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Chapter 2: Chapter 2

He had already realised or more like he knew that this body was not the same as his previous one so he could not move or exert power more than that of a child of age 6 and moreover a weak child at that.

This is also the reason it took him that much time to just get out from under the dead body.

After rolling and kneeling in all kinds of poses he finally got up after who knows how long but he could still not stand straight.

He was moving like a toddler practising walking while clutching his head in pain similar to pins being stabbed.

After a min or two of swaying left and right pain abruptly stopped and his vision and balance became suddenly better but there was still this groggy feeling in his head.

Now that he could see and stand clearly he started to straighten his back while brushing his fingers in his sweaty white hairs stained with blood to push them back as to not disturb his peripheral view.

Now that he was in his somewhat right state of mind he started to clear his mind of unimportant things to think straight and make his mind about this somewhat cliche event.

Theo memories were like his own memories while Leon memories were like his past life memories that dissolved somehow but he was most affected by them as the sheer amount of them was so much for a child to experience in a short 3 to 4 years of his clear consciousness.

Without even thinking he could tell that the world he was in was somewhat related to the novel he read as fun in his high school time which was 3 years ago and considering his 6 years of memories of this boy it felt like a lifetime ago. Well, it was literally a lifetime ago.

(Theo point of view)

So dad really was right when he told me not to visit the festival this year due to unpredictable changes happening this year in our territory.

But what is done is done for now and no....wait this is not me. And why am I so calm after just getting transported to another world with a literally common theme of modern Web novels, the swords and magic.

Hmm and it seems like it's 2 me but as I think more and more my conflict with myself seems to be less and less and conflicts are more like I did not remember this but like an old memory just remembered, how weird I am. it feels like I am Theo more and Leon less but the way I think is just like my old self.

Now let's not think about complicated stuff like why and how's this possible as this will not get me somewhere now and get the current situation clear.

First of all, I am robed which is quite obvious that you don't even to think but listening to the bunch I can say that the Albeto gang was not really involved but the personals were from there and now that they have moved to the Perisin Kingdom it will be hard especially with this year national warrior of the year competition just a week later. let's forget about catching them for now and think about getting out of this Abandoned land. However, now that I think more about this weren't there trackers and constant reports then how come no one has come and we haven't even crossed the border...hmm oh so those basterds planned this while the daily patrol of mana signals were carried out.

Tsk, I might need to wait for at least half an hour.

So now that I know that they will come so let's plan the future like any sensible 21st-century person will do if transported especially if he read some Web novels.

Hehehe this looks interesting.

Umm now that I think wasn't there a voice that called me when I was unconscious.

I turned around to look clearly and found only the guard near me who was on top of me before.

So it was him who was calling me even in his last moments, how loyal. tsk, now those 3 are super dead.

Even though this whole situation is so bizarre and could even be traumatising for someone my age but why am I so calm or more like excited to use magic and wield swords but I will have to wait till I am 12 as our Arogan Kingdom or I might say any Kingdom don't want to give children death weapons that can easily kill anyone with a single spell.

Well, I myself might agree but the excitement it brings is just making me impatient already.

Ohh and it might not be a problem with me being a Nobel so I could technically learn magic from age 8.

And most of all now that I think even more deeply I can tell that the country I am in is not involved in any way as the whole story was based on a protagonist whose name I don't even remember cause it was honestly ages ago, who did everything in his country only. And you might ask how do I now? I do know well because of the name of the Kingdom 'Perisin' which caused me to remember. I honestly feel that I am lucky that I remember this much as I can't even remember fully the last novel I read.

ah, let's not forget the current situation that I have to get out of first, so it will take 5 to 10 minutes at most and the fact that I say minutes is cause there literally are clocks and watches but are extremely expensive as they don't have the gears and stuff but a magic circle powering them all time making then expensive. And I might as well add that all the magic devices are not that expensive as clocks who literally have to spin all day every day so it consumes a lot of crystals even if moving weightless pins.

While I was thinking all this which probably took a min or 2 I raised my head to the left which made me face the wind filled with dust and strong heat and I could see a group of people riding horses and galloping towards me which I can tell even without looking that they were set by dad.

After what seemed like 2 minutes of them getting bigger and bigger in the background of infinity they reached me and my dad jumped from the running horse and started running towards me and hugged me tightly and tears started running from his eyes and onto my shoulder and back.

He was 6'1'' with a slightly muscular build and an average face of brownish-black hair and a full beard of the same colour. Even though he was average looking but in my eyes, he was the most caring and doting dad.

"Son you know your mom and dad were scared to death cause of *sniff* you. Let's go back home and get you checked up"

He held me for at least 10 more seconds and then traced his hand on my whole body checking for any injury.

After not even finding a single injury he separates me and gave a complex look of disbelief and asked "Son you don't have any injury?"

After saying his words he realised that how he said this sounds like he wanted me to be hurt but with my mentality 20 + 6 I knew that he did not really mean it so I just answered "The guard on top of me took all the damage" and pointed to the guard and continued "and the blood you see is also not mine".

Even if I said this I knew this was not fully true as I remembered clearly that the person with black hairs stabbed open my guts with his razor-sharp blade but I tried to not think about it because just the feeling of your guts popping out slowly and blood splashing everywhere are just disgusting and nauseating. But I somehow had a hunch at the back of my head that this was all thanks to the teleportation going wrong. It was powered by the life force and mana of a warrior who barely had any and while being in a buffer zone of mana and to add a cherry on top it was without a target and it shot towards me. And for a fact, I know that it was not teleportation from another world as I remember dying on Earth and you cannot use mana in outer space without a medium that can conduct 100% of mana and to this day no one has crossed the stratosphere despite the immense advantage of mana in this world.

"Theo" my dad called me taking me out of my daze.

Seeing that I was in a daze he thought that I was mentally affected by this murder and hurriedly picked me up in a princess carry and put me on the top of his horse.

And honestly, after all this time my mind was still wandering around and I needed some time to sort my priorities and t..."ahhhhh" I shouted and bent over as my abdomen skin was pinched between the two steel corners of the saddle.

He hurriedly picked me up and forcefully took the skin and clothes out that were also stuck.

He then made a sorry look and said "sorry it was only meant for one person" while mounting himself holding me with one hand and horse with the other and put me in a comfortable position and himself at the end of the saddle.

"Bear with it until we reach the city. You don't want to sit in that blooded carriage do you?" he muttered while signalling toward the carriage.

"Investigate this whole scene and give a report this afternoon" dad ordered while moving the horse at a speed such that I won't fall down.

Two of the people in the crowd surrounding the scene and taking orders from the person in the middle who I recognised as knight captain Martin started galloping their horses to catch up to us and followed us.

My dad took out a bottle from one of the bags hanging on his horse and gave it to me.

"Today is dry so hydrate yourself and next time I am not listing to your requests no matter what your mother says or how many times you cry" he said in a troubled tone.

I took the bottle from him and took the lid off as I was seriously thirsty with my throat dry.

"OK dad" I said as I finished the bottle in gulps and gave it back to him.

After 10 to 20 minutes we reached a more green area and could spot some houses in the distance and a wall far back.

I looked around with my sleepy eyes at surrounding houses that looked like a picture from the renaissance (medieval age). Traders were moving in their carts with goods and commoners who could not afford a house in the city moving around their houses especially ladies as men tend to work for the whole day in labour.

After some time we reached the city wall and guards wearing red thick clothes with black trousers and silver spears in hand saw my dad, who didn't even say anything, opened the gate and let us pass without delay. They had a terrifying look which I knew was due to something that might have happened when my dad passed through this gate after he received the emergency signal.

Just as we passed the city with two of the knights following us I saw a city bustling with people on stalls announcing their products. Perhaps it was near the walls where tourists from Perisin Kingdom came so it was this cramped and crowded.

After passing through the area while looking at the products of this world from a different angle of modern person it gave me the feeling of age(era) as the products were very simple and mostly fresh fruits and vegetables. I guess commoners are only allowed near the other area of the city. About 5 minutes later we reached a 2 story building like a villa made of colorful stones and designed in different colors and had a garden on all four sides. As we reached the gate a long board hanging with metal chains read 'Lafin Luxury Inn'. It looked more like a mansion and less like an Inn.

As we passed through 2 metal gates and reached the reception at front, dad mounted off the horse and with this two hands between my arms and under my shoulders he took me off the horse as well.

In the mean time the guards who had gone quick after we entered the Inn came back holding two keys.

"Lord these are the keys to your rooms with number in top. I booked then under your name for a day as you instructed. Is there anything else you need?" said the guard with short dark blond hairs with height of 5'10''.

"Did you put the bags in his room?" asked dad.

"Yes lord, they are in young masters rooms" replied the same guard.

"Okay you can take your leave now. We will move in 3 hours"

The guard left through large black outer gate on his horse and we started moving in as well.

Dad saw the number 23 and 24 on the keys and started moving to the left side of the reception and we reached our rooms after crossing some rooms. All the doors were white with a guard at the end of every 4 rooms rooms block adjacent to each other.

After crossing 5 small blocks to the left we reached our room and dad gave guard the keys.

"You take 23 room and I will be at the front one 24. Take a bath and eat something we will leave in 3 hours. You can sleep in the carriage." said dad while the guard opened his door first and he entered.

After guard opened my room he asked me if I needed any maid for bathing which was typical of nobels but I declined.

My room was very wide including king size bed with dark blue sheet and light blue blanket for summer, food table with white cloth on top and 2 chairs on either sides, light blue wardrobe and white dressing table with a grey door next to it leading to bathroom.

I took off my blooded clothes and trousers as well as red socks and black shoes becoming completely naked from top to bottom in front of dressing mirror. There stood a pale white boy with shiny white hairs now partially coloured in red to his shoulder length. I looked more like a girl then a boy and honestly if I say so myself I am absolutely cute and adorable according to Earth's standard or here.

After I took almost an hour long bath which was already prepared with mild hot water as if prepared recently and then dressed myself in white shirt with black emblem of our house count Hera near the bottom right which included 2 serpents coiling around a rod and forming a heart shape with their heads joined a bit at top and black trousers with same emblem near top right. This was originally prepared for the festival, to represent our house, happening in a week in country Perisin but what can I do.

After looking opposite towards food table which was now filled with different exotic foods and meat I was started but I realised that I spent too much of my time in the bath so dad probably came in allowed them to place the food. I took my seat on one of the chairs near the table and started filling my peckish tummy. Really the taste of the food is just out of the world as compared to Earth even though we had all the spices. It even feels more healthy which I could guess is related to mana being present in everything according to all the novels and games.

After I ate one of the most satisfactory meals I cleaned my mouth with handkerchief on the table and laid down on the bed. Even though I knew it is not the best thing to do after a meal but I was mentally and physically tired after this tough and rough day of dying, reincarnating, experiencing 6 years of memory even though some were quite vague due to being old and last but not least getting ambuish in lying on the scorching hot surface for half an hour under blazing sun.

Just as I closed my eyes to rest just a hour and half my eyes grew heavy and I was experiencing all my body relax on this bed of sheats and my mind drifted to the dream land and I knew I'm gonna sleep for atleat half a day at least no matter who wakes me up.

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