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Chapter 14: Celebration & Evaluation

Ike: "Cheers!"

Ike shouted joyfully and toasted with a can of juice. That evening, the former association of failures had convened once again. Liberated from our studies, we were all overjoyed that no one had been expelled. Everyone smiled...

Well, except for Horikita. They'd shared their burdens, and together, they'd overcome the challenge. Perhaps that was the point of being young.

Ike: "What's with the long face, Ayanokouji? Yamauchi wasn't expelled. Everything's fine now, right?"

Ayanokouji: "I don't particularly mind that you're holding a celebration party, but why are you holding it in my room?"

Ike: "Mine's a mess. So are Yamauchi's, I dunno about Miyake's and Aomine's. And we can't go to a girl's room, right? I mean, yeah, I would've loved going to Kushida-chan's room. But your spectacularly plain and empty room is the best option."

Ayanokouji: "It's only been two months since school started. I think it'd be weird to have a lot of stuff."

Aside from daily necessities, he didn't really need anything.

Ike: "What do you think, Kushida-chan?"

Kushida: "I think it's fine here. It's simple, but it feels nice and clean."

Ike: "Right? Man, it must be nice to have Kushida-chan praise you. Ha ha ha ha!"

Ike grudgingly pushed Ayanokouji. Clearly after he said that his room was a mess.

Yamauchi is so happy that tears are flowing out of his eyes. He really felt sorry for hating Hirata, who spearheaded the idea to save him.

Aomine was still slouched back on the bed, taking up most of the space in the room.

Aomine: "Sorry man, I felt guilty for intruding."

Miyake: "Me too."

The duo apologized, though they only did so casually.

Ayanokouji: "It's fine."

At least Ayanokouji didn't feel that bad since there are these two sensitive about his feelings.

Aomine: "All things considered, though, that midterm was dangerous. If we hadn't put the study group together, I would've been fine, but Ike and Yamauchi would have definitely gotten kicked out."

Ike: "Huh? You were close to getting expelled, too, you know. You zero points musclehead!"

Aomine: "No, no, I could have gotten a perfect score if I were serious about it. Really. Look at what happened now."

Yamauchi: "Your scores right now is just a fluke!"

Kushida: "Everything was thanks to Horikita-san's efforts. She tutored Ike, Yamauchi, and Aomine."

Aomine: "Hey that's rude. Why did I have to get grouped together with these idiots?"

Miyake: "It's because you can't even write your name properly a couple of months ago, Daiki. I'm glad for you."

Aomine: "Even you Akito?!"

Horikita who is silent up until now, talked.

Horikita: "I did it for my own sake. If someone had been expelled, Class D's evaluation would've worsened."

Ike: "Just say that you didn't want us to get expelled, even if it's a lie. We'd like you better."

Horikita: "It'd be fine with me if you didn't."

Well, her attitude remained unchanged, but simply participating in this gathering was a sign of her progress. The old Horikita most definitely would not have come.

Horikita: "Even though we managed to make it through the midterm, we shouldn't lose our heads. Our next challenge is the final exam. We should expect those questions to be even more difficult than the ones today. In addition, we still need to find a way to increase our points."

Ike: "Do we really need to start this hellish cramming all over again? This sucks."

Still on the floor, Ike buried his head in his hands.

Yamauchi: "Don't you think that if we start right now, it won't be hellish?"

Ike: "No!"

He sounded sure about that.

Horikita: "I don't understand this school at all. I don't get the class divisions, the point system, anything."

Ike: "Ah, points. I want points! Living in poverty really sucks."

After Ike and Yamauchi had used up all of their points, they'd had to resort to living off the school's free offerings.

Kushida: "Hey, Horikita-san. Do you think it'll be really difficult to get more points? We tried so hard on the midterm that they'll definitely give us some points, right?!"

Horikita: "Did you not see Class D's average score? We were the lowest of all of the classes by far. If you think that we'll get points for that, then I think you need to open your eyes."

Horikita spoke the truth without mercy, without sugarcoating anything.

Ike: "Then we're not getting any points next month, either. Boo."

Horikita: "I think you should learn to live a more modest life and give up on points."

Kushida: "Don't worry, Ike-kun. We may not get any points right now, but surely we'll get some soon. Right, Horikita-san?"

Horikita: "I wonder about that."

Aomine: "I'm definitely sure we could."

Kushida: "What? Really Aomine-kun?"

Ike: "Really Aomine?! You picked up things fast, it must be true right?"

Aomine: "Yeah, I'm sure of it."

Horikita took a glance on Aomine. This guy got the idea of using points to buy a test point in an exam. Even she never had that idea. Hearing him out could be beneficial, and to get his perspective on things.

Horikita: "Your basis for that?"

Aomine: "Intuition."

Horikita: "How ridiculous. I felt like an idiot asking about it."

Horikita went back to reading the book on her hand.

Kushida: "Can I say something? We're all friends here, after all. Horikita-san, Ayanokouji-kun, and I are all working together to get into Class A. If you're okay with it, I want you three to help us."

Ike: "Get into... Class A? A-are you serious?"

Kushida: "Yes. I absolutely am. Increasing our points is an inevitable part of getting to the top as well."

Ike: "B-but, isn't the idea of reaching Class A kind of ridiculous? They're all smart, right? It'd be impossible for us to win against those guys by studying."

When you considered their average test scores, everyone in that class was probably on Horikita's level.

Miyake: "Studying isn't the sole factor in deciding who goes into what class, though. Right?"

Ayanokouji: "Yeah, but if you can't study at all, then moving up is out of the question."

The three least-academically gifted people in the room averted their eyes and whistled nonchalantly.

Kushida: "We're still far from our goal, but we can do it if we all work together. I know it."

Horikita: "What makes you so sure?"

Kushida: "What makes me sure, hmm? Well, you know what they say, 'A single arrow is easily broken, but not ten in a bundle,' I suppose."

Horikita: "I think that even if you bundled these ten together, they'd still break."

Kushida: "W-well how about this? Three heads are better than one! Or something like that."

Horikita: "I guess if you combined all three of their test scores, you'd get one normal person's grade."

Every time Kushida tried to raise the three up, Horikita would knock them back down. What an amazing pair.

Kushida: "If we keep going back and forth like this, though, we won't get anywhere. It's definitely better for us to get along."

Horikita: "I suppose that, logically, you're right."

Kushida: "Right?"

Horikita didn't try to argue further. Though Kushida did admit that she hated Horikita, maybe for the sake of the Class she's willing to set aside their differences...

Kushida: xSo that's why I'd like to ask the three of you to help us."

Ike/Yamauchi: ""Gladly!!""

Replied Ike and Yamauchi in unison.

Aomine: "Well, if Horikita asked me to help, I would. I guess. Right Akito?"

Akito: "Well I'd guess it's fine. I want to get more points every month."

Horikita: "I never wanted your help, Aomine-kun. Besides, I have a hard time imagining how you'll be useful in the first place."

Aomine: "Now now, You are not cute at all Suzune-chan."

Ike: "You say that, but how do you really feel?"

Teased Ike. Aomine instantly glared at Ike and cracked his knuckles so loud that everyone could hear.

Aomine: "The nerve you got teasing me like that... Do you really wanna die huh, hey?"

His tone of voice, his glare, the devilish face that could make anyone tremble in fear. The face that he hid since coming to this school revealed.

Ike: "Ah no! I'm sorry! Ow ow ow!"

Yamauchi: "He's bad news!"

Horikita sighed deeply. Her eyes seemed to ask, Is this male bonding?

Horikita: "In this school, ability is paramount. I'm positive that our competition will grow even more severe moving forward. If you say you'll work with us, know that you can't do so half-heartedly. Otherwise you'll be a burden."

Horikita seriously planned on getting into Class A. Her will was unshakeable.

Aomine: "I wonder about that. Don't you think you should look at yourself first Horikita? Your good in studying and all, but that's all you've got ain't it?"

Horikita: "What do you mean by that, Aomine-kun?"

Aomine: "Nothing really..."

Aomine didn't elaborate further as he knew anything he will say would be useless. It's up to Horikita to realize her own defects herself, and she will grow formidable and climb up to Class A.




Name: Aomine Daiki

Class: First year Class D


Club Affiliations: Basketball Club

Date of Birth: August 31st


Academics Ability: C-

Intelligence: A-

Decision Making: C

Physical Ability: A+

Cooperativeness: C+

Comments from the interviewer;

He is a renowned basketball superstar in Japan during his junior high school years, earning the recognition of basketball professional athletes and coaches internationally. However his entrance examination by far were the lowest in the school year. In fact, he had the poorest results ever seen since the establishment of the school scoring a wonderful 0 points, for technically not writing his name. His scores if graded however are barely passable. There's also the record of his absences, tardiness, and delinquency. We have decided to revoke his assignment in Class A and instead put him in Class D. We expect great things from him in the future.

Notes from Homeroom Instructor;

He had shown growth in Academics especially in Midterms with a Perfect Score. Problems with his attendance in school decreased. The members of the basketball club admired him. He will become an essential pillar for the class if he keep improving at this rate.

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