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Chapter 2: Chapter 2

{A/N: Forgot to add last chapter. The universe that the MC came from has NO knowledge of the Marvel universe. He's going in blind to this universe.}

[Compatible body detected, merging.

Arthur Warden, 23 years old, Male.

Terrazine detected in the host body.

Warning: Abnormality in brain waves detected

Abnormality nullified.

Requirements met. Initiating Evolution]

Pain washed over Arthur's body as his vision instantly became clear. Energy coursed through him as though both boiling and freezing water flowed through his veins at the same time making its way all throughout his body and towards his brain. He convulsed against the restraints that held his body in place as the energy gradually subsided and the pain faded. A gentle warmth spread out from his heart alleviating all exhaustion from his body and spirit. Memories of a young man named Arthur Warden filled his mind. A college graduate who had one day won an all expense paid trip to Moscow. Shortly after his arrival he was kidnapped and brought to an unknown location where they strapped him to a strange torture device and forced him to watch a strange looping optical illusion as a man in a lab coat recited the same passage over and over. After several days of the same routine the man injected him with a purple substance that immediately caused him extreme pain before the memories abruptly ended.

[Evolution completed.

Void Born trait acquired.

Psionic Potential Unlocked.

Minor Telepathy acquired.

Minor Telekinesis acquired.]

A series of notifications appeared in Arthurs mind as he finished processing the memories before he was reminded of his last moments with Kerrigan before she sent him to the new universe.

'I'll give you a piece of my power. A seed if you will. It will give you the tools you will need to do what you need to, however it will be up to you to make the most of it. If you use it well then you could very well reach my level someday. Make the most of it. I'll make it like one of those video games you used to play, that should make it easier for you.' Kerrigan's voice replayed in his head. Arthur tried to close his eyes but quickly found that they were being kept open and directly in line of sight of the same screen with the looping optical illusion. He quickly looked around the room and found two other men in the same situation as him to his right as well as a woman in a lab coat walking around them.

'Well this is fucking annoying. How do I get out of this? Wait, I have psionics now. How do I check that? Status?' Arthur thought to himself before suddenly a transparent screen appeared in his vision.

[Arthur Warden, 23.


Purity of Form: 1%

Purity of Essence: 1%

Status: Healthy

Energy: 100%

Terrazine: 0


-Minor Telepathy, 0%: Detect surface thoughts and mentally communicate with those within 10 meters.

-Minor Telekinesis, 0%: Move objects weighing up to 25lbs within 10 meters.



-Void Born: You suffer no ill effects from exposure to the Void, Void energy or Terrazine.



Arthur took ten minutes exploring the different features of his system as he ignored the optical illusion on the other side of the menu. The blueprints section simply held the schematics and plans for every piece of technology in the Starcraft universe. The best part about it was that they were all available to him right from the start, the downside was he needed to actually gather the necessary resources from what was available. Minerals were straight forward, he could harvest and utilize any natural mineral or metal to satisfy those requirements. Vespene gas however required him to build a refinery to turn different gases and materials into the necessary hydrocarbon compound that makes up the gas. But that said as long as he had the necessary minerals and gas he could build whatever he needed.

Then came abilities and evolutions that required him to use Terrazine to acquire. Abilities allowed him to learn any skill and ability from the different species however it was only responsible for teaching him the most basic form of the ability. At the end of the day he would still need to improve his mastery of those abilities personally if he wanted to truly make the most of them. Evolutions however were the simplest section out of the whole system. It simply gave him a list of different traits that he could develop within his body. Among the list he saw the Protoss' Physique which would allow him to sustain himself on just sunlight and water as well as the Zerg's Tissue Regeneration that could even allow him to regenerate lost limbs. It was unfortunate however that whatever Terrazine was previously in his body was now gone.

'Damn. I need to find more Terrazine somehow. Hopefully they still have a stockpile left or at least some information on it.' Arthur thought to himself as footsteps echoed into the room from the hallway. The man from the memories walked past the other two prisoners and stopped in front of him.

"Take a deep breath, calm your mind." The man started to speak as Arthur focused his eyes forward to keep the man from getting suspicious. His mind pulled from the memories he absorbed as he tried to understand what the man was saying. He could recall the man doing the same thing to another prisoner who was then released shortly after they responded to his questioning.

"You know what's best. What's best is you comply. Compliance will be rewarded. Are you ready to comply?" The man continued as he brought his face closer to Arthur's.

"I'm happy to comply." Arthur answered as he kept his eyes on the screen in front of him. He watched as the man began to smile before waving to the women next to him. The woman began to undo his restraints as he fell to his knees. Arthur blinked his eyes continuously before he stood up straight in front of the man.

"Wonderful. Follow me and we can see what that serum did." The man ordered as he began to walk out of the room with Arthur trailing just behind him. Arthur looked at the two prisoners and realized that both were dead. Arthur walked out of the room behind the man and paused momentarily as he saw his reflection. A relatively attractive young man with brown eyes and red hair that was beginning to reach his shoulders, likely due to his time in captivity. Arthur turned and continued to follow the man as he made a mental note of the facility's layout. He noted several elevators and a stairwell that all looked like they needed an access card before turning back to the scientist. His eyes locked onto the card the man used to open a door leading into what looked like a doctors office.

"Take a seat. I need to see if there are any ill effects after the first dose of the serum." The man said as he walked over to the computer. Arthur sat down in a chair as he quickly scanned the room before his eyes honed in on a fridge located behind a locked door that required a key card. He could see several vials of the purple serum sitting on the top shelf of the fridge.

"Alright, subject 17. Only subject to survive being injected with the serum. I will now begin examination to determine the effects of the serum and the reason for his survival." The man said out loud into a small device in his hands.

"Sir? The serum, is there more of it?" Arthur asked as he looked at the doctor and noticed that the man had become absorbed in his work.

"Hoh? Do you want more? Well unfortunately we only have about four doses left." The man asked as he walked around Arthur.

"Are there any other prisoners or test subjects in the facility?"

"Well no. This is a research facility not a prison. Besides you're the only subject left that survived the first dose." The man answered without batting an eye.

"Good to know. Thank you." Arthur said as he spotted the small camera in the corner of the room. His eyes turned violet as he tried to use his telekinesis for the first time. Slowly the screws holding the camera in place fell out of place and the camera started to dangle freely from the ceiling. Within seconds the radio the man carried on his belt lit up as a voice echoed out.

"Sir, I think there's a problem with your camera. We're gonna send someone over to fix it."

"Yes of course, whatever." The man said absentmindedly.

"Are you sure you want people to be in here? Would their presence not distract from this important work? What if they touch something they shouldn't?" Arthur whispered to the man.

"Hmm? Oh you're right. On second thought, send them to fix it after I'm done. I'm in the middle of something important." The man quickly instructed over the radio.

"There now we won't be disturbed. Thank you for reminding me. Now please sit still." The man said as he picked up an empty syringe.

"Oh I'm happy to comply." Arthur said with a smile as he stood up from his seat. The man looked at Arthur's disobedience in shock before a hand reached out and latched onto his throat causing him to drop the syringe. The man watched in shock as Arthur's eyes began to glow violet while the syringe floated up into the air and hovered next to his eye.

"Are you ready to comply?" Arthur asked with a smile as he pushed the man against the door leading to the fridge. The man nodded frantically as his eyes darted around the room looking for something to help his situation. Arthur snatched the card from the man's coat and opened the door as he pushed the man through and slammed him onto a nearby table.

"Now doc. Where's this facility located and what's the quickest way out?" Arthur questioned as the syringe floated closer to the man's eye.

"W-we're west of Samara. Y-you can take the n-2 stairwell up. I-it'll put you next to the Volga river." The man stuttered as his eyes were locked onto the syringe floating mere millimeters away from his eyeball.

"The serum. Where'd it come from?"

"It was extracted and refined from the meteors that have been falling to Earth over the last year.

"Wonderful. Now why was I brought here?" Arthur asked.

"Y-you were on SHIELD's list of potential recruits so we wanted to turn you into one of ours so we'd have another insider when they did recruit you."

"And who's we? Who do you work for?"

"Hydra! I work for Hydra but I'm just a scientist okay? I swear I've never hurt anyone!" The man cried out as Arthur stared him in the eyes.

"Yeah? And what about the two dead guys back in that other room?" Arthur asked as a pair of scissors floated into his palm behind his back.

"They made me do it! I didn't want to do it!" The man defended himself as he attempted to move his face away from the syringe.

"Tell you what. Give me all of the access codes you know in this facility and I won't stab you with that syringe." Arthur picked up a nearby clipboard and flipped over one of the pages before handing it to the man with a pen.

"No funny business or you'll see for yourself what happens when your veins get pumped full of air." He warned as the man quickly began writing down a short list of numbers as well as labels next to each of them. The man shakily handed back the clipboard to Arthur as he pushed himself against the table.

"There I did what you asked. I can go now right?" The man asked as Arthur folded up the page and tucked it into his pocket.

"See the problem with that is you know what I can do. I can't have you telling other people. No doubt they already know my face so I need to maintain my advantage in one way or another." Arthur said as he grabbed the man by the throat again.

"Y-you promised!"

"Actually I only promised to not stab you with the syringe. I never said anything about the scissors." Arthur responded as the man's eyes widened in terror before Arthur jammed the scissors into the back of his neck. With a twist of the scissors he severed the spinal cord before dropping the lifeless body onto the ground. Arthur looked at the body for a second before he shoved it into the fridge and draped a large cloth over it. Once the body was tucked neatly into the bottom of the fridge he pulled the four remaining vials of what he now determined was Terrazine and placed it into a nearby bag.

'I'll use the vials once I'm somewhere safe. I can't risk dealing with that evolution process right now.' Arthur thought to himself as he walked over to the sink and looked in the mirror. He ran his blood soaked hands over his hair before washing the blood from his hands and putting on a nearby lab coat. He looked at his reflection one more time as the blood slowly dried and became darker turning his once red hair brown. He stepped out of the room and locked the door leading to the fridge before he peeked out of the office into the hallway. Seeing no guards and no cameras in sight, Arthur walked out of the room and made his way through the halls.

[Arthur Warden, 23.


Purity of Form: 1.1%

Purity of Essence: 1%

Status: Healthy

Energy: 91%

Terrazine: 0


-Minor Telepathy, 0%: Detect surface thoughts and mentally communicate with those within 10 meters.

-Minor Telekinesis, 11%: Move objects weighing up to 50lbs within 11 meters.



-Void Born: You suffer no ill effects from exposure to the Void, Void energy or Terrazine.



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