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Chapter 15: Chapter 15

After making a clone and having it escort Fuso, Nagato, Yahiko and Konon to the Rasugi clan, it was time for Hyto to continue on his way to his next destination, the Iwa battlefront. Hyto had spent nearly a week searching for Fuso and the others and a few days helping them leave. But, like clockwork all hell seemed to have broken loose as soon as Hyto left the battlefront.

First, Tsunade, Jiraiya and Orochimaru got their asses kicked by Hanzo and earned the nickname, Saanin.

Then, Dan was killed, and Tsunade tried her best to save him, but he was already gone. On the bright side, thanks to Hyto, Nawaki was still alive! With Nawaki alive, through the comm seals, Hyto ordered Nawaki to stay and comfort his sister during her time of mourning. With Nawaki helping her, hopefully she won't develop a fear of blood and become helpless.

After that, Mito died after transferring Kurama to Kushina, which was another blow to the miserable Tsunade, but she still had her brother, which helped a lot.

Lastly, Sakumo was getting pressured fighting Iwa as the only commander, yet he still earned the name, White Fang, from his crazy skill with his sword.

Long story short, Hyto needed to rush to the Iwa battlefront before it's too late. Using his Summoning scroll, Hyto summoned a flying cheetah named, Toka. It's front and back legs were connected by membrane. It reminded Hyto of a flying squirrel, only as a giant cheetah.

Once Hyto was secured on top, Toka speed off and leaped into the air and started flapping its wings an took off into the air at a blinding speed.

A few short days later, Hyto was in the shit again. At least this time, he was by himself, so he could somewhat let loose. He also didn't have to report into anyone or ask permission to take out certain people. Needless to say, everything should be far more streamlined now.

The battles against Iwa were just like they were against Suna and Ame. Hyto was occasionally called away to deal with both Kumo and Kiri as well, so just like that, a whole year and a half passed by. Hyto had just turned 13, but due to his genes and great health, he looked more like he was 15 or 16. Based on his calculations from the canon story, there was only a little over half of a year left in the war, and Hyto had made a ton of progress.

Hyto has made a fortune from destroying camps and robbing them of their plunder. But the best part was when this flying nation came and tried to challenge all 5 nations, but was quickly put down by Konoha. Given the distance he was at when he heard of the devastating attacks the Land Of Sky launched, they were already defeated by the time Hyto made it.

But, Hyto was able to sneak onto the grounded remains and steal some of their advanced technology and blueprints. Though the remains disappeared soon after that, and Hyto couldn't find it no matter how hard he tried.

Besides gaining a fortune and some advanced tech, Hyto had also heard a lot of rumors of a young, red-headed girl who was making a living as a wanderer, letting people drain her massive chakra by biting and sucking it from her. Hyto dismissed it at first as just a prostitute just trying to sell herself, but then it dawned on him that it may be Karin's mother!

When he found the poor, tired-looking girl in the Land Of Hot Springs, offering her services to creepy-looking old men, Hyto quickly cut in and introduced himself. Karin's mom, who was named, Soren, was highly suspicious of Hyto at first when he offered her to join the Rasugi clan, as she has had quite the rough life surviving on her own, but when he showed her a bit of his wealth and showed that his chakra reserves were even bigger than hers, she broke down crying at his feet in relief.

After spending a couple of days with Soren, feeding and clothing her, as she was in nothing but skin and bones wrapped in rags, Hyto made a clone to escort her back to the clan. And just like that, he bagged himself another Uzimaki! But, just like he did with Fuso and Nagato, he dyed her hair black, as to not draw any unwanted attention. The Uzimaki are supposed to be killed off after all.

It wasn't long after that when Hyto got the call to return to the village. The moment he's finally been waiting for, the war has ended. Hyto was currently in a cheap bar in the land of Hot Springs, sipping some much needed alcohol.

He was currently Henged to look like a much older, poorer version of himself. He had missed being able to drink dearly ever since he reincarnated, and this could be his last time to do so in this world until he turned 16 in 2 and a half years.

As he was drinking, a familiar face sat down next to him and ordered himself a drink. It was none other than Jiraiya himself. Hyto was wondering what Jiraiya was doing there and not still in Ame after the war, but then he remembered that he had Nagato and the others join his clan over a year ago, so Jiraiya had no reason to stay in Ame.

"Aren't you a little too young to be drinking?" Jiraiya asked, easily seeing through Hyto's disguise, though he luckily still had all of his gear on.

"I'm also too young to be killing as much as I do, but no one seems to mind that." Hyto retorted, as he took a sip from his drink.

"Touche, Kid. Touche. You really did a lot of good out there you know. I don't think the village will ever fully grasp just what you've done for us during this war." Jiraiya said as he drank his drink in one gulp and signaled for another.

Hyto couldn't tell if it was him drinking for the first time in this world or not, but something just didn't feel quite right. He just couldn't figure out what was off.

"I was just doing my part like we all did. No point in getting praised for taking so many lives, am I right, Jiraiya?" Hyto asked as he pushed his drink away, and subtlety circulating his chakra through his body.

It was only then that Hyto realized how quiet the bar had gotten and the large number of chakra signatures gathering outside. It was also then that he realized that his head was swimming far too much for how little he drank, and no matter how much he circulated his chakra, his head wasn't clearing up.

'Did they fucking poison me?! No, no, no! This isn't right! Think Hyto, think! Wait...How the hell is Jiraiya with me in the Land Of Hot Springs when the Hokage just told me over the comm seal that the war was over? He should still be on the battlefield...' Hyto thought, with a slight panic, as he was in a pretty bad situation at the moment.

Out of the corner if his eye, Hyto activated his Nekogan and he immediately broke out in a cold sweat. He had long since marked Jiraiya's chakra, and his chakra was never so massive and chaotic like the person sitting next to him at the moment. Through the Nekogan, this person was like an actual nightmare given human form, and now he was poisoned and surrounded on top of that.

"Hmm, so you finally figured it out, huh? Still, you're pretty sharp to be poisoned and still pick up on these things. I see the famous Huntsman has the talent to back the fear behind his name." said the mystery person, whose face and body started shifting back to their original form.

When Hyto saw who was really sitting next to him, his heart sank and his body ran cold, as he was now positive he wouldn't live past this day. The person sitting next to him was none other than the 3rd Raikage himself, his uncle who killed his mother and father.

"It seems you recognize me, huh? Tell me Huntsman, did you think you could just go drinking after killing so many of my men and I wouldn't come find you?" asked the Raikage, downing another stiff drink like it was water.

'Huh? So he hasn't figured out my real identity? Yes! This will be my only saving grace. He's only doing this because I'm vulnerable and killed a few of his men. If I can manage to get away, I might be able to live! If I can contact the Hokage through the comm seal, he may be able to come stop this monster as well!' Hyto thought to himself, hope slightly returning back to his eyes.

"All of this attention for little 'ol me, I'm flattered. But let's talk about this. As I'm sure you already know, the war is officially over, and Konoha still has plenty of soldiers and resources left, thanks to a certain group tipping the scales of the war. Do you seriously want to paint a target on Kumo to get Konoha's full attention by killing one of their high-ranking shinobi? Come on, we can be practical here, right?" Hyto asked, taking one last shot at diplomacy, also giving his head some time to clear up before the chaos ensued.

"Ha, that's just it, Huntsman, you have no idea what is happening here. Plus, you remind me too much of certain people that is rather not remember ever existed. So, that's just another reason I can't let you walk out of this bar alive." the Raikage said as he pushed his drink away, telling Hyto the time for talk was over.

"Well, then let the chase begin I guess. Also, I'm only a clone, but I'm sure you would've figured that out by what's going to happen next. Bye!" Hyto said with a vicious grin under his mask.

The next second, Hyto exploded, the multi-elemental explosion caused mass destruction as the shady little bar was no longer standing, as it became nothing but chard rubble. Even the many Kumo shinobi waiting on the outside of the bar weren't entirely safe, as many of them died from flying shrapnel.

Though, at the center of the explosion was no other than the 3rd Raikage, with only minor injures to speak of. For those Kumo shinobi that lived and saw the Raikage standing inside of the raging inferno, they swore they saw a demon. They were further shocked when they saw sparks of lightning encasing the Raikage's body as his face twisted into a furious snarl.

"So he somehow put me in a genjutsu and ran like a coward. Hopefully he doesn't break too quickly when I catch him." the Raikage said as he disappeared from his spot.

Hyto ran at full speed towards Konoha, sending an urgent message to the Hokage, desperately seeking out his help.

"What?! Come back here as soon as you can! But given the distance and my position in trying to end the war, I'm not sure when I'll be able to reach you. If you are able to make it to the Land of Fire's border, I'll have a force there ready to protect you." Hiruzen said before Hyto ended the call out of frustration.

'Useless! He knows I won't fucking make it with that monster chasing me! Why did I ever think I could rely on that indecisive old man! No, something doesn't feel right... How the hell was he able to know I'd be there and set me up so perfectly?' Hyto asked himself as he realized he might be in a more fucked up position than he originally thought.

Deciding to think on that later, Hyto's heightened hearing was able to pick up the sounds of trees crashing in the direction he came from, and increasingly at an alarming rate. Knowing that he can't fight his uncle toe to toe, Hyto decided to lay some traps.

Making three identical clones of himself, Hyto and the clones used their bows to shoot proximity arrows that explode when someone gets close. After the initial traps were laid, they all ran in different directions, laying more and more traps as they ran.

Hyto knew this wouldn't actually kill his uncle, but if he could buy himself some much-needed time, he might be able to come up with a plan. Not too long after, Hyto heard the big explosion of his initial trap going off, followed closely by the gutteral scream from the 3rd Raikage that sounded more like a horrifying roar of an animal.

The hairs on the back of his neck tingled, as his danger senses went haywire, prompting him to dodge to the left, barely missing the huge bolt of black lightning that tore through the terrain like a natural disaster. He then felt his chakra return for one of his clones, meaning not only was he able to perform a cataclysmic jutsu like this once, he was able to do it multiple times simultaneously. Truly a monster.

After what felt like hours later, and after losing all of his clones, Hyto was finally almost near the border between the Land of Fire and the Land of Hotsprings. But, thanks to him being poisoned, making four high leveled clones, and running across a literal country at full speed, Hyto was more than a little tired.

Hyto burst through the thick forest he used as cover and came to the wide, flat plain with small rivers throughout it that stood between him and safety. Able to see the treeline of Konoha on the horizon, Hyto tried to push himself to run just a little harder so he could be safe, but the fast thumping he felt through the ground told him he'd never make it.

The 3rd Raikage, his murderous uncle, had finally caught up to him.

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