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Chapter 23: Testing Strength

Hooooooh Haaaaah

Breathing in and out slowly, I straightened my back and closed my eyes.

I could feel it, the gentle breeze hitting my face as I smell it at the same time.

My senses, smell, and taste are much more precise than before, so much so that I could taste the very wind itself.

'What about hearing?'

Listening, I believe I could hear my very blood moving through my veins. Although I think imagining things, I could tell my overall hearing has grown astronomically.

'Considering my hearing, taste, and smell have grown so much, I assume my other perceptions have grown as well.' I mused

Delighted, I wanted to test out sight as well.

Opening my eyelids, I stared at the other side of the lake, it was quite a big lake, spamming a few miles according to my not so trusted source, my brain.

Squinting my eyes, I tried to see at least any moving animal but alas I couldn't, I guess my eyes aren't that great.

So in any case, I decided to focus on a singular object that is small, and what better thing than a leaf.

Squinting even harder, with fiber of my eye muscles or whatever it is called, I focus on a single leaf that is moving, making it harder for myself.

Slowly but very surely, I spotted a bunch of leaves but not a singular one as even that is too much for my eyes.

"*Sigh* My eyesight isn't that good, but it has definitely gotten better, so it's still a win-win in my book," I say, cheering myself up a little.

"Hmmm, I believe I could utilize my ability soon to increase it by many folds by experimenting on more animals."

Thinking for a bit, I realize how good the ability I have is. I mean, I know it was great before as I could increase my strength just by transforming parts of my arm, but this makes my ability even more remarkable than I anticipated.

Just imagine, you need to see a bit more and then boom, your vision becomes better just by changing your eyes.

Anyhow, that's enough testing for perception as I really don't know how to test touch so now onto the next test, which is strength, agility, and reaction speed.

First thing first, strength. Grabbing a rock that doesn't break easily and has a good enough texture, I crushed it with full strength, only needing minimal effort.

This is good, I know some rocks can withstand the crushing force of 4000 lb and I know this rock wasn't as strong, but I believe it's around there or at least half of it.

I'm probably overestimating myself, but confidence is a good thing. I know I could break a bone with relative ease, so this proves my point possibly even more, maybe.

And so my next victim will be a tree. Getting in a boxing position, putting my right leg up front and left leg on the back since I'm left-handed, with a full force punch without any holding back I made a huge dent in the tree

Removing my fist from the tree, I could see I made considerable damage to it, making me grin.

Just a simple full-force punch made me do this much damage, and this is without transforming. Truly a wonderful sight.

I look at my bloody knuckles slowly healing, and I can also tell my healing capabilities have improved.

"Truly wonderful!"

"Let's test out my agility next while I'm looking for a beast I've never seen before, so that means going deeper into the forest. I could use this time to practice maneuvering through the forest at full speed."

Sprinting through the forest and going deeper into it, I could tell my speed had also increased. Of course, since I'm not used to it yet, I tripped a couple of times, but I brush that off and keep moving.

'I guess almost dying led me to get more strength'

'Is this what you called a power boost like in Dragon Ball'? I thought, laughing a bit.

Since I didn't want to go too deep into the forest, I stopped my tracks and took my position on top of a tree.

I looked around for a bit to see any prey, but alas no prey would be found. I didn't want to risk going down there and getting ambushed as, despite my above human level senses, they don't do any good compare to any monster that is in this forest.

There is one thing my village is an expert in, and that is the forest. Some zones are safe zones like in video games, so let's call this the green zone.

The other zones, however, you could say are the orange zone and the red zone. Orange being semi-dangerous and red being getting your ass to heaven. So that is why I'm being overly cautious right now.

Anywho, I'm at the border of red and orange, so you know there would be some dangerous monsters.

Is this necessary? No, but do I still want to do it? Yes!

Alright, enough distractions, let's find this animal.


Hours later, I finally manage to find some monsters and the keyword 'some', it is a group of them.

With long and powerful legs and arms so short it had to lean forward to get anywhere near its food, the creature lay grazing on the luscious grass with its tail swaying on the ground. With numerous black stripes spread all over its red-furred body—specifically on its limbs and bulbous cheeks—it was as if a skilled artist had birthed the creature straight out of a painting. Around it, a handful of others of its species also laid about. Some jumped about using the tremendous muscles bulging out of their legs. Some play fought with each other, using their tail to keep themselves up as they punched and kicked at each other's chests till the other finally backed off. One pair even stood right against each other, their antlers locked together for some time before another came and freed them.

No matter how many times I see a new animal that is out of this world, I keep on forgetting this isn't Earth.

Seeing their playful manner, one might think they aren't dangerous animals at all but there is a reason why they stood here on the border of life and death for my species, they are beasts that are strong enough and skilled enough to avoid danger or start danger.

And right now I'm about to face 3 of them. Truly idiotic, isn't it?

Not wanting to dwell any longer, I jumped down, aiming to grab one of them and kill them, but by absurd helping, one of the beasts kicked me midair before I can land a hit.


Coughing up a bit of saliva and seeing I didn't cough up any blood, I brush it off and get into position.

All three were jumping in place, circling me. Smart creatures, I got to say, blocking almost all pathways in escaping.

"Hooooh Haaaaa"

Suddenly, the one from behind charged at me using its antlers. Dodging slightly, I grabbed its tail and threw him towards the tree while making sure the other 2 won't intervene.

This time, both beasts that were still standing charge at me with a massive kick. Not able to dodge, I took the kick full might to the chest as I also slammed into a tree now with blood coming out of my mouth.

"Shit you fuc-" not letting me finish my sentence, I got kicked again, making my already bloody chest even more noticeable.

I became a punching bag bitch as I'm barely able to move.

Not trying to become a punching bag any longer, I grabbed the left beast antlers and with it, slammed his face to the ground, becoming one with the dirt.

Not long after, unconsciously I transform my 2 arms and rip out its antler shoving them deep into its skull.

Realizing what I'd done, I tried to transform them back to their previous state but with not enough time, I grabbed the other one's head in bashed it into the tree.

Bash! Bash! Bash!

I bashed and bashed until I could no longer hear its heart beating.

"Shit! This just ruined the whole experience."

"*sigh* I guess there's no point in fighting no more, I should at least kill the last one and get it over with."


Stomping on its head, I sigh in disappointment as I let myself get serious there.

"Well It's not all too bad, Now I know they can beat me when in a group or possibly separately but not when I get actually serious."

'Is Should find more of their kind as when the stronger they are, the more it will increase my overall strength, like with any species I've killed so far. Especially that white feline since I was able to find the strongest or one of the strongest in the Orange zone." I said internally


"That's enough thinking and talking for right now, It's eating time."

Good_Job_Bud Good_Job_Bud

Let me know if its good by giving it review, it will certainly help me improve in the future. also the next few chapters will be boring u could say but I say its a must in my opinion as it will lead up shit

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