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Chapter 19: Chapter Two: Journey to Sartann

The lead man sneered at Dayn and motioned to the other two "Come we wet im up" he said, the group drew their weapons, a wicked curved sword leapt out of its sheath and the other two advanced wielding crude clubs. The a club swung in a clumsy arc aimed for Dayn's neck, he stepped back and it passed harmlessly in front of his face, the next swung in at his right arm Dayn caught it in the hilt of his weapon pushing it down before bashing the man in the head with the pommel.

Dayn said a silent prayer quickly and was enveloped in a soft silver light, the leader moved in to quickly and as Dayn back stepped he bumped the wall behind him, the blade found purchase through his armor giving him a minor injury. Dayn exploded into a flurry of motion as the first club and the blade sliced in at him again, the weapons seemed to slow very slightly as they came into contact with the silvery aura around him.

He stepped passed the clumsy swing of the club and batted down the wicked slash of the scimitar before sliding the blade of his claymore through the leaders chest with a quick thrust. Blood spurted from the man's mouth as he slid off the blade, he attempted to cover the gushing wound but found he could no longer breath as the weapon slid free of his lung.

The third assailant swatted around wildly having been disoriented from the blow to his head, Dayn brought his blade down slicing across the man's knuckles forcing him to drop his weapon, his follow through sliced through skin and bone cleanly severing his arm. The thug screamed in pain before passing out, Dayn turned to face the final ruffian but the man threw his weapon to the ground in terror.

"Please!" he shouted, "we assed out, it was the tosser in the fancy get up innit" Dayn had no intention in killing the wretch, he guessed from the beginning that Girrem was responsible for this. Dayn kicked his weapon away from him "Get lost before I change my mind" he said sternly, the man quickly fled in terror.

Dayn looked at the mess he had made on his mentor's doorstep, "Its a good thing I'm leaving he said to himself as he stepped over the corpses, he made his way to the stables and saddled his horse.

He wasn't able to get a more renowned breed, the king had blocked him at every attempt he had made to buy what was considered above his station, he was happy with his purchase though he had named the horse Whiskey for its light brown color. He walked the horse out the front gate before climbing up into the saddle and riding for Sartann.

Girrem Bassack waited at the nearby Inn with a glass of Tanarokian Red waiting for the good news, he had a troop of guards waiting out back, once they reported in and demanded their payment he was going to have them executed in an unfortunate brawl.

He smiled to himself thinking he was clever, no one would ever be able to trace the murder back to him. "Ugh.. big mess near ol Sebas' place" a patron said arriving to the tavern, "Someone killed a couple thugs from the docks right on his doorstep" the man finished.

Girrem frowned, there was no way Dayn had killed three men single handedly, the man was clearly out of his mind, "Jack and his ilk isn't that right?" the bartender responded. "Yeah, so it seems, Jack was impaled, one of his men were missing though," the patron responded, "He got out of town as fast as he could" bartender replied laughing, "Harbormaster told me he boarded the first ship leaving."

Girrem smashed his glass spilling its unfinished contents on the hardwood floor the patron was about to say something but the bartender stopped him. The young noble was seething, that's twice now that Dayn had embarrassed him, he promised himself there wouldn't be a third.

Dayn was halfway to Sartann by the time Girrem had gotten word of his failed plot, he had gotten to the edge of the grasslands and was about to enter the pinewood at the beginning of the foothills.

He chose the tallest hill in the area and began to set up camp, he secured Whiskey to the sturdiest tree he could find and began to chop up some deadwood for a fire. Dayn piled the wood neatly and as he was moving his hand from the last piece an arrow sunk deep into the log, he heard a curse in the distance.

Dayn chanted a quick prayer, the area the curse had come from was suddenly illuminated in a radiant light, "Who's out there" he shouted, the curse came again as the light blinded the single orc woman who had been hiding in the woods. She tumbled over as she tried to make her escape completely exposed on the lower hill, The woman was tall, not as tall as Dayn standing around a foot shorter he guessed her to be around five feet.

She had green skin with a slight bluish tinge to it, her long silken black hair was parted by ears that ended in a point, the left ear was pierced in three places, plain silver earrings shone in the moonlight. Long delicate lashes almost hid her purple tinted eyes, Dayn swore he had seen eyes of that shade before but couldn't recall where.

The girl wore a leather hauberk over a plain unadorned brown gown, belted at her waist were a pair of shortswords, he approached her cautiously, recognizing her breed as a Wild Orc, when she tried to rise he shouted in a thunderous voice "Stop." The woman froze in place unable to move, he placed the tip of his blade at her throat as the spell began to fade, "Don't try anything, I'd rather not kill you" he commanded as the helpless orc looked into the stern expression on his face.

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