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Chapter 26: Chapter 25 - Experiments (PT-2)

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Hope you enjoy the chapter.

Note: This chapter contains dark graphical elements. There will be experiments and torture scene.

Thank you~



'Is this what I really wanted?'

'Will I free myself from all the worries?'


Memories of his past flashed back in his eyes. He remembered how he had promised Rei to marry and all his regrets he had. Emotions flooded his mind and he let out a final struggle.

With his final struggle, he tried everything with his might to save Rei from Ryo. He felt something crack in himself, something breaking free from his body. It was as if, all the restrains on his body was broken. He can feel his body transform fastly and a weird feeling of something crawling on his body. Finally he was able to get his body control back. He quickly opened his eyes to see what was going on.


Unlike his previous average human appearance, now his body had grown up by a lot. He was now reaching 6'11 feet tall with buffed body. His skin had turned a little pale greyish and his eyes were completed black. He felt huge potential from his body. Just a quick look can say that he was not someone who can be messed up with.

After some quick examination, Takashi quickly remembered that Rei was injected with the virus. To his fear, he saw her struggle getting weaker and weaker. With desparation he grabbed Ryo's collar. Just his speed was so fast that he appeared a blur to normal human eye. Every single step he took, caused a small footprint to form on the ground.

"BASTARD! Save Rei and I will let you live! If anything happened to Rei, I will make you regret staying alive."

He ordered Ryo with a very twisted face. Even in such situations, Ryo didn't changed his actions and instead looked at him with a emotionless eyes. Looking into the abyss like eyes, completely devoid of any emotions, a chill went through his spine.

Unlike his usual self, he didn't cower and had any naive thoughts. He quickly tried to grab Ryo by his neck and tried to lift him in the air to make Ryo understand his situation.

But just as he was about to grab his neck, several quick blurry things pierced his body. Takashi was not able to react as both of his hands and legs got pierced. Unlike normal human, who might scream in pain, Takashi didn't even twitched, indicating that he felt no pain.

The things that pieced his legs and hands turned out to be a tentacle like things prolonging from Ryo's stomach. This was Ryo's more powerful and flexible Body Crystallization abilities. With his ability, he was able to create several Kagunes that can be used during fight. With his several Kagunes, Ryo lifted Takashi in mid air and started to examine his body as he tried to break free from Ryo's Kagunes. Although he was a little shaken of how his hands and legs were pierced, he didn't feel any pain. With that, he tried his best to escape.

"BASTARD! Let me go! Do you even understand what you are doing!? You are murdering people!"

Ryo didn't even paid attention to Takashi as he started to examine his body. Ryo felt happy that he finally found a complete successful experiment. With this, he will be able to improve his powers. He was not disappointed from the 'Protagonist Aura' that Takashi had. He quickly took his blood and stored the sample in the freezer.

He had previously not shown his full power because he was a little cautious. He had seen those Resident Evil movies and played the games to know how much potential a mutant can reach. He knew that the experiment subjects will never be able to reach E-Rank but still he didn't denied that potential.

With that, he placed his hand on Takashi's chest and examined his body internally by flowing mana through his body.

'Hmmm... let's see... super human strength, although he can't control his powers right now, he might almost reach E-RANK 5nd stage in power after adjusting to his newly gained power! Then his mind waves are also stable, indicating that he will be able to think normally, just the only problem is that he cannot feel any pain. Wow! It's a super success! After some modifications and removing some restrictions like not feeling any kind of pain, I can definitely improve my body. Still I'm not able to understand how his body got so many nutrition to metamorphosis to such bulky buff body?'

Then activating his eyes abilities, he was astonished to see something that was not normally possible.

'As expected, this mental stress and body upgrade was enough to open his Magic Core temporarily. But why is there no element affinity for his core?'

'This means that it's not necessary for anyone to have a elemental core. Hmm... but this type of core will be very weak. The person will have to put hundred times more effort to do anything. From my theory, although he do not have any affinity with any element, he will have to reach very high Magic Core Rank just to have a certain element manipulation.'

'Although Takashi opened his core, it's useless. He could only manipulate mana only until or unless he reaches D-Rank. But this is not possible since Magic Core is only open for temporarily.'

This results was within Ryo's expectations. He had been wondering how those MC were able to power them self up in the face of op villans and still win against them. One of his theory was that they were able to open Magic Core. But since they don't have any knowledge about it, they aren't able to keep them open permanently.

Although the strongest mutant that Ryo and Nana had faced had the power of F-Rank 9th stage, all of them had a small amount of mana signature, but none of them had formed any kind of Mana Core, and will never be able to.

With all the conditions, Ryo finally found a condition to open Magic Core naturally. With a crazy smile, he almost laughed internally as he had finally solved one of the mystery.

'So to open a Magic Core naturally, the person first need a super strong body which can support the natural formation of Magic Core and the second and final thing required for opening it requires a huge stress on mind. And even with all that, there are many chances of having non elemental Magic Core.'

'After getting the mutation, Takashi had fulfilled the first condition. Then trying to save Rei made his mind gain a lot of stress, thus helping him form a mana. I wonder if this is also the reason why Shounen protagonists can power up unintentionally? Well I will have to experiment on them. Looks like there will be a lot of projects slacked up...'

He then detained Takashi's body with his Kagune and made it impossible for him to talk and move. He then broke the base of his Kagune, turning the Kagunes unattached from his body into solid super tough and durable crystal wrapping.

This was one of the power Ryo was able to discover. Since these Kagunes were not his body part completely, he once unattached one of his Kagune to discover what will happen after that. And as he had expected, the unattached Kagune turned solid the next second. With this, he had opened a new way to seal and restrain someone. He can also literally shoot off several sharp shards of there crystals and use this power as a automatic rifle. This ability had just too many possibilities. He even turned those shards into grenades after adding his Active mana into it so that whenever someone blocked those sharp shards, the blast will definitely kill off the person.

{A/N: He can literally form and use every single type of Kagunes that was shown in Tokyo Ghoul anime and manga. I will also add images here for you to help you imagine better.}

With this, he sent Takashi in his Sky Poison Pearl and turned his attention to Rei. Sadly she didn't turned into a Intelligent mutant but had turned into mindless destroyer type mutant. He quickly took a sample of her blood and sealed her off. This continued till he had already experimented on every survivors that were saved by him. He had left Shidō for the torture that he was going to make him go through.

Only 50 of all those 150 survivors were able to evolve into a successful intelligent mutants. Only 10 of them had their memories still present while other 40 were normal intelligent mutants.

The only person who was alive was Shidō. But instead of torturing him immediately, he walked to Nana.

Nana just opened her arms, expecting a hug. She knew that Ryo will be a little mentally tired, so she can bring him some warmth to let him know that what he has done was not wrong. She wanted him to know that whatever he do, she will always be there for him, supporting his every action.

Without saying anything, he just hugged her tightly. Resting his head on her shoulder as he calmed his mind down, smelling her sweet-scented addictive hair. Nana just squeezed him back and caressed his back, trying to make him feel better. They just stayed in the same position for a few minutes without uttering any single word.

After calming his mind, Ryo left her embrace and looked at her face in silence. Observing her soft look in her eyes, contradictory to her little glowing eyes, he felt a soft feeling. Kissing her softly on her head, they both still stayed silent. Nana just had a sweet silly smile after feeling a little accomplished and rewarded from his kiss. Ryo also smiled at her silly smile and nodded to her and looking at Shidō.

In a little heavy and awkward situation, Nana just tilted her head and asked, "Is it necessary to torture him? Just kill him quickly. It's only waste of time to torture such trash." Ryo just sharpened his eyes and replied in anger toward Shidō, "No! How can someone look at you with such lustful eyes. Do you know how much I had to control myself from plucking his eyes out?"

Then his face had a little frown as he continued, "Also it's necessary for us to get used to see disgusting and dark things to set up our mentality for future developments."

Nana just smiled at his reply in happiness. She knew that Ryo had to control himself from taking any action at that time. She quickly held his hand, trying to calm him down. Ryo just squeezed his her and took a deep breath to calm himself down. He then quickly captured all the test subjects and threw them in his storage as he finally walked toward Shidō, who was detained on a iron chair.

Electrocuting him to make him concious, Ryo quickly held his hairs to make him look towards his face.

Shidō took a few seconds to adjust his mind to know what was going on. When he saw Ryo's face, he almost stood up in fear. As he tried to move, he found himself detained on a chair while his mouth sealed. Ryo just looked at him with a cold look.

"Struggle all you want, Shidō, I want to make you feel true despair. I will make you feel like living in hell. By the time you are freed, you will wish yourself only faster death."


"*Frightened Shidō noises*"

"Yes, just like that! I want you to struggle. Struggle for all you can. Feel the true despair! Understand what will happen to anyone who looks at Nana with lustful eyes."

Ryo had a crazy smile as he saw Shidō's eyes go wide in fear as he struggled to free himself. Looking at him, Ryo felt excitement. Although he was a little shaken a little while ago, it doesn't mean that he can let anyone tolerate looking at Nana with any kind of look. Shidō was not the only one to look at Nana with such lustful eyes. There were a lot of people who even tried to flirt with her, only to disappear the next day.

Shidō was only alive because of his father's powers and connections. Ryo didn't killed him as this might bring a lot of attention to him. His hidden experiments were enough to attract attention because of the instruments and things that he had to import or even ordered to be made customised.

Looking at Shidō, he walked to the freezer and took a special bottle of injection. Unlike the other variations of virus, this bottle contained a special chemical that Ryo made from the knowledge of his previous life. Ryo had to go through his the book having all his knowledge to modify a special poison that was discovered in his previous life.

This modified version of poison didn't kill off anyone who is injected with it, instead, it does something that will make anyone wish for a faster death. Taking the syringe, he quickly injected a few ML of the poison into Shidō's body as he tried to resist the process to his best. After injecting him with the poison, he opened the lab door and ordered something to his subordinates standing and gaurding the lab. They just nodded and left without uttering any word.

Ryo just returned to his poison and returned at just the time when the poison took action.


[2410 Words!]

Chapters are just going bigger and bigger. Looks like I will have to control the word count.

How was the chapter? Finally I will be able to send Shidō to hell. With this, only a few more chapters are there before we jump to another world.

Continue reading more chapters to learn how Ryo will grow stronger and beat down all his enemies.

Again, don't forget to comment and drop power stones. Also don't forget to point out something that is wrong and let me know where I should improve myself.Thank you~


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