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Chapter 10: Chapter 10 - Meeting

Draconic Deus 

Japan, Kuoh Town.

Hyoudou Household. 

Kuroka heard his words and became tense, eager to observe him to protect her sister but worried that she might notice her. She wanted to confront Issei but was afraid that it might compromise her chance of spying on him. 

Issei noticed her reaction and immediately went to pet her to calm Kuroka down, feeling the warmth like before that she craves.

"You seem tense, don't worry I'll try to return as early as I can to cuddle with you. Perhaps you're jealous that I'll be meeting someone?"

He teased her and Kuroka stared at him deadpanned since it was her sister and she didn't have any feelings for Issei unaware that she was thinking the reason was because of wanting to protect her sister.  

Issei chuckled then proceeded to find new clothes stripping for Kuroka to enjoy and didn't miss any moment to take everything. She kept staring at his little dragon licking her lips like a hungry beast.  

He had decided to confront Kuroka later once he cleared up her name after meeting the Great Faction Leaders. Kuroka can at least be told a bit of the truth like Bennia who knows that she's special to Issei and the grim reaper knows as well. 

Issei found that it doesn't have any issue and at least clear some things. Though, he can't always say it to everyone unless they want to know why he is eager to help them since it would be unusual to say there is someone special in his life and would look like a lunatic. 

Few seconds later, Issei had a simple black shirt and pants, putting on accessories like a watch. He noticed how his build settled in how it was when he's primed. Issei hasn't aged and stopped aging at his prime, virtually making ageless immortal. He nodded to himself, turned to Kuroka who regained clarity and received another pet from Issei. 

"Hold the fort for me, Kuroka. I'll come back soon." He pulled his arms leaving his room while Kuroka decided to observe them from a distance to ensure that he wouldn't do anything bad with her sister. 

Meanwhile, Issei left the room to find his parents only to see no one was there anymore. He went to the kitchen to find a note where his mother took Valerie around while his father had business to take care of. 

He realized that Valerie's doesn't have any clothes yet and most likely his mother took her around to shop. She did always dream of having a daughter to shop with and often did it with Asia. 

'I need to fess up soon and help renovate our home since it will eventually be flooded with people.' 

Issei knows it is inevitable that they'll find out but he isn't ready until he's confident that everything is stable. He doesn't want to overload his parents since they will be preoccupied with Valerie for the time being. His parents are idiots and would realize something was up. 

'Maybe visit Asia but she most likely hasn't met Diodora yet…' He left the house while his thoughts were filled with the dilemma regarding Asia. Issei can save her from discrimination from the corrupt Vatican members or he can let her suffer until she leaves the place. 

'Maybe I can speak with Michael about taking Asia to my residence?' Issei knew it would be selfish of him to let her suffer because he wanted to be with her. He soon arrived to where he would meet up with Koneko while leaning on the bench wrecking his mind in trying to solve the dilemma.

'.....This is difficult but I should focus on reporting what I know with the people I trust to take swift action. Asia is safe for now at least…..fuck it I'll check up on her and even place some protect to ensure she's safe. Ah then there's Ingvild but I don't know where she is…'

He deep in his thoughts gained another problem and that would be finding his queen knowing that she would still be asleep due to her disease. Issei decided not to think too hard and be paranoid since it wouldn't do him any good and his intuition is telling him that they're still safe. 

"—Ise-san!" Issei took out his thoughts and turned to look at Koneko who was dressed in a rather pink long sleeve and skirt looking at him with a worried expression despite how she normally has a stoic one. 

"Ah yes?" He slightly staggered and Koneko felt relieved and said. 

"Are you alright?" Issei nodded giving a stiff smile and said. 

"Ah sorry, I just got lost in my thoughts. Say you look really beautiful, Konekoa-chan." He immediately complimented her outfit that was perfect for her and Koneko blushed.

'He called me beautiful instead of Cute…' Koneko didn't mind the compliment but got tired of hearing being called cute and wished she would grow up quickly and gain a better figure like her Buchou. 


"Still on with that huh? Why don't we get some food at the convenience store, my treat." 

She nodded as she went inside the store where Koneko bought mostly sweets while Issei got spicy curry bread and anything spicy like chips. 

The two began to have casual conversation about their day where Koneko shared a few things about herself. Issei stopped time to take the hair clip and replace it with an identical one since it contains the data of the Naberius genius crimes. 

"Oh, you're in a school club huh? Can you tell me about them?"

Koneko thought for a moment before a few things about everyone in the Occult Research club. He knows them more than anyone else and happy that they are still the same then suddenly she said something that caught his attention.

"Our Buchou suddenly changed a week ago and we've been busy tra-I mean doing activities for our club." Issei seemed shocked that Rias would try and train since she was extremely stubborn and spoiled at times only changing when she met him realizing her own mistake. 

He didn't resent her for it since Rias was still a young girl and had her flaws. Issei did confront her about letting him continue and die in Raynare's hand instead of just telling him about the supernatural. 

Issei isn't petty enough to be mad at her forever and reconcile after a while. In the end, Rias was immature and didn't face any setbacks that she was able to overcome. 

'To be fair if I were in her shoes and lived the way she did then wouldn't I have done the same thing? In the end if I'm not her and she's not me therefore how we react are different. It isn't justifiable but at least it was more understandable.' 

He inwardly sighs at himself having relationships with numerous women that have issues and trauma. 

"—I'm happy that she decided to take action since…." Koneko was about to slip up looking at Issei who was in a daze gazing at the sun slowly setting once again. 

"Ise-san why do you always appear in deep thought? Is there something bothering you?" Koneko is still unsure why she feels the need to check on him and Issei turns to face her. 

"...Nothing, I've just recalled a tragic story of two siblings." Issei wanted to help her and stopped Koneko from holding back since she needs to not be afraid of her roots. 

"Two siblings?" Koneko grew curious and Issei softly smiled and began to tell a story of her life but in a way that doesn't reveal the truth. Her face contorted to a wide array of emotion hearing the story and began to realize what the things that her sister had done to protect her. 

"Are you alright, Koneko-chan? I know it's quite the sad and tragic beginning but it isn't the end as the younger sibling decides to grow stronger in order to save her older sister." His words made Koneko understand what she needs to do and despite her fear knew what she needed to do.

At that moment, something stirred in her mind and heart where Issei also felt something where memories began to resurface while Issei was unsure what the reason for what's going on. 

'…I want to…I want to become strong. Like Yuuto-senpai, Xenovia-senpai, Akeno-san…and also Ise-senpai, I want to make my spirit and body strong. Gya-kun is also becoming strong. I don't have a healing power like Asia-senpai either…At this rate, I'll become useless. Even though I'm a [Rook], I'm the…weakest…I hate being useless…But, I don't want to use the power sleeping inside me…my Nekomata power…If I use it, I…just like my Nee-sama…I don't want that…I absolutely don't want such a thing…'

Koneko witnessed events that haven't happened yet had resurfaced in her mind, regaining her memories of the time that had been lost and destroyed. 

'…I love you Senpai….. Even with Buchou ahead of me. Even if Asia-senpai and Akeno-senpai are ahead of me, I will definitely catch up to them….. That's why – Please make me your bride when I get bigger.' 

Koneko's eyes widened as tears began to flow. Her eyes turned to face Issei who was confused but understood what had happened. 

She reached out touching his face as his heart pounded and stopped when she saw the time of her last breath where Issei desperately tried to save her having been severely mutated by the outer god turning into a viscera of living flesh unable to die where Issei force to kill her to end her suffering knowing that it only prolong her agonizing life if he tries to find a way to save her. 

'I'm sorry….i'm sorry…I'm sorry…' the older Issei repeatedly said while Koneko's body began to disintegrate, her only regret being unable to tell him that it was alright and it was not his fault. 

"I—Ise-Senpai." Koneko at the present looking at Issei didn't waste any time to move to kiss him but Issei stopped her for a moment even though he wanted to.

"Sorry…but your sister is watching." Issei noticed her present and was ready to beat him if he did anything with her sister while Koneko pouted then let out a laugh and whipped her tears. 

"Then kiss me later." He nodded and said.

"I promised. That aside, how do you feel? I'm surprised that you regain your memories when I'm trying to figure out ways in protecting your mind from those abominations. Can you tell me everything you remember and why you think you suddenly regained it?" 

Koneko told everything that she recalled to the finest detail that he was surprised that she able to remain sane despite acknowledging the existence of the Outer gods. 

'Perhaps, the biblical god did something? Or perhaps it's my going? Regardless of the reason, I'm grateful that at least I know of ways to let them regain their memories but I still should find a way to fortify their minds to ensure they're safe.' 

Issei had already lost them once and won't do it again. 

"...How about you, Ise-senpai. After our death….what did you do?" Koneko knew Issei had suffered the longest and he was downcast. 

"....After the destruction of this world, me, Nyx and a few remaining gods searched for a new world as shelter and prepared a way to counter them but…." 

Issei vividly remembers being the only one standing and remaining survivor of his world carrying everyone's will as he didn't let himself die knowing everyone he loved would die along with him as no one would ever remember them. 

Koneko's heart shook listening to his story despite few details removed. Issei didn't mention the "Deal" he made with "Her" against the Outer god. He himself was surprised he would do it.

"You've suffered then and even now by carrying the weight of the future. Ise-senpai, I'm here and won't leave you anymore. Everyone would feel the same if they regained their memories."

Issei nodded wanting to kiss her but Kuroka was watching and casting an illusion would scare her since she would notice it rather easily. He isn't an expert in them and mostly has been a brawler. 

"Thank you, Koneko-chan. Actually, there are more…." Koneko perked up as Issei mentioned about the sacred gear that he obtained hiding Biblical God's existence since it isn't his decision to reveal him and he might have reason to hide. 

"Amazing!? Does that mean you can make any sacred gear?" Issei nodded and said.

"Depends on how complex it is but yeah. I actually plan on meeting up with the faction leader to tell them about what I know and clear your sister's name then ask to train all of you. My strength is already quite high and maybe I will be able to restore everyone's memories." 

Issei explained the new ways they'll train Koneko eager to grow and be by his side again. Koneko was happy that she's the second one who has her memory with Irene being the first. 

After a while, the two separate despite Koneko not wanting to and told her that they can meet again the next day but mentioned she would be training again and might be able to meet.

"If that is the case then I'll try to talk with Sirzechs about helping them train."

He also mentioned to Koneko about the hair clipped and nodded. Issei disappeared from his spot and Kuroka did the same heading somewhere, most likely his home. 

'How do I trigger their memories?' Issei arrived at the bar where he told Azazel to meet up, changing his age and appearance and sat down. He got to thinking on how Koneko regained his memories. 

It didn't take him that long to conclude that the reason would be having triggered an important and life changing moment.  

'I can test it on Kuroka later….' Issei ordered a simple non-alcoholic drink, afraid that he might get drunk and it would be disastrous if he did. Though, he misses the taste of it. 

He spread his senses looking at the people in the bar waiting for Azazel. It didn't take too long when he spotted a tall man appearing to be in his twenties with an average build, black hair, golden bangs and black goatee. 

He wore a suit looking around and Issei spread his aura letting him know where he was and spotted him giving a serious expression and to approach him. 

"So you're the guy who called me huh? Tell me who you are and why did you call me here?" Issei nodded and gestured for him to sit as he drank and Azazel continued to observe him.

"What about showing you will be far too shocking which you should prepare yourself for." 

Issei turned to face Azazel having touched his shoulder and in an instant his expression froze, tensing up regaining memories of the timeline where he fought till the end but to no avail. Azazel looked at Issei with widened eyes and rattling teeth as well as being drenched in sweat.   

"...fuck." He couldn't even think of anything to say and could only swear, realizing the situation for their world is in the bring of destruction. 

"...I need a drink. Give me the strongest alcohol." Issei let him calm down while he received his alcohol and chugged the shot. 

"You've calmed down, Azazel-sensei?" Issei looked at his expression nodding and said.

"I'm just trying to process the shit you've just given me. Tell me, what happened to start and finish. Don't leave any detail."

Issei nodded, casting some illusion to hide their conversation and began to explain what he told Koneko, leaving few details since too many had happened after 10,000 years. 

Azazel had an array of expressions hearing the stories of his students who fought more terrifying opponents than the Great Faction War. 

"Jeez, kid, I'm glad you're still sane after all that. How did you come back?" 

Azazel sees Issei as not only his student in perversion and training but also a Son in law since he did marry his foster Daughter, Valia. He was relieved that he can still smile and joke around.  

"Can't reveal it since the person is the only one who should reveal their existence. However, during my return I've acquired more power than I anticipated." 

His words made his teacher curious but didn't question his decision since he had reason to hide it. 

Azazel was dumbfounded, learning about the ability to create sacred gear not just artificial but a real Sacred Gear. 

"At this rate you'll give me a heart attack, don't tell me there's more?" 

"Actually, I also have the power to wield the 72 Devil Pillar and my strength is already at a True Dragon God Level." Azazel's eyes twitched and drank his alcohol and said.

"How is that even possible?" (Azazel)

"I'm unsure but regardless, my power is vastly more versatile and powerful than before." (Issei)

The two soon fell silent and Azazel changed his tone and said.

"Then tell me what you need me to do." ( Azazel)

"It's simple, contact Michael and the Maou since I need to be informed as well. They can get rid of the rat in their faction soon." ( Issei )

Azazel nodded, taking out his phone immediately, telling everyone that it was an emergency that needed to be discussed within a few hours. 

"Alright, come with me to the conference room. I'll contact Shemhazai and let Penemue. Will you restore her memory as well?"

He smirked, teasing Issei since she was an foster mother of Valia and another woman of Issei who fell in love during an event against the ExE. 

"Of course, I would restore Serafall, why would I do the same as her? She isn't weaker than you anyway." Truthfully, Penemue attacks potency equal to an Ultimate Class and only below compared to Azazel but only by a small margin. 

"Yeah…Did you ever do it with her? You never told me even though I tried asking you."

Issei rolled his eyes giving him a cheeky smile recalling the time he did it with her and another time threesome with Valia. They've already been engaged and technically married through dragon ritual. 

He wasn't able to do it with Koneko since they were being spied on by Kuroka but planned on doing the ritual with all of them.  

"Cheeky bastard, keep your secret then. On a serious note, did you get a new woman through your adventure to other worlds?" Issei shook his head since most of the world had been infected by the madness of the outer god. 

"No, I was busy surviving and protecting the one still alive. Also, due to the amount I've killed, it forces me to be isolated since I'm a beacon for outer gods." 

Azazel frowned, angry at the abomination yet didn't dare speak their name nor call them out since they will likely descend if he tries. 

"But, I did get with Nyx." 

"Oh, really now? You manage to tame her huh?" 

"Blame her for provoking me one time. One led to another and we ended up together, spending roughly 15 years until…"

Issei became quieter and Azazel understood eventually the two chatted, reminiscent of old times learning about the situation in the underworld and Irene. 

"Oh does that mean you lost it?" Azazel smirked at his student giving an approved nod while Issei grinned as his teacher held his glass.

"Then cheers. We will make sure our future is saved." His grin widened and took his cup to cheers as the two eventually finished drinking and headed to Grigori having been informed by Shemhazai about the arrival of the other faction leader. 

"Right, why do you look like your prime?" The two were walking in the corridor towards the Conference room. Issei noticed it and quickly changed back to his youth.

"There it is." (Azazel)

"Well, I can't go to a bar looking like a minor can I?" ( Issei)

"You can actually but you're right, I guess."(Azazel)

The two eventually arrived where at the entrance was a stunningly attractive woman with sexy hip-length black hair that had bangs hanging on the right side with two ahoges, green eyes, a mole under her left eye, red round glasses, one earring on her left ear and a voluptuous figure.

Her outfit consists of a green knitted turtleneck, a tight black mini-skirt along with her cross garter motif stockings, and her signature white lab coat. She had a wise and caring demeanor yet frowned when looking at them, more specifically Azazel. 

"Where the hell did you go off to!?" The woman sternly said looking down at Azazel who awkwardly smiled.

"Oh come on, I just went for fresh air." Azazel joked around while the woman noticed Issei and was stunned for moment confused at what she was feeling.

"Who might this be?"

Her toned shift was more calm and motherly, unable to scan how strong Issei was since he sealed his power temporarily only using it when needed. At base he is still powerful enough to contend against Ultimate class due to his physiology. 

"Issei Hyoudou, I'm the one who asked for Azazel to meet me and start a meeting. If it caused any inconveniences then I apologize but what about speaking is extremely important." Issei regally spoke while Azazel clicked his tongue hearing his student act like a gentleman. He has an expression that said.

'Ass kisser!' Issei just smirked as if saying.

'Yes, I am.' While the two had a mental conversation, The woman stepped forward getting closer at his face and said.

"Have we met before? Something tells me we have but I don't know where. Oh, where are my manners? My name is Penemue, the Chief Secretary." Issei's mouth twitched since he remembered how sharp she can be at times and coughed.

"I will explain in the meeting." (Issei)

Penemue unsure what it had to do with the meeting but nodded as they all went inside where they opened the door being greeted by six individual one with wild green hairs seemingly inspecting their appearances and a bald haired one who seemed to trying to keep himself awake while a young petite girl with a large breast and ponytail wearing a magical girl outfit was looking at them emanating a bubbly air. 

The most eye-catching is the handsome young man with crimson red hair observing their appearance and was shocked to see the young woman beside them like the rest of the people inside.

A handsome-looking man with long blond hair and green eyes. He wears a red robe with a gold cross on the front of his white alb. He has golden shoulder plates with a white sash and a golden halo set above his head.

Another handsome man in his twenties, with silver-white hair and purple eyes. His outfit consists of a purple beret hat, purple trench coat over a black vest, white pants and black boots who closed by looking at Azazel.

"Azazel! You will be the end of me soon. Where did you run off to?" The man said, looking angrily at the Grigori leader. 

"Calm your tits, Shamhazai. Ise do it since this guy can't wait." Azazel ignored Shamhazai and sat down while everyone looked at Issei who rolled his eyes. 

"Alright, hope no one resists since everything will be shocking."

Issei said while everyone wondered what he meant until he placed a barrier and unleashed his power since there would be a lot of people needed to regain their memories. The red tear-like mark became more prominent as he managed to restore everyone's memories. 

Their faces contorted in numerous expressions dumbfounded at what they had learned and what's to come. When it all ended everyone was looking at Issei with the two women inside had tears in their eyes and didn't take any more times to jumped to hugged him.



Should I make a quick flashback about Penemue's romance? Or just leave it be and do them randomly?

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