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Chapter 13: Chapter 13

Well, it was official. Hyto hated Amegakure and never wanted to return. It had only been a month and some change since the 2nd Shinobi World War has started, and there was already so much death and devastation, that Hyto began wondering if this wasn't secretly hell on earth. Rape, famine, torture, and even cannibalism were all the norm already, and Hyto was finding it hard to believe that this war was supposed to last just over 2 years.

At the very start of the war, to get revenge on Hanzo for killing our shinobi and to force him into his place, Konoha pillaged Ame's food stores and destroyed their few farms. But what they didn't count on was how little Hanzo actually cared about his people's wellbeing.

Not only did he not care about them not having food, he openly offered food to those who fought against us the hardest, practically sending his citizens to death. Still, desperation proved to be a great motivator, as the war for resources against the Leaf shinobi quickly turned into guerrilla warfare.

Women lured men into seclusion with their bodies, only to have set a trap and have the shinobi killed or tortured. Even small babies would come up to the shinobi's crying that they were hungry and alone, only to injure and sometimes kill the shinobi when their guards were down.

It was chaos that quickly turned into many unspeakable cruel acts being put upon the civilians of Ame as payback. Hyto has beaten and detained many Konoha shinobi that he's caught torturing and raping civilians, but it just proved to be a worthless endeavor as they would be freed the next day and doing the same things. When he complained, he was told to grow up and that was just how war was. Eventually, Hyto stopped being so sickened by all of the horrors and just grew numb to it all.

At the moment, it was night time and pitch black outside as Hyto and the Majin were all on different trees surrounding the outskirts of a Suna outpost. They had to spend a whole week staking out this camp, as this camp belonged to one of the generals near the top of the chain of command, which meant that the amount of security was ridiculous compared to the other camps they demolished.

On top of that, this is the camp that held all of their high-level prisoners of war, and Hyto's main objective is to free and rescue these individuals. The POWs being here is the only reason he doesn't just drop a nuclear bomb equivalent of jutsu on the camp and be done with it, but apparently, this camp also holds a lot of valuable information that could be of help in the war, so that was another reason going in loud was out of the question.

In short, this was Majin's most difficult mission yet, and it was already proving to be one hell of a headache.

In the camp, the Suna shinobi have taken many prisoners, namely young girls, and Hyto and the others had to have a stone heart as they heard the girls screaming out and begging for help as the Suna laughed and violated them. Of course they wanted to help the poor girls, especially kind girls like Nono and Amagi, but at the end of the day, they had a mission to complete. They couldn't put a few girls suffering over the lives of hundreds of thousands of people.

"This is Huntsman, doing a final check-in before we make our move. Callsigns only from here on out. Huntsman, ready." Hyto said as he spoke into the communication seal on the inside of his Majin mask that he invented.

It was a truly revolutionary seal that could forever change how the world communicated and delivered messages, as no one without the same seal could hear or intercept what they were saying. But, Hyto decided to keep it as a Majin secret, to give himself and his new organization more power.

"This is Kitty, Ready." Amagi said through her seal. Her voice had less zeal than it normally did due to the atrocities of war she was forced to witness.

"This is Queen, ready." Nono said plainly through her seal. She had long gone numb to the horrors of war, and only seemed to regain her normalcy when she was alone with Hyto.

"Yeah, yeah, Omen is ready." Ayumi said in an annoyed tone through her seal. Hyto could tell she was ready to let out some frustrations on the bastards in the camp.

"This is Paladin, and I'm ready." said Koda with a voice full of determination.

"Good. I know this will be difficult, but I don't want any of you risking your lives unnecessarily. If you must, retreat and come back for revenge with help. We aren't samurai, we don't fight fair or with honor. We fight to win. You all know your objectives, move out!" Hyto commanded as they all flashed from their spots at the same time.

Hyto used a newer skill he picked up from an Uchiha, Body Flicker, to get closer to his entry point into the camp. Due to their confidence that no one would risk attacking such a big base, especially so early in the war, many of the soldiers were lax and severely drunk, which was all the better for Majin.

The POWs were held at different locations from each other across the base, a tactic Hyto silently praised as a genius move, despite him being annoyed at having to deal with it. The enemy will be less likely to try to infiltrate the base and break their people out if they were all hidden at different secured locations around the base. Any other officer would never take the chance of losing his people and just simply bargain with the camp for their release.

Unfortunately for Suna, Hyto had no intention of bending the knee and had the means to free his people.

Having already snuffed out his chakra signature and now invisible thanks to his cloak, Hyto easily snuck behind two drunk guards watching the outskirts of the camp. Using Earthbending, Hyto used two thin, yet strong earth spikes, and stabbed the unsuspecting guards through the back of the head. Then used Earthbending again to pull the bodies into the earth to hide them, and cover up the pools of blood.

Now having safely infiltrated inside of the camp, Hyto activated his Nekogan to sense all of the chakra signatures of the base, and confirmed the location of each POW before sharing the information with the rest of the team. Hyto could see the one closest to him had a weak chakra signature, which meant they were either broken to the point that it damaged their chakra, or they were dying. Being a doctor and as it was part of his main mission, Hyto had to prioritize this person.

Making sure to not be seen, Hyto rushed to where the chakra signature was, and found himself outside of a non-descript, hastily built stone building with no windows and only a single door. Again, Hyto praises the ingenuity of whoever ran this camp, as now there was only one entrance into the building, which makes it easily defendable with even a small force.

However, none of that applied to a ninja like, Hyto.

Using seismic sensing like Toph did, Hyto got a full outline of the entire building. There were only 3 shinobi in the whole building, and they were all surrounding a brown-haired male shinobi Hyto had never seen before. The male looked at the end of his rope, and considering how upset the Suna looked and how hard they were beating him, it was safe to assume this shinobi had yet to give up any information.

Seeing no reason to waste any more time, Hyto once again used Earthbending to sink into the ground and move beneath the building, positioning himself just behind the group of Suna nin, waiting for the perfect chance to strike.

Right as the shinobi that looked like the leader was about to deliver the final blow, Hyto shot earth spikes vertically through each enemy, the shinobi not even getting the chance to scream out before being impaled.

Being blindfolded and gagged, but suddenly hearing bodies hit the floor, followed by his severe beating no longer continuing, the man hoped against hope that someone answered his prayers and somehow freed him. His hopeful feelings were only confirmed to be true when he felt the warm, heavenly glow of the Mystical Healing Hands mending his wounds.

"I'm a shinobi from Konoha here to free you. If you want to live through this, stay quiet and do as I say." Hyto harshly whispered. He could never be too careful when he was as deep into enemy territory.

Seeing the man nod, Hyto was grateful that the man had a least a little bit of brains and didn't speak and only nodded in agreement. Taking the blindfold and gag from his mouth, Hyto quickly unbound the man and quickly guided him underground to the outside of the camp where the rest of Majin agreed to link up.

After leaving a clone to watch over the POW, Hyto reentered the camp in disguise as a small black cat, wandering around the base, mentally mapping it out as he searches for the commanders building, where he suspects is where all of the valuable intel is stored.

A few minutes later, Hyto spotted a building built slightly better than the others and equip with heavy security as well. Strutting up to the building, Hyto pressed his paw down to the ground, using Seismic Sense again, seeing a number of shinobi and a particularly large chakra signature that could only be the commander, Shinyo Kurochi.

Shinyo looked to be several levels underground, which Hyto commended as yet another smart move, as someone could probably level the whole building, and he wouldn't be in any danger. Still, that only applied to shinobi that aren't Hyto.

Once again using Earthbending, Hyto burrowed into the ground and positioned himself under what looked to be a sturdy looking compartment where he saw Shinyo constantly taking files in and out of. Knowing that he didn't have much time before the camp discovers something was wrong, Hyto knew it was now or never to kill Shinyo and get the intel he needed. Luckily, he still had the element of surprise.

Without giving any warning, a thick stone wall erected around Shinyo, followed closely by a burst of water from the ground, began filling the space and freezing almost immediately, quickly turning Shinyo into an icicle from the feet up. Shinyo being a veteran shinobi and one proud of his physical strength, reacted quickly by smashing large chunks of ice, but the ice and water filled so quickly, he had to continue rapidly smashing the stubborn ice or risk being frozen.

Shinyo let out a frustrated scream, but it was heavily muffled by the thick walls around him.

Almost as soon as the walls surrounded Shinyo and his ordeal began, Hyto emerged from the ground and got to work searching for intel, which there was a ton of. It looked as though Shinyo was so confident in his other security measures, that he was somewhat lacking when it can to actually securing all of the highly sensitive information. A rookie mistake on his part, and one Hyto plans to capitalize on.

It didn't take Hyto long, as instead of copying all of the information tediously, he just simply stored it all in his storage scrolls and called it a day. Looking back at the thick stone walls, in which Shinyo was fighting for his life, Hyto had lost all interest in having a heated battle with the man. Hyto was looking forward to having a battle of the wits with a rumored shinobi genius, but was left completely underwhelmed.

But, since he still had to kill Shinyo, Hyto thought of an effective, yet twisted way of killing him, without actually having to get his hands dirty. Double-checking the room had no more valuables, Hyto sank back into the ground, then reinforced all the walls and floors of the room with hardened stone, then began using a new Bending style he just recently learned and nearly mastered. Lavabending.

As Shinyo was smashing the resilient ice that threatened to encapsulate him, he realized he needed to escape or he'd run out of energy. So, using some extra chakra, Shinyo smashed most of the ice and quickly punched a whole in the wall. As large chunks of the wall broke away, Shinyo's heart sank, as the room he was in had turned into a hellscape. Lava filled all corners of the room, bubbling, and destroying everything it touched.

Then, searing pain came from his feet, and when he looked down, he saw that the hole that once produced all of that ice, was now rapidly pumping in lava. Shinyo frantically tried using water jutsu on the lava, only for the water to became hot steam immediately, some of it even damaging him. Needless to say, the world was lucky to not have to suffer through the horrified screams of Shinyo as he was slowly melted in a pit of molten lava.

Back with Hyto on ground level, still in his black cat disguise, the last POW was just rescued and all of the POWs were sent back to the Konoha main camp with Koda and clones of the others for extra protection. The rest of Majin, now that their main objectives were done, under the orders of Hyto, began freeing all of the enslaved girls.

Amagi and Nono being the two nice girls of the crew, and able to make the likely traumatized girls feel more comfortable with them, took the girls back to the main camp. Hyto and Ayumi on the other hand, unleashed pure devastation upon the Suna camp.

Hyto could say many things about the cute tsundere Uchiha, but he will always respect her battle prowess, especially when she activates her sharingan and doesn't hold back. Unlike most Uchiha, though she was skilled at fire jutsu, it wasn't her specialty. Ayumi's specialty was actually lightning and water, which makes Hyto think she may awaken a Storm kekkei genkai one day.

As they slaughtered the last of the shinobi, they were both gasping for breath, as it was for more difficult than either of them anticipated. Hyto was lucky that he had a healing factor, so his wounds naturally healed somewhat quickly. Ayumi on the other hand, wasn't as lucky.

In his tired daze, Hyto looked over and saw Ayumi slouched against a nearby tree. Even through the heavy rain that never seemed to stop in Ame, Hyto could see she was severely injured and in bad shape, which made Hyto kick into "Doctor" mode right away and rush to her side and start checking on her, only for her to weakly swat his hands away.

"You're injured you idot! Take off your cloak and armor so I can see your injuries!" Hyto commanded, in no mood for Ayumi's attitude.

A deep blush appeared on Ayumi's face as she covered her chest and glared at Hyto. "You just want to see me naked, pervert! Plus... I can't just get naked out in the open!" Ayumi said weakly.

"We're the only ones alive out here! Plus, I'm a doctor! If I want to see naked women, it wouldn't be a little girl. Now stop fighting me, you idiot! I can't let you die on me!" Hyto said with more emotion in his voice than he expected, surprising both him and Ayumi, as her blush deepened.

After Hyto built a small house out of stone for them to escape the rain in, Hyto had Ayumi strip out of all of her drenched clothes and lay on the dry futon he pulled from his seal. Hyto always liked to be prepared, so he kept all sorts of things in his seals for emergencies.

After cleaning her wounds and healing her with his mystical healing hands, Ayumi was no longer severely injured, but with her chakra being drained and the cold seeping into her body, she still was in no state to travel through enemy filled lands. So after sending a Nekonin he summoned with a message to the rest of Majin that they'll be at most a day late, Hyto put the fussy Ayumi on the futon with heavy blankets and joined her.

"Why are you in bed with me?! I knew you were a pervert!" Ayumi yelled, her whole face blushing heavily, but she was barely trying to scoot away.

"For the last time, I'm not being weird! I have to share my body heat or there's a chance you can die from the cold. If you could circulate your own chakra, I wouldn't have to do this, but since you can't, just let me try to help you without fighting me on each step! I don't know why you hate me so much!" Hyto said, exasperated why she was being so difficult.

To Hyto, they were both just kids, with nothing to interest the other sexually. Hell, Hyto's balls hadn't even dropped yet for him to even begin to do anything weird, plus he still has the mind of a grown man. Though his child body and having to act like a child has warped his thinking a bit he still wasn't so bad as to become a pedo like Hisoka or Orochimaru.

Ayumi said something under her breath, but even at their close distance, he couldn't hear her.

"Ayumi, you know I can't understand you if you mumble." Hyto said tiredly, as he expected she was cussing him out again under her breath.

"I don't hate you..." Ayumi said weakly, as the blushed deepened on her face.

Seeing this, Hyto couldn't believe it. Could Ayumi actually like him? Sure, he joked with himself that she did and was just being a brat about it, but now was the chance to clear the air.

"Then, why are you always so harsh with me? You always want to fight and say I'm your rival like I'm some big villain." Hyto asked, genuinely curious where this would go.

Ayumi only blushed further and seemed to struggle to find the words to respond to Hyto. Ayumi was only 11, and though people in the Naruto world matured ridiculously quickly, she hadn't yet fully grasped her emotions and how to deal with them.

"I-I don't know... You've always been so strong and I didn't want you to leave me behind. I just wanted to be strong enough to fight by your side. Plus, you're kind of the only friend I have..." Ayumi said, Hyto surprised by how meek she sounded.

But Hyto's heart swelled by just how adorable Ayumi was! This whole time, she just didn't know how to be his friend!

"Aww, Ayumi, you're so cute! From now on, stop giving me so much trouble and be a good girl, and you can fight by my side all you want!" Hyto said happily as he kissed Ayumi on the cheek and pulled her into a tight hug.

Ayumi was so flustered from being called cute, getting her first kiss, and being hugged naked, and already being weakened, that her head started swooning and she passed out. Seeing Ayumi passed out, Hyto began panicking comically and felt like God was looking down on him, about to smite him to hell for the bad scene.

"It's not what it looks like, God! I swear!" Hyto said to the heavens. Little did he know that God was face palming and wondering if he made a mistake sending Hyto into a world filled with arguably attractive children.

Lord_Bell Lord_Bell

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