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Chapter 69: Chapter 66 Memory

Chapter 66 - Memory

Summary of the previous chapter:

Max and Dan Kato start fighting, the fight was 1 vs 1. Dan Kato is superior in speed to Max, but Max is superior in strength. The fight was in the balance of powers, since they were fought in Taijutsu, they were both very good. During the fight, Max had realized that he was being used for entertainment. Max had improved Tsunade's technique, and used it in the fight, with this technique, the balance of power is broken. Max manages to overcome Dan Kato and manages to hit him. When Max was going to continue with the attack, when two Konoha ninjas intervene and begin to fight with Max, they die immediately, since Max was superior to them. Another group of ninjas attacks Max, and then the rest of the Konoha ninjas continue. In this fight, only Jounin level ninjas fight, in just a few moments 11 ninjas had died. When the fight stops, 18 ninjas form an attack and defense formation. Dan Kato recovers and participates in training. Max was being pressured by the ninja formation, during this fight Max had felt something, and in the next moment, he felt like a shackle had been broken. Max wins the fight, and the formation is broken, killing several ninjas. Dan Kato dies at the end of the fight.



[August 30, 14 A.N.N.]

[Point of View, Third]

In the Amegakure territory, the rain continued non-stop all this time. In a small destroyed town, where a great battle took place. You could see several ninjas with tired faces, and sad, since many of their acquaintances had died.

At this time, the Chunin ninjas are treating the wounded, since they are healthy because they did not participate in the battle.

In this group of ninjas, only two Low Jounin level ninjas were healthy, as they were in charge of protecting the Chunin, and they did not participate in the battle.

The rest of the Jounin were wounded, and some seriously injured, these five ninjas had participated in the battle, and they were the only survivors.

"We lost a total of 29 people. If leader Dan-Sama hadn't given him the scroll, perhaps the number would have increased." -Said the Elite Jounin, Sub-leader, with a sad face, while he looked at his companions, since the loss was tremendous, and many of his friends had died.

"Now what are we going to do? The village has suffered a great loss." -Said the High Jounin, while he looked at the Sub-leader (Jounin-Elite).

"We have to inform the village. We can't let this go… We have to seize the moment, I don't think I came out of this fight unscathed." -Said the Jounin-Bajo with a face of hate, since one of the dead was his best friend of his.

"And who do we send? No Jounin can beat him." -Said Jounin Medio, while he denied that request.

"The three leaders have been divided, and there are only two left in these lands ..." - Said the High Jounin. - "The other higher ranks are occupied in other lands."

"BE QUIET!" - Said the Jounin-Elite, and continued - "We are nobody ... to decide what is going to happen ... We just have to send the report to the village, they will make the decision."

"It's fine." - The Jounin ninjas said, while they were silent, and only looked at their companions, since they had been saved from certain death.

All the Chunin ninjas were guarding the perimeter, as they had already finished collecting the corpses of their superiors.

At this moment, the ninjas who were watching could see a group of ninjas that were approaching at high speed.

"Report to the superiors ... Now!" -Said a Chunin ninja, and ordered his companion.

"..." The Chunin asked no questions and was running.

When the Chunin notified the Jounin, they got up, and did not care much about his injury, and went, where the group of ninjas was coming.

After a moment of waiting they could see who they were, those who came are ninjas from their village.

The person who was leading the group of ninjas, has very pale skin, with long black hair. He has amber eyes with slits on his pupils, and purple markings around the eyes.

At this moment, the Jounin-Elite ninja stepped forward, and spoke respectfully - "Orochimaru-Sama!"

"Report!" -Orochimaru said with a calm face, he did not look disturbed, since, in war, there will always be casualties.

"We were attacked." - Said the Jounin Elite, Sub-leader.

"How many went?" - Orochimaru said.

"Only one" - Said the Sub-leader.

"Ohhhh!" Orochimaru expressed surprise, and for the first time, he was surprised, while he licked his lips.

"..." Sub-leader was silent and waited for Orochimaru.

"I want a detailed explanation ... Now" - Orochimaru said with a cold voice.

"Yes, the details are ..." - Said the Elite Jounin, Sub-leader, he began to explain in detail how everything had happened, and how they got rid of not dying.

All the ninjas were silent, as they listened to the Sub-leader's information, and when he finished, Orochimaru was left thinking.

"It's strange, he is not behind Dan Kato's scroll, as he refused to fight with your in the beginning, and during the fight... Also, he had warned you several times not to fight .... What is your objective? I don't think he only wanted to help a civilian, he must have had another motivation .... And because he left them alive, it would be very risky, if they survive. " -Orochimaru said, as he muttered under his breath, and everyone could hear.

"...." Everyone remained silent, and the ninjas who came only looked at their companions who survived.

"Tell me, what information have you been able to obtain?" - Orochimaru said with a calmer face, and stopped thinking, and wanted more information from the enemy since the behavior of the other party seemed strange to him.

"He specializes in Taijutsu, and uses the sword as his main weapon; he did not demonstrate any ninjutsu ... We could only see that he uses the thunder element to improve his sword, and we could not recognize which village belongs. " Said the Jounin-Elite, Sub-leader, and continued- "Most importantly, that person does not leave any trace, since we have no way to trace his whereabouts, or anything to discover his origin."

"Are you telling me that we have no method to find out who he is?" - Orochimaru said with a cold voice.

"Yes, Orochimaru-Sama." -Said the Jounin-Elite, Sub-leader, he spoke with fear, since it was all a great loss for the village and a great mistake as ninjas.

"He must see something, some clue, I don't think he's very careful." - Orochimaru said, and he began to think, and ordered everyone.

- "Everyone look for any trace, or information to discover the culprit." -

"Yes, Orochimaru-Sama." - All the ninjas of Konoha, tracking specialists, began to search for clues throughout the town.

"..." Orochimaru, looked as everyone went to search.

After a while, the ninjas returned, and they informed him that they had not found anything in the entire town.

Because Max had burned all the houses equally, with this he prevented them from looking at a single place, and as they say, fire erases all evidence!

"Orochimaru-Sama, if we go in the direction, which way did he escape?" - Said the Jounin-Elite.

"It's not that stupid to go in one direction, it will have changed course by now, it's just a distraction." -Orochimaru said because he was able to get the characteristics of that person very quickly, and he was not going to make such a stupid mistake.

Orochimaru looked annoyed since they could not discover because the enemy helped a group of civilians, it was not something common, and he should have a goal.

"Come on, it's a waste of time staying in this place." - Orochimaru said, and began to order the ninjas to leave. - "Inform the village of what happened in this place in detail, and all the information of the enemy."

"Yes, Orochimaru-Sama." - Said a communication ninja, and began to send the report.

All the ninjas of Konoha began to leave the destroyed town.

[Point of View, Max]

When I had escaped, I had directed me in a different direction than where the civilians had gone.

If I was going in the direction of the civilians, maybe they can catch up with the civilians, and they can capture them, and I thought 'It would be very troublesome if they discover any connection to Konan's family.'

After a while, and changing in different directions, I headed to where I had detected the crystal that I had given to Konan's mother.

When I was running, I was thinking about what to do with the civilians, I didn't know what to do, since it would be a burden, to be responsible for them.

After meditating during this time, I had decided, that it would be better for them, and me.

When I could feel the trail of the crystal close by, I started to go slowly, as I wanted to prepare what I was going to do.

At this point, I created several medium backpacks, and began to fill the food that I had in the storage ring.

After a while, when I finished filling the backpack, I created a big sack, and put all the backpacks away.

When I got closer to the location of the crystal, I could see the group of civilians.

The civilians were still running without stopping, many were helping each other. The smaller children were carried by the adults, and they continued running.

'Apparently, they are not that evil, since they did not leave the weakest behind ... In the end, they fulfilled what I told them.' I thought and continued 'I'm going to help you a little more than I thought.', and I added some money in the backpacks, it was only going to last a couple of days.

When everything was ready, and I thought 'It's time', at this moment I took out a crystal, and I approached the group of civilians.

When I was close I did not hesitate, since it is the best way, and I thought 'It will be dangerous, if they know about me, they better forget it.'.

When I got to the group of civilians, I started to place the crystal on the heads of all the civilians, everything was very fast, nobody noticed. When I finished, I let out a sigh, as with my speed it was very fast.

The only ones who were not touched by the crystal were Konan, and his mother, since I did not want to be forgotten. With the heavy rain, the two did not realize what was happening behind them.

At this time, the bodies of the civilians began to weaken, and they began to run slower, their eyelids began to close.

Konan's mother did not notice, since she was in the front part, and did not look back, since she remembered that she should not do it, also she was very far from the group because I told her to give priority to The life of her.

When the civilians felt tired, they stopped and began to sit on the ground, in the rain, and their eyes closed, tired.

At this point, I placed the food packs on each person and added a few swords. Also, a raincoat that Amegakure uses for the rain, and I placed it next to them.

'The swords were small, for a Shinobi it is not a big deal, but they will still feel safe to have a weapon on their journey.' I thought as I looked at all the civilians.

At this time, I became the appearance of a child that I had kidnapped, when they were sleeping. The kidnapped child was in hiding until I finished this act.

At this point, I started picking everyone up and kicking them to stop sleeping.

"Stop resting, we have to keep running, the bad guys can find us." - I spoke with a childish voice.

"Wait a minute, we have to pack things up, and we're going back out." -Said a man, and he is the leader of the group since he spoke first.

"Quick, we don't have much time, the ninjas are fighting." -I spoke with a face full of fear, and I thought 'I'm very good at acting.'.

"Okay ... Don't be afraid." - Said a woman, with a motherly voice, and I just nodded to her.

"Quick, quick ..." - I spoke urgently, and began to rush everyone, when they were ready, the woman spoke again.

"Everyone is ready?" - Said the woman.

"Yes." They all answered.

"No one is missing?" - The leader said.

"No, we are all here." -Said the woman, while she looked at everyone.

"Well come on, let's go in that direction" - I spoke, while pointing in one direction, I was pointing in the direction of Kuzagakure, and continue - "We have to leave Amegakure because they will hold us responsible if they catch us."

"Let's go quickly." -Said the leader, and began to help his son.

They all ran again, when they all ran, I was falling behind, and with a blink, I go to where the sleeping child was, and I carried his body, and with another blink, I was behind the group. Everything was very quiet, nobody could tell, since my speed was very fast.

When the boy was getting up, I placed a crystal, and I sent him a memory of me, what had happened a moment ago, and I had also taught him a route, where he had to go, to avoid the ninjas, and he just had to move on, not knowing what might happen.

The boy knew that if he continued, he could find a safe place.

When I saw that the boy had already gotten up, and was looking around, looking for the group. When he realized he was falling behind, he started running and caught up with them.

When I saw them walk away, I could only sigh, since their lives are in their hands, I already gave them a chance to live, because in the original story, perhaps the entire town would have been razed, by the Konoha ninjas.

"If they don't fight to survive, they will never know what peace is." I thought, and stopped looking at them since now I focused on the direction, where Konan's mother was, and then I looked at my hand.

When I looked at the crystal that was in my hand, I remembered that this crystal had been created to erase the memory of a person, and I thought 'And to think that I created it for Kurenai, and Yugao ... But in the end, I did not use it.'.

For the civilians, he had erased their memory, that he had saved Konan's family, and had never rescued them, and they were dead. They only remembered that Konoha ninjas were fighting with me in their village, and they escaped, plus I added the memory that they had taken out their emergency backpacks.

When I looked at the crystal, in this crystal it contained all the memories of the civilians, and I thought 'It's the best way', and I crushed the crystal, and it was destroyed, disappearing into this world, all the memories were destroyed.

At this time, I placed my sword on my waist, and created a large backpack, and placed it on my back.

When I finished everything, I looked in the direction of Konan's mother, and used the Blink Body technique, in less than a few seconds I was on the side of her. I spoke with my true voice.


To be continued...


Author: Remember the challenge is all this week ... reaching 1 000 Power Stones.

Janjo24 Janjo24

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