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Chapter 33: A rather one sided fight

Tristan prepared himself as he soon began to hear Crim crashing through the forest before he broke out onto the plains where he was. He could hear him coming but he still sounded a couple of minutes away, he had readied his sword and some throwing knives and moved closer to where he knew Crim would bust out of. However before that happened he heard some growling from behind him.

Tristan slowly turned around and was face to face with three wolf like creatures, they couldn't really be called normal wolves as they had long teeth like a saber tooth tiger and were far stockier, and larger, they were the long slim and agile wolves that he was used to but looked like a beefed up pit bull as far as there body shape, and to his surprise when he turned around they all gave him a sort of bow. "Wolves actually came to the alpha howl, I mean they look close enough to wolves to me at question is do they just follow my orders how to I lead them to do what I want?" just as Tristan finished the thought Crim came busting out of the trees tearing little creatures off of himself and throwing and biting and tearing them apart, the problem wasn't that he couldn't kill them, it was that there appeared to be thousands of the creatures attacking him at once.

Crim was covered in little cuts and bite marks and he was bleeding quite a bit, thankfully nothing seemed to be too serious of a wound. "Are you going to stand there and just watch these little monster tear me apart or are you going to help!?" Crim yelled at Tristan.

Tristan realized he was indeed just standing there and quickly threw all the throwing knives he had killing an Ent with each one, he then charged forward to help out. Before he could arrive the three wolves had sprinted past him and began attacking the horde of Ents, they were quite proficient in killing the little creatures and the small cuts and bites they received didn't seem to affect them too much.

Even with the other wolves help Tristan still had to join the fray, he was soon killing the Ents by the hundreds he felt like, each swing of his sword would kill several while his free hand was slashing them apart. Pretty soon they had thinned enough he could get to Crim who was now fairing much better. "You just had to find all the Ents on this planet at once and piss them off didn't you" Tristan scolded Crim.

Between pants Crim managed to let out "My bad.... didn't think there was this many...." his exhaustion was showing, he had clearly been fighting them for awhile.

Seemingly just as fast as the fighting had started the Ents had begun to fade and then the horde had all but disappeared back into the forest. The group of Tristan, Crim and the three wolfs had managed to kill well over 600 of the little creatures. Tristan sheathed his sword and began to gather up the bodies to prep to take all the useful bones out of them, before he started the three wolfs moved towards him with the largest one in the middle approaching and growling at him. Tristan wasn't sure what was going on, but he felt a hunch that if he fully transformed, he would understand better somehow.

As he transformed into his full wolf form, with his red metallic fur shining in the morning sun the large wolf that was approaching him jumped back startled, he began slowly approaching sniffing Tristan attempting to figure out what he was. Then the wolf started to emit a low growl, Tristan reactively growled back and gave a little lung at the wolf, it stopped its growling immediately and then backed off with its head down and then it just layed down.

Crim finally catching his breath just watched the whole thing "I think you just became its leader!" he was kind of surprised watching what happened but strange things seemed to happen around Tristan and he was starting to get used to it, as well as the fact he could tell if all three of the wolves attacked Tristan on his own we would more than likely be able to beat all three without a scratch.

"Yeah, I guess so, Im not really sure how to tell them what to do but they did come in handy back better get over here and help me deal with all the Ent bodies, I'm not removing all the bones for you, and tell me why you ended up fighting like one thousand of these damn things." Tristan told Crim.

Crim walked over and started to help deal with the bodies, he ate a couple of them after getting the bones out and found that they were quite tasty, he also would throw some to the other three wolves and they happily munched away at the meat they were given. " Well I found a small little pack of them and followed them, it was only like 20 of the damn things, I followed them to this huge tree that seemed to be their home so I attacked thinking there was only 20 and it wouldn't be a big deal...Then the 20 turned to 100 and then 200 and so on they just kept coming from everywhere and then I was sprinting towards you like a maniac trying not to die, and then you know the rest" Crim took several deep breaths as he finished he felt like he was talking to Instructor Green and was about to get beat in another training session.

Tristan seeing Crim be nervous around him gave out a small chuckle "Well you made it easy we won't have to hunt for them anymore I don't think, and you and I are both fine, just be more careful and stick to the plan next time."

feelnlucky feelnlucky

its been a rough week, likely calling off my wedding. Dont put up with people who dont respect you. Hope you all enjoy the chapters.

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