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Chapter 7: Chapter - 6 : Nakiri Rin

Now I sat in the airship looking out of the window of my room at the mountains. When I first saw the Airship it was a huge shock to me. How was such a ginormous thing even flying? Then just as quickly I realised the answer, as with all other technological marvels - Dust. It was large enough to provide the VIP passengers with a small private room like the one I was occupying.

I was travelling alone to my destination. My parents said they had some stuff to do (just who are they trying to trick here, that's obviously an excuse!) so I should go on ahead to visit the Nakiri Family in one of the major cities called Nohin in the Kingdom of Mistral. It was deep in culture and tradition, unlike some other parts of Mistral where such forms of expression were banned.

Apparently, it was due to the firm refusal of some major families who had settled there for centuries, the Nakiri family being one of them. The major families were on the level of aristocrats and were deeply respected by the people. From what I remember, there are four major families in Nohin including the Nakiries. Though I don't know their names, dad told me all of them were renowned for producing some of the finest warriors.

It was improbable that I would someday meet them. All I was somewhat concern about was meeting the young lady of the Nakiri family. They know about the changes made due to my intervention since dad told me he informed them years ago.

'She would hate to meet me won't she?' I thought with a wry smile.

Me being the main cause of all the suffering she had to go through and continue to do so for 5 more years. It could get messy.

While mentally preparing for the inevitable encounter the airship reached its destination. I checked myself in the mirror to see if I looked presentable. What looked back was a boy of 12yrs with Black eyes and Midnight Black medium long hair wearing a Black suit and Dark Grey long trench coat along with a Crimson Scarf. I had my knives hidden on my person along with my gun. My other weapons were submitted as check-in luggage.

After getting my stuff, with my 'Guitar Case' hanging by my shoulder which was quite light now due to my strength training and gravity dust. I was just outside the 'airport' now, looking around for a 'taxi'. But it seems I won't have to worry about transportation.

"Excuse me, I believe you are young master Grey?"

'Young master?'

A professional-looking woman wearing a kimono(?) asked me with a slight bow.

"Yes, I am Grey Noir. Am I right to assume you will be my escort?" Giving her a slight nod.

She did a deeper bow compared to before she introduced herself

"Welcome to Nohin, esteemed guest. My name is Shino Mane, I shall be your escort for the short duration till the Nakiri Estate. It is an honour to meet you."

"Likewise, Miss Shino, I will be in your care."

I was made to sit in a rather...regal(?) looking car. The ones the Queen of England might be made to ride. I was not really well versed in automobiles or technology in general, except the few ones that made work more efficient. I was naturally more interested in people in general, thus my initial decision of Social Science a long long time ago.

Resting my chin on my palm, I looked out the window. But my mind was not there with the great mountains nor the fellow people on the streets. It had gone a long way back, to the time and place beyond this world, to a simpler and mundane moment. Of sleepless grinds for a weapon in an MMO or studying for a test, treating your pal an expensive wine that day he went broke or celebrating at a cheap burger stall when he got his dream job, wearing the wrong socks on your first date or the awkward first night of living together. All were fond memories that pushes me forward. There was pain, but there were much greater things to be found than just pain.

I realised that my mental stability was not optimal at all since I reincarnated. The traumatic past would clutch me with its haunting shadows that I had conquered long ago. The reason eludes me, maybe it's the young mind unable to handle all these complex emotions and experiences.

Still lost in my reverie, I didn't notice the curious look Miss Shino was giving me from the other side of the car.

PoV - Shino Mane

I, Shino Mane of the Shinobi Black Ops was called by the Master of the House early in the morning and was assigned an important mission. The young master of the Noir Family would be arriving this morning and I am to escort him back to the estate safely, along with a keen assessment of the person as a whole. And finally, I was dismissed with these words

"Do not underestimate him, he is the first Grey to appear in almost a century. I need not remind you what that name carries. That is all, you are dismissed."



I confirmed Nakiri-Ojou whereabouts and condition before I left the estate and now I just wait for the young master Noir to arrive. I wondered what kind of person he could be. Would he be arrogant and prideful? Cold and ruthless? One thing was for sure, he would not be weak.

Since the shocking message arrived about the annulment of the marriage and changes made in the ancient tradition, Nakiri-Ojou has been a lot less cheerful and energetic than before. It was a great concern to most of the people in the estate including those who worked there. Ojou was quite popular.

I can only imagine what is going through her mind.

I was brought back from my thoughts when a rather attractive boy in black and red with a guitar case entered my field of view. I just knew he was the one I was tasked to escort back to the estate.

Though quite young, he did not let his guard even now and was ready to react to any malicious action. A calculated gait that had started to form its own grace. I felt from this boy an invisible pressure that weighed on anyone who tried to confront him.

'I might not win if I tried to defeat him without killing him.' That was the feeling she a getting from the him

I approached him and my assumption was correct. It seems he was not arrogant unlike the few young masters from other families in Nohin. He looked impressed when he saw the escort vehicle but just as quick his face was back to that listless expression that some might consider cute if you ignore those deep black eyes that felt like you could drown in them.

The whole ride was a silent one. He seems to be lost in deep thought, but just what was on his mind that would result in such sad and melancholic eyes?

Grey Noir was a strange and mysterious boy. I now looked forward to his stay in the Nakiri estate for the foreseeable future.

PoV - Narrator

After a 30 min ride, they reached their destination - the estate of the Nakiri Family. Brough back from his long reverie, it was only now that he realise what the nagging feeling he was getting throughout the ride was.

'This place...the way the people dress and the architecture of the estate and the surrounding buildings...look awfully similar to Japan. Are those Cherry Blossoms over there?'

He was brought back from his thoughts by Shino.

"It is a great honour that you find out home to your liking, young master Grey. Please follow me, I shall take you to the Head. I was told to bring you to him immediately after you arrive at the estate."

"Hm, lead the way."

And so Grey walked through the main gate and their front yard on the stone-paved walkway. The Yard was very large, with trees and flowers and all sorts of stone decoration that were being tended by the workers, who all gave him a respectful bow as he passed by them. As he conversed with Shino he realised that the Estate was a lot larger than he expected.

The estate was a large traditional Japanese estate, with a front yard, a Middle Courtyard and a back yard as well. The middle courtyard is surrounded by long corridors and Various rooms and buildings. It had a lake with small artificial islands with gazebos all connected with wooden bridges. One side was a bamboo forest where the training ground was also located. At the end of the estate was the multi-storied Nakeri Mansion and behind it, a Giant Cherry Blossom Tree was still visible.

And this was just the introduction, at least that's what Shino told Grey.

After a while, Grey was led to one of the guest rooms, inside the Mansion. It was a room with paper and wooden sliding doors, a tatami mat flooring with a wooden table and cushions for people to sit. Furthermore, the room was decorated with all sorts of things like handing scrolls, weapons and vases with flowers.

"Please wait here, I shall call the Head immediately." She gave a gentle but respectful bow and leaves the room as she slides the door shut.

He didn't have to wait for long. Soon, he hears the footsteps of multiple people approaching. The door opened and a man with a large stature appears. He wore a violet kimono and a black Haori over it. He had fiery red hair tied into a ponytail and eyes, along with a rugged face of a warrior. An aura of a strong leader could be felt that demanded respect from others.

Alongside him stood a young girl about the same age as Grey. She wore a white kimono with red highlights. Long platinum hair with red streaks and red eyes that did not meet his gaze, casting it to the ground below. Her body language spoke of many things that Grey could read, but it was apparent that the anger he was expecting was not there. At least for now. What she was primarily expressing was...fear. Her right posture and self-comforting gestures were obvious signs.

But what surprised him most were the two pairs of red horns that were growing out of the top of their foreheads. But kept his poker face and just waited for the host to begin with the introductions as they sat in front of him across the table.

"Greetings, young one. I am the head of the Nakiri Clan, Nakiri Gozen. And here is my daughter."

"I-It is an honour to finally meet you. My n-name is Nakiri Rin, I shall be in your care."

They both did a bow, Rin's being a lot lower.

"Likewise, my name is Grey Noir. I have come at the request of my father and upholding the tradition."

He did a bow of his own.

"I have heard from you father, that the changes to the usual custom were due to your intervention. He did not elaborate much, but it was of great surprise that he would agree to such changes easily. Would you tell us how you convinced him?"

Grey could feel their curiously, even the little lady's. Maybe she was curious by nature.

"All I did was made a bet. I proposed that should I win against my mother in a battle he will listen to my request. Though it was agreed that she would hold back."

Grey spoke in a calm voice as he sipped the tea that was just served by the servants.

'Hm, this tea is quite good.'

While he was enjoying the tea, Grey had no idea the jolt he had just given to the Nariki Head.

'Did he just uttered he won against...that women?! That calamity?! Her holding back or not. Does that woman even know what holding back even means? It seems she has matured a lot since having a child.'

He thought back on all the nightmares he had to endure during the few times he had to spar with the calamity now know as Pearl Noir.

"Ahem! Ah, young Grey, do you mean to say to won against your esteemed mother?"


"Ah, my apologies, that would not be wholly correct. I too passed out after knocking my mother out so it was technically a draw. But that was enough to convince my father to make some changes."

"I-I see. Even so, that is still most impressive. Isn't it so Rin?"

"Huh? Ah, I mean, yes I agree with you father."

Though She was not sure of the true implications of the conversations, she just agreed with her father nonetheless. Nodding her hear rapidly.

"Thank you for your praises, but I still have a long way to go."

"Haha, what a humble young man, that father of yours seems to have raised you well. I heard from he had a few errands to complete so both of your parents will be coming in a few days. How are they? He is not slacking around in the house right?"

'The man might have raised him a bit too well, the bot is just reaching teens, what kinds of a monster will grow up to be in the future, and here I thought this generation's young ones were quite talented.'

"Both of them are quite well. My father seems to be looking forward to sparing with you when he comes here."

"Hahaha, splendid!"

And thus the Head of Nakiri Family and the Heir of Noir Family engaged in a somewhat long conversation. But Nakiri Rin just sat there, barely speaking, if at all. But after a while-

"I was nice conversing with you, young Grey. But I shall don't take more of your time. You should rest awhile, and then Rin here will take you around on a tour of the surrounding area. Is that agreeable?"

"Yes, thank you for your hospitality."

And so he was taken to the guest house. It was made especially for the Noir family of three to live in during their stay at the estate. This too was fully Japanese style.

He saw his 'luggage' was neatly kept in the corner of his room. Since he was to go outside soon anyway he didn't bother to change his clothes. He pulled out a book called 'Metaphor we Live By' from his trench coat and began to read it from where he previously left as he sat on the windowsill, with cherry blossoms and a gentle breeze as his companions.

He had reached the estate quite early in the morning, around 7 am. Most people native to Nohin were early risers with a large portion of the population used to do farming and all sorts of craft that was hand made which contained a lot of history.

With the gentle Spring breeze swaying the cherry blossoms and the presence of nature, Gray lost himself in this book.

Almost 2 hours had passed, until finally, his reading session came to end as he sensed a presence approaching the guest house. So he went in and packed his book and went downstairs to greet his guest.

Nakiri Rin was just a few distances away from the guest house, she was far from calm. Her father had told her to get the Noir Heir a tour of the surrounding city and she can't refuse. She wasn't sure what to feel about him. He was supposed to wed her and her purpose was to be useful to him in any way that was possible. That was how she was raised, taught and trained.

When the news arrived that he will only be needing me for only five years....She wasn't sure what she felt at the time. Did she feel anger? Or was she feeling Sadness? Did she even feel anything? This has been agonizing her for a few summers now.

'I need to settle this. You can do this me!'

As she siked herself up, she was about to knock on the door but before she could do that the door open on its own.


"It seems I startled you, my apologies."

"N-no, it is ok. I'm Nakiri Rin, I shall be your guide for this short duration."

"I will be in your care, I'm Grey Noir."

"Let us be on the way then."

With that, they both began their tour first around the estate itself. Since the geography of this place a hilly, they walked through winding paths and visited all sorts of places within the estate.

"This is the bamboo forest and the outdoor training ground and the building over there is the indoor training ground as well as a makeshift Arena."


"This is the backyard. Behold! The Millennium Sakura Tree! It's a very special and ancient tree which blossoms throughout the year."

"Hoho~ Impressive."

"This is the Onsen (Hots Spring), cleanse and rest ye weary body here whenever ye wish, there are male, female, mixed and private ones as well."

"Hoho~ I will visit this later tonight."

"This is...."

And thus they scoured through the estate, Nakiri Rin showing all sorts of places of interest, and unknowingly she was getting comfortable being with the boy as she saw the boy enjoying the tore she too started to really get into her role as a guide.

She was a completely different person compared to before. The person herself didn't seem to notice the change, which Grey found quite amusing.

After they were done with the estate they continued their tour to the city below. The city was bustling with activity, people walking around, stalls and shops selling their goods and a breeze carrying a hint of flowers.

She took him to some of the important places he should be aware of like the Dust shops, Shops to buy and repair weapons and armours and other tools and items, clothing shops, places that sold the best food.

What Grey noticed immediately was the fact that a good number of people would look at them as they walked by. It seems the Nakiri princess is popular with nearby natives as he expected, not to mention this little girl was indeed attractive looking. He was internally grateful that he was not yet a teem yet, while at the same time dreading the inevitable arrival of that accursed period of hormonal imbalance and irrational/impulsive behaviour.

As they visited those various places, he got to know a few things about the Nakiri princess. It seems she was a bit of an airhead sometimes and a bit clumsy as well.

She almost dropped a can of dust if he hadn't caught it...only possible after he used his semblance discreetly.

She tripped in the Weapons shop and almost caused the whole shelf of items to come tumbling down.

She would have ice cream stuck on the cheeks as she ate it, that he would have to wipe it clean.

Sometimes she would space out while looking at clothes and the staff would look really confused at what the little lady was doing for the last few minutes.

Grey was I bit doubtful regarding the clothes shop and tasty food stalls being considered essential, but seeing the little lady having fun, he just let the guide be.

After a few hours of walking around the city and having a rather fun time, they rested on a bench at a public park.

None of them spoke a word, the let the silence be. Grey was just taking in the atmosphere while Rin seems to be in deep thought. This continued on for more than 10 mins until Rin broke the silence.

"Grey-sama, I had a lot of fun today. I never enjoyed myself like this in a very long time...I am aware that you may be tired from all the walking and activities, but there was one place I would like us to visit before we end the tour. W-would you grant me this favour?" She spoke in a low voice, unable to make eye contact.

"Sure, you have been a splendid guide. I quite enjoyed spending this morning with you doing all sorts of stuff I never did before. I will grant you this favour, lead the way."

"I-is that so, that please follow me!" As she quickly gets up, turns and starts walking.

He just smiles in amusement at the girl's attempt at trying to hide her emotions.

They began their long walk, to whatever place she was taking him. As they went up the narrow stone-paved stairs that wrapped around to the top of the hill at the outer regions of the city, they both maintained their silence.

Grey could feel the weight behind the young lady's steps as they walked, her mind too was cloudy. A sort of conflict that needed to be settled and he somehow knew would come to a resolution on top of this hill.

They passed through a few red gates which Grey recalled were called Torii, and soon they reach the top of the hill was as he had expected was a humble shrine. The hilltop was deceptively big with a lot of trees and flat ground.

The shrine seems to be quite old but well maintained, even though there was nobody here but the two of them.

"Please follow my actions." Rin requests in a flat tone.

Grey nods in silence, feeling it was not the time to ask questions and just follows along. He somewhat knows what the Nakiri Heiress was doing. These were the etiquettes that one must follow when visiting a shrine. So they bowed before the large Torii, washed their hands and mouth using a spoon like a ladle. Using the right hand first to hold the ladle, they poured just a little water onto each hand: first, on their left hand, and then on their right hand.

After washing their hands, using the left hand, they ladled some water and brought their mouth to their palm, so that their lips get a little wet. This was a symbolic purification of the mouth.

A wooden sign nearby wrote 'Do not drink the water'.

Afterwards, they poured some water on the left hand again to rinse off.

After they finished cleaning their hands, apparently one has to lift up the mouth of the ladle and lay it down in a particular way, allowing the leftover water to run down the handle. This gesture represented the act of purifying the ladle handle so other visitors can use it, too. Even though the prospect of visitors seemed bleak.

After that was done, they went up the shrine and grabbed the bundle of suspended cords hanging down from the bell, and gave it a shake. The bell chimed quite loudly.

The Nakiri Heiress gave him a coin to put in as an offering in the box placed in front of the main shrine hall.

The whole process was - two bows, two claps, and then another bow.

"Thank you, Grey-sama even though you didn't have to perform those rituals, you still listened to my selfish request. There was a reason why I brought you here to this remote place. Whenever I felt sad or angry or any negative emotions due to my training and studies, I used to come here to calm myself down as I looked over the city from this shrine."

She had a small smile of melancholy as she told him about all sorts of stuff that troubled her when she was small. We sat on the wooden stairs of the shrine. But soon her smile faded and her tone was a lot sadder.

"....And one day I was told that there have been changes done to the tradition, that the Noir Heir did not want our life long servitude. I was taught and trained from the Noir Hyou age to be someone capably of serving and being useful to Noir Heir. At first, hated it but as time went on I accepted the tradition and took pride in the effort I put into my training. It had given my life meaning and I had decided to make sure I was worthy to be by his side. But you changed it...You told us that you don't need our lifelong servitude or companionship. That you need me for only 5 years...." Her head was down and her fist clenched.


Her words were no longer audible as she got up and walked a few distance away from her and looked at him with eyes of burning resolve. She drew her crimson katana from her sheath and took a battle stance.

Grey got up and tries to clear the misunderstanding she seems to be having, but before he could utter even a word.

"There is no time for words anymore, prepare to fight me for be cut by my blade!"


'Her whole personality changes the moment she drew her sword.'

Seeing no other way, he readies a pair of knives that suddenly appears in his hand as he stands a few distances across the little lady in from of the shrine.


The girl dashes forward with excellent speed and swings her sword but it was easily dodged by Grey with a side step.

'Hm, this is a bit...disappointing, I suppose I'll hold back to understand the underlying reason behind this extreme emotional response.'

Her views on her positions were quite a shock to him, he did not expect her to be so...passionate about her role as a 'companion'. This was an extremely rare case where the path that was prewritten for you was also a path you would like to walk regardless (well not without struggle obviously). But it should not elicit such a response that would lead to violence as the only solution.

'What is she trying to attain by using violence as the means?'

And so the 'battle' continued, with him not taking her seriously in an attempt to make her speak and disclose some information in her anger and frustration that he could work with to figure out the problem.

The only thing that was certain was that there was a big reason, regarding her past that was triggered due to the changes made due to him a few years ago.

She had lost sight of everything but her emotions. She needed a waking call.


Back to Present


"I see you are finally awake."

There were at a remote area of one of the parks they previously visited. Grey initially planned to carry her all the way to the estate but decided against it as he had no idea how to explain to the people there why the Nariri princess was knocked uncounceous.

'W-what? What is occurring? What am I on laying on Grey-sama lap?! More importantly-'

Somewhat calming herself down she asked him as she got up from his lap

"Was I defeated?"


"I see...I couldn't even tell what happened, it was over in an instant. It seems I was too weak.....I couldn't even get you to be serious during the whole fight. I g-guess I'm still no good, n-no wonder you don't want me as a companion for the rest of your life. E-even 5 years of service is probably due to pity I'm sure, from our outing today I learnt a lot about you, you are kind like that."

She had a sad smile on her face, with tears starting to collect in her eyes, her speech was faltering and her mind going down a spiral.

"After 5 years have passed you will abandon me because you will have no need of the weak and useless Nakiri Rin anymore!.... You too are going got abandon me...just like mother long ago."

Her face now overflowing with tears did not dare meet his eyes once again.

Grey listened to all she had said and finally understood where her trauma comes from. The abandonment she felt from the departure of her mother must have been brutal. Her father must have done his best but he was still the head of a large family with a lot of responsibility and roles to fulfil, the hole in her heart could not be mended by her father. That was probably why she was so passionate to prove herself worthy to belong somewhere and not be abandoned again for the rest of her life. If not for the changes that he made, Nakiri Rin would have been the perfect servant a Noir Heir would want.

'I'm glad I was able to at least win a draw.'


"There there..." He wrapped her in his embrace as he gently stroked her head in comfort.

"There are a few things you need to understand, Rin. Though I do not understand your past with your mother, there is one thing I am certain of. You hold no blame child, it was not your fault and not your cross to carry."


"It seems I have caused you a lot of pain through the years, I hope you will forgive me. I just wanted whoever it is that was bound by this tradition to choose their own future, I wanted to use the 5 years to get give that person time to find something worthwhile of their choosing that would give meaning to their life. Abandoning you was never my intention."

"....hic....r-really? Then will you let me stay by your side forever?" she asked in a low voice, a bit muffled as she was still in his embrace.

"If that is what you have decided by the end, then I shall forever have you by my side."


"You have my word."

First_Last_3000 First_Last_3000

I apologize for the gross delay. I was busy with my Study Report. But in return, I have an Extra Extra Long 5,000 words long chapter! Hope ya enjoyed~

Since it was so long, there might be some grammar and spelling mistakes. I hope the different PoVs makes sense and the emotions are not flat.

I'll see you next week~


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