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Chapter 2: °Homecoming

He smelled the most fragrant of scents and it came from where those two werewolves stood, probably the female. It was so intense that it drew him out of his mind. He couldn't believe it. Even fellow female vampires couldn't draw it out of his inner self. Maybe he would call on a few male vamps to try his hypothesis. Something is fishy amongst the Teau wolf Park as it is and this has made it even fishier. He zoomed off blending with the trees.

"Queen Latiffah?" Oleg stood nauseated. Speaking to her through telekinesis.

"Huh?" Latiffah wasn't doing anything better. Their sharpen senses drew the stench in too deep . " let's transform. The smell is getting way too much."

"Yeah, you're right." Whether in wolf form or not, they could still smell it however their human nose somehow suppressed some of the smell. An advantage the human had over them, severing one small smell into way disgusting spectrum of smells.

"Geez! Couldn't they go light on the 'feast' ?"Oleg rubbed his nose. Even if they could, Latiffah doubted that would happen.

They belong to the Teau wolf Park . A park not very small or very big just enough for the Alpha and its inhabitants. It is situated in the forest theme area some where in Ethiopia. Not very much people come to visit or park members emigrate. Everyone is content with what he or she has. Most of them were light skinned humans and red, grey and ash wolves. Only the Alpha had black fur with a white streak in it from his back to his belly. It drew only once. A very, very small fraction had white fur like Latiffah did.

Her mother, an ash wolf, belonged to the family of the former Gamma of the park while her dad, a grey wolf, would take to the skies if he were to find out a little part of him descends from any of the three titles. Her older sister has red fur, her older brother had grey fur and her younger brother and sister got an ash fur. She is the odd one out with the white snowy fur and striking blue eyes. Must be special, something she wouldn't dare say aloud.

Oleg and his friend decided to return when they find nothing interesting to do. He has been her friend since she could remember and has never let her side. Many people think they are mates but they are far from that. She is disappointed to know that he has a mate in the world he must seek in two months and choose to return or not. He is the best of friends one could ever want and would be silly for any mate to reject this baggage of goodies.

In two months time, all eligible youngsters who haven't found their mates will head out to other parks to search for them. Oleg is eligible. She is also eligible but she doubt she'll go. The event is world wide and parks are strengthening their securities just in case. The vampires would join in the hunt but not so certain if they would go with their event or hold theirs. It's not that difficult for a vampire to find his mate amongst werewolves or humans but very unlikely for their Count to find his mate in any of these areas after all they must be led by full bloods to ensure authority and respect.

We continue our trek south coming to the entrance of the forest. Oleg escorts her to her home before proceeding to his. Her sister and brother embrace her immediately the door into the house opens. They didn't want to let go. Her mother comes around to give a hug big enough to hold them all. Her older siblings were nowhere to be found. She didn't care because they were never there. Maybe this funeral was the last time they all set eyes on them. That's a big maybe with high potential.

Soon sobs resonate through their ears. It came from her sister then infected her brother then her mother who acted so headstrong at the news then it remained her. The fucking tears didn't want to fall. Its not that she is deprived of water. But it just won't come. She decides to be the 'mature' one by rubbing their backs soothingly. She was in her period or PMing and she expected to be in a crying mess but she mastered calm like some freaking Chinese guru.

"It's alright you big babies." She patted their backs. It was difficult having to do it for three people. " Dad wouldn't want us to be sad or grieving over him. He would want us to be stealing his cookies and munching them like hungry cavemen." That uncalled for narration brought up some hilarious memories. She sighed. This was getting way too much. "Okay listen, how about I whip us some food , gobble them then we can go on to cry." Her mother looked at her weirdly. She couldn't help the frustration at the moment. "You can't cry on an empty stomach. It's bad for your health" She improvised to avoid getting chewed up.

"Come on, Edgar, Elsa , go and freshen up yourselves." Her index finger lingered at the direction of their room. They reluctantly move their butts. Now mom! What to do? "Mom, you too included. Follow suit. By the time you guys are done, the food will be ready." The crazy lady didn't pay heed to her. She came to stand right in front of her, cupped her face then looked her in the eyes and muttered,

"I know how hard you are trying to hold up dear. But you got to let it out sometimes." She gaped at her wisdom. She just wished she could let it out. She smiled softly at her which she returned then patted her to go ahead. Her brain moved her body to the kitchen. She concluded on a simple light dish for everyone. By now, the landline should be burning with calls from her 'overaged' siblings. But none of that happened. They thought their duty was to pay their last respects to their father then that's all. No communication! Zilch. Her mother needs to educate them on something called manners.

~•~•~•TWO YEARS LATER~•~•~•

The cool breeze wafted through her waves. It's refreshing to have your hair down when sprinting but not for a very good sight so it goes back to its bun. The sun wasn't that up yet but visibility was fair for a light jog as a human. She needed to train this body of hers to be able to handle special cases if the need be. No one was going to protect her even if they wanted to. Oleg wasn't there anymore. Well, alive but not available to be crime patrol or bodyguard. Two months ago last two years before the beginning of October, Oleg set off into the world with the other unmated and fortunately for him, he found his mate in Ecuador, a Latina. A very beautiful and enticing Latina. She made the men fall at her feet with her personality. Oleg had to quickly mark her to tame the other unmated. She'll definitely not be surprised if he suddenly announces that he's going to be a father. He deserved it though and she knows he would treat her good and make her feel like a woman. Wink, wink.

She is not a child any longer. She's twenty, full of life, graduated college by a hair's breath and can't wait for training school which she has been applying for. She responds to greetings from other joggers then plug in her earbuds. An inspiring podcast would do for now.

Unknown to her, other unmated and those who have lost their mates grew anxious to the sight of this beautiful lady every morning. She was a breath of fresh air, her wavy blacks and with her body, no male mate or not would reject her. She and amongst a few women were on the gossip lips of the men. Her skin tone was perfect, her height good and looked edible from her jogging attire. They would ogle with no shame and this got to the former Alpha. He has plans on making this 'edible' being the Luna of the park mate or not to his son. He knew her very well see her as the one who would take the park up it's glorious heights. Currently, he sought for her advice just like her father and proved to be even more wittier. His son could use her help in governing the park. First he had to discuss this issue with his son. It has to move slow but stealth so no one would notice a thing. She has to come in as recommendation to be apart of the defense team. This set in mind, former Alpha Rudy made way to his office where his son sat going through some paperwork.

A few days pass the anniversary of Rowan's death arrives. The entire Howell household and the park are plunged in deep sorrow. The Howell's going way deeper at the emptiness. It came as a surprise when Nicola and her brother Calvin, arrive with their family at the event. Latiffah couldn't formulate anything. Her brain run cold. When they got home, hell broke loose.

"What are you doing here?" Latiffah growled standing at the entrance of the door blocking them from entering into the house.

"This is my house. And I would watch the way I talk to my elders." Nicola snapped. Latiffah looked at her deathly as if possessed.

"Your house?" she smiles maniacally." So you are here for inheritance, huh?"

"No that's not it, Latiffah." Her big brother butt in. Her gaze turn to him.

"Do you even have some? For all I know, even when dad was alive, you never even bothered to come visit once or call. And now look what happened?" She asked mockingly. "Daddy dearest is gone and you want to come!" She felt she had totally slipped out of sane mode with those two's presence.

"You will let us in!" Nicola pushed forcefully but baby Latiffah is no longer baby Latiffah. She didn't budge.

"Gotten so weak, sister?" she drawls out with much venom. Nicola resorted to shouting out for her mother who couldn't wrap her head around Latiffah's behavior.

"Latiffah, let them through." Their mom commanded. Latiffah couldn't resist her authority. She vanished from sight to her room. Her other young siblings had no comment on what just happened.

Dinner was hectic with constant dripping venom, poison and sarcastic comebacks.

"Please pass me the salt." Nicola looked expectantly at Latiffah.

"Why is the food too tasteless for your majesty." She says, snidely. Elsa rather takes it and passes it to her. The eleven year old knew her big sister wouldn't do it.

"Can we like have a peaceful dinner here. Besides the kids are asleep. They've been worked out." Calvin again butt in.

"No! I didn't ask you mother fuckers to come. And who the hell are you to tell me what to do in my bloody house."

"Mind your language, Latiffah." Nicola warns. "There are kids around."

"Then take your bloody kids away and leave us in peace!" she held a vicious glare. Nicola looks at her sister seated across Elsa then breathed in deeply before replying,

"I was referring to Elsa and Edgar."

" News flash, Nicola, when you and your circus were not here, they didn't even have to hear the cheapest of all curse."

"Actually I asked them to come home." Their mother reveals. The betrayal in her daughter's eyes didn't go unnoticed. Latiffah chuckles humorlessly for a while then stops.

"You what?!" Latiffah didn't know what to say or do again. All she knew was that she didn't want be around them any longer. She couldn't believe her mother had the audacity to call those two bastards home. She let out another vain laugh. 'They weren't even going to come to the anniversary, were they?' She asks nobody in particular.

Latiffah spent most of her day away from them and only got to see their ugly faces at dinner which was strictly family something their father had impacted into them. When the offer came to attend the law enforcement school in York County near Williamsburg, Virginia, she didn't refuse.


Time took a span like the spider spinning it's web these four years and things literally changed. Not only for Elsa and her family but also for this newly shaped, experienced lady who got out of the Emirates Airbus A380, seat number thirty-five with just a black duffel bag swung on her shoulder. She was licking a strawberry lollipop with her dark shades on blocking the sun's unforgiving rays.

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