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Chapter 2: TWO[The Feeling of Guilt and Loneliness. The early life of Camille]

It was Monday in the morning. Keisha woke up very late. A good thing, for she needed all the rest that she could have. Working for twenty-five years ate deep into her skin. It was very involving, and now that she had dived into the world of pensioners, she needed all the rest she could get.

Keisha White is a moderately fat old woman. Sixty-one years of age, having dark short hair, blue eyes like the ocean, and a long tipped nose. She sat at the edge of the bed, then stretched her large arms in different directions. She gave out a long yawn and made her way into the bathroom. She came back and dressed neatly in a loose overall.

Looking at the pictures of some patients she had an encounter with back in the day gave her mixed feelings. She was sad and happy at the same time. Some lived and the majority had died.

"I know how greatly I have failed you, Laila, and Camille. I made you a strong vow and all I could do was just ran away from it. I was scared...persistently thinking of what burden would become of me being a mother. I was just...scared, Laila. Forgive me, friend. I am sorry." She said, touching her photo then the tears walked out of her eyes.

She was oblivious of the fact that Camille had married and had a wonderful family. Deep inside her heart, she wanted to find Camille, make her a heartfelt apology for failing her and her mom, and tell her how deeply her parents loved her.

As much as she wanted to see Camille, Camille was making phone calls to track her down and get some information about her parents. She wouldn't stay still until she knew about her parents—what they looked like and if they really loved her.

After a few moments of flashbacks of pain and joy, Keisha dawdled downstairs and straight into the kitchen. She came back to the hall with a cup of coffee in her hand. (This would set the day rolling). She told herself.

It was nine and the newspaper boy had already dropped the day's paper at her door. she went for it and collapsed gracefully in her rocking chair. As she sipped her coffee, she read. One caption caught her attention.

"Heaven's No! like seriously?" she exclaimed, pulling her glasses to the tip of her nose so she could see clearly. "How can this be? I thought the government was going to increase the salaries of all health workers? What had changed so suddenly? I need to call Tasha." She reached for her cell that had been lying on the center table and dialed Tasha's number.

She had retired and must not be in any way concerned about active health workers and their salary issues. She has to make being happy her priority and not this.

"They wouldn't fulfill their promise anymore, right?" She asked Tasha even though she knew. Just looking for a confirmation.

"I guess so. That's what the paper says. Don't be perturbed because we are no part of it, and even if we were, you and I perfectly know that the government hardly fulfills the promises it makes. These people are the ones breaking the general rule of making promises. You promise and never fail to fulfill the promise you've made.That's how it's done" Tasha spoke furiously.

Keisha felt a shock ran through her taut veins.She was scared and sad. Hearing Tasha talk about people breaking the rule of promise broke her completely. She was a part of the group of people that Tasha vehemently spoke of. If she really must make her way out, she has to find Camille and tell her the whole truth, all that she must know in the last twenty-five years.

She was sad. She wasn't concerned about herself. She knew she was no part of it, but what about those still active in the service? The government perpetually says it needs more nurses in the hospitals and it can't give them what they desire? How the hell are they going to stay? They will all quit and it'll be no one's cause but the government's.

"They're going to quit, Tasha," said Laila.

"they will. Trust me on this."

"You are so right. But as it stands, we can do nothing. Let's just pray and hope the government changes its mind and give them what they need. I gotta go. Talk to you later." She hung up.

Keisha always wanted to be retired, to have all the time to herself. It wasn't because she was sick and tired of saving lives. She loved that. She just felt that she had worked so hard that she needed the rest of her life. Now that she has all the time she for so long wished for, she still was stuck in a large pool of guilt and boredom. There was nobody to keep her company. She is a damsel and she has no kids.

And whenever she remembered that day, when she made Laila a vow she thought she could fulfill, she would let the tears roll out of her eyes. She needed to cry, let all of the pain out.Failing her friend and Camille pricks her old heart more than the touch of the bayonet. Tasha at irregular intervals visits her, but it just wasn't enough.

Keisha White rose from her seat and strolled into the kitchen to do the dishes. Then, she made her way reluctantly into the garden that stood beautifully in the backyard of the house.

"The garden of peace" she calls it. She made that garden for herself when she was eighteen. At the time, she was not so old being a nurse. It was like magic. Anytime she felt pessimistic, she would walk right in and sit amongst the roses and she'd feel fine. She desired that now.

Feeling the soft beams of the sun on her wrinkled skin, smelling the sweet scents of the roses that flourished in the garden, and embracing the mild wind that blew, somehow, would quench her boredom—If not entirely, partially.

Camille Dickinson grew up without a mother nor a father nor anybody that she could really call family. Nobody stayed and loved her truly—the way a mother would love her daughter. The woman that had signed some papers and made Camille hers was a pain in her ass. A creature that she would describe as cruel and monstrous.

Camille was only eight years of age when it had all happened. Lady Morgana only showed her true love whenever she came home from work with her pockets full of money. That was all she was concerned about, money, money, money!

"Oh, Camille, my sweet, sweet darling. You are such a beautiful and assiduous young woman. Look at all these you've brought. How kind of you! I have made no blunder making you a part of my gorgeous family." She would say and hug her tightly, with her vile face disguised with smiles.

She had forgotten that her family was nothing close to beautiful. It was one encapsulated with all that's evil. And until now, she never tried rectifying that curse.

Three years after adopting Camille, Lady Morgana kicked the bucket, and the cause of her death until now remained a mystery. Some of the townspeople said she died as a result of a serious disease attack; others speculated that Camille murdered her for her assets.

Although Lady Morgana was cruel to her, she still wished that she was alive, and she wouldn't dare kill the one who puts roof over her head. Now that she has lost the only wight she could somehow call family, she, perhaps, would be sent out of the house since her name wasn't a part of Lady Morgana's will. It was not astounding to her. Lady Morgana never truly loved her.

"...well, there's absolutely nothing I can do, love. I give you up to a month to pack out. I am so sorry." A tall man with a thick dark mustache that is curved at the ends spoke. Camille wanted to smash him in the face for calling her "love." But what good would that yield, it'd only worsen the situation she's stuck in.

Before she could grumble, explain explicitly to the man she had nowhere else to go, he was gone. Rode away in an ebony range rover. (you all are the same, filled with this spirit of...of, wickedness). She thought briefly.

She now believed it was death that would save her. Happiness was farther away from her the way God's distant from man. The home she has was about to be taken from her.

The only choice that roamed in her innocent head was committing "suicide." That, at least, she thought would hide her completely from life's endless pain. But she forgot suicide is paving your road to hell. Pain could make people do things so ridiculous.

On the verge of making such an ugly thought a reality, out of nowhere, someone beautiful came her way. Bobby Mikaelson came her way; showed her profound love and how much he cared for her.

All the vile things she thought of doing disappeared from her brain. There she knew she was in love. She could smile and sing; could love and be loved.

Bobby Mikaelson changed Camille's life profoundly and all the townsfolk could see. They got married and had a wonderful family: two girls and a boy. Brianna Mikaelson, Mariline Mikaelson, and Joe Cole Mikaelson.

And when she believed this happiness she did find would stay at her very side forever and ever, there came her enormous fear. she started getting paranoid and skeptical—things she didn't want to become because it'd stop her from trusting in her husband which happened in the short run. She felt Bobby was cheating and needed to confirm her guts, her feelings.

The pain that she knew in the past, that she thought she had abandoned a long time ago flashed before her eyes like a violent tornado wind.

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