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Chapter 26: Hero Killer aftermath and telling the truth.

In the central hospital of the city of Hosu, four teenagers were in the same room, only one of them was lying unconscious. These teenagers were Izuku Midoriya, Shoto Todoroki, Tenya Ida, and Harry Potter. Of course, Harry was the one unconscious.

"Looking back now... What we did was incredible." Midoriya said. His right leg and left arm were bandaged after Stain's attacks.

"Yeah..." Todoroki's quiet voice was heard, he got the least from Hero Killer, only his right hand was bandaged.

"And after this last-ditch effort... I'd say it's a miracle we're still alive." he pulled his leg to him and put his hand on the bandages "And with my leg... If he wanted to kill me, he easily could've..."

Shoto also glanced at his bandaged hand. "Yeah, he definitely let us live." he turned his gaze to Ida "But you. Even with him coming at us with all that bloodlust... You still stood up to him. Impressive. I came to save you, but ended up needed your help. Sorry."

Ida was sitting on his bed, his right arm in a briefcase and his right leg bandaged. If he didn't have the information that Harry gave him, he would have suffered even more. He glanced at his sleeping classmate.

"Not at all. It's not like that, I..."

The door to their room opened and four people entered. Gran Torio, Manual, Bang with three Basilisks on his shoulders and a tall man with a dog's head.

"Our little wounded warriors are awake!" said Garn Torio, stepping further inside.

"Gran Torio!"

"Mr. Manual!"

Todoroki looked at the sleeping Harry "Not all are."

Bang also looked at Harry and tugged at his own mustache. He saw perfectly well that his student was awake and just lying with his eyes closed.

"Is that so?"

The black snake disappeared from the old man's shoulder and appeared on Harry's neck, and two green snakes just got to him in one jump. The snakes landed on the green-eyed teenager's chest and he coughed. He sat up on his bed and the blanket slid down to his waist, showing everyone his naked torso, completely devoid of any wounds. Even the bite scar on his shoulder was gone.

"Oh, Higher Powers. Bang, old bastard, why are you doing this kind of shit to me?"

§Where isss that meat bag that wounded you?!§

Godric hissed furiously and Harry wondered how he had ever gotten around his neck. He stroked the Basilisk's horned head to calm him down.

§He was punissshed. Don't worry, now I will never be affected by any injury again.§

§Good, but if we ever sssee him...§ Rowena said and Helga continued her sentence §...he will die.§

Everyone in the room - except Bang - watched this happening with wide eyes. Midoriya had a particularly funny expression on her face.

"Did the black serpent just teleported? I wasn't the only one who saw this, right?" asked Manual.

Harry looked first at the Hero "He did?" and then to Godric §Did you?§

§Thisss talent came from the nessst mother.§

And then Harry remembered how Guy suddenly appeared on his chest one morning. Then he did not know how the frog got out of the terrarium, but now he understood everything. Karin will have kittens when he tells her about it.

"Harry, can you talk to snakes?" Midoriya asked in shock.

"Yes, I found them in the woods, their mother was killed, so I took them in. But I didn't think any of them would have a quirk." he lied through his teeth.

Godric was already in his hair, and Rowena and Helga were resting in his arms. After what happened yesterday, the Basilisks will not soon leave their friend alone.

"Maybe we can go back to why I came here?" said the dog-headed man calmly, straightening his tie.

"Oh, right. Bindoriya - that's not my name... - I'm still gonna chew you out, but... Before that, you got a visitor." he pointed to a man in a three piece black suit "This is mr. Kenji Tsuragane, Hosu's chief of police."

"Tsuragane?! Ch-chief of police?!" Izuki stammered out.

"Please, stay seated, woof." he waved his hand to keep the teenagers from getting up "So you're the UA students who put a stop to Hero Killer Stain. And you are the one who stopped the rampaging villain, who's identity we're still trying to confirm."

"His name is Sloth." said Harry.

The teenager had already received all the information he needed about the abilities of the Philosopher's Stone and decided that it was The Stone of Sloth.

"Thank you for the information. And we'll talk about how often you come across villains with the names of the seven deadly sins later." he turned his gaze to the three students who survived the fight with Stain "As for the Hero Killer... He's currently in treatment for his burns, broken bones and a number of other serious injuries. He might lose the use of his left arm permanently, woof." Harry menially smiled and Ida seemed to be conflicted after hearing this information.

"At the dawn of this extra-ordinary era-"

Harry stopped listening to his speech at the very beginning. He knew the story. The police decided to not use Quirks as weapons and therefore the Hero profession appeared to fill that void. But gradually people began to see the Heroes as their personal saviors and to laugh at the police. This is why the relationship between the lower ranks of Heroes and Officers was strained. Harry was out of his thoughts when Tsuragane began to say something interesting.

"-even if they were to face someone like the Hero Killer. Such action would represent a stunning breach of the law, woof. You four, as well as your Hero mentors... Endeavor, Manual, Gran Torio, Silverfang. The eight of you must be dealt with strictly and impartially." he spoke in a very serious voice and looked every teen in the eye.

"Oi, my case is self-defense!" Harry said indignantly.

"Your case is exceeding self-defense, right now you are completely healthy, and... Sloth has several broken ribs and a hole in his chest." commented Tsuragane.

"Hold on a minute." Todoroki was also not happy with Kenji's words.


"If Ida hadn't acted, Native would've been killed. And if Midoriya hadn't shown up, both of them both of them would be dead. Nobody even knew the Hero Killer was in town."

His voice grew angrier with every word and he stepped forward.

"Should we have left people die in the name of your "law"?!" Midoriya raised his hands towards Todoroki and prepared to comfort his friend. "Everything turned out fine, so forget about the law this time! Isn't it a Hero's job to save people?!"

'He sure is angry...'

Tsuragane shook his head and sighed wearily.

"Clearly, you've much to learn. Some education you're getting, woof, from UA and Endeavor."

"You mutt..."

"Stop! This is serious!" said Ida, trying to stop Shoto from doing something that he will greatly regret in the future.

Harry thought that Todoroki was ready to bite off Chief's head, but Gran Torio intervened in their conversation. He raised his hand to stop the teenager.

"Wait. Just listen to what he's got to say."

Tsuragane scratched his nose and continued talking.

"All of that... Is what I'm obligated to tell you, as the police. But... The real question is whether to deal with these issues publicly, woof. If we let the story out, you'll all be lauded by the public, but you won't be able to avoid punishment."

'For the first time in this life. Does my last life even count? I didn't live through it..."

"But if we keep all the nasty stuff to ourselves... The Hero Killer burns will Support the story That Endeavor was the key operative. He'll receive the accolades, woof. And the hole in Sloth's chest will support the story about Silverfang begin the one who brought him down. Fortunately, the number of eyewitness was small enough, that we can hush this whole matter before it causes problems, woof."

The teenagers looked at each other and nodded in understanding.

"But in that case, your decisive action and achievements will remain unknown to the general public."

Tsuragane stuck out his tongue a little and showed the students his thumb with a smile.

"What do you say?! I'm an understanding man. So when it comes to promising group of young people, I'd rather not pursue charges over admittedly massive indiscretion, woof!"

Tears appeared in Manual's eyes.

"Either way, our negligence is to blame. We have to take responsibility."

Ida bowed to the Hero in apology.

"I am so very sorry..."

He got a quick chop over the head from an annoyed Manual.

"Yeah! You causes big trouble for your mentors, so don't do it again!"

"Thanks for everything." all four teenagers bowed.

"The world's unfair place. You'll receive none of the commendations that you might have otherwise, but... At least..." Tsuragane bowed 90 degrees "As someone invested in keeping the peace, I can thank you!"

The teenagers looked at each other and smiled.

"Now... Mr. Potter, would you like to tell me something?"

The kind eyes of a dog-man began to resemble the eyes of a chasing dog, which followed its prey. Harry looked at Bang, who nodded silently.

'Okay... okay okay okay... If a few more people know my secret, they can help me in the future, it is beneficial for me.'

Manual raised his hand and looked at Tsuragane with a concerned face.

"I feel like I better not hear this story. And my gut has never let me down. So I should probably go." he turned and walked out of the room with a quick step, as if fleeing from the plague.

Harry sighed heavily and examined every person in the room.

'No. Fuck no. Half-truths and lies.'

"What exactly do you want to know?" He asked anyway.

The chief nodded to himself and started asking questions.

"What exactly is your connection with the villains with the names of deadly sins? Are the names just a coincidence?"

Harry shook his head, no.

"The 'sins' are special. We can take Quirks from each other, whether voluntarily or by force. It's like a fight with seven people, where the last man standing takes all... Over the years, I've been able to collect a few more Quirks. Envy, Gluttony and now Sloth. Every time these fucks attacked me first, and every time it was a do-or-die."

Five people - everyone except for Bang - looked at him with disbelieving eyes. Silence reigned in the room for a couple of minutes.

"Okay, let's move on to the next question. You said that you collected three more Quirks. What exact abilities did you receive?"

Harry thought for a moment and his hair turned white, his eyes turned red, his skin turned pale, as white as a sheet, and two wolf ears grew on his head. Now his changing process was accompanied by red lightning around the areas he changed. Tsuragane blinked a couple of times in surprise.

"Envy gives me the ability to change my appearance at will. I can even turn into animals, but I don't use it that often."

"Another powerful Quirk..." Gran Torio Muttered.

Todoroki thought about this new information for a couple of seconds.

"Are you usually using your real appearance?"

Potter made a face.

"Not really. I've only made some minor changes to my hair and skin. This is my True Form."

Harry's appearance changed again. His skin was pale without any tan, and his eyes were dark green again., his hair turned charcoal black and lost all its red notes. All over his body appeared numerous scars from long cuts and a bite scar on his left shoulder. A small red Ouroboros tattoo was seen on his right shoulder.

"This" Harry pointed to the tattoo "is the mark of the sinner. I have never seen the remaining three sins, so I do not know what they look like. Look for tattoos, if you want to find them. They can be anywhere, I personally have three more, one on my tongue one on the right heel and one on the inside of my left thigh."

Tsuragane nodded and wrote this information down on his notepad.

"Gluttony gave me indestructible teeth that can bite through anything, immunity to poison and a steel stomach. My shadow mouths lead to a separate dimension from which I still haven't been able to find a way to return."

Harry materialized a shadow mouth in front of him and sent a crumpled piece of paper - which he took out of nowhere - into it.

"That's concerning..." Ida muttered.

The Chief of Hosu's police force continued to write down information about his abilities in his notebook.

"Sloth gave me superhuman strength, speed and durability. It also gave me regeneration, but it is limited in the number of uses. This Quirk has seven 'charges', which are getting replenished once every week and heals all his body at once. So it will spend a full 'charge' on a scratch or completely rebuilding a severed limb. Right now I have six of them."

"Regeneration, superhuman strength, speed and durability..." Bang had already drawn up a new training plan for Harry based on this new information.

Tsuragane sighed heavily and looked at the teenager with tired eyes.

"Well, now I have a dozen more routine questions left to ask all of you and than I can leave."

Harry groaned.

"What a pain."


The next morning, Harry took the daily newspaper - the doctors insisted that he stay in the hospital for another day to examine his body - on the first page was the article about the arrest of Hero Killer by Shoto's father, and the article about the capture of Homunculus by Bang was hidden on the fifth page. Potter frowned as he read the part describing how the old man stopped the villain with one swift blow.

"Fucking reporters... Well, at least that's believable." the green-eyed teenager muttered to himself and took another bite of katsudon, that Azumi brought him last evening.

Right now, he is sitting on the bed in his original form, scars and tattoos all over his body, there was a new one around his right eye socket. The blow only split his skin vertically and destroyed an eye, so you could tell that he got lucky. It just looked like he was grazed with a knife.

Basilisks took their favorite places and also read the newspaper, clever creatures have recently begun to learn Japanese so that they can read it if the situation calls for it.

After the Chief left, Midoriya was able to persuade Potter to stop hiding his true form - the green-eyed teenager still hasn't figured out how this shit happened - since it is part of Harry, and he shouldn't be ashamed of it. Well, it's not like he was truly ashamed of his looks, he just liked his other form better.

Midoriya returned from his phone call, cheeks beet red and Harry knew immediately that he was talking to Uraraka.

'Another point of his character that I need to fix. He's so virgin it hurts to watch.'

"Ah, Ida, just got off the phone with Uraraka and-"

"Midoriya." Shoto interrupted him "Ida... Just got his diagnosis."

Izuku glanced at Todoroki and returned his gaze to Ida. He looked at the floor with a frown.

"My left hand... Could have permanent damage."

Now it was Midoriya's turn to frown.

"My leg was also injured, but my arm got the worst of it. He severed something called the Brachial Plexus nerve." Harry flinched at this titbit of information, that was pretty fucking bad "But they said I might regain most of the feeling... And use of my hand and fingers if I receive a nerve transplant. I may hate him, but he wasn't wrong. So... Until I succeed in becoming a True Hero, my left hand will serve as a reminder."

"Oh." Midoriya thought of something for a couple of seconds and raised his right hand full of scars "Ida. I... Fell the same way." he clenched it into a fist and looked his friend straight in the eyes.

"Let's get stronger.. Together."

Todoroki glanced at their hands and frowned.

"I'm... Sorry..." he said faintly.

The three teenagers were very confused.

"For what?"

Midoriya asked with wide eyes, cold sweat ran down Todoroki's face.

"Wherever I'm involved... It feels like... People's hands get messed up..." he looked at his own hand "Or something... Is it a curse?"

All three looked at him with disbelief on their faces and after a second the room filled with loud laughter.

"HA HA HA HA! What on earth are you talking about?" Midoriya doubled over and clutched his stomach with laughter.

"Higher powers, Todoroki, I didn't even know you can crack a joke!" even the Basilisks on Harry's shoulders seemed to be laughing.

"No, I'm not joking. Just call me "The Hand Crusher..."" he said, looking a bit down.

"The Hand Crusher!"

When the teenagers finished laughing, something clicked in Harry's head.

"Hey Midoriya, would you mind if I check something?"

Izuku looked at Potter with surprise in his eyes.

"Of course I don't. What do you want to check?"

Harry fell silent for a couple of seconds, but still answered.

"To be honest, I don't like your red-green lightning, have you seen the lightning around my body during the healing? Sure, I have not seen any tattoos on your body, and judging by your reaction during my interrogation, you never noticed any either. But if you have a sin in your body, then you better off knowing about it."

Midoriya's eyes widened in understanding and he began to mutter something quickly to himself. Harry could only make out the phrases "good chance" and "more information." Finally the green-haired teen nodded to himself and looked at Potter with determination burning in his eyes.

"What should I do?"

Harry waved to Midoriya to come closer and when he was next to his bed, the owner of the four Philosopher's Stones took his right hand and turned it palm up.

"What are you doing?" Todoroki asked with interest. He and Ida just watched without interfering.

"Is this a good idea? There will be no side effects after that?" Ida frowned at this development.

"I'm going to use Pride and 'look' into Midoriya's-"

"Call me Izuku, I think we can be considered friends by now." he interrupted him with a smile. Harry just nodded back and continued talking.

"Into Izuku's soul. I will not change anything, so there will be no side effects. Broccoli, get ready. I'll be gentle since it's your first time, but this will be unpleasant."

A shadow needle materialized on Potter's index finger and entered Midoriya's palm. The green-haired teenager hissed in pain but did not try to remove his hand. Harry's eyes glazed and he frowned.

"It's... Strange. You don't have a sin, but..." he removed the needle from his friend's hand and his eyes returned to their previous state.

"I found seven human souls inside you and they slowly dissolving, giving you their energy... There is another connection with someone's soul, but I cannot understand exactly how, or with whom you are connected." the next part he muttered to himself "He's not a Horcrux. That's good."

The three teenagers could only silently stare at Harry in shock.

"Well... That's good to know..." Midoriya said weakly.

Simple_Russian_Boi Simple_Russian_Boi

Harry's talking full truth for the first time in months. He convinced himself that even if he doesn't trust these people, he can tell them the truth. So now three of his classmates know a lot more about the strongest - for now - student in their class.

Also, do you want to see some slice of life after the internships? Cuz that's what you'll get.

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