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Chapter 25: The first vampire and the demon world

Trina's POV

Three years have swiftly past since I received the memories of my predecessors. The memories date back to the first Vampire Queen. When I first got the memories I was overwhelmed with how vast the history was. At first I tried to browse through each memory searching for the best way of understanding how to use my powers but I soon realised that the memories I had now were more than just a way to better understand my power.

They had life in them. This memories were the reflection of lives lived by Vampire Queens that existed over several millennia ago. Having these memories was like having a wild horse in that you couldn't control or predict when a memory would pop up. When a memory did pop up the experience was like nothing I had ever felt before. It was amazing and terrifying at the same time. It was like I was reliving the experiences of that vampire queens life. There were many Joys in the memories but with that there were also many sorrows. Through the memories, I was able to learn on how Vampires came to be and how demons came to be very powerful creatures.

The strength of the demons and the birth of dark magic was all possible because of what the first vampire queen did. Before the first vampire queen who was the first demon monarch came to be all powerful, she was the lowly child of a commoner woman. Her name was Lucy. Lucy was a child borne to an attendant of the third daughter of the first elf king. She was intelligent, quick witted and most of all gifted with magic. At that time the societal hierarchy of races was solely based on the ability of a race to perform elemental magic since no other types of magic had been discovered. The elven races was on top of the hierarchy referred to as noble beings, being they were the most blessed with magic. This gave the elves a sense of superiority making them look down all other races. The elf king being the most powerful person in the world only ended up furthering their sense of superiority. The societal hierarchy was such that Elves were on top followed by humans then the beast kind and demon races were last.

Although most of her people were bad at magic, Lucy herself was great at magic. Her elemental aptitude at that time was fire magic. She could easily perform fire spells that most fire elves could. This made most of her people, proud, that at least one of them was powerful enough to challenge elven magic. The news about Lucy's talent spread among all the races like wildfire until it reached the king. On receiving the news, the king sent a summons for her.

"Good morning your grace (bowing). My name is Lucy and I have received a summons. I am here so as to answer the summons"

"Raise your head. I have summoned you here so that I can invite you to get an opportunity to study under the fire elves so as to broaden and widen your magic skills."

" Thank you your Highness but I would like to ask why you chose me"

"I would like to reduce the bad blood between my people and the other race so as to strength unity in furthering the development of our world. This can only be done by proving that also other races can have High amounts of magic potential breaking the belief that only elves are born with high magic capabilities."

She accepted the king's invitation. When the classes began she felt like an outsider. The students learning from the fire master were all from the elven race. They treated her like an alien who did not belong with them. As the classes progressed, it was soon made clear that Lucy was one of the greatest fire magic users. Her teacher was was very impressed with her. This was because although she was not of the elven race , she was a very quick study and very magically gifted. Lucy's impressive abilities only ended up garnering hate from the other fire students. They started to bully her and call her names. She was treated so badly that she started to feel alone in the world. The only thing that kept her going was the desire of making her mother and people proud.

One of the students was not as bad as the other's. He was good and kind to Lucy always helping her whenever the other students would disturb her. He introduced himself as Eren. Eren and Lucy grew to be very close friends, as they were always seen helping each other out, eating together, practising together and doing other things together. The feelings of friendship from Lucy soon evolved into something more. Every time Lucy saw Eren, her heart would skip a beat and a smile would be planted on her face. She felt like she was on top of the world when she was with him. It was clear that she was in love with him.

Lucy kept her feelings for Eren a secret, scared that he might not feel the same way thus ruining the only friendship she had made. They continued to study together, learn together and do so much things together. Until the day that happened. One day Lucy and Eren were taking a walk in a forest.

"Lucy I think I am in love with you."

When Lucy finally heard this words she was overjoyed. The man she was in love with finally said that he is in love with her.

"I think am In love with you to."

As these words left Lucy, a tear followed them and a smile was then implanted on both their faces.

"Would you like to me my Betrothed."

"Yes I would love to"

Lucy was overjoyed that the so called elf supremacy did not live in the man that he loved. That night when they returned from their stroll in the forest, Lucy could not get a wink of sleep. All she could think of was of Eren and his proposal. She wanted to tell her parents about it but she couldn't fearing that they would see her love for an elf as taboo.

The next day the king came to see how the lessons were fairing one. It was then that Lucy learned that Eren was not just any other elf. Eren was the fifth son of the elf king. This new development made her relationship tense up since Eren was of Royal blood while she was still a commoner. When the king left, Eren ran up to Lucy as to comfort her. Lucy at first was very angry and annoyed thinking that the prince just wanted to make mockery out of her but eventually Eren convinced her to calm down. He then said that he would convince the king to let him marry her. Eren then invited Lucy for an evening stroll. They were to meet at their favourite place.

When Lucy got there she saw many elves, who attacked her on sight. It looked like they were waiting for her to come.

"We have been waiting for you to come. Did you think that a lowly commoner like you would be able to marry the prince. We were instructed to take you down Right here."

Lucy did not understand what was happening.

"Who sent you"

"Isn't it obvious who else knew of this."

Immediately the picture of Eren came to her head since their was no one who knew of their secret place.

The elves then began attacking her with all kinds of spell. They threw fire spells, water spells, wind spells and earth spells at her. Although Lucy was skilled she could not get out of the series of attacks unscathed. One of the fire spells managed to hit her hand.

Seeing that she was overwhelmed Lucy decided to ran. She ran and ran as fast as her legs could carry her but the elves just kept chasing her still firing spells at her. She ran until she reached on a cliff were she was trapped. Then when she was about to surrender, she was bombarded with one of the spells. Now falling to her doom, she felt so angry and hopeless seeing that the man she loved had betrayed her. Her body then made contact with water. There was a river on the other side of the cliff. The water currents carried her away. She reached a place where the water currents were not that strong. She got out of the river and dried her clothes. With now determination of getting revenge she promised herself that she would let herself die until her revenge was achieved. She scavenged for food. As she was looking for food she came by a cave. Not having a place to sleep, she decided to make the cave her new shelter. After she found some food, she ate it then continued into the cave hoping to kill its residence and replace it. The cave seemed bigger in the inside than the outside. As she continued the light penetrating from the entrance seemed to get dimmer and dimmer until finally there was no more light.

Lucy then started a fire spell hoping to use the light from the fire to illuminate the cave then she saw it. A colony of bats was soundly sleeping on the roof of the cave. On the ground there was a huge creature which seemed to look like a bat sleeping soundly. Lucy slowly approached the creature when suddenly the creature woke up. It then morphed into the shape of a human girl with dark wings.

"What is your purpose for visiting the cave of the dark fairies."

'Dark fairies' Lucy did not understand what the bat turned girl was saying. Immediately all the bats on the roof morphed into miniature girls with wings.

"I don't know who you are I just wanted a place to sleep for sometime as I prepare for my journey back home."

"Little girl I can sense Dark emotions from you and I like it. Do you have a wish?"

Not knowing what to answer, Lucy reluctantly answered yes.

"I wish that I had the power to surpass the elf kings longevity and rival his own magic and that my people would also have enough power to overturn the elven supremacy."

"What is you sacrifice going to be."

"I would give up my heart in that I will never love again."

"I Malison queen of the dark fairies hereby grant your wish. With this the contract is successful. In exchange for my magic most of your people would have to give up theirs."

Immediately after that all the dark fairies in the cave disappeared. Lucy could no longer use fire magic but instead she could use a new type of magic, Dark magic. With her new found power Lucy went back to her people telling them of all that happened to her. She then taught them how to use the dark magic she had obtained. At first everyone was hesitant but eventually everyone accepted and she was crowned queen. She then set out to do her revenge. First she located all the fire elves she knew and used her dark magic turn them against their own people. The fire elves razed the kingdom to the point that half of the elves were down.

The fire elves then Joined queen Lucy who now named herself Lucy Bloodbond and were the fast to be vampirized. Queen Lucy with her blood magic was able to defeat the elven king. Lucy then built a kingdom for her people and become the first demon monarch. Lucy ruled her kingdom for centuries sending fear to other races until one day when she decided to have an heir. Lucy's heir become the first Dhampir to appear. Unlike vampires who can use dark magic more specifically blood magic, Dhampirs can use other types of magic to. Lucy was defeated by a mysterious person who could use light magic. Before she died she passed down her memories to her heir hoping that she would continue building the demon kingdom preventing its collapse with centuries of knowledge. She also put a curse on her heirs so that no male heirs would be borne due to her deeply routed hate for men.

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