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Chapter 2: In The Wizarding World

Ottery St Catchpole, Devon, England. 1985

Cadmus POV

Yes, I have confirmed I have been born in the Harry Potter world.

My Father is Amos Diggory a British wizard who worked for the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures in the British Ministry of Magic.

And yes my brother is Cedric Diggory with the looks of an angel and fate worse than a house-elf. But now that he's my super adorable older brother no way I am going to let him die.

Anyways for me, saving the world needs to start with my family. From being an orphan in the last world, I always dreamed to have a family as such. But for my ease, I'll not do any major change in timeline and wait till Triwizard to finish lord fucking voldwhatnot once and all.

My Mother Ceylon Diggory is also a genius potion maker although not a grandmaster like a certain goth professor and she mostly takes custom orders where money is good. I wonder if Snape could have helped out himself of guilt trip how successful would he have been.

My mother is the real looker with grey eyes and black hair which makes my father average looking compared to her.

I have inherited her looks with jet black hair but amber-red eyes contrasting grey eyes and black hair of Cedric. But having amber eyes stands me out more giving the perfect twilight vampire look that Ced lacked. Although I think it's cool but people flinch sometimes when seeing my eye but ignore it the next minute, being a real looker has its pros.

I have been in this world for the last 4 years and understood magic generally manifests in wizards between 5 to 7 years olds. Today Cedric will turn 7 and in the wizarding world, 7th birthday is celebrated to introduce children to the community.

Some people skip being financially not stable or having doubt of child as squid, as in some cases magic manifests late. But Diggories being Diggories want to throw a party not only to show Cedric but their young prodigious son me who manifested magic at an age of 4.

Well, to be honest, I had already unlocked my magic CP point of 100 (which went straight to MP without giving me any options) at 3 but they caught me levitating a book from shelf to bed recently which as expected caused quite a celebration in the house.

But whatever I have gained quite a knowledge because of my eidetic memory and easy language understanding thanks to my high INT which stands @ 10. But I still haven't found any way to check this world's average stat which makes me anxious.

Coming to today's affairs from morning my mother is busy decorating, with our house elf Flobo wearing a maid-like outfit preparing dishes (I guess not necessarily all elves wear pillow covers). A custom-made formal robe has been made for Cedric and me to wear in the evening.

Father is flooing up here and there with utmost urgency pasted in his face and Cedric slept near the window, apparently giving up on understanding what I am reading.

Our house Little Cottage is in between the famous stacked Burrow of Wesley's and Rook of Lovegood's. It is a beautiful hillside cottage with British medieval architecture.

Me being native to states in the past life have knowledge level of Trolls while coming to British Society. So I'm doing some light reading of wizarding customs not to embarrass myself by trusting movie knowledge.

Slowly guests start feeling the lawn and I waked Cedric at mothers call to get ready. Flobo helped Cedric and mother me to be presentable for the event. We reached the garden in one hour finding the Lawn completely filled with guests.

There were the famous red-haired Weasleys and I found many famous/infamous personalities of the book as Gethsemane Prickle my father's Head of Dept, Mathilda Grimblehawk, Cecil Lee, Albert Fawcet, Rufus Scrimgeour, Pius Thicknesse, Amelia Bones, and Kingsley Shacklebolt. Even Minister Cornelius Fudge joined the celebration clearly showing the standings of the Diggory Household in Wizarding World.

Minister Eldritch Diggory one of my ancestors was Minister for Magic from 1733 to 1747. He defeated Perseus Parkinson for reelection in 1733 and was reelected at least once. He was a popular Minister and first established an Auror recruitment programme in Great Britain.

Cedric wearing a fine blue velvet robe with me magenta silk robe made an entrance with huge applause, of course, our looks helped to multiply the sound. After the formal introductions and my forced wandless incantation less levitation demonstration miracle, I was dead tired of answering all the high-ranking gizmos.

I sat near the fountain taking a breather found Ginny Weasley cute as a porcelain doll sitting behind the fountain alone out of Mrs. Weaslys sight eating some chocolate ice-creams.

This little girl has not noticed me yet and is clearly focused on finishing the scone.

I have met Weasly Twins before they with Percy are playmates of Cedric for Shuntbumps. They would attempt to knock as many others off their broomsticks as possible. The winner was the last one still mounted on their broom. Being cripple in my last life make me very much eager to fly but Amos being overprotective never let me touch the children's broom bought for Cedric last year.

"Ah, Merlin!!"

Shocked Ginny bought me back from my thoughts.

"Hi, Ms. Genereva Waesly I am Cadmus Diggory. You can call me Cad."

Little startled by my manner she declared to call her Ginny and how should not I ever mention about ice cream to Mrs. Weasly.

She's a fierce little girl with red hairs matching my eye colour. She started talking immediately about fairy tales and how Harry Potter single-handedly defeated the most fearsome dark wizard voldwhonuts. Now I know the reason for her infatuation with Harry. Looking at now dozing this little 4-year girl on my shoulder I'm in no way going to prevent that and if possible in near future even push Mr. Dense Potter. She is a good influence on him.

Mrs. Weasly came soon searching for Ginny accompanied by my mother and 5-year-old Ron.

"Oh Lovely. Thank you my dear for taking care of Ginny." Mrs. Weasly told hugging me and then lifting sleeping Ginny to her shoulder.

I also introduced myself to Ron. He's also a sweet little kid but knowing his character I need to help him get over his inferiority complex. He'll be a great asset in the future.

Molly Weasly POV

Ron turned 5 this March and could not do any magic yet and it's normal in wizarding society to start showing accidental magic bursts from around seven and stabilize it by eleven when they are allowed to own wands.

But this young 4-year-old kid in front of her just before showed chantless wandless magic which could only be possible by great heroes. He definitely would do great things in the future.

I should ask him to be friends with Ron. It will definitely help him in his life ahead.

Being an elder she knew childhood friendship in Hogwarts is really makes what future the gangs achieve. And she already has 6 years before that to build a friendship for Ron and it seems Ginny is already ahead which is for sure helpful.

Knowing Ron he already thinks Cad is cool showing such calmness and strength at such a young age. And more ever Cad is such a little well-mannered handsome kid. She'll love to raise her as own and being in the neighborhood Ceyl already requested her to babysit as she's planning to provide potions to Apothecary as Potions Master which sometimes requires concentration and children should not be near. Although Cad being exceptionally genius allowed by Ceyl to accompany in making off safe potions.

And I hear he has already started making some basic potions? No wonder if it is Cad.

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