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Chapter 31: Chapter 28

Following the map of the school that I got previously, I saw that I had Defense Against The Dark Arts for my first class... nah just kidding I had gym apparently first thing in the morning honestly hmm, I don't know how I feel about that I literally always had it around lunch time all my previous life and aren't all the students still half asleep when they get to school.

Shrugging my shoulder I followed the map and noticed some other students walking in the same direction with gym bags I was assured I was going in the right direction.

I quickly stowed my stuff away in my gym locker seeing as I never found my normal locker to begin with. But I don't think it matters here with the rules for the school being very much unlike back in America this school seemed to allow us to carry backpacks so long as we didn't interfere with class operation but then again the main reason American schools didn't allow people to wear backpacks around school was because they were terrified the students would shoot up the school though that logic never really worked when the students had to have backpacks or other big bags to bring there thirty to forty pounds worth of books and sports stuff to and from school.

At least in this school I imagine if some edgy little shit decided to pull out a gun more than half the people here would more scared if it was a water gun filled with holy water than an actual bullet shooting gun and frankly guns just don't work past middle class strength. Peoples reaction time tends to allows them to see where the gun is pointing and move away even if the bullet is nominally faster than them they can minimalize the harm and frankly most beings at that level have stronger bodies so the bullets themselves aren't that lethal.

I stepped into the Gymnasium at the back of the group after changing into some basketball shorts and a compression shirt that outlined my cut muscles which seemed to garner the interests' of my classmates. I also thankfully spent the time to sow a couple low power runes that would blow out cool air to keep me cool as I ran or otherwise worked out so I wouldn't be a sweaty mess afterwards.

"Ok brats seeing as its the first day I am going to go easy on you whelps." Came a loud booming voice and turning towards it I saw a man Yujiro Hanma would have dreamed of fighting. He had a wild mane of blond hair that cascaded down his back and to say he had muscles was an understatement it looked like god drew a muscle builder and then accidently copy and pasted over his work making him look almost grotesque in size like I could see his wrists were literally thicker than my forearms...

As I got closer to the living modern art exhibit I noticed the freak of nature was even a great deal taller than me probably close to about a head and a half's worth in difference. "My name is Gōrudo Raion I will be your gym teacher and teacher of other physical activities!" His voice boomed out.

He snorted and sat on the gym bleachers and we could all hear the plastic groaning in agony at how heavy the beast was... "How fucking dense is that creature" A small girl next to me whispered she was petite in figure probably only a four and a half feet tall and I wouldn't bet my life on her weighing more than ninety pounds soaking wet and although I couldn't see her face with her being slightly in front of me she did have green hair that only went around her shoulders so I couldn't recognize her from anywhere but then again this is a whole school of people I couldn't expect to recognize everyone from the foreknowledge I had.

"Oh a little twig is calling me fat huh ok kid you and the bigger twig next to you come up here for... Demonstration purposes." Gōrudo laughed out and I rolled my eyes of course I get dragged into the loli's trouble so I sighed and just walked forward and started stretching for the possible beat down coming.

"Lets go sapling." I said tiredly to the girl alluding to her bright green hair which looked like vibrant leaves. The girl who was still frozen who whirled onto me when I said that but I just ignored her and stood at our side of the basketball gym as the rest of the students gleefully rushed to the benches and I could hear them chuckling about my coming fate apparently this teacher is somewhat famous for sending someone to the infirmary for several days on the first lesson to show the new kids who is boss.

I could feel the girl quietly walking behind me and I could see she was shaking and seeing the monster in front of us who was already pouring out killing intent I could understand her fear but frankly it had nothing on when I ate Scathach's death by chocolate cake man the screams I made that day I still have scars from that. Remembering that traumatic incident I shivered but the man in front of us took it as us fearing him. "Hey brats of both of you are already shivering in your boots this wont be any fun crushing you. Oh and seeing as this is gym class no magic unless it's senjutsu or something like that haha.

Bastard he could tell I was a human and although I wasn't sure what race he was specifically I was guessing it was some kind of Yokai and I knew for a damn fact the girl behind me was terrified at not having any non magic options when she grabbed me shirt and stood behind me and the way my shirt clung to me I could feel her shivers so I knew I was basically on my own...

I gently turned around to the girl and took her hand that was holding me and my teenager heart melted at her absolutely adorable appearance she had the most vivid sky blue eyes and with a thin regal nose and plump kissable lips that made you want to chew on them as you held her against you. Ok waifu found, without Scathach around I could actually get a girlfriend now without her literally holding the girl in question at spear point and not questioning them if they were going to steal me away.

"It will be okay just stand back. I will do the best I can but if I lose well..." I leaned in to whisper "Try to pretend a piece of debris hit you and broke an ankle." I honestly didn't know how hardcore this guy was going to be but I couldn't imagine him folding this little girl in half like he obviously was planning to do on me.

"Done making useless plans boy. Well no matter here I come haha!" Came the roar behind me and I shoved the girl back and whirled around at the man who went from ten meters away to almost in my face with his arm held out straight off him. He is literally trying to kill me, I realized with fear as his lariat was poised to crush my throat with his violent charge.

Seeing his extreme speed for literally taking a single hard step in my direction I knew I couldn't hold back at all and screw his rules about not using magic so I exploded with lightning turning on my lightning armor which cloaked me in solid lightning throwing him back several meters and charring the ground around me as errant sparks of electricity sparked around his hair and fingers.

"Oi kiddo I said no magic I planned only putting you in the hospital for a couple weeks for being a nuisance but if you want to break the rules maybe you should just be expelled..." He may have simply said expelled but I knew for a damn fact he meant my body would be expelled missing its head and in a body bag.

"Well for one I am a descendent of Zeus so using lightning is my literally god given right why don't you fight without using any of your Yokai arts then?" I questioned with a snort to which he simply laughed but the whites of his eyes turned black and combined that with his yellow slitted pupils made a rather impressive show of his rage at my back talk.

Whatever if I kill this guy the school itself wont punish me and I doubt with how much of an ass this guy is too every class that passes his way people wont bother to avenge him. He could see my will firming and his Ki exploded around him as he used Senjutsu to augment his already oversized muscles.

I sprinted forward no longer giving the basically confirmed Yokai in front of me any more time to do any bullshit powerup's and remembering mother's lessons on beating down more durable Creatures I slapped a lightning armor coated hand into his ear shoving lightning into his ear canal and hopefully killing him instantly.


"Ahhh Fuck!" I screamed kicking the monster in the face knocking him back and more importantly to release my wrist which was almost crushed already I could see the skin turning purple and my hand was bussing from the messed up nerves and pain.

As I went for the instant take down I didn't notice he was able to easily follow me with his eyes and when I went for the slap his already tensed arm shot faster than I could react even through my lightning.

Ok so this guy is no joke. He is probably close to a peak High class devil in strength.

I conjured several Glyphs to fly behind me and start blasting dozens of solid lightning blades every few seconds along with chains that would ensnare people also shot out.

A blur shot past me as I barely dodged the speeding shadow who slammed into the ground behind me and whirling around I continued blasting the teacher who started to circle me and stopped behind the green haired girl which made stop my bombardment.

"Wow teach you have to hid behind a girl huh too scared to be shocked a bit?" I jeered at the burnt and slightly twitching form of the man who picked up the girl and held her in front of him because frankly he was literally twice her size. He was no longer hiding his thin veneer of humanity with large cat ears and a long thin tail with thicker hair at the end I assumed the man was a Lion Yokai if you accounted for his long thick blond hair it made sense for it too be a mane.

Although he was certainly faster than me in a straight line frankly I could fly and he couldn't dodge my bullet hell of lightning altogether and lightning makes people fuck up with there fired nerves which just causes the target to get him more.

He seemed to regain a bit of his faculties and even he looked a little sheepish at his actions before shrugging it off before proudly stating "I am just giving you an opportunity as a teacher what will you do if a friend is captured by the enemy huh?" Damn shameless shitty Yokai almost brings me back to Gensokyo to how nonchalant they were there about screwing other people over.

Thankfully I had an idea and as the ass was spouting how this was a good lesson to learn I had an especially thick lightning bolt chain burrow beneath me.

"And that's why you should be ready to kill you're concubine if they are stolen away better to be known as a monster than a cuck." He said righteously and I couldn't stand this blow hard and anymore so with as much power as I could pour into the lightning without destabilizing it I shot it forward and had it intimately curl around his genitals tightly literally flash frying them as he screamed he didn't even harm the girl as when he threw her to break the chain I grabbed her with a chain made of solid wind which wouldn't harm her and brought her into me embrace seeing as she couldn't stand with how much she was shaking.

"I believe that is enough Gōrudo the Gym is literally destroyed this time thanks to you're antics..." A man walked into the middle of the field. He was well dressed in a fitting ornate gold and black kimono and he had a long stretch of hair that curled off his hair in an odd manner.

The Yokai groaned in response just clutching his genitals as the man just snorted "Just heal it with Senjutsu Gōrudo. And to the rest of the students here I am sorry you had to see this but frankly if we don't do this beat down while probably a quarter of you kids in your year will die to each other or a teacher by graduation it is much better than seventy five percent when we don't show our fangs to get you all to calm down."

With the fight seemingly done I gently led the girl to a few other female classmates and handed her off to them.

"Now I don't know if you bothered to keep up with all the information the booklet you got but I am the third generation Nurarihyon, I hope all you're stay in Kuoh Supernatural Academy is fruitful." He turned and looked at a clock that was mounted on a wall and seeing the time he called out to the students who were shooting looks between me and the principle. "Ok students there is ten minutes left so go shower or just change as I imagine only one of you actually fought today."

Azazyel Azazyel

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