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Chapter 2: Chapter 2 - Aestus

"Cold. I'm cold. Wait... how can I feel anything. Didn't I die? I guess this is the afterlife. If it's this dark then... heh, I guess I should've seen this coming."

Plop Plop Plop

"Is that water? Where am I?"

The sound of water dripping onto a hard surface could be heard echoing all around Kaden.

"I can feel the ground beneath me. Wait, I actually have a body?! C'mon, move!"

Kaden struggled for an hour to move his body in the slightest way. He couldn't even open his eyes until another twenty minutes had passed.

"Am I in a cave? How did I get here? Does this mean I'm still alive? C'mon body move!!!"

Finally, after another twenty minutes of struggling, Kaden was finally able to open and close his hands. He grunted and fought to roll himself onto his back and then forced his first words out of his mouth.

"Mmmmugghhhh! Hello!"

I am in a cave.

His calls echoed throughout the cave system he was laying in, but unfortunately didn't seem to reach anyone. Finally, after three full hours of fighting to regain control of his own body, he was able to drag himself up onto his feet.

What is this? I'm still in my tracksuit.

"Hellooo!" He yelled again after looking around.

He waited for a response, but there was nothing.

Of course there wouldn't be anyone in here. But how did I get here from the basketball court.

"Who's there?" A voice asked.

Kaden's eyes lit up to the sound of someone else's voice.

"Hello! I need help!" Kaden yelled.

"Stay where you are." The voice commanded.

"It's not like I have anywhere to go." He mumbled.

He waited at what seemed to be the end of this cave system he awoke in. A reservoir of water settled at the very back of the cave. He stood to the edge of the water and gazed into his own reflection.

Didn't I get shot? There's no blood or bullet holes in my clothes. What's going on?

"Don't move." The voice said to Kaden from directly behind him.

"You got here quicker than I thought you would."

Kaden turned to meet the person talking to him and was stunned by the beautiful woman who stood before him. She had long dark blue hair with sapphire blue eyes to match, light brown skin that covered her thin figure, and she wore clothes that were all colored blue and white. Kaden was so transfixed on her that he almost completely ignored the otherworldly weapon she was pointing at him. It was shaped like a bow and arrow, but it glowed a bright green as if it was made of pure energy.

"Um, excuse me, but what's that?" Kaden asked, pointing at the bow.

"You're in no position to ask questions here, stranger." She replied. "Who are you, and why are you here."

"My name's Kaden, and I don't know how I got here. I figured you could've told me where I am."

"Your colors tell me you're from Ignus. Your people never travel to this land, so why are you here."

"What do you mean my colors? We're almost the same shade, so what's with the racism?"

"The red in your clothes." She specified.

"What? Listen, I don't understand anything you're talking about. And Ignus? What's that, Latin?"

"What's Latin? She asked lowering her bow.

"Huh, I mean the language."

"I've never heard of such language."

What's with this girl? She looks about my age, but she's never heard of the Latin language? Not everyone's as bright as me, I guess.

"Since you claim to not know anything, you wouldn't mind me taking you to someone who can verify that, right?"

"Sure, could you just stop pointing that thing at me."

"My bow?" She asked.

Within two seconds the mist like energy that was radiating from the bow faded away until the entire bow itself disappeared. Kaden was shocked and froze where he stood.

"Follow me stranger, if you try anything I'll execute you myself."

"You expect me to ignore what I just saw." Kaden said.

"Weren't you feeling uneasy because of my bow?"

"Yeah but... what was that. A bow disappearing into thin air isn't normal."

"You've never seen a spectral bow before? Maybe you really aren't from Ignus then."

"Where are we right now?" Kaden asked following behind the girl.

"Just outside of Aestus." She replied.

Aestus? More Latin, I think. I wish I had finished those classes. Aaron would understand her better than me. Speaking of which...

"Did you find anybody else in here?"

"Huh? No, I haven't seen anyone else in here. I was making my descent when I heard your calls."

"Descent? Again, where the hell are we?"

"Once we're out you'll see. You ask a lot of questions you know."

"Well, I'm a curious guy. By the way, what's your name."


I wish her personality was as pretty as she is.

It wasn't long before Kaden and the girl made their way to the entrance of the cave. A lot of wind was flowing into the cave's entrance and the light from the outside made it impossible for Kaden to see.

"Are we up on a mountain or something."

"Yes, that's exactly where we are. Welcome to Aestus." She said, exiting the cave.

Kaden slowly crept out the cave, covering his eyes as they slowly adjusted to the light. Gradually, Kaden was able to take in the magnificent view before him. He stood on the side of a mountain that was a part of a larger mountain range surrounding a large lake in the center. No man made structures were anywhere in site, and unrecognizable creatures roamed the land below.

"No fucking way." Kaden said as he stood mesmerized by the scene. "Safe to say I'm not in Florida anymore."

"Florida?" She asked.

"That's where I came from."

"I've never heard of that place."

That's understandable given what I'm looking at right now. How did I get here? Is it because I died? She's right I have too many questions I want to ask right now, but she isn't going to have the answers. Maybe I'll just go with the flow for now.

"So where's this Aestus you mentioned?" Kaden asked still taking in the scenery.

"Down there." She replied pointing to the lake.

"Okay, I know I'm not going blind. Where's the city?"

"It's below the surface." She said as she started to descend the mountain.

"What do you mean below the surface?"

"You'll see when we get down there. It's going to take about two hours to get down."

"Two hours?!"

"I know it's windy but there's no need to shout."

"This wind is strong, so I have to shout!" He said following behind her.

"If you think this is bad you should see Ventus."

And so their journey down the face of the mountain began. Along the way Kaden nearly fell to his death four times but was saved by his companion. Also because of his lack of experience traversing a mountainous area, that two hours estimation became three and a half hours. However, no matter the difficulties, she was able to guide him safely to the base of the mountain.

"Does your home have good food?" Kaden questioned.

"We eat mostly seafood. You can catch your own dinner."

"Why would I have to? What kind of city allows their guest to go and hunt their own food."

"Due to our trek down from the cave, my view of you as a man has diminished." Mai said with visible disappointment.

"You're awfully blunt, aren't you."

Fyou Fyou.

"Excuse meEEEE?!" Kaden yelled as he stumbled backward. "What is that!?"

"It's a ninetails." She said, watching it walk past.

"Like the pokémon?"

"The what?"

The large fox had beautiful light golden fur and was about the same size as a bus. Two smaller foxes followed behind it, each bearing only three tails.

"Is it friendly?" Kaden asked.

"Yes. A Kitsune can be found in places that are living in peace and prosperity. Out of the four great lands, Aestus is the most harmonious of them all. We have the strongest connection to nature and have the least history of conflict of the lands."

"You say that, but you were quick to point a weapon at me right."

"That was only out of precaution in case you were an invader, which you still might be. However, I trust your words so you shouldn't worry anymore about any potential harm towards you."

"I appreciate it but listen, do you always talk so proper?"

"What do you mean?" She asked.

"I mean you talk like an old woman."

"My age is irrelevant to the manner in which I speak."

I can't get anywhere with her in small talk.

"When we reach to the shoreline stay close to me. I'll open a pocket big enough for the both of us."

"I'm gonna play like I understand what you mean."

Once they approached the edge of the lake, she told Kaden to stand one step behind her and to don't move. She closed her eyes and began to slowly move her hands in a back and forth motion. Blue mist similar to what her bow was made of started to appear in front of her. She repeated the action for a few seconds before raising her hands and the water out of the lake at the same time. The blue mist seem to mix with the water which made it move in sync with her hand motions. She made the water into a large vortex that surrounded both of them. Kaden watched in awe as she was literally controlling the water.

"Whoaaa, you're amazing." He said with a smile.

She opened her eyes and looked back at him over her shoulder. She then quickly looked forward again and told him...

"Brace yourself."

"For what?"

The water around them then closed in and fully engulfed them before returning back into the lake. Kaden struggled and tried to fight the current as he held is breath. However he continued to sink lower and lower as he watched the light from the surface move further and further away. He reached his hand out to the light but his hand was then grabbed by the girl who was still with him. She looked at him and whispered to him...


In shock, Kaden allowed the air to flow out of his lungs and breathed in a large mouthful of air.

"Hey, we only have so much air in this pocket." She said to him.

"H-how can we, breathe." He asked holding his neck.

"Right now we are surrounded by water essence that I've imbued into the water itself. It's a practice the people of Aestus have practiced for centuries to help them breathe underwater for short periods of time."

"I don't understand it at all, but this is incredible." Kaden responded with an excited grin. "So this 'essence' is the glowy stuff your bow was made of?"

"Correct, however, that was life essence."

"What's the difference?" Kaden asked.

"Every living being has life essence within them, but only people of Aestian descent have water essence flowing through them. Same as how people of Ignian descent have fire essence flowing through them."

"I see says the blind man."

Kaden observed the water outside of their pocket and watched as the marine life swam all around them. Some creatures that he recognized and some that look like they were straight out of a fantasy novel.

Just, what is this world.

"So if this practice only let's you breathe underwater for a short period of time, how do you live down here?"

"The city is underwater, not submerged in water." She replied.

"What do you mean?"

She pointed down to show Kaden the light which they were approaching.

"Get ready to emerge again in 3, 2, 1..."

In time with her countdown the pocket of water they were floating in separated from the lake like water dripping from a faucet. Kaden was speechless as the otherworldly site presented itself to him.

"Welcome to Aestus." She said.

The city sat on dry land underneath the lake of water that was about a mile above. Somehow the water suddenly stops and is suspended above the city. This humongous cave is home to the city of Aestus and they use the water above as a border. Kaden couldn't believe what he was seeing in front of him at this moment.


"What?" Kaden asked.

"You asked for my name. It's Mai."

As he gazed at her, a bright light from the very end of the cave illuminated the entire area. Even more fantastical creatures became visible as this cave housed an even more incredible ecosystem of mythical creatures. However Kaden's eyes were still focused on the beautiful female that seemed to be glowing from the light shining into their water pocket.

If this is a dream, this has to be the most extraordinary dream ever dreamt. This city, these creatures, this scene, this girl... It's all amazing.

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