considering you just started a few weeks ago."

Sakura smiled back. "Thanks."

"But..." Tenten spun to the side and bent her staff, letting Sakura's weapon slip off and throw her off balance. She then jabbed at Sakura's side before following up with a kick that sent her to the ground. "You've still got a long way to go. Friendly piece of advice; if you ever get into that weapon lock like that, break it or back off ASAP. It's way too easy to take advantage of."

Sakura sat up, rubbing her side to ease the pain. "Yeah, I can see that." She replied as Tenten walked over and offered her a hand. "And I think I got another valuable lesson from all this."

"Oh, really? What?"

"Don't try to fight a walking arsenal with a weapon." Sakura smiled as that got a chuckle out of Tenten.

"Meh, it's not like close-range combat is my specialty. That would be more my teammate's shticks." Tenten said, placing a hand on her hip. "Fancy a trip to the hot spring? I know I could stand to unwind after back to back training sessions."

Sakura looked up at the sky and guessed there might be three hours of daylight left. Tenten was right; after training all day with Kakashi and then a sparring match with Tenten, all while her gear was weighing her down, a soak would be nice... "Sure. And thanks for all the help."

"Eh, don't worry about it. It's actually kind of refreshing to train with someone who isn't constantly screaming about 'youth.'"

A thought occurred to Sakura as they began to walk back to the village. "Hey, Tenten. You usually keep all those weapons in seals, right?"

"Yeah, why?" Tenten asked.

"Have you ever thought of branching out? Adding seals to those weapons?" Seeing the look Tenten was giving her, Sakura raised her hands. "It's just, well, one of my teammates has been learning wind jutsu lately and when we try to throw weapons at him, well..."

"Wind jutsu?" Tenten replied before looking upward in thought. She grimaced a moment later. "Yeah... my style probably wouldn't work well against something like that..."

"Maybe step up the training on close-range weapons? Or branch out with seals, like I said?"

Tenten thought before she nodded. She then smiled. "See? Helping you is paying off after all." Sakura smiled; glad to help her fellow kunoichi after all she did for her. "So, made any progress with that boy you like?"

"I wish..." Sakura grumbled before she brought her fist to her chest, a determined look on her face. "But I'm not going to give up." She then deflated as she remembered something. "Besides, I think my chances are better than they were before. I'm pretty sure how I acted before just annoyed him..."

"Probably, if he's anything like Neji." Tenten agreed. "And how'd things go that old friend of yours?" Sakura hung her head, shadows covering her eyes. "That bad, huh? Well, just keep trying. And if it doesn't work out, at least you can say you did your best, right?"

"I guess..."


With a few final swishes, Naruto finished his work and set his brush on the floor, sitting back and smiling as he pulled up the scroll to look at his handiwork.

It was an array of kanji and sealing symbols, the bases of which fanned out slightly and formed a broken circle. It was just a simple storage seal. It was the most basic of the basics, but everyone had to start somewhere, right?

It wasn't his first time making one. Right now, it was all about repetition like Kakashi-sensei said: using these simple seals as practice for getting this down as fast, neatly, and accurately as possible. While many high-level sealing jutsu allowed you to conjure the array out of chakra, most required you actually them write out. One single mistake and the seal wouldn't work at best, and who knew when you'd need to draw one up on the spot? He'd had him take up calligraphy for the same reason.

He placed the scroll back on the ground, pulled a single kunai on the circle before making a hand sign. "Seal!" In a burst of smoke, the kunai vanished. He smirked for a moment before focusing on it again. "Release!"

The kunai reappeared in a similar cloud of smog. Naruto grinned as he picked up the scroll. Another job well done. He may only know a few basic techniques at this point, but he had already cooked up several ways to use the few seals he knew.

Considering how complex the art was, he'd come a long way in the last month or so, with some help from his shadow clones. And he was glad to say his other skills had improved by leaps and bounds too. He'd really been pushing himself as he tried to live up to his parent's legacy, quickly learning to abuse the hell out of Sakura's gift and his own healing. And the idea that his parents were watching gave him all he needed to muddle through all the reading.

And wow, there were a lot of things he'd missed out on. History like the rise of the Sannin. Basic facts like chakra being composed of mental and physical energies. Also, apparently, the Second Hokage invented the Shadow Clone jutsu... neat. He was still catching up, but he was determined not to let himself be caught lacking in that department again. Like the old man said: the Hokage was supposed to mark the road for all to follow. An example, like the Fourth had set. How was he doing that if he let himself stay an idiot because studying was too hard?

... Speaking of example, looking back at his Sexy Jutsu... yeah, that was probably never going to be seen again. He probably needed to talk to Konohamaru about that... well; at least he had inspired the kid to work harder outside of that technique... that was something, right?

Kakashi had since upped the number of clones he'd used a day to 50. That had required a bit of an adjustment. While the combined fatigue of 8 clones left him a bit tired, he could shrug it off. 50 knocked him out cold. So now, rather than disperse them immediately, they'd disperse in groups of 5 at the end of starting in the last hour of training. It worked pretty well: he got all the experience, and there was enough time between the hits that he could get through and not fall flat on his face and wind up in dreamland.

He looked over to the kitchen, where five clones were getting in some extra training. It had taken a few weeks, but he'd mastered both the water walking and the leaf-cutting exercises Kakashi had taught him. The man had since given him a new method to train both in control and in the wind element: each clone their hands before them, channeling wind chakra through their palms. The aim was to levitate a leaf and keep it as stable as possible.

Their training had only gotten more intense as the days went by and Kakashi made them a set schedule to stick to. They would spend half an hour on warm-ups before adding the weighted gear. One hour doing exercises, one on chakra control, another on taijutsu and teamwork, a final one on ninjutsu and genjutsu tutoring before finally taking a D-rank mission after a rest period. With some pointers for independent training like his own.

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