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52.63% God Why Him?

Chapter 10: The Reality

Okay, I'm going for a... different approach to the standard Civilian council. That's what this chapter is largely supposed to handle. I mentioned it in a comment, but the Hokage and three advisors can't handle an entire city.


Naruto came to a rather shitty self-discovery.

The original Naruto started off as a Manga with an Anime adaptation. This artistic beginning created gaps in logic throughout the series, gaps that had to be quickly filled when he arrived.

The most notable gap-filler so far was how the civilian council functioned. The civilian side of the village had little interaction from the Hokage. The Shinobi council held decisions regarding the clans and became the war council during the great Shinobi wars. If ninja were on trial they went before the Shinobi council.

*Everything else* was handled by the civilian council, and usually handled well. Get food poisoning from a street vendor? The Civilian council will send an inspector. Suing your neighbor from not cutting a dangerously placed tree that crushed your house after a storm? The civilian council acted as jury for the chosen judge.

The most important thing that they did was handle the infrastructure to support the Shinobi. Trade was generally managed by them, all the Hokage did was sign off on their decisions.

In truth, Naruto didn't have much of a problem with the Council. They saw him as a danger, so they removed him from the orphanage, giving him a rather nice apartment as compensation. They didn't go out of their way to fuck him over.

But a problem did arise when they figured out he was now friends with seven clan heirs and a daughter of a rising star merchant family. This scared the *shit* out of the council apparently.

He noticed that any problems his apartment had were being fixed faster, something that the council didn't *have* to do. When he put forward a request to extend his apartment balcony it was almost immediately improved….and he was receiving more income than the usual orphan fund. Most would see this as a good thing, but to Naruto it meant some in the council didn't want the clans to start looking at them.

Not having Shinobi turn towards you was generally a good strategy, but going through this much effort for someone you collectively didn't care for was a bit of an overcorrection.

The council wanted the Shinobi clans to believe he was in perfect care, beyond what a normal citizen would get, and that made Naruto very nervous.

Then it hit him. There were *eight* clan heirs in his group.

'They aren't thinking about Naruto the Kyuubi Container, they're thinking about Naruto the possibleUzumaki heir receiving less than clan heir treatment.'

Then, he started laughing.

'They followed the letter of the law in my treatment for years...only to realize they might have been following the wrong laws.'

Clan heirs, especially orphaned ones, had higher standards of treatment in comparison to normal Shinobi and Civilians. When the Kurama clan was reduced to 2 women, both were heavily encouraged, via money primarily, to marry non Kekkei Genkai users and take multiple spouses to make sure their Genjutsu prowess remained in the village.

Kushina Uzumaki was given an entire compound after the destruction of Uzushiogakure for her use. But she had sold it to a Yamanaka branch family, since she didn't need the space.

Naruto was pretty sure the village didn't make the connection until recently, Kushina and Minato's relationship wasn't widely known and Naruto was about as blond as one could get. If they had realized Naruto was a potential heir and not just Uzumaki in name, he would've never been in the orphanage in the first place.

But putting Naruto next to the other clan heirs likely made the council connect the dots.

'Lets see what we can do with this…'


Council Chamber


"Next on the docket is...Naruto Uzumaki, requesting a council audience. Come forward please."

"Good morning honorable council."

"Good morning, Uzumaki-San."

"I'm coming forward with a request to claim clan rights for the Konoha Uzumaki branch."

There was a pause, but more out of surprise than hesitance.

"We...can do this. We will require a blood test, as customary, along with a recommended regent until you reach legal adulthood. You will have to speak with the Hokage or Shinobi council during the monthly meeting to secure a clan seat, as the last Clan heir has apparently not."

The Council Chairman knew this on the top of his head, meaning this wasn't an unexpected development for them. Looks like Naruto had hit the nail on its head.

The council room got quieter, but Naruto had been polite, and he hadn't given them anything to worry about, so no one raised an objection. There were some that were shifting in their seats though.

It wasn't that shocking to Naruto. These weren't people on the streets seeing him as the Kyuubi brat, these were professionals that helped run a village supporting Shinobi, they were more capable of remaining unbiased than most.

"I can do that, Chairman-sama."

"What arrangements would you like to discuss with heir rights, should your claim be valid."

"I would like to see about purchasing the old Uchiha grounds from Izumi Uchiha on a loan from the village, if possible, and I would like to claim Kushina Uzumaki's assets after my blood test goes through."

"You...are you claiming next of kin to Kushina-hime?"


"You would have to be within at least one generation of her, meaning being the furthest."

"I'm Kushina's son."

There was then sounds of multiple people face-palming and lightly banging their heads against their desks.

"That...well that certainly counts. How did you come to be aware of this, Uzumaki-san?"

"I've always known."

"Is anyone else in the village aware of this?"

"Likely most of the clan heads."

"Then I truly apologize on behalf of the council, but this should have been brought to us long ago. We will inform Hokage-sama immediately upon your blood-test going through."

"He is aware."

"...and Hokage-sama willingly withheld this information from us."

And then Naruto felt like a dumbass. Of course they wouldn't have realized he was Kushina's kid and of course the Hokage wouldn't have said so.

"I...yes, actually."

Under his breath, the chairman mumbled about the damn Shinobi making his job so difficult.

"Well, we will contact Uchiha-sama about you purchasing the lands. I ask that you report a blood-test to us upon your earliest convenience and that you please find an acceptable regent."

"Yes, Chairman-sama. Have a good day, sir."

"Have a good day, Uzumaki-san.", The Chairman spoke with a tired voice.

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