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Chapter 37: Memories that destroy fate

"Greeting faker from another world, an honor and pleasure to meet you, let me formally introduce myself, I am prince Seth Voldimore Enuma of Romania, third prince of the long last Newman race, I welcome you he who is not of this world to the Network that connect all choices in infinite time, with that said Mr. Anguish, I summoned you here to strike a deal."

That striking greeting of the person that share the same exact appearance as me went off like a shocking bomb as I never expected to meet the person with an ability that is worthy enough to belong to that of the finale boss.

But then and again this world that I have been reborn into was full with many surprises that keeps coming to me from all direction, each holding a annoying and unpleasant or maybe even an existing and shocking situation that I have to face.

And this whole situation that was before Mercury was definitely the former instead of the latter, reason be the person called Seth just didn't set right with Mercury.

The reason why Mercury couldn't trust this mysterious character is because of the fact that he was so skilled at manipulating others, to the point he could make his words and intention so painfully obvious but you still wouldn't know that your just been use that was the feeling Mercury was getting from Seth.

To be honest just looking at his mere appearance and the way he choose to present himself was almost as if Mercury was looking at the exact opposite of him.

If Mercury was a caregiving, perverted, and carefree person, then Seth was a manipulative, humble, and hardworking person, how could he not be, the guy literally give the finger to lady fate to reach him, or that what he got from watching that short viewing.

Meanwhile before Mercury even dreamnt of becoming Mercury Van Anguish he wasted his whole life trying to find ways to enter the holy and sacred grounds of a woman underwear, while also trying to aquire a girlfriend in his sad and pathetic life as a nobody.

Meanwhile this shota looking mother fucker, with look so fucking amazing and handsome even an ikmen would look like an ugly bastard before him.

That's just how handsome the body of the person he inherited was, honestly when he looks at it, he became the very thing he hated the most when he was still Allen which were handsome or good looking people, reason be back on Earth his look was so average even an average person with no interesting qualities notice his existence.

The only reason people notice him or want his favor is because of his sister, hell if it wasn't for the fact that they were siblings he wouldn't even mind bedding her, yes Mercury has long accepted the fact that he fail as a human being for been such a disgusting pervert.

But you know what; his love for sexy woman transcend even the Dao of pervertedness, hell he also just realize that none of this might have happened if he just lost his virginity.

Keep in mind that an entire planet died simply because he was too mad at the world for been a virgin in the first place; which was his problem to begin with, but hey to Mercury a world with nothing but human babes, compare to a world with babes of all races shape and size including stauts and power was enough reason for him to destroy his old world like that.

If anything he did this for his Otaku brother in arms, Mercury wasn't dumb he was confident that he may not be the only person that have been reincarnated into this world, hell if anything he wouldn't be surprised he run into somebody he knows.

Who might that be only time can tell, but he just hope that his fellow man of culture who were casted out of society for their rather unique and questionable taste that was born due to watching too much anime and hentai, could be quench in this world, but no this world just couldn't stick to the wishfulment genre he so desire.

Reason be, people like Archion and Seth exist, and so far, he was face with death multiple time since he arrives, the gorilla been the cause for several death experiences he had no desire to experience in the slightest atleast he got several good shot of her luscious ass and massive jiggling boobs he may or may not have grope without her noticing when they were fighting at close range.

Yes although Sirus tried to kill Mercury from the moment they met, Mercury being Mercury has long decided to make her a love interest, but their was one problem the gorilla was a massive lesbian who simp for one person and to make thing even worst her mate was the very person he trying to dominate in this so called death game.

Hell he wishes for nothing more but to be sexually spoil by the strongest woman of this world, but sadly this world have other plan for him, most of them been him trying to survive most of the time.

Hell he wasn't worrying too much though why well its simple with the godsend skill of Absolute self replication and transmutation he can literally go the gender bender route and say fuck you to all reason hell it's simply high level mastrubation at that point, he create them might as well fuck them.

Yes hopefully he can score with M2 and Athena, especially Athena her human form despite her owl form, is rather cough cough "Vivdly bless to perfection" Yes thick thighs, perfect size breast, cold and emotionless glare and overall huge ass what more can Mercury ask for.

Although Athena Ultimate skill [Finite reach] would be a problem, reason be, any attacks even sligth gesture to touch her would be practically impossible no matter were you attack her, even killing her in her sleep is impossible unlike Mercury Ultimate skill that is an active type.

Athena Ultimate is a rare universal type meaning its both passive and active, she can turn it off anytime she wants and also make it grow with time, Athena finite reach is the ability to be at the center of the weilder own universe, meaning all physical and mental attacks are approximately 93 billion light years away from her at all times.

Touching her or even attempting to do so is useless, the only thing that can bypass finite reach are conceptual attacks or universal or multiversal level attacks that is capable of destroying a universe.

Hence the reason Athena is basically invisible, but she described it more like she been subtracted from the world influence while still being capable of interacting with it at the same time.

Luckily though "Authority of the progenitor" which is the name of the ability he officially dub and the abilty that allows him to control all Mercury no matter the distance was still able to reach her.

But nevertheless his time shall come when he join the non virgin sect, but apart from his opposite Seth he had more better things to do with a greater ambition carved in stone, while he wants to get his dick wet, Seth want to go for the head of the literal one true God of this world.

But Mercury didn't ponder about it for too long as he just want to leave this place and get this over with, but then and again he would be lying to himself if he didn't say that Seth didn't grab his attention, so he breath in and out slowly, and right after he was finish he look at the office chairs that was informt of him which was set up in such a way anybody would think they were about to make and sign a modern day bussnuiess deal with satan himself.

Mercury then began to walk to the chair as he pulled it back, took a seat and adjust it to his comfort, he then look at his alter twin that had a mischievous grin plaster on his face, as he said.

"Ok who the hell are you and why did you bring me here?"

Ask Mercury clearly piss with the way Seth brought him here, but sadly Seth didn't pay much attention to his anger and instead answer calmly as he said.

"Oouu... you have quite the attitude, but it's understandable I guess."

"I said answer me, it's save both of us time does it not."

"Hmm yeah yeah..... tea by the way."

Ask Seth who suddenly just summon fort warm cup of tea for the both of them, but it only made Mercury even more piss as he said.

"Hey do you even here me, are you deaf or something I said answer me."

Spoke Mercury as he slammed both his hand on the table clearly annoyed by him, meanwhile Seth just continue to pour tea for the both of them as he continued to talk.

"Mint tea, grow freshly from the mint veins that grows in the East side of the garden of Eden, I must say the flavor is unforgettable, once you taste it you will be asking for mo...


But before Seth could finish his sentence he was silence as Mercury slapped the teapot and cup out of his hands and the freshly pour tea Seth kindly tried to pour for him spilled allover the ground beneath them.

It was at that moment the smile on his face quickly dissappear as he look towards Mercury direction with an unreadable face, perfectly hiding his intentions, the silence grow between the two but Seth was the one to talk first as he breath out deeply and said.

"Rude, but ok I get it you don't like tea, not everyone can appreciate the finer things in life, but I must say I'm little disappointed for omeone who had a rather well off family and was trained in basic etiquette you lack manners, if anything you are more of a savage than that of noble bloodline."

"Shut the hell up your just ignoring me and you demand my attention how laughable, atleast pay attention to how others feel you bastard."

Spoke Mercury as he spoke his mind to his look alike, but sadly Seth wasn't faze if anything he just had a hard to read expression plastered on his face, meanwhile Mercury continue the conversation as he said with a slightly piss voice and annoyed expression.

"Look what the hell do you want?"

Asked Mercury who had nothing but piss look on his face, the was growing more piss by the second, but unlike him Seth smile just got more brighter as he said.

"Right to the point ha.... I like it... OK then I will just say what I wanted to say.

Replied Seth as his face turn to that of an amused grin, with a hint of menace in his attitude.

"I want your seed."

"Say what now?"

"I said I want your seed."

Announce Seth as he spoke loud enough to make Mercury know his request, and upon saying that Mercury had a deadpan look as he replied with the most appropriate answer to that request."

"Sorry bud but I don't swing that way."

"No you moron I didn't meant it like that, gross why the hell would I fuck a man, for your information before I died I had 453 sex friends of all shape, size, and calibur some even been those from the noble and proud dragon race."

"Now your just flexing you bastard."

"Hmmm.... oh my... did I hurt your ego sorry its just that I stay forget your a virg...

"Say it, and I will walk away without even listing."

I calmly said as if his words meant nothing to me, but deep inside the guy was slowly killing my fragile heart, after all before I even became Mercury Van Anguish I failed at love 998 time as Allen Mercury and even as Mercury Van Anguish woman consistently takes advantage of me, for that very reason I shall devote my new life to accomplish great thing and spread the good word and teaching of gender equality.

Yes even my children will partake in daily teaching of gender equality, I shall not allow them to make the same mistakes as I did, instead of me who first words were please marry me, their first words will be "begone thot" or maybe even "Fuck your feelings"...."Agh yes only then can I be a proud father."

"Oh how I yearn for absolute true gender equality."

Those were the only words I can think off in my mind as I gaze towards Seth, the very person who rub his alpha male status in my face, well if what he said is true atleast the body itself isn't a virgin, sigh sometime life is just unfair but it's better than been dead hell let's collect a lot of sexy waifu like some Pokeboy game on Intendo 5Ds.

"The lolies, the milfs, the thick thighs beauty that only exist in anime I want them all, no I need them all."

But just as I was thinking this Seth then said.

"Look don't misunderstand me Mr. Anguish I truly do want your seed but not in the way that your thinking it."

"You made that sound very gay... no its stupidly gay... no maybe you are gay, but I don't run that way, so please stay far-away and think about your life choices."

"I'm not gay."

"I don't know man that sounds pretty gay if you ask me."

"Now your just slandering my reputation."

"You set you own bed bro, now you got to sleep in it."

Instantly replied Mercury with a disgusted face screaming what the fuck, meanwhile Seth was defending his reputation as he said.

"For the last I'm not gay."

"Hmmm.... says the guys who want my seed, well technically your seed, but you get my point."

"Ha this whole conversation about the concept of gayness is pointless can we please move on, I'm sure you want to leave this place right?"


Those words were indeed true so much so he actually made shut up for a moment, but only for a moment because right after I began to ask him.

"Look fine.... I'm done with this meanless conversation, but you make it sound very misleading.... it's not my fault, any straight dude like myself would question your sanity for even asking such a question in the first place... now with that said I want to leave this place, my precious creations are waiting for me and each second I spend with you, is taking up my precious time, which I could be using for something else... so tell me gaybo why do you require my seed.... my lord just saying it takes off 100 years off my life... hell jist barley thinking it easily shed off anotner 800 years more worth of it."

"For the last fucking time I.... aM....nOT....GAYYYY!"

Seth shout at the top of his lungs... his shout was so loud the very world itself shake as if to represent his annoyance, and to add more destruction to his annoyance several planets behind him suddenly exploded before me, hell even my earsdrum somehow suddenly exploded in this place an eventually I began hearing my voice in my head play out once more, something that shocked me to be honest honest.

[Notice due to high sound frequency destroying the body, you gain nigh indestructible eardrums]

[Notice echo- location evolved to sound awareness]

[Notice Your resistance to pain went up by 6 Lvls]

Upon hearing that loud shout that disintegrated my ears drums a miracle happen, somehow I can't use my powers but amazingly I can still evolve and gained resistance or new abilities, but the problem is I can't use them, something is preventing me from using my powers to be honest I am now deaf thank to this ass hole, but I began to hear his voice play in my head.

"Agh... my apologies let me fix you up, but to prevent this from happening any further please just listing to me."

And upon saying that Seth then tap his right index claws on the desk, and when he did that not only did my ears drums instantly heal, the planets that's were destroyed was instantly heal as well it was as if the guy warp reality.

After seeing this I have concluded that he is the reason I can't use my abilities here, so to speed up the process and to get the hell out of here, I sigh and said.

"Fine I will hear you out, why do agh God I can't believe I'm saying this.... w-w-why do you require my s-s-se... yeah... am not saying that, but you more or less know what I'm talking about."

"Finally your listing... well then let's carry on with a proper bussnuiess deal."

"Look I said I was going to hear you out, I didn't say I was going to agree with you, hell as it is now I have horrible impression of you."

"Hahaha... agh... trust me your going to agree, the deal is just that sweet."

"What make you so confident?"

"Atleast hear me out, if you don't find it to your liking I promised you I won't bother you again, although I am the only one in this world except for Archion who could truly give you what you want."

"And what do I want, you act as if you know me."

"I know you alright, I know better than anyone in this world for a fact, the only problem is I can't do anything to help you since the connection between me and you is imperfect due to the compatability."

"Compatability, what are you talking about."

"I'm talking about our link as one person."

"One person, nah... hell nah... you mean to tell me your living inside me or some shit."

"No, of course not if anything that body your possessing is nothing more than a coordination point now, it's only purposed to me now is the potential it posses, I must have it."

"Wait, wait, wait... hold up... your basically telling me you want retake a body you disown, no fair it's mines not your, stay away from me... I'm not giving you back this body I found it so it's mines now I dont care what you trade back for it."

"You know it's was mine to begin with... although the body is the least of my concerns as I have no use for it anymore if anything it's yours now for all I care, hey take it as gift from me to you as a token of friendship, if anything that body is not that of a Newman-halfling anymore, it's something completely different it's almost as if you rewrite my entire genetic code to something else far inferior, but in return it has the potential to surpass the Newman extremely quickly, come on let's be real here, for someone who came to a world with no skill nor magic, you evolve and adapted to this world rather quickly am I wromg?"

Upon hearing this Mercury had a serious face as he began thinking.

"That's right this body use to be a different race, could it be that I rewritten the previous bloodline, it's use to be Newman mix with something else, but upon wishing on the Cpu that got me here in the first place, I also requested to be reborn as a [high human] I see so he after the new bloodline."

But Mercury didn't have time to think as Seth waste no time as he continued from were he left off.

"You see, I was able to see glimpses of your previous world through your memories, so I am more or less familiar of your current circumstance, although I never plan for those robs to plan an invasion on my world, so that is something I will have to prepare for, but it all the more reason I need your seed or more so I'm asking you to make me your child."

"I see so you are also aware of the robs existence so early in the game, just how far does your influence even go?"

"It's basically omniscience I possess every knowledge this world has to offer, I have seen what cannot be seen, I have heard what cannot be heard, I have felt what cannot be felt, in short I am without a doubt the smartest person in this universe."

"Really, then by chance do you know magic."

"Do I know magic, hahah of course I do, some so old it's not even documented in the world Archive."

"The world Archive is that a library or something?"

"No the world Archive is were Era reside in."

"Wait are trying to say Era is reachable, I though she was the cognitive will of the world, does that mean she has a physical formed."

"The bitch got a physical form alright but trust me it's not what you imagine it to be."


"Hahaha.... believed it or not Era doesn't got a true physical form per say... but more like that of a puppet a subject of the world were she possess, and her form isn't even that of a single race."

"Haaaa.... really can you continue."

"Era has a total of 13 forms, although no one in the world apart from some old ones know of her physical existence, you see in every race that exist she chooses a random vessel from each one to posses and observed over the world, Era isn't a simple existence, if anything she the closest thing to Archion."

"Really how is that?"

Ask Mercury who was rather shocked about this new information, especially since it concern Era herself, if anything Mercury know Jack shit about Era in a whole, if anything he only know she exist.

And that she extremely powerful and manipulative at that, so any information about her even basic minor one were much appreciated since Era is such an existence that deserve all his concern and attention, after all he just feel that oneday he will be force to cross fist with the world will itself.

Meanwhile Seth was extremely happy with this development, when Mercury first came here he was very aggressive, so striking a deal with him wasn't going to be easy, if anything it was moment like these he can shine the most he can show how useful he can be, after all if Mercury wants to survive in this world, no! if Mercury want to beat this world and escape from the harsh destiny that was long created for him, then after that he would have him in his clutches.

To achieved something of great value, one must come in term with the fact that they can't accomplish a great goal alone, hence the reason he was going to use Mercury for everything that he was worth, and in return he can do the same as well, his omniscience that was slowly developed over the course of countless eons and age so old time itself would have lost it meaning, along with the fact that he is constantly living the life of 999,999,999,999,999 different parrel version of him self thought infinite time.

With that said everything he has seen, done, felt, heard, and experienced so far across all multiple time lines and different reality, his knowledge has reach a level that it even Era impeccable knowledge would have tremble before him, with that said he began to show Mercury how useful he can really be by answering his question.

"Haha Era is indeed the cognitive Will of the world, but her true identity is far more than just a simple will, if anything she considered [the will of the world] since she is the one controlling the world in Archion place."

"Wait are you frigging serious the world is serving Archion?"

"No Era serve no one, if anything Era is without a doubt Archion greatest creation but it also will be his ultimate downfall, that why I need Era under my control or atleast your control, this is a objective that I must follow through no matter the cost."

"Why? what her relationship with Archion, why do you need me to control Era, is that even possible?"

"The relationship with Archion ha... well if I had to describe thier relationship then I would say Era is the [distributor of skills] and [creator of mana], that what she is commonly known as, but her true identity is the first True Miracle, you see Era is the skill to the created any and all skill without limits, if anything she is a true living skill or in other term the physical embodiment of Archion power, she basically the physical form of Archion power itself and her real name is [Anastasiamelionos Vxxetra].

When Mercury heard this he had a confused look on his face to clearly say, "what the fuck!?", reason be he was rather taken by surprised of Era true identity, but the information, that cut the cake for him was the reveal of her true name, if anything it was long as fuck, but overall confusing to pronounce, he look at Seth with a what the fuck face as he try to say the name he just said but fail horribly as he bite his tongue rather hard.


"The fuck kind of name is that, it as if the parent ran out of ideas, or they were on some serious shit when taking that name into consideration."

Announce Mercury clearly confused and worried of the sanity of the person who gave the will of the world such a name, hell he could understand why she must have change her name.

"Poor thing I pity its existence."

"You fool, it's pronounce Anastasiamelionos Vxxetra, it's basically translated to "The enlighten one, or the purposed of all things", the name its self could be considered the first and the oldest name to exist as well, its even older than Archion, why you may be thinking well its simple, you see according to the prophecy within the "The epics of Melenara" it was believed Archion was first revered as the nameless one, because from the moment he was born he was born perfect in every way so thing like name was useless to him.

"Who are they to look at me, who are they to tarnish my image, he who dare to comprehend me, Hersey I say, don't look at me, don't talk about me, can't you see I want to be left alone, stay over there and I mean it, he who is less than gasp of air, she who hungry for every grain of opportunity that comes thier way; every step of the way, hahaha...ha... it disgusting never call out to me, if anything leave me be and that is my first and final message to thy pointless creations plague by sin."

"In the ancient text of the story of Melenata that was Archion first words he has ever spoken to the world, instead of asking for praised and glory the guy literally ask the world to fuck off, it's because of this unorthodox thinking that he was considered the one true God, and the one revered as the God of Neutrality, he doesn't care about anyone because we he doesn't need anyone, everythinghe he does only benefits him, if not now then in the very end."

"Basically Archion only got his name due to his believer needing something to call their source of worship, up to this point Archion is nameless in the truest sense."

Seth announced with his chin held up high, as if he was proud of his immense knowledge, meanwhile though Mercury trying to remember every peice of world history he can get his hands on, and honestly speaking it wasn't easy.

But nevertheless he decide to call it quick for now, Although he still had a lot of question about Era, but as thing are now asking anymore would just confusing him further, so pleased with the additional info, he smile satisfied with answer, but nevertheless he decided to ask Seth a question as he said.

"So going back to my previous quest you said you required my agh.... agh.... s...seed but why, for what your goal and reason should I even help you?"

Ask Mercury with a serious expression plaster all over his face, as if to say he was not taking no for an answer.

Seth saw this and began explaining his current circumstance with a calm attitude as he said.

"Im going to be honest with you.... I need your help... as I am now... I'm basically stuck in Eden.... I can't really explain how and why since we only have limited time here, I can only cut your connection with the world for a short while, 30 minutes a day at best, anymore than that and Archion will find us."

"And what will happen if he does find us?"

"It's will be game over?"

"But what does this has to do with me, I'm not you to even begin with?"

"Merley sharing the same appearance is enough reason for Archion to kill you, the only reason he can't find that body is because my soul isn't inside it anymore basically making me free from his influence, but apart from that I'm connected to you via something called a coordination, what that might be is none of your business for the time being, but with that said I really need you help, and in return I will help you, so Mr Anguish help me reach my ultimate goal, and in return I will help you reach your ultimate goal as well."

Spoke Seth with great determination spoken in his voice, the way it sound was more like a plea for help than a force request, but how can he help.

"Tell me what can my seed possibly do but make children."

"Exactly, I don't want your seed in the way you imagine it, no I want to be your descendant, in short either your son or a daughter, I'm asking you to give me your first child body so I can reincarnate back into the world of the living."

Announced Seth who calamy drop a bombshell upon Mercury, to say he wasn't surprised or shocked would be a lie, did he actually heard this bastard correctly, did this guy really ask him to become his father.

"Your kidding right?"

"No I'm dead serious."

"Why though?"

"Because your bloodline mix with that woman bloodline can create a formidable existence if given enough time to grow, I have seen it with my own eyes, I need that child's body no I can't even call it possession because if you agree, the me now cease to exist."


Upon asking that question, Mercury watch as Seth face went up in a pain expression that shows a smile fill with pain and acceptance, in that moment he couldn't help but think that painful expression of his look like Cel fake smil as well, as if to say they have long accept their fate.

Seth then look at Mercury as he said.

"Are you familiar with the spell [Sacrement of Rebirth] it's an Ancient spell that only those at the Magic emperor rank can use."

Upon hearing those words, Mercury couldn't help but think that he heard those words somewhere, and after a long minute or two of thinking it finally came back to him as he said.

"Isn't that same spell Cel use to reincarnate a part of herself to escape the hell that befall her."

"Exactly, I'm going to use the adavance version of that to reincarnate my soul to that of the child that will oneday surpass Archion."

"There a even more powerful version of [Sacrement of Rebirth]

"Yes its called [Return of the Messiah] a reincarnation spell so powerful its make one be reborn to the world with a destiny that surpass all odd so far no but my mother has use this high level spell that can manipulate destiny itself to the user preference."

Upon hearing this shocking revelation Mercury could only say.

"To think a spell that has already reach its Apex can become even stronger than it already was truly terrifying, it as if magic in this world really live up to its name, magic its what ,any would called Miracle projected into reality, the abilty call fort the impossible into the possible world"

"Don't be fool all those spell that exist today mostly came from my library, if anything unlike other Newman I was the only one that use magic, I wasn't born with immense strength instead I inherit my mother magical power through her genes."

"I see, now that I think about it, you said you were only half Newman so what were mix with anyways."

"Yeah that about right, you see I'm half Newman and half Succubus which technically makes me an incubus, in short a half spirit."

"Your an incubus, that makes a lot of sense, but why do you considered your self a half spirit."

"Unlike your world were the demons are considered power houses with horn and demonic looking features, the demon of this world is considered spiritual entities, they along with the angel are the closes thing to spiritual entities we have in this world."

"I see."

"Great then will you give me your help?"

"No... not yet I still need to find out the more things concerning your request... like who is the person body your going going posses?"

"Hmmm.... well all my knowledge would be too much for a child to handle, so as the years go by my personality will slowly melt along with the new personality, ending in the creation of a joint personality to be born and by the time the body has matured I should be on a even higher level than I was before."

"Im guessing your after my infinite potential through eternal evolution aren't you?"

"Precisely but your bloodline is nothing more than a foundation, the true bloodline with the power to kill Archion reside in the person I want you to procreate with."

"Haaaaaa.... who might that be.... let me guess its Lilith isn't it?"

Asked Mercury who has long taken the obvious guess who else is strong enough to go head to head with Archion than Lilith herself, but the answer he got betrayed his expectation as Seth at words, if Mercury blindfolds were off, you could have seen the full force of his deadpan face as he said cursing his luck.

"The fucking gorilla, why her of all people, although I did have plans to bed her but she was like the last person I would even considered?"

"Well its would have originally been the Bloodymary of a thousand battlefield."

"If I remember correctly with the link I shared with my clones, Athena said something along the line of Roren been one of Archion direct apostles, but why her, no why did it change, why the gorilla of all people."

"Because she is this generation horseman of death."

"Horsmen, like the horsemen of John in the Christian Bible?"

"Something like that, but the point is Sirus inherit the horseman gene from Roren, and out of all the genese that exist she has the most powerful one, so much so, it's can be a major annoyance for us in the future if we don't take proper precautions."

"What exactly is a Horsemen really?"

"Horsemen are basically the strongest set of apostle to exist, they were all created using his blood, and unlike normal or unique people who were born with insanely overpowered skills, all horseman posses an ability that far surpasses a Supreme skill, basically if I have the bloodline of both you and Sirus I can inherit a body that doesn't stop growing power, along with a body that was born with a Miraculous skill?"

"What exactly is a Miraculous skill I would really like to know, and it would be a lie if I said it didn't caught my interest."

"They are skill that are so powerful it its said it surpasses reason itself, it thousand of time more powerful than a Supreme skill, and the only way to get one is to gather the four miracles from the celestial dungeons, if anything only Horsemen have them but an exception to that would be Lilith since she basically a living Miracle?"

"Lilith a living Miracle, what do you mean by that?"

"Well that would be too much to explain, and we are already running out of time, but let's just say her birth was caused by a Miracle, hell her very birth destroyed the power balance of the world greatly."

"I see, so I'm guessing your after Sirus Horsemen gene?"



Upon saying that Mercury was left silent, what could he do, the guy basically explained his whole plan to him in under ten minutes, but he still feel like Seth was hiding something from him, and he knows to all his heart, he wouldn't find out what he was hiding from him till the late future.

But he still had two more question, he had to asked without a doubt.

"Tell me why don't just aim for these so call miracles that are the bottom of the Celestial labyrinth?"

"That is one option yes... but I fine it more easier to get what I want by you breeding the one who represent Sloth, although the problem is, she is lesbian and lesbian in love as well."

"Hmmmm.... and why should I even help you, what do I gain return, what can you possibly give me for such a hard job as this, my luck with woman is already less than zero, and now your asking me to straighten that gorilla, for fuck sake normal lesbian are one thing but a super overpowered one is something else, you are aware she has enough power to destroy the world right."

"I'm aware but in this world many has reach planetary level, if your not strong enough to erase multiple multiverses I can't see you as nothing but a bland characther."

"Ha.... so I'm bland, well I can't blame you at best I'm only mountain level, who knows I'm still pondering about my current power level, honestly in a area full of overpowered people I still feel like an insignificant insect."

"You know the only reason you feel that way was because you were unfortunate enough for this shit hole to be your starting point, anywhere else they would literally set and imposed law to supress you, Mercury you might not be aware of this due to your unique circumstances but your strong enough to be considered on the level of the weakest of the 5 great oddities that plague this world."

"Oddities, yeah what exactly are they?"

"Spawn of Era apostle, their only objective is to shorten the population to give room for more life to grow, but the 5 great oddities are monster that can destroy the world."

"Ha.... I'm not even planetary, how the hell is that possible?"

Ask Mercury with a rather confused look, in which Seth made an equally even more confused look as to say.

"Your joking right?"

"Nope I'm dead serious."

It was at this moment that Seth realized something of much importance as he said to himself.

"So he isnt aware of the old monster that live inside him, hell that fucking monster was going toe to toe with Lilith as they speak, at this revelation he smiled to himself as he said."

"Fuun... very fun..."

"What are you even saying."

"Ahh.... don't worry about it, an advised though, next time please be aware of the people that you bring with you."

"Ok.... what are even....

But before Mercury could even finish talking Seth put his finger to his lips as he said while Shushing him.

"Shhhhh.... that not something you should be worrying about right now, what you should be focusing on is your decision, if you agree with me I will offer three gifts in return for one favor."

"Haaa. Yeah what were you going to give me in return for such a hard task?"

"My first gift is the abilty to send your memories through time."

"What.... basically time travel."

"Yes but it more like random vision always always hitting you at random moments, with the power like this not even the robs could stop you from jumping through time reason be your not using their power."

"Eleborate further please."

"You memories are traveling through the Network, basically I'm saying you power source is from neither side, you can use this abilty fix any situation as much as you want, think about it as Respawn point, if you want I can also make it like game, from you perspective it will be save and load kind of thing, or if you die you respawn the chosen checkpoint, I will also provide with three choices to make thing easier for example coming to a decision will be easier as each choice you make can either create or destroy fate."

"What are you serious?"

"Yea and that only the first gift, my second gift is not an abilty but more like a weapon of mass destruction, a weapon so strong, I am confident it can give Era strongest apostle a run for their money."

"And what might that be?"

"You already met my greatest creation already, so you should more or less be aware of who and what I am talking about."

"Your greatest creation and who or what might that be then?"

Asked Mercury who was very curious to Seth words, meanwhile Seth smile at this as he said while snapping his finger once.

"Sigh... maybe an introduction is needed after all, but you already met that person already."


And upon snapping his finger the world around him start to shake in a familiar way, Mercury then look behind him as if it was a feeling he already felt before, and just like he thought he was right, it was the same feeling he got when he entered this place, as the very door he came through began to shake as it open slowly.

And when it open up completely, the world around him was put to a pause as the loud rumbling that was caused when it open up, was so no more, but what replace the rumbling noice shortly after was the sound of footsteps.

It was not the sound of multiple footstep, nor was it the sound of giants coming towards them, no it was normal footstep that echoed through out the place.

Mercury look back at Seth only to be met with a pleased and proud smile, it was the smile of a proud father who found out that their children top the entire school in something.

But in that satisfied smile of his, Mercury could see a hint of mischief within it, but he didn't pay attention to him for too long, no he looked back at the direction of the door that seems to be the only way in and also the only way out of this place.

The footstep got louder which was signaling that the person was very close, and just like he thought, a person emerge from the giant door, before him was a girl that was atleast 4'3 in height, she dress in a full white fantasy style one peice, with a white veil covering her entire face, the only speck of skin that could be seen from her was her dark fingers that was gripping the center of the staff she held in her hand.

The very staff itself was full of several giant gold rings, on it was several gold rings hanging off of a spikey gold ring, on her feet was a white boots that goes up her feet, on both her hands on each middle finger was a gold ring that seems to connect with the long sleeves of the one peice she was wearing.

The girl then jump down from the high place as she gracefully land quickly and quietly on the giant white bridge that both him and Seth were speaking on.

She then went beside Seth and stayed one spot, she didn't even move an inch, it didn't even look like she was alive, and when Mercury gaze upon the girl that was before him, he put his hand on his chin and said.

"Isn't this the girl that led me to this places."

"Yes this is girl right here is my greatest creation, her name is Laplace."

"Aka [The living Archive], by this world standards she is strong enough to be this era new generation Supreme sage."

When Mercury heard this he was confused, it wasn't because of what Seth was saying didn't make no sense to him, no it simply because he lack the knowledge or the common sense to recognized the importance of these otherworldly terms that Seth use every sentence.

It's was all the more reason why he need to find a library so he can learn more about this world history, he didn't ask Seth much questions about her, instead he just want to know her origin and why Seth call her his greatest crearion?

And as if Seth has long reconize the question that lies in Mercury heart, he smiled as he got up from his seat place her to sit in his place, he then slowly remove the veil that was covering her body, and what was reveal before Mercury, was the beautiful face of woman, despite her size she looked very mature.

Maybe it was due to the indifferent appearance that lies on her face, it's was cold to the touch it was almost as if the girl itself was derive of any motions from birth, but her emotionless gaze never left me once, she was what many would called a dark elf, her skin was the same color as chocolate.

She had long pointy ears, that had two pair of crystal like earing in them, her hair was pure white so much so it was whiter than the very clothes Mercury was wearing, she thick in all the right places Mercury was a simple man he much more preferred big butt over big boobs any days then and again he like all parts with equal vigor.

The girl itself look like a well crafted doll, her beauty alone was so mesmerizing it could end nations, Mercury reaction alone was enough to prove that statement right, he really didn't notice it but he has forgot to breath due to the pure shock of her beauty.

She look like the type of woman that even world class model and idol wouldn't approach foolishly, but despite her indifference appearance she posses elegant and majestic feeling to her, but just as Mercury was enjoying this great view Seth knock him out of it as he said.

"Once more, this girl here name is Laplace or Lala for short, she is a artificial spirit I created in the years I spend here, if anything she is what many would called a demon, this form she in is just her physical form, since she can switch between her spiritual and physical body."

"A demon you say."

"Yes, I created her as my last legacy, she basically the physical manifestation of both me and my mother knowledge of magic, at first she was just a clone of me, but over the years I continously upgraded her till eventually she becomes her own individual existence."

"I see so why do call her the living Archive?"

"Laplace has every knowledge about magic imaginable, even those from past present and future, she basically the Originator of magical knowledge, and not only that she can also analyze skill, and converted them into spell that can do the same thing as that skill do, for instance for your Lucifer skill can be analyze and break down into mathematical formula and reconverted into a spell that can do the same thing as Lucifer, her mana is basically infinite simply because she can regenerate mana instantly."

(A/N): Laplace has less mana than Mercury, but her mana regeneration is instantaneous, if anything she has the fifth hugest mana capacity in the world, while Mercury would be around third place not for capacity but for quality, if you forgot Mercury has a mysterious Mana portal that converts his mana into a more purer form of it, the reason of why he has this mysterious abilty has not been revealed yet.

"What, that fucking useful skill, my mana regeneration is kind of fast or so I believed since it would take me about half a day to regenerate it back to a 100% and 1 hour if I sleep and focus all my energy to regenerate my mana."

"Yes... this along with her abilty to use all magic makes her the strongest magic user there is."

"So she is basically a living Archive how fun."

"She can also change the properties of mana as well, simply because her understanding of magical energy is that profound, and to make thing better she basically a puppet she won't listen to anyone but me, the perfect assassin as well, you see I created her without the need for emotions, or more say she can't understand them, she can feel them but understanding them is beyond her comprehension."

"Really why though?"

"A doll doesn't need pointless thing such as emotion it will just get in the way her only purposed is to be useful, and useful she is, I created her out of boredom though so don't have much use for her right now, if anything she just taking up space."

Spoke Seth with an easy and ongoing as he Announce his true feelings to his creation, this actually piss Mercury off a little the guy basically flat out deny this things existence simply because it held no use to him as yet despite this girl possessing every magic that exist or will exist, on hand."

"Dont you think that's a little larsh you bastard."

"Not really a puppet wasn't created to feel feeling though."

"But your messing her up like that, aren't you afraid your own creation turning against you one of these days."

"Well not really, since they don't disobey me, and to be honest aren't you doing the same thing as well?"


"That clone of your's M2 I believed was her name yeah M2 she very useful and convient Athena as well, you created them to be of use to you did you not."


Mercury was left shocked, he couldn't refute Seth claims he did had a point so he simply remained silence as he made Seth finish.

"But the fact still stands that she is my greatest creation, and that something I can't deny no matter the cause, if Yggdrasil was my mother greatest creation then Laplace is my greatest masterpiece."

Her knowledge on magic surpass even that of my dear mothers who devoted her whole life on magical and skill base research.

"I see and you say you were willing to give her to me, in exchange for being reborn as my first child, are really that desperate?"

"Yes, think about it, if you were to agree, you can have the very existence who create thousand of different magic a day within herself, she basically the weapon you need to survive this shit hole."

"So with that said will you accept my deal."

Spoke Seth who forward his hand for a handshake.

Mercury was actually sweathing reason be, this deal was very tempting but he has long come to a conclusion of his answer.

He then look at Seth hand as he slap it away and said.

"Thank you for the offer but I can't accept it."

"Haaa.... is that so....can you tell me why atleast?"

"Because I don't trust you, that and I feel like getting associated with you is akin to making a deal with the devil himself, with that said please send me back, and find someone else to do your dirty work for you I'm not your guy."

"I see how regrettable."

And upon saying that Seth snap his finger one last time which cause the world to shake around him once more as the grand gate began to open back up, he then gave Mercury one last look as he said

"If you leave through that door you will regain consciousness."

"I see thank you I'm leaving now."

"How regrettable though, you didn't even make me finish my offer, I still had one more gift I could given."

"Well I'm not easily tempted."

Those were the last words that left Mercury voice as he walk towards the giant gate, but a soon as reach there Seth last words were.

"I see I totally thought you would have agree if not for the first and second gift the third one would have made you work with me, sigh maybe offering to resurrect your sister was a bad idea indeed."

But upon saying those words, right before Mercury exit through the gate he stop, almost as if his foot was been held down, from Seth point of view he could see Mercury trembling as he said while instantly turning around with serious but desperate look on his face.

"Say what now?"

To be continued.

Next time: "Dead lock curse"

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