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Chapter 73: Chapter 70 Preparations

Chapter 70 - Preparations

Summary of the previous chapter:

Seven days have passed, since Konan's father's funeral. During these days, Max dedicated himself to traveling, he had not stopped at any town, since he only wanted to reach the Rouran Empire. Konohagakure had increased more ninjas on its borders, and they had to deviate to avoid unnecessary trouble. The only dangerous place on the trip was crossing the borders of Kuzagakure, Iwagakure, Takigakure, and Konohagakure, as he was being closely guarded. After crossing the borders, they were able to travel more calmly, without stopping. After Max's increase in power, his speed had increased. On the seventh day, they arrived at the Hot Springs, and continued their journey, arriving at the imperial city of the Rouran Empire. When they arrived, they went by carriage, as a soldier found them. Max falls asleep on the trip, as he was tired. When Max got up, he had found Seramu, and Sara, along with a crowd of people. Max converses with the crowd, and when he finishes saying goodbye, and they arrive at the palace, he begins to tell the story of himself. In the end, Max asks to talk to Seramu alone, and tells her some important information.



[September 08, 14 A.N.N.]

Right now, we were in the palace, in Seramu's study, where we always talk about important matters.

"War is close!" - I spoke with a serious tone while looking at Seramu.

"..." Seramu was surprised, and immediately calmed down, and looked at me carefully, since the topic is very sensitive, she thought that his Empire is involved.

"We have to prepare for war. Although they will not participate, they have to gain something in this conflict." - I spoke calmly, and I thought 'The Rouran Empire will not participate in the war, but I will!', Since I traveled to this time, my goal was to protect Konan, and participate in the war.

"Max, with this you are saying that you are going to participate, right?" - Seram said.

"Yes! Because it is the place, where my strength will grow." - I spoke calmly, and I thought 'Seramu, you already know me... On that occasion, I was going to go straight to the battlefield, Amegakure, without having any relationship with them, but in the end, I stayed for them, and in this time they can't stop me.'.

"Sigh, I already knew this was going to happen, you have to be careful if you're going to participate in the war." - Said Seramu defeated, with a face of regret, since she could not command me, nor persuade me in my decision.

"It's fine." - I spoke calmly, and continued - "You have to do something to summon the Daimyo, to continue doing business, with them by our side, no ninja village will dare to attack, since there is a contract.".

"I'm going to do my best to set up a meeting with them," - Seramu said.

"Well, one more thing, try to contact the messengers of the Daimyo so that they continue sending reports from their ninja villages" - I spoke calmly.

"Why are you spending so much on them, is that amount of money necessary, just for information?" -Seramu said, she looks a little upset, since she was spending large amounts of money, for information.

During the meetings with the Daimyo, I had also done business with the messengers of the Daimyo, because they were in charge of reporting everything that was happening in the ninja villages, and they sell me that information.

The messengers of the Daimyo, sold me information about their villages at an expensive price in their eyes, it was like an S-rank mission, it is equivalent to a million Ryo. They accepted the deal, since the profit is very good.

But, the money in my eyes was not worth it, and that's why I paid, and I didn't want to spend much effort trying to spy on a ninja village when I had the easiest option.

"Yes, sometimes information is worth much more than money, and I want to be aware of the movements of the Shinobi." - I spoke calmly, and I thought 'I'm too lazy to be spying on ninja villages'.

"Okay, I'm going to send a message to contact them." -Seramu said with a tired tone, since she had more work to do.

"Another thing, were you able to find any information on the Uzumaki Clan?" - I asked, since I wanted to look for the survivors.

"No, none, it's as if the entire Clan has disappeared." -Seramu said while denying it, since she was looking for any clue, but in the end, she didn't find anything.

When I had left, I had asked her to keep an eye out for any information related to the Uzumaki Clan.

"It's a shame." - I spoke, and I thought 'They will be well hidden, since they couldn't find any trace of them... I still think they must still see survivors... Such a powerful Clan, won't die that easy.'.

"Did something happen in the Empire in my absence?" - I asked, and left aside the matter of the Uzumaki Clan.

"No, nothing important, only the projects are advancing fast, but even more income is missing, since the Empire's treasury is running out very fast." - Seramu said, she looked a little worried since the money was running out.

"Right, about the money, I can take care of it. I want to buy land from your Empire." - I spoke, because I wanted to invest large amounts of money, and I had plans to launder the money that I am going to create.

On the good side of this world, there is no financial system that supervises your expenses, and earnings; there are only the tax collectors. The reason is very simple, those in charge of creating the money, it is the country of iron, the samurai, and nobody would dare to counterfeit bills, because it is very easy to distinguish between a false bill, and a real one. In this world, only I could create real banknotes, and no one could tell it apart. Besides, I'm the only one who would dare to do this.

"But, you are going to become the future ruler of this Empire with Sara, you don't need to buy land, since it will belong to you." - Seramu said calmly.

"Sighed, as I had said, leave it for the future, about marriage... Now, I'm just an investor who wants to invest in your Empire." - I spoke, since I can become richer, without doing anything. Also, at this time, the price of land is very cheap, and I thought 'Besides, I don't want to be a supported husband.'.

"It's okay!" - Seramu said, and accepted.

We started talking about buying land in the Rouran Empire. When we finished negotiating, I agreed that I was going to buy all the free lands of the Rouran Empire, for a slightly higher price. The payment will be made in money, and the other part in gold.

Since I could create money, and gold, the price is almost free, I just needed to launder the money. The only thing I couldn't create island or space, now that I have my land, I'll be able to do a lot.

In the agreement, like every person, I had to pay taxes to the Empire, for the land, and services, that was one of the pieces of advice I had given Seramu.

In addition, he had asked Seramu, who tried to recover more land, offering the population money to give up their land.

Seramu, I accept, since she wasn't going to take anyone's land from him, she was just going to buy his land, for a higher price.

When the whole deal was finalized I was happy as now I can do a lot of projects. This was going to favor the Empire, I had already planned how I was going to do it.

"So, the payment will be made in a week, it will be billions." - I spoke with joy, since now I have my land.

"Yes, but isn't that much money?" -Said Seramu, she had been surprised by the amount, since the money was almost the collection of more than 10 years.

"No, ok," - I spoke, I had a big smile.

"With all this money, much can be done in the Empire, and all projects can be developed faster." -Said Seramu happily, she was happy, since his Empire had earned a lot of money.

"Seramu, remember, you have to know how to handle money very well, since mismanagement can ruin the Empire. Instead of helping the Empire, it can ruin it." - I spoke, since having a lot of money can be bad if you don't know how to manage it. Because many people only know how to spend, and not invest.

"Sorry, I was just a little excited....With the books you had left me, I was able to learn a lot. Thank you." -Seramu said, she had already calmed down, and she started talking to me.

"Well..." - I spoke, and we continued talking about the Empire, and how to make the Empire grow more. After a long time, Seramu changed the subject.

"Max, we were worried about you, when you left the Empire, and Sara was a little down." -Seramu said with a soft voice, while she told me about his daughter.

"Don't worry, I'm going to stay in the Empire for a while, I'm going to spend more time with all of you." - I spoke, since I had planned to be in the Empire, and train.

"Sara is going to like this news, thanks." - Seramu said with a happy voice.

"There's nothing to be thankful for, as I'm going to be training, before leaving for the battlefield again. During this time, I can be with Sara, and you." - I spoke calmly.

"Right, I've finished the construction you asked me for, the place for your training." - Seramu said, and remembered something important, since it was related to my training.

"Thanks, you can take me." - I spoke excitedly, since now I can have a place to train with peace of mind.

When I had left the Rouran Empire, I had asked Seramu to build a private place for my training.

"Sure, let's go." -Seramu said, as she stood up, and began to guide me.

When we were walking, we kept talking, and when we passed a room, we could see Sara, and Konan playing. Kana was taking care of the two little girls.

'Apparently, they became friends, I'm glad, since I was worried about Konan, she had been through a tragedy. Kana is better since she still has her daughter by her side.' I thought, and just smiled at the scene. 'Sara now has a friend to play with.'.

Seramu also smiled at the scene, since Sara had no friends, because of her princess status, she could see her daughter happy for her, for getting a friend.

"They seem to get along well." -Seramu said with a happy tone, while she sees her daughter smile.

"Yes, little Sara, and little Konan, they get along very well." - I spoke, while still watching the scene.

At this moment, Kana became aware of our presence, and she approached us a bit awkwardly, since she didn't know how to address Seramu.

"Don't worry, just address me by name, Seramu." - Seramu said to Kana, and Kana no longer felt uncomfortable.

"They seem to get along well," - Seramu said, and looked at his daughter, and Konan.

"Yes, they started playing, since they went to talk." -Kana said, and she was able to speak more calmly.

I had not interrupted them, since they must know each other, after all, I will not always be present.

At this moment, Sara became aware of my presence, and she called out my name, while she waved her hand.

"Eldest brother!" - Sara said with a happy voice.

"Eldest Brother." - Konan said, she also noticed my presence, for Sara.

At this time, the two little girls approached, and Sara was the first to speak.

"Big brother, where have you been, we were looking for you, but we didn't find you." -Said Sara, while she puffed out her cheeks, and made a cute pout.

"..." Konan.

"I was with your mom talking," - I spoke to Sara, and Sara looked at her mom, and Seramu just nodded to confirm.

"Big brother, are you going to disappear again?" -Konan said, while she looked at me.

'Konan, she is very intelligent, no matter her age, since she realized that I was going to leave again... About her father, she unconsciously denied the reality, but during the trip, she had accepted it, her father's death .' I thought, I could only smile, and I spoke - "Yes, I was thinking about training.".

"I can go with you?!" - Konan said, and I wonder immediately.

"I also want to go." -Said Sara, and she also asked to go with me.

"Girls don't bother your older brother." - Seramu said in a reproachful tone.

"Mother!" - Sara said, and looked at her mom.

"Ok, let's go." -I spoke, since with Sara she had already trained, and she always remained calm.

"Yes!" - Sara and Konan spoke at the same time with a happy tone.

Seramu, and Kana, could only smile at their daughters for their antics. The five of us went to the place where I am going to train.

After walking a long way, we were able to reach the place, where my training place was to be.

In this place, it is very spacious, and very quiet, since I wanted to meditate when I trained.

Seramu explained to me how they built it, and the time it took them, and the villagers themselves did it with greater dedication, since they knew who it was going to belong to.

I got to talking with Sara and Seramu, while Konan and Sara were playing around.

When we realized it, it was already night, and the two little girls were tired.

We went to the Palace again, and we each took a room to rest. Kana and Konan wanted to sleep together, because Konan is very small.

Sara went to her, and she fell asleep. Only Seramu was missing, and I had asked Seramu for a moment to talk.

When we went to the terrace, the wind was blowing, a soft cold air. At this time, I looked at the dark sky, and the shining stars, and could only sigh.

Seramu only saw what was thinking, and didn't interrupt me, and also saw the night. Today, the night was very calm.

"Seramu, we have to hurry things up, as time is running out. I'm going to create 4 clones of mine so that they can help you in the Empire. These clones will only last 30 days." - I spoke calmly, and I thought 'They need someone to guide them to rush things, because if the war starts, it will only be chaos, and almost nothing can be done. Also, only Seramu and Sara knew that he could create clones.'.

"But, it won't affect you?" - Seramu said with doubts.

"No, it doesn't affect me." - I spoke, since this time I was going to use the Wood Clone.

"Sigh, really thank you, without your help, maybe, I would already be dead, and my daughter too, I don't know what would have happened, if you hadn't appeared, at that time." -Seramu said with sincerity, from the heart, while she remembered how we had met.

"Okay, you don't have to think about that. Just live happily, since you have another chance." - I spoke, while I continued to see the night.

"Yes, I am going to dedicate myself to helping my daughter, I don't want to lose her." -Seramu said with determination, when she reminded her daughter on that occasion that she asked that she not leave her.

I could only sigh, and I didn't say anything, I didn't want to interrupt the moment, since I also remembered Sara crying asking her mother that she wouldn't leave her alone. Also, he knew the story, the Rouran Empire was going to be destroyed by Anrokuzan, Naruto, and Minato.

'Will the story continue? Will Naruto come from the future? Or will Minato have the mission of infiltrating this Empire?' - I thought of a lot of future questions, but let it go, since I have to follow the present. 'Time is relative, I just have to think about the present'.

After a while, Seramu calmed down, and at this time, I just looked at her, I could only smile at her, and she smiled back.

"Wait a minute, I'll be right back." - I spoke while jumping from the terrace, and climbing on the roof of the palace, where no one could see me.

Seramu only looked at me for a moment, and she watched me disappear.

At this time, four wooden figures began to come out of my body, and they became the same as me. They are four clones of Wood, I did not plan to use them in front of anyone, since I wanted to keep this secret. Seramu will just think they are normal clones. Also, the Clones will be in charge of paving the way for the future, when I leave, and I can leave this time with peace of mind.

When the four clones of Madera were ready, I went back to the terrace with the clones, and met Seramu.

"Seramu, they will be the ones to help you these days." - I spoke calmly and began to introduce the clones.

"Change your figure, I don't want you to go out on the streets with my appearance." - I spoke to the clones.

In the next moment, they changed everything, they looked like different people, their aura, Chakra, sense, everything had changed, no one could tell them apart.

"You know what to do, if you need anything, just come find me." - I spoke calmly.

"..." the clones just nodded at me.

When I told Seramu, what are his roles, she was glad, and with this help, she was going to favor his Empire.

I had asked Seramu to give her a house that I had bought, they were going to live outside the Palace.

Seramu agreed to the request, and we went outside to find a guard to take them to their new home.

After planning everything, and preparing for the arrival of the war, it was time to go to training. I had already slept in the morning, and he wanted to take advantage of all the time I could.

"Right now, I'm going to train, if you need anything, just come find me" - I spoke, as I said goodbye.

"Okay, you should take care of yourself, we'll visit you tomorrow." -Seramu said calmly, while she said goodbye.

"Good night and rest." - I spoke, and I began to move away from the Palace, and I know they will be safe, that's why I wasn't worried.

"Goodnight." -Seramu said, while watching my departure, and entered the Palace to go to his room, and rest.

I continued running in the middle of the night, while I saw the stars, the cold of the night was the only thing that accompanied me.

When I was running alone, while I was appreciating the stars, I remembered everything that had happened, since I had come to this world.

I could only smile, although I was alone at the moment, I didn't feel alone, since I now had many people by my side, and I trust them.

'On this path, I started alone, but now I have many people by my side' I thought, as I remembered how I had escaped from Konoha in fear of being captured, and I remembered Rin. - 'What would have happened, if Rin had agreed to go? with me? Maybe I would never have come at this time.', I had to keep going, without looking back.

"I was getting stronger, and stronger, because of them, that was my only motivation to keep going...!"

To be continued...

End of the Fourth Saga: Little Angel.

To be continued...


Author: The time of the Shinobi world could be said to be the beginning of the 20th century... That's why they don't have a computerized system, and it's very easy to launder money... They don't even have cars, that world is strange.

Yes, if you wonder what would have happened if Rin had gone with the MC, it's very easy, there would be no Harem in this story, and the MC would not have traveled to the past. As I said every action has a consequence.

You will know about Rin in the future, if it wasn't for her, I wouldn't have written the history of Naruto's world, since the MC was going to leave, and never come back.

In the next Saga, they will know many of the big changes, in this saga they only knew a little.

In the next chapter which is "It is not a chapter", I will put many references.

They couldn't complete the challenge, well they have until tomorrow at noon, I hoped they didn't make it.

¯\_( ͡•͜ʖ ͡•)_/¯

Janjo24 Janjo24

If you like, comment, this ends today's chapter.

Remember the challenge is all this week.

I hope you have a good day.

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