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Chapter 106: CHAPTER 106

At that very moment, Little Fatty understood why Tong Yao was still alive even after she had taken Chessman's red buff.

He understood why Tong Yao could get Chessman to drop the ranked match he was playing and go upstairs just to deliver a bottle of water.

He understood why Tong Yao's cat, after having the nerve to eat the fish it was not supposed to, could still shamelessly rub against the fish owner's leg to open a can of cat food.

He understood why a seven figure car could become "You want it? It's yours." amid a lively conversation.

He understood why in the past couple of months Lu Sicheng hadn't gotten a pay deduction due to violating the smoking ban.

He understood why it would take Lu Sicheng over 30 minutes in Tong Yao's room to deliver a bottle of water which could be done in less than 3 seconds...

And all Little Fatty did was come out of the lounge to get hot water for his instant noodles-- --

Yet, at this moment, someone up in the sky had arranged for him to crash through the mystery of the century…...At this very moment, the ZGDX support, with one hand holding the bowl of noodles, had hundreds of bullet comments flying through his brain. The comments were like this-- --

[Damn, damn, damn? ! !]

[I've time travelled.]

[Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !]

[They're together? ! These two? Do they match? ! ! !]

[My noodles are getting soggy.]

[But that's not the point.]

[Why didn't anyone inform me that I was getting cuckolded-- --The ad's run away with the mid, this support has been left behind. Why is the water in the river at bot lane green?[1] Because I'm washing my hair upstream.]

[It hurts my eyes.]

[.............Wait, what were those two doing inside the room last night?]

[.............Wait, when I knocked on the door, did I interrupt something?]

[.............Wait, when the door was opened, what did the captain's crotch look like?]

[...Suddenly, it's clear to me why I worked hard for a whole night to play duo with the captain and still ended up with negative points. This bastard was doing it on purpose all along. He didn't even use his own id! ! ! ! ! Damn! ! !]

[Superman and Chessman, very well, it sure is a couple id.]




Little Fatty took the plastic fork out of his mouth and opened his mouth to say "you" before pausing again. He probably felt that at this moment silence spoke for itself. He put the fork back into his mouth-- --He had returned to his original position with fork in mouth and one hand holding the bowl of noodles-- --He quietly looked at Lu Sicheng and Tong Yao, then his eyes moved downwards and noticed that Lu Sicheng's hand was still resting on Tong Yao's waist.

Little Fatty: "..."

Tong Yao's face turned red. After realizing what Little Fatty was looking at, Tong Yao hastily lifted her hand trying to remove Lu Sicheng's hand off her waist. But Lu Sicheng's hand remained on her waist, not budging at all…...Tong Yao anxiously looked up and mouthed to Lu Sicheng "let go." Lu Sicheng, seeing her wide, anxious eyes, twitched his lips and mouthed back "I won't."-- --

Tong Yao rolled her eyes, so pissed off that she almost passed out.

[1]: There's a saying that a man being cuckolded is when their gf/wife gives them a green hat to wear.

Little Fatty cleared his throat-- --

The two who were now in the middle of tugging each other looked up at Little Fatty in unison. Little Fatty switched the bowl to the other hand and forced himself to suppress the urge to throw it like a grenade at the two. He thought for a moment then asked: "........How long have you two been like this?"

"It has been for some time now." Lu Sicheng flatly answered.

Oh, it's been that way for some time now.

…...To hell with it, Little Fatty thought!

"...You've covered it well. No one has noticed it. Shit. Yesterday, Xiao Rui even let his imagination run wild with Tong Yao and Dubhe?" Little Fatty asked again: "Who committed the crime first to break the pure teammate friendship?"

"Me." Lu Sicheng answered without any hesitation: "I threatened her that if she didn't go along with me, I would throw away her cat..."

Tong Yao frowned and slapped the back of Lu Sicheng's hand. Lu Sicheng didn't resist, but moved his hand on the waist to her shoulder. He pulled her into his arms, patted her head and quite proudly said: "Then she just went along with me without a hitch."

Little Fatty: "..."

The bullet comments flying in Little Fatty's head all changed into [Damn, is that how it works?]

Lu Sicheng had been acting quite unperturbed, as if calmly saying "Oh, you happened to find out, what a coincidence." Faced with Lu Sicheng's frankness, Little Fatty was frustrated that he couldn't really speak all the things he wanted to say-- --

Five minutes later, the three of them found some empty seats to sit down. Tong Yao sat to the right side of Lu Sicheng and buried her head in her cell phone. It looked like she was embarrassed to face Little Fatty because she "accidentally caught their captain."

Lu Sicheng sat in the middle and kindly reminded Little Fatty: "Your noodles are getting soggy."

Little Fatty sat at the leftmost seat and opened his noodle bowl to take a bite. Then he happened to recall the scene he had seen earlier when Tong Yao stood on her toes, clutched their captain's clothes to let him bend over to kiss him. The seafood instant noodles instantly lost its flavor, the only thing Little Fatty could taste was the bitterness of being a single-- --

"It's not right, you two." Little Fatty put down his noodles and said hurtfully: "There's only one girl in the whole team. Everyone cherishes her, protects her and treats her like a treasure. You, as our captain, took her from behind our backs..."

Lu Sicheng: "So, I should let you guys get her first?"

Little Fatty: "..."

Lu Sicheng: "I'm captain, not Lei Feng."[1]

Tong Yao: "..."

Little Fatty felt what Lu Sicheng said seemed to make some sense especially when he said it so self-righteously. He turned then to the team mid who seemed to have a more guilty conscience: "And you, Tong Yao, you too. Didn't you say you wanted to be a good professional player and wouldn't fall in love with professional players since they're all jerks? You just slapped your own face like this-- --"

Tong Yao lowered her head, her chin almost disappeared into the collar of her shirt, then said in a small voice: "Captain isn't Jian Yang. He doesn't mess around, nor cheat. All he does is play ranked and watch competition videos. The other day, I sneezed next to him, he doesn't even smoke anymore..."

Tong Yao's voice was getting lower and lower and her head bent further and further downwards. On the other hand, the smile on Lu Sicheng's mouth became more and more visible. He reached out to pat Tong Yao's head with a complacent expression on his face…...It was probably the same expression he had when he replaced Pope, won the Korean regional championship and received the trophy with his own hands.

Little Fatty felt the smell of the noodles in front of him had become even more unpleasant.

[1]: Lei Fei is a propaganda hero of the Chinese communist party whose story teaches about sacrificing oneself for the good of others.

"How did you two click?" Little Fatty asked.

Tong Yao thought about it and replied: "I don't know. Feelings develop after he kept being mean to me over and over."

Lu Sicheng on the other hand didn't need to think about it but earnestly answered: "She's especially cute when she hid the water in the supermarket on her tippy toes, when she plays games, when she practiced Azir all through the night while crying after being defeated by Ah Tai with Leblanc, when she disrespectfully retorted at Yang god after winning the match, when she acted cocky after beating me in a solo match..."

Tong Yao: "..."

She used both of her hands to cover her face; the face showing through the gaps between her fingers was so red it looked as if it could bleed blood.

Little Fatty said with a stone face: "I'm just asking."

Lu Sicheng also had a stone face: "I can add some more."

Little Fatty continued with the same stone face: " Save them for the pastor when you go to church to get married."

Lu Sicheng turned to take a look at Little Fatty as if he was feeling sorry from Little Fatty's reaction: "You don't want to hear more?"

Little Fatty tore off the cover on his instant noodle bowl, used the plastic fork to prick a soggy noodle, then there was a struggling expression on his face. After hesitating over and over, finally he carefully asked the question that he wanted to know the most at the moment but was also afraid to know: "One last question, you two… far along have you gone?"

Lu Sicheng chuckled immediately-- --Tong Yao put down her hands from her face and kicked Lu Sicheng on his leg then hurriedly explained to Little Fatty: "Just like what you've seen! Nothing else!"

"If you didn't yell to let me take you up to Diamond 3 last night, there should be a different answer." Lu Sicheng took his time to turn to the other side and pulled the loose hair on Tong Yao's face to the back of her ears. Tong Yao slapped his hand away with a red face. Lu Sicheng leisurely took his hand back which was a little reddish from the slap: "Now, don't you feel it makes sense for you to lose that 100 points?"

Little Fatty: "Bullshit! ! ! !"

Lu Sicheng curved his lips upwards: "What else you want to know?"

Tong Yao was anxious and called out in a tiny voice: "Lu Sicheng!"

Little Fatty waved his hand: "As of now, I only want to eat my noodles quietly. You two go away, go as far away as possible!"

Lu Sicheng pulled Tong Yao up and asked offhandedly: "Have you found anything you like while wandering around for so long? I'll go buy it for you."

Little Fatty stuffed some noodles into his mouth and also said offhandedly: "I've been playing support for you for two years and you've never even bought face wash for me."

Tong Yao dragged Lu Sicheng to flee. Then she chose the most expensive brand among all the cosmetic counters to buy the most expensive face wash for Little Fatty-- --

Lu Sicheng stood behind Tong Yao like a gate god and watched Tong Yao, still with a blushing face, pull out her credit card to hand it over to the sales lady to pay for it. With an expressionless face, Lu Sicheng made a sarcastic comment: "You don't have to feel guilty. He's just saying that."

"He's been with you for two years!" Tong Yao grabbed the pen to quickly sign her name on the invoice and said without looking up: "You never even bought face wash for him! What a shame!"


Lu Sicheng became quiet. He didn't tell Tong Yao even after they had left the counter, which was unusually kind of him, that, while she was signing the invoice, how the sales lady behind the counter had given a complicated look at her.

Tong Yao and her group didn't get to board the airplane until 9 o'clock that night.

By the time they were boarding, Tong Yao was so sleepy that she couldn't think straight. She checked her boarding pass to see that her seat was a window seat and figured that she could get some sleep after getting on the plane…...As she finally settled in her own seat, she saw her captain sit down in the seat right next to her.

Tong Yao's sleepiness was halfway gone: "...Isn't Little Fatty supposed to sit next to me?"

"He's too big, it's roomier for him to sit in the aisle seat so he changed the seat with me." Lu Sicheng took off his own jacket and threw it over to Tong Yao: "Go sleep. You've yawned ten times already."

The smell of Lu Sicheng clung onto his jacket and his body warmth as well.

Tong Yao held the jacket and blinked: "He agreed to us being together?"

".......Are you feeling alright? You're going to kick me off if he said he disagreed, hrm?" He reached out to push Tong Yao's head down: "What does it have any damn thing to do with him?"

Tong Yao lifted up the jacket to cover half of her face and giggled: "No, I'm not. It's just that I'm especially happy to have the support of a teammate. Hehe, what are you being so nasty for?"

Lu Sicheng sat up straighter and cast his eyes down to think for a while.

"Because today someone told me that I've passed my probation period. I don't expect to go backwards."

"..." Tong Yao's giggling suddenly paused.

"I remember everything-- --I'm not Jian Yang. I don't mess around nor cheat, only play ranked games and watch game videos, quit smoking just because you sneezed next to me-- --Xiao Rui has begged me to quit smoking for two years, I didn't do it but quit just because of one sneeze from you."

"So?" Tong Yao looked quite nervous hiding behind the jacket.

"Nothing." Lu Sicheng turned his head to look at the nervous Tong Yao with a clear smile, his dark brown eyes were unusually bright: "A very nice confession, makes me feel like everything has been paid off. I'm very happy, thanks."


Tong Yao's first reaction was to blush and her heartbeat quickened. She thought: wow, this man is seriously saying thanks to me!

Then a few seconds later, she calmed down and didn't get lost in his sugar coated bombshells: "...My sanity is telling me that you haven't finished saying what's on your mind. What do you want?"

"Nothing. Just to remind you." Lu Sicheng collected his smile, changed his posture to make it more comfortable, then used a relaxing tone of voice to say: "Once you've changed a man, you have to be responsible to him."

Tong Yao: "..."

Lu Sicheng: "As you've promised the fans before, at the opening ceremony of the Demacia Cup, you go upstage with a bullhorn and announce to everyone: I'm Smiling, my body and heart completely belong to the captain of my team."

Tong Yao: "Yuck!"

Tong Yao lifted Lu Sicheng's jacket off herself and tried to cover his face. Lu Sicheng easily blocked her. Then the voice of Xiao Rui came from behind: "What are you two fussing about?" Xiao Rui sat down on the empty seat next to Lu Sicheng as he was talking. Tong Yao's body staggered, Lu Sicheng caught her just in time and held her in his arms.

Xiao Rui: "What are you two doing? Are you two kindergarteners? You still have the energy to hustle after sitting in the airport the whole day? Captain, where are your hands? Take them off her waist. You're like a hooligan. Is she yours that you can touch her freely?"

Lu Sicheng probably was annoyed hearing what Xiao Rui said. His hand deliberately grabbed her with some force at a place which was hidden from Xiao Rui's angle. The act made the hairs on Tong Yao's back stand up. Then Lu Sicheng put Tong Yao back to her seat. He quietly said: "I just let her do something and she got over excited."

Xiao Rui yawned: "What thing?"

Lu Sicheng said with a serious look: "I allowed her to announce with a bullhorn to the national audience that her body and heart all belong to m-- --"[1]

Little Fatty began coughing in the seat behind them.

Lu Sicheng: "Our team."

Xiao Rui nodded and commented: "It's quite a sick request. Take some medicine, quick."

Tong Yao chimed in: "Take some medicine!"

Xiao Rui: "You two take it together."

Tong Yao: "..."

[1]: There's some Chinese wordplay here because he says "me" (wo) then pauses and continues with (men). wo men means "we," "us," or "our" depending on the sentence. So he quickly swaps the meaning from "me" to "our."

Since this wordplay doesn't exist in English, the closest we got is him half saying "me."

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