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Chapter 52: 52. Hide And Seek


A tickle dances over the skin of my inner thighs. Was I dreaming? Is this a figment of my imagination or- I shift slightly. The sheets rustle. Why did I feel so good suddenly?

I sleepily reached down to where the sensation was coming from only to feel locks of hair. Oh my god. My mind clears up as I realize. Tae was propped between my legs, grip on my thighs, holding them apart. He's gently licking at my clit.

"Tae, Ahh. Wha-" A small moan slips as his tongue rubs tantalisingly against my sensitive nub.

"Hm? I wanted to make sure you had an enjoyable morning" The low hum of his voice reverberating into my heat along with the innocence of the moment melt me. His naughty intentions disarming me, heating my body up. Before I can protest, not that I was sure I even wanted to, he leans back down and pushes his tongue in and out of me teasingly.

"Really?" I pant, closing my eyes, giving in to his sweetness, melting back into the sheets. Letting his firm grip spread my thighs further apart.

"Mm, focus on me". He coaxed sensually, causing me to look down. The hunger in his gaze as he laps me up is nearly unbearable.

"Oh fuck, Tae" I pant again, trying to catch my breath, trying to spread my thighs further apart for him. He picks up the pace, tucking further into my pussy. I try to grind on his tongue, but he grasps my hips, pinning me in place.

"Naughty girl, don't be so impatient" Tae cheekily nibbles at his bottom lip. I whine in protest. The way he's playing with me, ruining me slowly. How did he expect me to stay still?

"Shh, relax baby. Let me finish breakfast, okay?" I nod slowly, trying my best to pace myself. It's agonising, the pleasure building as he takes his time, nibbling and licking every crevice of me. I whimper, his dark eyes glaze over lustfully as he peers back up at me. He's enjoying seeing how everything he does is bringing me undone beneath him.

It didn't take long for my body to rush to orgasm. I gasped, clinging to the sheets, desperately trying to get a hold of myself. As I felt my climax wash over, my body relaxed. Tae props himself up on his elbows and gives me a fond look.

"Good Morning~" He hums. The expression he wears is borderline cocky, but I don't care. He had a good reason to be. "Tae… S' so good. But I'm so sleepy…" I whine, struggling to bury myself back in my sheets. His assault had left me so weak.

"It's okay, go back to sleep. My sweetheart needs her rest." Tae sits up, presses a kiss on my forehead and gets out of bed. Looking at the way his hair curls in dark locks and the way his shirt and pants hang off his tall, perfect figure makes me want to stay awake.

But, I can't. Instead, I give in and close my eyes. Sinking into the comfort of my sheets. The remnants of my orgasm still lightly tingling between my legs. I felt the blanket being pulled over me.

"Love you Tae" I mumbled. He really was the sweetest.

"Love you too. I'll see you later, okay?" Tae hummed. I gave a small nod into my pillow. The door clicked shut, and I knew he'd left.


I easily fell into a warm sleep. When I next woke, it was to the sound of a text. I felt recharged as I sat up and reached for my phone. What'd happened this morning felt like an erotic dream.

As I clicked my phone on, I saw it was from Jin.

Jin: Clear any plans you might have for tonight

Jia: Why's that? 🧐

Jin: There's going to be a gathering tonight at our club. A lil something to celebrate this new partnership, everyone needs to be there 🙄

Jia: Ohh, sounds like it could be fun I guess 🙃 What should I wear?

Jin: Fun my ass, would rather spend the time with you.

Jin: Wear something I'd pick 😉

Jia: That's so vague 😪 Why did I even ask

Jin: If I had the time, I'd come doll you up myself

Jia: I know.. You've been working hard ❤️ I'll make sure I wear something really sexy tonight for you, okay?

Jin: That's my girl 🥰 I'll see you later Princess 💋💋

I click my phone shut, peep at the time, which is around midday. After a shower and something to eat, I take my free time today to catch up on studying. Exams were looming closer.

All the boys and I were much busier these days. I was studying full time whilst essentially working two part-time jobs. The first being as a songwriter and the second as a hostess. It all seemed so surreal. If I was to actually stop and give it a fair amount of thought. But, until now I hadn't.

I buried myself into my books that were sprawled out across the dining table, occasionally taking a sip from the can of coffee I had on the side.

By the time I needed to get ready, I'd got a lot of work done. I felt proud of myself, at the level of focus I'd achieved lately. It almost felt like I was near what it used to be, before things had been turned upside down for me…

I stopped my thoughts at that and stood up.

"Alright. Let's get this night started" I stretched my hands above my head as I let out a heavy sigh. Thoughts of what tonight would entail flick by. As I started on my makeup and hair, my mind wandered even more. Jin had said 'everyone' was going to be there, which meant it was going to be high energy. It also meant that there more than likely would be some kind of drama. There's just no way that a lounge full of so many charismatic and strong personalities won't clash.

As I ran the straightener through my long, light blonde hair, I couldn't help but to smile cheekily at my reflection. It's not that I particularly wanted drama, but just imagining trivial fights of the sort was still amusing.

I'd noticed the daylight from the crack of my window had disappeared, leaving the lightbulb hanging from the ceiling of my room being the main source of light.

I opened up my wardrobe and looked over dresses. By this point, I really had so many pretty things. Choices, choices. I pick the baby blue Satin mini dress with thin straps. It was revealing, but; I wanted to be the centre of attention tonight. I wanted all eyes on me. I wanted to remind everyone that I was there, and I was someone to be envied and wanted.

I pushed the thought of Jimin's face from my mind and I slipped the soft fabric over my skin. There we go, pretty as a petal.

"Jia, babe. Are you up here?" A low tone I knew to be Joon called from the lounge room.

"In my room," I called back. And heard his heavy footsteps approach and my door creaked open to reveal a suave-looking Joon. He wore a white turtleneck, sleeves pushed up over his muscular forearms. Hair pushed back, black slacks.

"You- Oh fuck. Jia" his eyes widened, gaze hovering over my choice of dress for tonight.

"I'm nearly ready, just need a pair of heels and a bag" I flashed a cheeky smile. "Oh.. Uh- Are you really going to wear that? Joon looked back up at my face, hesitantly.

"Hm? What do you mean?" I sat on the bed and slipped on a pair of satin light baby blue heels to match. I felt the bed dip as Joon sat next to me, so I looked up. His brows crinkled in the middle as though conflicted, his gaze dropped to my cleavage.

"I mean… this is sexy," I watched as Joon gently raised his hand and lightly grazed a finger over the seam line of my dress. It tingles over my breasts.

"That's the point," I mumbled, biting at my lip. Still watching the way he's tracing down between the gap.

"Isn't it too sexy? It isn't just us tonight. Reira and his entourage are here too." He gave a small tsk. It sounded bitter. He pulled his touch away. I study him for a moment.

"All the more reason to show them what you have that they don't. Besides, I couldn't care less about them. The only people that matter to me are you and the boys. You know that…" I leaned in, placing a soft kiss on Joon's cheek right over his adorable dimple.

He gave a defeated sigh before catching my chin in his grip, hastily returning the kiss on my lips. "Fine, if that's what my baby girl wants I'll indulge you" He released my chin and stands up.

"Thankyou.. Don't worry, let's loosen up tonight. You look so tense these days Joonie." I follow, grabbed onto his arm.

"Mm. Are you ready?" He asks. I give a cute nod.

I held onto his arm as we made our way down to the lounge. The music got louder with each step down. RnB/Hip Hop seemed to be the vibe tonight. It wasn't too loud and I could still hear everyone speak normally over the music. I caught glimpses of the dark purple and blue strobe lights flashing from over the railing in the main part of the club. As the lounge came in to view it was lively. Koh and Yu were behind the bar, playfully chatting as usual, busy mixing drinks.

I spotted Reira and Kaede relaxed in to the couch across from Jin and Yoongi. They all appeared to already have had a few drinks.

Whatever they were talking about must have been interesting, the eased way they laughed and talked, clicked glasses together. It was an air of ease I'd yet to see between our groups. I should probably get on their level, no?

"I'm just going to get a drink first. I'll come over in a moment." I turned to Joon, unlinking my arm from his.

"Sure, I'll be over here." He nods, gesturing over to the boys lounged out on the couches.

I parted ways with him, going over to the bar and leaning against it. Koh and Yu both flash their own signature cheeky smiles in my direction.

"Hey. Jia, finally the girl of the hour has arrived." Yu gave a keen nod.

"What's your choice of poising going to be tonight?" A glint of mischief crosses Koh's features as he asks.

"Something strong. I'm going to need it." Seeing both of them in such a playful mood was cute. They were definitely growing on me.

"Okaaay. How about..." Yu spins around, scanning the shelf of its contents.

"Green fairy!" Koh finished his sentence before his brother picks anything. "Ah! Good choice." Yu grins, reaching over to a green bottle tucked away on the top shelf.

"Hm? I've never heard of it? Is it nice?" I watched curiously as Yu dropped two cubes of ice in a glass and poured the green liquor over. I'll admit, it looked… Interesting.

"I like it. It's actually just Choya Green Tea Umeshu, but we got so used to calling is green fairy" Koh explained.

"Sounds delicious. Japanese liquors aren't as common here. But, I have heard of it" I smiled, taking the glass from Yu. As I sipped the light taste of Matcha settled in a warm burn.

"Perfect choice." I hummed. The two behind the bar seemed pleased as they swapped confident looks.

"Keep bringing these over if you see my glass empty." I raised my glass in good gesture before turning and heading over to where the excited chatter was coming from. The aura becoming stronger as I approached. Each was confident, strong, and handsome in their own right. It was addicting, wanting to be the focus of their affections.

Multiple eyes turned in my direction as I nestled myself, legs crossed, on the armrest beside Yoongi.

I raised my drink playfully. "Hmm, sorry to keep you all waitingg~" I chimed cutely. They met me with equal enthusiasm. Jin's expression lights up as he called my name. Yoongi leans back, raising his glass, gaze fondly idling on me.

Kaede looked surprised at first. But, calls out "Hey~" in response. The most notable stares came from the pair of powerhouses at the opposite end of the couch. Joon's eyes lay heavily on me as he sips on his whisky. Reira stands, coming straight over to me.

"How are we?" He asked keenly as he reached for my hand, placing a quick peck there. He straightens up.

"Good, glad we could all come together for a drink tonight." I hummed in response. Reira shot me a faint smirk before turning to address everyone else.

"You know, this one is quite the charmer, you should've seen it." He swirled his drink bemusedly before taking a sip and continuing.

"Her first client of the night and she's already got him in the palm of her hand." Reira laughed airily to himself. The others seemed interested. I didn't blame them seeing as I'd never discussed my hostess work with any of them. Apart from Jin. He'd seen me in action before.

"I can vouch for that. She's irresistible. It's not a secret." Jin jibes, bordering on cocky. Yoongi shifts from beside him. Reira goes back to his seat and plops down.

Joon raises a brow in my direction. I couldn't tell if it was good or bad. But they all quickly continued chatting amongst themselves.

I quietly finish my glass, only to have Koh slide up beside me and swap it for a fresh drink. I thanked him before slipping down in the space beside Yoongi, who had also seemed to check out of the main conversation.

"Pretty dress." Yoongi leaned back, resting his arm behind me, closing any distance between us. "Pretty face." I chimed back as I turned to him. There was an air about him tonight.

"Pretty?" He questioned, sucking in a sharp breath of air in contemplation. The way he lightly swayed from side to side didn't go unnoticed.

"Cute? Sexy? All the above." I offered. Maybe I was overthinking it. No doubt he'd been under a lot of stress lately and just wanted to let loose and enjoy himself.

"Glad you're in a good mood." Yoongi cracked a smile as he raised his glass. I clicked mine against it. He emptied it without hesitation. Lightly snacking his lips as he finished. Suddenly the music gets notably louder.

"The set is starting. Want to go watch?" Yoongi asks, leaning into me. I gladly take his hand and stumble over with him to the banister for a better view.

"Hoseok has been busy all day organising this stage event. He'll probably make his way up here soon. Everything is running smoothly."

Below, a packed crowd danced freely, the blue and purple lights flash, breaking through the darkness. The music beats in my chest.

"I was wondering where he is. Do you know about the others?" I asked, glancing at Yoongi. We're so close that our elbows are touching. When he turns to face me, there's isn't much space left. Just as he's about to answer, a commotion can be heard. I turned to see who was entering the lounge.

Tae, Jungkook, Jimin and.. That girl. Had just arrived.

"Fuck. What is she doing here…" My chest tightens at the sight of her hanging pathetically on Jimin's arm. I can't stop the jealousy from seeping in. I don't want it. I don't know why… Why am I afraid? I can't bring to accept what's in front of me as reality.

"Did I forget to mention how sexy you look tonight." Yoongi gently reaches to a loose strand of my hair and plays with it. My attention being pulled to him instead. But then I heard my name being called by Jungkook.

"Jia, come here." I falter as he wraps an arm around me and pulls me firmly against him. As though claiming me as his girl for the night.

"What- what're you doing?" I stutter, looking up to meet his big brown eyes. Yoongi steps to the side, purposely blocking any view I had of Jimin and that girl.

Jungkook faltered for a moment. But he regained his confidence straight away.

"Holding you and admiring the view. Is there a problem with that?" His gaze confidently holds mine. My insides turn even weaker than before. How does he do that? It's so dangerous.

I couldn't look away from him. My body relaxes as I let out a deep breath. Whatever he was trying to do, it was working. Yoongi remains silent. But the faint smile lingering as he sipped at his glass is comforting.

"No… There's no problem." I tippy toe up so I can give his cheek a kiss. Right now, I was a lucky girl. Two supermen swooping in to save me face. Save me from myself.

"Will you be alright to join the others?" I felt Jungkook lightly play with the fabric of my dress around my mid. The dress was so thin that it almost felt like he was touching my bare skin.

"Yeah. I'll be okay. I have no choice, anyway." I took the last sip of what was in my glass, only to have it replaced a moment later by Yu.

"The more unbothered you act, the more bothered Jimin will be. You know that, right?" Yoongi's voice was low. I gave a small nod.

"I don't know if that's what I'm going for, but thanks, anyway. I feel better. Let's go." I gently grab on to Yoongi's hand. He laces his fingers with mine. It's warm, reassuring. Like everything will be alright. Jungkook loosens his hold as the three of us walked over.

Joon, Reira and Kaede were still on the couch to the left. Tae, Jimin and whoever she was had made themselves comfortable in the middle, and Jin sat on the couch to the right.

"Jia, your dress is so pretty." Tae swoons sweetly. Jungkook takes charge, guiding me down to sit on one of his thighs. I can feel the muscle through his black Jeans as it flexes.

Yoongi, unlacing his fingers from mine, plops down in the space on our right.

"Thankyou Tae~ Do you want to try some of my Choya?" I hum, purposely avoiding looking directly at Jimin. Was he bothered? Did he even care? I need to know.

"Choya? It's Japanese right?" He asked, glancing down curiously at my glass. I slip out of Jungkook's hold and swap to Tae's lap instead. He casually wraps an arm around me as I perched myself on his thigh.

"Here, open up." I giggle, lifting the glass to Tae's lips. I watch as he tilts his head back, enthralled by his bold features. They always were so sexy.

From my peripherals, I try to see if Jimin is watching. If he's jealous?

I think it was working. The way he's staring could burn holes through me. I know Jimin. I know him better than most… And as for that girl; she appeared taken aback by my boldness. Good. She needed to know that this was my territory. Not hers.

"Hm? Is it nice? Do you want one?" I gently wiped a stray drop of liquor from Tae's bottom lip. He breaks into a boxy smile before calling out to the bar.

"Koh, can you bring a bottle of Choya over with some glasses."

I placed a kiss on Tae's cheek before getting up. Kook reached out and takes my hand, pulling me back into his lap. This time he felt more possessive, though. His hold on me was firmer.

"Jia, how many have you had?" Jimin asks. Hearing his voice cracks something deep inside. This was the first time he's spoken to me in so long. I felt my heart ache.

"Not enough. You?" I tried to keep any bitterness out of my tone.

"Me either." He replied.

Just in time, Yu had brought over the bottle Tae had requested. Joon, Jin, and our other two guests had finished their conversation. I didn't know if they were aware of the weird tension between Jimin and I.

They joined as another round of drinks was poured. I finished my glass off quickly. My head felt light.

Jungkook muttered my name under his breath, gently snapping the side of my panties to get my attention. I tilted to look at him, his doe eyes fixed on me as I did.

"I need to go… Please, take it easy." His brows furrowed slightly.

"I'll be okay…" was all I could manage to say. Even though I knew Jungkook could see through my fake smile, he let it go and said bye to the others.

"Here." Yoongi handed me a glass just in time for the next toast. I leaned into him, trying to steady my swaying. He lazily pulled me into him. Seeming unbothered as we continued to sip at our drink, despite that fact, we both had probably had too many at this point.

I couldn't help but to steal glances as Jimin, and his girl flirted. Tae come and squished himself between Jin and I. They were far too lost in their own talks. I imagine what was going on in the Maknae line wasn't really to their concern.

Yoongi leaned back into the couch, closing his eyes. He looked as drunk as I felt.

"Hyung." Tae poked him, causing him to rouse. I sat as they started bantering across me. The conversation made little sense. Eventually it turned in to them debating whether to put your socks on first when getting dressed in the morning. Suddenly, Hoseok burst into the lounge.

"Hey! It's going off down there. Holy fuck, I'm so busy," he exclaimed as he approached. Jin and Joon called out to him. Hoseok picked up the straight bottle off the table, took a swig and then told Joon, Jin, Reira and Kaede he needed them to downstairs.

"We'll be back!" Joon called to us on their way out, which now left Tae, Yoongi, Jimin and…

"You know what. I'm fucking drunk." I suddenly announced, fed up with this bullshit. I stood up and walked off over to the bar, slipping defeatedly down onto a bar stool only to earn a look from the two behind the bar.

"Jia, can we talk?" It was the voice I least wanted to hear. I looked up to see Jimin, hand running through his hair as he stares at me. Things are blurry, my emotions are scattered. I can't talk right now.

"No… You haven't talked to me in ages. I don't wanna, you should've done that before now!" I huffed. His retort is heated. "Can you stop acting like this and just give me a chance to explain, I tried to go after you the other day and you ran away from me." Jimin was now escalating to sassy, I need to bite my tongue, I need to stop. I can't.

"I ran away because otherwise I would've burst into tears dummy, why are you even doing this?! Am I that easy to just throw away? Do you even know how much I miss you?! How much I wanna punch you at the same time?!" I hear my voice rising. This isn't like me. I stop. Jimin bites at his lip worriedly. I can't do this anymore. I stand up and head for the door.

"Jia, please wait." I hear Jimin call after me, but it falls on deaf ears. I don't stop and he doesn't follow me. The warm night air hits my face as I step out into the street at a brisk pace. My heels click against the concrete, people and buildings blur as I walk. I keep going.

Eventually everything's quiet and dark. There's soft grass underneath me as I lay there. Somewhere familiar. Quiet. Away from the chaos. Away from the hurt.

Oh, so quiet.


Oh dear, young love ~

It's so fragile, isn't it?

Writing this reminds me of those days,

Being young and dumb and full of love.

Things crumbling before you,

Despite having only the best intent.

Share you're thoughts, feelings, anything you want. Knowing those things, it helps me a lot <3

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