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Chapter 57: Chapter fact info dump (PoV VAilein)

Currently there are 10 Megatropolis cities. Each city is run by a small group of humans. A single Megatropolis is surrounded but 32 secondary cities. Resource rich areas are usually occupied by a town, give or take 270 towns are present around each Megatropolis. There are a total of 72 trainer schools present in the area of a single Megatropolis, for each Megatropolis. Each Megatropolis has 3 trainer schools, each secondary City has a single trainer school, that leaves 37 schools for the remaining towns. For every 7 or 8 small towns, one town in between is a school. Each school is well guarded, the ones in towns are military regulated schools. The area that humans are currently aware of is no bigger than Europe. Everything outside of the old country of Europe is unknown. Space satellites no longer are in function. The growing earth and expanding solar system the Satellites either crashed back to earth, or are on a trajectory no longer around the planet called earth. Each City has a super large ground satellite station, smaller cities have only a smaller satellite station. The range of the large stations are half Europe, the smaller stations are only enough to reach the closest Megatropolis.

Each Megatropolis has a circle of champion stage Trainers who rule the place. The amount of Champion stage trainers present is never less then 10 but no more then 20. Each of those lords, as they like to be called, are well over 100 years old and mostly the first generation of trainers. Each champion stage trainer takes a disciple every 4 years. After 4 years of training a disciple the Champion can either continue that education or abandon it. Below the Champion stage trainers there are hundreds of pseudo-champion stage trainers. They are responsible for the maintenance of the city and teaching of the younger generation in each Megatropolis. Pseudo-champion stage trainers and up are the nobles of that Megatropolis. To maintain influence inside the city they groom a large group of people by naming them disciples. They get thought by them but are mostly indoctrinated into following their 'master'. Below that are the Elite and Pseudo-elite trainers. They are the ones who mostly run the shops and caravans. They also own the farmlands, orchards and mines, and have many ordinary citizens working for them with the help op several Pokemon. Professional and Advanced trainers (15 years and up) can gain a mercenary license, become guards, or adventurers. Basically they are between ordinary citizens and real trainers. There are 4 special champion stage trainers always present in each Megatropolis. They have a total of 9 subordinates with different strengths. They are called Gym leaders, specialists of a Pokemon type. You can challenge them, each time you battle a gym for a badge you have to show your previously earned badges and you get to battle the corresponding generation, the youngest first, the oldest last.

Some Pseudo-champion stage trainers don't like being responsible for one of the available tasks and take a governor position in a secondary city, sometimes a champion stage trainer wants to try establishing a new Megatropolis and starts with a secondary city as a base to nurture talents. They have a group of Elite stage trainers maintaining the city, and school for them. Elite stage trainers are here the Nobles. Each city has a number, this number represents the power that city is expressed with Elite stage trainers, City #2 has the most elite stage trainers, city #2 has less then #1 but more then #3 and so on and so forth. Pseudo-elite trainers are here the ones that own the shops and all that makes money. Trainers above Intermediate stage can become an adventurer here.

Towns are owned by an Elite stage trainer (or noble) with a group of Pseudo-elite trainers maintaining status quo. A town generally has a specialty, such as mining, farming or fishing. Each Post is run by a Pseudo-elite trainer. Caravans from this place are always guarded by 4 Professional trainers at the very least. A town brings the wares they have for sale to the closest City. That City sells those products to another city, town or their Megatropolis. Each Megatropolis is on their turn a trade hub for the powerful people to trade with other Megatropolises. This way the circle comes back around again.

Trainers that are above 15 years old but not yet Pseudo-elite stage are expected to train on their own, make money by taking mercenary jobs, scout on their own etc. This causes the useless ones to be culled by the wilds they have to enter. Of course there are ways to prevent that, join special organizations, an example is the military, or work for a noble, they own almost everything related to Pokemon that is left.

Average inhabitants for each of the city types:

Megatropolis 10.000.000 people total 6.000.000 working adults 2.000.000 military personal and 2.000.000 children.

Secondary city 400.000 people total 50.000 adults, 50.000 Military personal 300.000 children.

Town 10.000 people total 8.000 adults 1.000 military personal 1.000 children average.

School town 6.000 people total 500 teachers 500 guards 5.000 students.

Outside of cities or in ins are another 50.000.000 people. They form groups to travel or explore. Some even form organizations that use a Helicarrier as a base of operations. We know of a total of 300.000.000 people present in old Europe, just that the size of the land is blown up by 100 times because of all the dimensions that merged into our world. Military is about one fourth of the total human populations. Humans control barely 10% of the world, 90% of the known world is wilderness most likely in the hands of the Pokemon that already are in this new world.

Humans are learning and adapting to the Pokemon in the world. Finding some ruins of the old world without any living presence did help us a lot. We research the stuff we find extensively seeing what the old world was capable of we are only just getting started. More then half the remaining population is a researcher of one or the other type. After all earth did have it's own technological developments before Pokemon arrived in this world. In the middle of every city there are 20 large buildings each dedicated to research. The research is about Pokemon (breeding, training, cultivation, breeding), Technology (Poke-balls, transport, building, power plant supplies), Metals, wood, berries, food based on Pokemon, Dimensions, cold weapons, Hot weapons (or firearms), body cultivation, spirit cultivation, Ruin languages, Medicine, homosapien Pokemon (or the current humans).

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