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Chapter 3: 3.


The constant rhythm of raindrops pelting the window like silent sliver bullets annoyingly woke me up. Lately, reading school books and constantly revising over the same old irrelevant topics seem like the only distraction that I have left from the outside world and the thoughts chasing endlessly in my head. Roselyn and I could've been more, but she crossed that boundary a long time ago. Over time, I found out that if my minds constantly working and intensely focused, it means she won't cross it.

I sigh and stare out of the window through the slits of my blinds and take note of the gradual growing shadows as the blazing sun, falls before disappearing over the horizon line. My eyes flinch and widen at the infinite amount of lines that pave across my notebook like a highway. If I have to read one more graph question I might go insane. I can't focus on anything, every time I try, I think of her. I think of her eyes when they looked lost when she couldn't see a friendly face in sight. Then how her face would relax when she saw me, suddenly her face would fill with warmth, and a smile would appear. She'd walk up to me with confidence making me feel like one million dollars. She'd make my heart race so fast I couldn't help my face breaking into a smile. It was infectious. She was infectious. I don't think I've smiled since. And now she's gone.

I slam my book in the annoyance of another failed day, getting up from my chair, I dive into my bed ignoring the debris around my feet and fall like a ball too exhausted to clean up. My eyes roll around at the piles made up of books and clothes scattered in random corners of the room. I groan wishing the room wasn't as big as it was for the first time. If Kaiden was here he'd tell me to quit sulking and get real. If only he understood the pain. God knows what was going through his mind today.

I look over to where he's sleeping. Noticeably, his bland crumpled sheets lay lifeless. A wave of panic stirs through me I hastily get up and grab my phone to contact him before I'm immobilised when I see his cherished iPhone 6 lying on the table. He didn't take it. Which is so abnormal for him, he wears his phone, literally everywhere. It's not like him at all.

I scowl and leap across the room, moving as swift as a flying dart. Listen to me that's all I ask for. I slide his phone into my pocket before chasing down the flight of stairs. I scribble down a note for Aunt Cassidy and then leave briskly

Outside, sirens blare all around me waking my up and fully aware of my surroundings. Cars sleep on the roads and queue like sheep frankly impossible to get through, forcibly leaving to search for him on foot. A blast of cooling air rises around me, the impact shocking and making every one of my hairs stand on end. What was he thinking? Alarming thoughts ring through my head, thinking of the worst is only natural for me - all my life the worst and disappointment is all I've had - I try my best to keep them secluded in a dark place. My pace suddenly increases like a bullet being fired, my footsteps more frantic and desperate. I can't panic, I'm sure he's okay, he's always okay. Kaiden is one of those people that always manage to stay out of trouble.

My frustration began to grow at the same rate as my impatience after I passed another deserted bus shelter. An idea burns in my head like a splint set on fire. Grabbing my phone I dial Cheryl's number, I'm sure she spoke to Kaiden earlier, but I doubt she'd pick up at this time. She's in love with the school, attendance is as important as a newborn child to her, and a missed day is like a missed holiday for her. I hang on to every beep of the dialling tone when as predicted, her phone goes straight to voicemail. I huff loudly and leave a message just in case.

L: Kaiden has gone missing, I can't find him anywhere. I've just left to go look for him. Have you seen him?

Almost immediately she replies, which makes me wonder why she never picked up the phone in the first place.

C: Have you found him yet? 

L: I doubled back to the park three times, looked through trees (in case he was hiding, remember sports day three years ago?) checked the skate park, riders all gone it's just loitering with junkies right now.

C: Yikes, of course, I remember that (and then he started crying because he thought he was going to run 1500m) did you ask any of them if they'd seen him? 

L: Yeah, they haven't seen anything.

C: Okay, this is really bad, do you know where he went?

L: No. He just started snapping at little things... I don't know, he seemed okay.

C: Look, Leon, I have to go, my Mum just walked in, told me to get some shut-eye. If you can't find him then you need to tell the police, I'm sure it's nothing to worry about, he'll be fine.

x Failed

L: Why would he do this?

I didn't care if I was drenched with from head to toe, I stopped at every bus shelter I passed, every shop and back again. Relentless and charged with a desire to find him. I stopped for a while to wait for the rain to slow down before I headed out again. I squint hoping to identify my brother through moving figures in the shadows but I came to nothing. I turn left, infront of me I see my school entrance, my breaths erratic I take a deep breath and star at the gates of the school. I've done this maybe a thousand times, in one effortless movement, using my sleeves I pull myself to the top of the gates despite the rain.

"Kaiden!" I repeat desperately as my eyes search around for any resemblance to him.

"Kaiden." All I hear is my voice echoing off the walls. Where is he? I kick the floor in annoyance. Where else could he be? I check my phone momentarily, two missed calls from Aunt Cassidy. A sweep of worry comes over me, what am I supposed to tell her? instinctively I redial her number, almost instantly she picks up.

"What do you mean 'going out'? At this hour? All these excuses? And don't you dare try to guilt-trip me, I know schools a lot of stress right now, but really?! And where's Kaiden for goodness sake don't drag him into this as well, hello? Leon? Are you listening?"

"Yeah, I am, I needed to get something, about Kaiden... he's um... he's having one of those moments."

"Is he okay?" She asks worriedly.

"Yeah, he's fine-"

"Is he there with you? Let me talk to him." She says cutting me off sharply.

"Um... not right now. I won't talk long."

"Leon come home soon okay? You almost gave me a heart attack, you know how much I stress over things. Don't disappear again without telling me where you are. I've got waffles and hot chocolate for you and Kaiden. It's pretty cold for a February night, don't you think?" She suggests. I hang up and smile, that's my aunt for you, she overthinks everything. My eyes flicker over the screen then my face freezes as I see the next notification on the screen.

One missed call, two voicemails - Roselyn


My eyes dart at the shrouded buildings with confusion. After all of this time why now? It's been months since it happened. How have I still got her number? I think hard but it doesn't take me long to figure it out. One word - Marcus. Just to mess with me. I glare at the screen for what feels like hours as if my life depended on it.

Ignore the problem and it'll go away.

I'm mistaking her for the most important thing. Kaiden is my priority right now. Forget it, worry later. I dismiss the notification in one swipe of my fingertips. I distract myself by making phone calls just as Cheryl recommended. Marcus and his schedule, it's a wonder if he picks up. Straight to voicemail, again.

"Listen, I need you to cover for me if my aunt asks where I am, tell her I need to get away, it's not her fault. I just need time. Tell her not to look for me, I'm good. It's nothing serious, don't worry. Oh yeah, if you're the one who saved Roselyn back into my phone after I deleted it and her from my mind, good luck with that."

Kaiden owes me big time for this one. All of this lying, it's getting hard to keep track of what I'm saying.

I run my hand through my drenched hair in a rushed panic. What if he's lying somewhere, cold, done. Maybe there are answers on his phone. His passcode. I try to think of Important dates, people, anything Although my brother's smart, he's average. It only takes me two attempts. The second I'm in I rapidly look down him messages, only to find 2 recipients. The first message didn't go through to me.

x Failed

"I'm sorry Leon, I need to leave, run away, to get the answers I deserve, I don't care how you feel, it's the only way."

What? I suddenly feel sick followed quickly by feelings of anger.

He's doing what? I grow increasingly panicked and frustrated.

What the heck?

You've got to be kidding me right now. He sent that message 5 hours ago. He could be anywhere by now.

L: He's running away.

C: Stop messing.

L: This is what he said, it didn't go through "I'm sorry Leon, I need to leave, run away, get the answers I deserve, I don't care how you feel, it's the only way."

C: I'm sure you can still catch him.

L: You don't sound surprised.

C: Did you check on him earlier? He said a lot of crazy stuff, how he doesn't belong here anymore, it doesn't feel like he has you around, he finds it hard to live up to you.

L: Why didn't you tell me this earlier?

C: That's not the point. He's emotionally weak, nothing else matters now, but him.

L: He's cried wolf before... How could he do this?



A small voice somewhere in my head tells me the same thing I refuse to believe: Nothing good was going to come out running away.

I feel my body relax despite my ominous surroundings. I'm going home. This is the day, I feel complete, or some sort of life in me.


I still feel the glare of the man at the ticket register still on me, burn holes in my back. The next bus is delayed, but I don't mind waiting it out, it gives me time to think. The faster I disappear the better. Thinking only puts weights on my mind of everything I'm leaving behind.

It's not selfish. I'm doing this for the better.

Once I'm outside the cool winds rustle the locks of my raven hair about. I feel the chills dig under my skin and I start to shiver violently. Bad idea leaving Leon's Jacksonville Jaguar hoodie and other thermals. I join the steady flowing line as others start to string along the departure sections.

The person standing in front of me has unruly and unkempt hair sticking out of his black Nike cap, wearing red vans that are in serious need of cleaning.I've been staring at the ground for countless minutes, so long that I've managed to memorize items of clothing.

I don't know how long until I see the doors of my escape, people steadily fill but it feels like I've been here forever. They can't stop me right? They couldn't care less if they saw a kid enter. Unsteadily thoughts continue to pile onto me like a list of undone homework.

I have to push second thoughts out of the way. This is my chance. However, the thoughts of "homework" linger around. School. It never crossed my mind once. It can't cross it now.

Behind me, I hear continuous commotion starting. If I glace backwards they'll see my face. I do it anyway, it's the ticket attendant from earlier making rushed phone calls and taking occasional glances at me. Suddenly he beckons some police officers and points in my direction.

This can't be happening.

In moments I dash out of his strong grip and keep running. I'm sure I ran faster than in ever have in my life, faster than Coach Stanley would ever force me to run. I think he'd be proud.

Feeling unexpectedly light on my feet, I dart in and out of alleys and away from the lights and into darkness, buildings blur in my eyes and the rain falls lightly. Fatigue takes over, I reach for the nearest thing to hold on to. Coming to a sudden halt I feel my body sink against the walls. My breaths feel restricted. I glare into the black void of the night sky layered into wisps of candy floss clouds, in defeat sucking in the air helplessly, exhaling and inhaling deeply.

My asthma, stupid, what were you thinking?

I clutch my chest in pain and start spluttering. Short-lived victory. And that is how everything can blow up in front of you in seconds. By now Aunt Cassidy would've slept, only to wake up to find me gone. I long to see her. Maybe I was hasty with my decision. Was I even thinking straight?

Nothing goes in when you want to do is escape.

No. It's Leon. I can't take it anymore, I guess it's time I gave those low lives something to cry about since every day it's the same thing. Looking at him everyday irritates the heck out of me. His hair, the way he talks, smiles, laughs and flirts, drives me insane. Be real! Everything is about him, seems perfect, too perfect for comfort. The worst thing is everyone thinks he's this perfect person, in reality, he comes nowhere near to that.

I groan out loud and shout into the empty streets infuriated with myself. Being close to my parents is all I want. How pathetic does that sound? I want answers, comfort, something. Anything. Being an orphan feels like you don't exist. There was no real record of you, not really. You're parents there being with you daily, are an indication of you living. I've only realized this now. Without them what are you? Having no one at your meetings or to pick you up after school, no one to scream at your report grades, no one to run to in the middle of the night when you're afraid. That's how I imagine it to be like. Really, I don't know what having parents, would be like. As crazy as it sounds, It's pretty hard to imagine.

It makes everything ten times worse when the answers of what happened to them last are kept from you when they're the only thing left to hold on to. I need to be close to them.

As I come down from my high and my breaths settle, the tightening pain disappears. An eerie silence surrounds me, I look around in bewilderment at where I am. This place seems alien to me. Strangely empty and deserted, rain travels down the pavement in streams, the building is bleak and damp with rain. My head flares in pain, a sudden increasing pain warning me of an oncoming migraine. Just what I need right now.

A heavy smog of smoke lifts around me I accidentally inhale gulp-loads of it. Mixed with putrid smells of petrol, alcohol and various other smells that suffocate my throat. I wonder what side of Florida I've ended up running too. I couldn't have run that far away from the bus station.

I pray it's not where I think it is. I stand frozen forgetting how to move and staring aimlessly into nothingness. My eyes widen and I shrink back on fear as I realize where I am. I need to get out of here.

Vanish. Vaporize. Everyone knows what happens on this side of Florida. I've heard too many freak stories from the second I entered high school, 'come here and you never leave as the same person'. I search frantically for an escape route without being seen through the empty, twisting dark alleys. If Leon was with me... at least I'd feel safe in some way.

I feel safer around him.

I rummage through my rucksack, fumbling with random emergency objects looking in panic for my phone. Damn, I must've dropped it when I was trying to make a quick getaway from the bus station, and I left my main phone at home.

Swallowing my fear I run down, flat out with the last amount of energy I have left.

A sharp numbing pain digs into my shoulder and throws me off balance. My stomach swirls and I feel my surroundings spin of control when I suddenly meet face to face with a silhouette of a person I can barely make out in the darkness. His breaths are as heavy as a worn-out dog, he snarls still towering high above me. I give in to his grip and prepare for my end.

"Well? Did you get lost or something?" He bellows.

Taking me fully by surprise by the question, I stare dumbly at him: "Yeah, um, that's right, took the wrong turning, got lost." Sensing my nervousness his face tenses in anger.

"Yeah, you just walked accidentally into this area of Florida. I smell rich all over you, why you gotta lie for? It's time you joined us anyway, probably sick of them on that side. You ain't got anything with me, right? So chill." His voice is so hurried it takes me a while to process everything he's saying.

As I walk away, barely able to breathe, I hear him chuckle and call for me again. I turn around my blood running cold and already psyched out by this place.

"Oh yeah, by the way, if you're running away, next time cut off any links to you, kill off any feelings, it makes you look like bait for cops, got it?"

"How did you know?" I answer uneasily, but he's vanished, slipped out of sight as quick as he came.


It's much more lonely here than I imagined. This side of Florida is asleep, the rain has calmed it's rage, clouds now silently part with a calm breeze guiding them, revealing the moons ominous glow. Traffic lights flicker in eerie motions, billboards switch, not a voice or a sound to hear.

Silence. I guess this is what I signed up to.

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