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Chapter 3: Guests Have Arrived!

It's been a couple of days since I've been reborn into this world and I've had some mental breaks trying to rationalize and understand what's happening.

Anyway, I understood that I'm more or less by myself guarding this door and as such started practicing with my new halberd.

Since I'm at it I might as well tell you how it looks right? If my measurements are right then the halberd is nearing 7-8 feet tall and has a large 2 foot axe blade, with the top of the axe and the spear tip looking like a 2 pronged trident and a spike is at the other end of the pole.

It has some embroidery on it and has the depiction of a western dragon head on it, the blade is very sharp as I had accidentally cut myself with it once, apparently golems can self heal or probably just me.

It's around noon(?) I think, can't tell as it's cloudy out like usual outside, I would go outside but I see zombies there and I don't want to mess with them. (they're too creepy)

Shortly after looking outside, I hear a commotion from outside and see what appears to be the classic stereotype of starter mobs, the goblin, or rather goblins as I see about 10 of them fighting the zombies.

Next thing I knew they were coming in through the front door as it's slightly ajar.( It was locked in that position so I don't know if I'm weak or that's how it's supposed to look!!)

I get into the battle stance that I've been practicing with and of course it's shaking a little as I'm scared because this might be a life or death situation.

As I'm there scared, the goblins enter....

<Oh shit! A golem is here boss!>

<What?! Oh no, I guess that this is the end of our tribe> as the boss begins to cry silently to himself.

The goblins take a battle stance around the old goblin and I notice 1 taking care of him, trying to calm the chief down while all of them are covered in cuts, bruises, and some even have some large gashes on them.

Seeing the goblins defend what looks to be the smallest and weakest of their party despite how they usually are portrayed, I feel kinda sad for them so I'm gonna to the local med area I found and give them some medical stuff.

After a couple of minutes where the confused goblins where given the medical supplies and patched themselves up I tried training with my halberd again and the weary goblins that weren't as injured took a stance once again.

There's about 4 of them and they're wielding short swords and daggers made of stone, here I am with a steel halberd and a metal body, I'll be nice and attempt to not kill them after all, they had to have SOME reason to enter the terrifying garden outside with the undead.

Knowing this I go to a stance but more calm now and got ready, the goblin split into this formation, 1 dagger gobbo on my left, 1 sword gobbo up front and 1 dagger and 1 sword gobbo on my right, most likely trying to get my halberd out of the way while front distracts and left attacks.

As expected, they go for the plan I had thought they'd do.

Knowing what was gonna happen I step back and left while stabbing with my halberd to the right and since I'm still a novice I knew I wouldn't be able to land a hit and sure enough I missed but it did scare the goblins on the right.

The left goblin(name pending) took this as a chance and stabbed, knowing my body's metal I took it to test it's armor and the stone dagger broke not even leaving a scratch on me.

The other goblins got scared and stepped back only for the elder goblin to step in between us and say something I didn't understand...

<Wait! please stop this incessant fighting! there is no reason for the fight to even happen anymore. Some of our group were saved thanks to this golem and we thank it by attacking?!>

<B-But sir! we can't go home until we have proof that we have been here unless we grab a golem part!> said the front goblin.

<Can't you see that with our tools we're unable to even scratch it's armor!? This mission was doomed to fail from the start.> retorted the elder goblin growing more and more dejected.

The goblins look down at the words of their elder and look depressed.

"Hey, why do you guys look so down in the dumps right now, I'm confused." I said while scratching my head nervously.

The goblins understood that the golem didn't understand what they were saying but had no intention of attacking so they wrote on some leather they had.

To put it briefly, they were attacked by a larger horde of goblins and to make sure that their village wasn't destroyed, the elder and some goblins went to the "Forest of End" to get a golem part to show they had the strength to be permitted to live. It seems English is known as the "common language" around here, cool.

"I see, well I can't give you a part of myself large enough to prove it, but there are other golems so I think I can help you with that, huh?" I said as I heard another disturbance from outside. Outside in the garden of death(as I call it) there are 5 boars, 3 adults and 2 babies all battered and bruised.

They began to charge towards the slightly ajar door however the undead block their chances of getting inside, if it weren't for the sacrifice of the largest boar going ahead at an angle, screaming out loud to get the undead's attention. Regretfully said boar didn't go to far as he got caught and surrounded by about 15 undead and killed but it seemed contempt as it accepted it's fate.

I unconsciously salute the brave boar that died, I bet if I had tear ducts, I'd be balling my eyes out, and I am somewhat used to these scenes as I was originally a farmer. The 4 boars got inside and saw both me and the goblins and went into what assume is "parent mode" and protected the 2 kid boars. The said parent boars look slightly larger than the 3 foot goblins with a red hue on their upper fur looking almost like a flame, have a somewhat skinny but agile look to them and protruding spikes out of their shoulders.

The goblins and boars have a face off before I get between them and try my best to stop the fight from beginning, I gesture the goblins to heal the boars instead, since it might make the return trip easier and remove a potential headache prematurely. After several failed attempts to heal the boars, I resorted to holding down a boar myself while the other one is "healed" by the reluctant goblins and as they realize our intentions they calmed down and hesitantly let us heal the babies.

I then gesture to the elder and tell him that we can try procuring a golem part but I don't know where any are and that it might be a good idea to bring the boars with them as extra muscle and in case we can't find a golem by tonight in which the elder agrees to it.

"....This sucks"-Me

We can't find a single golem as we searched throughout the afternoon and I asked if the boars were a good enough consolation prize in which the elder said that he never saw these types of boars before but they look strong as the male boar licks the elder as the elder was in charge if giving medical aid to all of the boars.

It seems to like the elder...

That's good at least, makes things easier for everyone.

Shadow_Fumes Shadow_Fumes

I'm a novice writer and so it's a good idea to not expect much until I get used to and get better at writing a story

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