/ LGBT+ / Foolish Me

Foolish Me Original

Foolish Me

LGBT+ 132 Chapters 65.7K Views
Author: Tinnean

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Giving up his life as a rent boy for his lover William Matheson is the easiest decision Theo Bascopolis has ever made. This smart, handsome man wants him in spite of his past and promises to love him forever. But that past has left Theo riddled with insecurities, which have a tendency to turn up when he’s at his most vulnerable.<br><br>Case in point: things seem to fall apart when Wills goes on an extended assignment and the number of times he contacts Theo is precisely zero. Theo might be willing to believe work is getting in the way, but then a message he receives appears to confirm another betrayal. Well, his heart may be broken, but he’s not dumb enough to hang around waiting for it to get shattered. He leaves town determined to have nothing more to do with Wills.<br><br>Wills returns home after an exhausting assignment only to find Theo gone with no explanation. It doesn’t take him long to piece together what’s happened and determine a plan of action. Wills is a man of his word who keeps his promises, and he has no intention of letting the best man he’s ever found walk away from him.<br><br>But having been betrayed once, is Theo willing to trust his lover not to break his heart again?


  1. Sheryl_Francis
    Sheryl_Francis Contributed 647
  2. Miccan43
    Miccan43 Contributed 642
  3. Randy_Jennings
    Randy_Jennings Contributed 637


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    Author Tinnean