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Chapter 2: Chapter 2 - Zombie

(This chapter is unedited, please kindly point out the mistakes.)


Zombie Zombie


Waking up in an unfamiliar room, I couldn't say that I wasn't surprised.

I was expecting something more...


Maybe even majestic.

Instead, I was faced with an ordinary room. White painted walls, wooden floorboards, and a black sphere sitting casually in the middle of it.

Ah. I was supposed to say something in this situation, wasn't I?

"Ugh... An unfamiliar ceiling..."

Nailed it.

Before I could continue my act, white light flashed before me and the black sphere suddenly opened on both sides. A list of words was written on its surface.

[Isn't it too late for that?]

"...What an unexpected development."

[Really? Have you watched sci-fi before?]

Oh? So is it the theme for this punishment? My mind raced at the countless thoughts that resurfaced in my brain.

Is it some sort of torture device? But it's a talking ball...

Maybe it's a communicator of sorts that gives me missions? Or maybe it's that being's angel or something.

It will probably assign me missions that would lead me to kill someone.

Aliens? No, that's too fantasy-esque.

Advanced biomechanical humans? Am I getting an arm enhancement?

Since this ball is pretty futuristic, then maybe I would get sent back in time and kill anomalies, MIB style.

"So? Are you supposed to be some sort of examiner? Are you here to watch me in case I 'accidentally' destroy a world or two again?"

[What?] The metal sphere laughed. Or so I thought judging by the way it was jiggling. [I'm not here to test nor watch you. In fact, you should be happy.]

"Please write words faster. I could feel my brain cells slowing down every time I read at your pace."

Ignoring my words it continued writing words at a snail's pace.

[I am here to assist you!]

"I refuse." I immediately replied.

There was no need to think about it. This was my punishment, there is no way THAT being would help me achieve my task.

There was probably some twist at the end about how its goal wasn't to assist me but to suck out my soul or use my body as a vessel. I've seen plots like these before, I don't need to go through it if I avoid it in the first place.

Speaking of tasks... how the fuck am I supposed to save 7 billion people?

[Why!? Don't protagonists usually agree immediately!? What if I tell you I'm actually a cute loli?]

"You're a ball. And you will forever be, a black spherical metal ball."

[Im not a bad ball, tehee~]

Ignoring its obvious bullshit, I crossed my arms and sat on the ground.

According to that being, I killed- accidentally erased humankind from the planet.

Since I never actually intended for it, and it was purely coincidental, I could conclude that my 'killing' of them was a result of karma.

Going by that logic, if I accidentally dropped a banana peel and a biker accidentally slipped over it and died, it would count as me killing that biker.

"I see, so there are no accidents in the afterlife..."

[What are you even talking about?]

7 billion lives isn't a small number.

Killing someone is easier than saving them.

But since we are going by karmic logic here, as long as I prevent someone from dying, that technically counts as me saving their worthless lives


Now all I have to do is start a world war and end it myself.

As expected of my genius.

Opening my eyes, I smiled at the metal ball.

"I changed my mind. I hope that we could work together in the future, Watson."

[Eh~? What changed your mind, Dr. Sherlock~?]

"I realized my wrongdoings while I was contemplating about my life. It seems that in order to turn over a new leaf, I need to repay my sins first."

[Oh~! As expected of you Dr. Sherlock! No matter how many lives you take, I will always stay by your side! Always!]

Well, that sounds ominous.

"There's no need to prepare, let's start right away! Give me what you got Watson!"

There's no need to antagonize it, we would be together for a long time. Might as well play along.

[Roger that Dr. Sherlock! As of now, (Redacted)'s punishment shall commence!]

Suddenly, the whole room turned pitch-black.

Only the light emanating from the sphere illuminated my surroundings.

[Multiverse of Madness: Project Retribution]

Huh? I think there's something wrong here...

Multiverse of Madness...

Is that what I think it is?

"Hey, am I fighting Cthulu?" I hastily asked.

[Information: Sinner (Redacted) has committed a great sin. In order to repent for his atrocities, he shall save others, life for life.]

It ignored me and began to type away sentences that took forever to finish.

[Name: Redacted

Abilities: None

Traits: Genius Psychopath, Unlicensed Doctor, Poker Faced Devil

Mission: Save 7 billion+ lives]

"How flattering."

I raised my hand and touched the cold surface of the ball.

'Redacted' it says.

Despite the jeering laugh that I want to release, it got muffled by a sense of emptiness.

For some reason, the longer I stared at my name, I felt something tearing at my chest, gouging my heart out and refusing to return it.

It was just a name, yet It felt like I lost something important.

"Hey... what's your name?" I asked absentmindedly.


"Gantz huh... what a shitty name."

[You can call me Watson if you prefer it!]

"No, there's no need."

Turning around, I stared at the closed dark tinted window.


Touching my face gently, I saw the expression I was making.


I guess not having a name is worse than I thought.

Taking a deep breath, I calmed myself.

"You said you're here to assist me. Is it just to remind me of my kill count?"

[No~! I am Gantz, the greatest magical spherical metal ball from the future! From now on, I will be your lifeline~! :3]

"Okay, skip the introductions. I have no time for chit chat, I only have time for saving ass and eating lives."

[Roger! And without further ado~, your first mission will be~, tada! : Zombie Invasion! Wow! What an odd coincidence!]

I squinted my eyes.

A picture of a deformed corpse appeared on the ball's surface. It had sunken eyes, a bleeding head, and rows of rotten teeth. It looked like a corpse that didn't go through the morgue.

"Hm, so... that's it? A zombie?"

That looks... kinda easy.

[Easy? Pft, according to my calculations, with your body, there is a 100% chance of you dying by the first wave.]

"That's only looking at things factually. You failed to factor in my fucked up luck, my handsome looks, and my devilish mouth. You might not believe it, but I'm the type of person who can survive in the apocalypse."

At least I think so.

[Really~? Disregarding the fact that you fucked a zombie before you died, I am really curious on how you are going to survive this time around~]

My eyebrows twitched.

"Fucked a zombie? I would have you know, that zombie was a genius bombshell groomed by myself. She was supposed to be my Eve, we would have repopulated mars and created our own world. I was even planning on calling it Utopius."

[That's a very positive outlook. Considering that you were planning on eating her when you ran out of provisions]

I shrugged my shoulders.

"Hey, a man could dream. I was even planning on hurling myself into a black hole if things came to worse."

[Suicide by atomic compression and disintegration isn't as painless as you make it seem.]

"But it's cool."

I was to be the first person that died from a black hole.

It was the greatest honor my measly life could achieve.

"Anyway, let's not talk about my fucked up ideals and dreams. Let's talk about you, what can you do."

If we were to talk about them, then it would take us years before I could indoctrinate this foolish machine with my ideologies.

[Well... just a few things.]

A series of words flashed, and the screen changed into a list.

[Detachable Drone]

[Body Modification]

[Invisible Porter]

[Evolving Weapons]

[Cliche Status Screen]


I blinked my eyes.

"Free wifi?"

[Seriously? That's all you care about? Don't you want some cool evolving weapons or something?]

I do. I really do want some cool evolving weapons but... it's wifi. Unlimited access to the internet in the apocalypse. There are so many ways I could utilize this to contend against other survivors.

I will literally be a walking search engine.

That in itself is enough of a cheat.

"What's body modification? Can you make my dick longer? 'Cause it's already long enough as it is."

[Is this what you humans call "Weird flex but ok." moment? And no, unfortunately, it cannot enlarge your egotistical dick~]

"I see. So it modifies my stats?"


"You also have a detachable drone? An invisible porter... and wifi. You have all these high-tech gadgets yet you cannot have an audio function? It's really vexing how I have to wait for you to finish so I can understand what your saying."

["Who said I didn't have an audio function?"]

Although I should be glad that I won't need to bend down and read...

"...But why an old man though?"

[Aesthetic purposes. Doesn't this voice reminds you of the voice of God?]

"That's Morgan Freeman's voice you dipshit."

[...And of course! The Gantz Modifier!]

Are we really just going to ignore that? Or is God really Morgan Freeman?

[Gantz Modifier

Strength: 4/10

Stamina: 5/10

Agility: 3/10

Intelligence: 7/10

Luck: 8/10

Charm: 6/10]

Reading through the list, I furrowed my brows.

"What the fuck? Charm 6? Intelligence 7? What the hell is this? Did you nerf me?"

For someone who has the trait Genius Psychopath, I consider myself above the average. It wouldn't even be strange if my stats in intelligence is an infinity symbol.

[Hm? Intelligence doesn't measure your knowledge, it measures how you utilize it]

I blinked.

"Still... shouldn't that be an infinity symbol?"

[Hahaha! For someone who wasted his brain on making aesthetic philosophical questions on a bunch of whores, did you think you're a genius? Don't overestimate yourself (Redacted)!]

"Hey, you fucker! Whores might look the same but they all have a sense of beauty in them! If you look past their superficial appearance, there might be a hidden charm that's hiding in there somewhere!"

This thing is right though. If I didn't waste my time admiring the beauty of women after getting my master's degree in medicine and surgery, I might've been a successful doctor, aesthetic philosopher of beauty, and rich billionaire playboy.

Perhaps... just maybe, there is a possibility that I indeed wasted my time on useless shit instead of being a productive piece of human waste?

Nah, I'm a genius. What I didn't learn doesn't make me stupid, it just means I have to learn it later.

[Do you want to test it?]

I smiled. This thing... does he think just because my intelligence is 7, I wouldn't find loopholes?

"Make my body the same as Adam the first man."


"Then how about Hercules?"


"Fine... I'll consider Achilles then."

[Are you crazy? That's nigh-invincibility. What's the point of sending you to a zombie apocalypse if you're just going to be an overpowered narcissistic bastard?]

Achilles really was invincible. The more you know.

"Are you saying you're sending me there so I could experience 'that'?"

[What do you mean???]

"Don't play dumb you fucker, you want me to repent right? What other method does it have to be other than Character Development?"

[Wow~! Do you think the world revolves around you?]

Of course. Seeing that the highest stat I have is my luck, naturally, the world will have no choice but revolve around me.

"If you cant modify my body as you said, what does it do?"


Suddenly, I felt my body brimming with strength.

Surprised, I gazed at my bulging muscles with awe.

"So this is what superman felt all the time... But why do I feel drained?"

Gazing back at the metal ball, I almost cursed.

[Gantz Modifier

Strength: 9/10

Stamina: 0/10

Agility: 3/10

Intelligence: 7/10

Luck: 8/10

Charm: 6/10]

"G-Gantz... turn... me back... hurry...!"

I could feel my breath escaping my lips. Like a helpless fish deprived of water, I fell on my knees and heaved mouthfuls of air. My muscles spasmed and contorted, showing the veins all around my body.

At this rate, I think dying from a black hole is better than anemia!


In a split second, my breath returned.

Like an empty gas tank getting refilled, my darkening vision brightened, and what greeted me was the phenomenon most bodybuilders experience when they age.

Muscle deflation.

"That... looks disgusting."

I wonder if this is what hulk sees every time he shrinks down.

[How is it? Cool right? The boss man said I could give you 5 free points to allocate anywhere you wish! You can become an absolute unit in just a couple of seconds!]

"Ah. You son of a bitch!"


[Fujimi Academy]

In front of the gates of a high school, a man in a white lab coat could be seen running. Desperation was written on his unrealistically handsome face.

[See? What did I tell you? And you have to act like a smartass and shoot yourself in the foot]

A black ball was hovering beside him, the voice of a charismatic old man flowed through his deaf ears.

Glancing behind him, the man ran even faster. His golden pupils dilated as he stared at the tall gates in front of him. Without any hesitation, he pulled a golden ornamented black S.W 500 from his inner pocket and turned around while running backward.

Flashing a cold yet ravishing smile at the levitating orb, he spoke.

"It's fucking worth it!"

Propping the gun on his left palm, he aimed it at the head of a zombie.


A silver bullet shot out of the muzzle, followed by a trail of spark and smoke, the bullet sped through the air and lodged itself into a rotting corpse's head.

The man's eyes widened as he saw the zombie's head explode like a watermelon. Brain matter and bone fragments scattered in the air while the sound of the gunshot echoed.

Turning around, his black hair flailed along with his white coat as he carried a conspicuous duffle bag behind his back.

"I told you." Sweat continued to pour from his forehead, down to his crazed golden eyes. "I fucking know what I am doing."

[Tsk! You tricked me! You psychopathic pervert!]

its voice changed from a wise old man to a whining child.

The man shrugged his shoulders.

"What can I do? Facts doesn't care about your feelings."

[I hope you get eaten by zombies so I can send you to a more fucked up world...]


With zombies behind their back, the man ran away like his life depended on it.

[Gantz Modifier

Strength: 4/10

Stamina: 6/10(+)

Agility: 3/10

Intelligence: 7/10

Luck: 8/10

Charm: 10/10(+)]

"I regret nothing!"

[Name: Redacted

Abilities: None

Weapon: Evolving Pistol

Traits: Genius Psychopath, Unlicensed Doctor, Poker Faced Devil, Adonis Beauty(+)

Mission: Save 7 billion+ lives]


IamBoredGuy IamBoredGuy

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