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Chapter 6: An island finally.

"It seems like I dozed off.", I look out the window and I was greeted by a magnificent view with stars scattered around the sky.....wait a second, how the fuck did my raft get windows. Where the hell am I? Looking around I see myself and a few other people bound by ropes with the most notable being a woman with gills on her neck and blue skin. The room we were in seemed to be a simple room with no decorations in it and divided into 2 by prison bars." Seems like I was snatched from my raft, guess that's what I get for dozing off in a world like this one" I think.

I hear footsteps and soon enough I see a man about 200 cm tall enter the room. He had a tattoo on his forearm with the insignia of a Jolly Roger with a skull with a large gash across 1 eye and crossbones. "Don't remember ever seeing this jolly roger in the manga though" I ponder. "Hey there my good man " I call out to him" You mind telling me where we are and whose ship this is, you see I was kinda floating around on a raft before I woke up and have no idea where I am". The man looks at me with visible confusion and then he vigorously replies " This is the ship of the great Captain Slasher with the bounty of 20 million, he's arguably the strongest pirate captain here in the West Blue and is capable of going toe to toe with Marine Commanders."

"Ah, so he's just another extra, I was worried I was on the ship of some dangerous," I say as I stand up. "W-w-w-what are you d-doing, do you want him to k-k-kill you," one of the other captives says to me. Ignoring him I proceed to break apart the ropes and walk to the bars and bend them. The pirate's eyes almost pop out of their sockets as he backs away and falls onto his butt. I walk forward as I grab him by his neck and hold him up and throw him through the door and send some of my aura in the form of a spike that impales him through his heart. This seems to have woken up some of the crewmates as I suddenly hear a multitude of footsteps running around. I look back to the other captives and tell them to stay back as if they run out whilst the fight is going on I won't try saving them.

As I walk out of the room and up some stairs I walk up and am greeted by about 100 brutish and oafish looking men all with tattoos that I saw on the previous guy. "Oi what did you do to Slizzy, did ya do him in?" one of his crewmates ask him, nodding my head in response the rest of the crew starts laughing "Hahahaha to think that idiot got done in by a regul-" His sentence stop there as my aura impales him right through his chest and left him up. Letting my aura cover my body I look over to the rest of his crew and start smiling. " I hope for your sakes that you aren't like him over here," I say as I point over to their dead crewmate. " Y-Y-YOU'LL PAY FOR THAT YOU BASTARD" they shout as they rush over.

The first guy unsheathes his cutlass and rushes towards me. His sword merely goes through me as I infuse my body with my aura and turn intangible, as he passes through me I use my aura to form a spike on my back which promptly kills him. I pick up the guys cutlass and use omnireceptable on it making it float around. As the rest of them look at me with fear in their eyes I smile and form 2 more tentacles on my back and rush towards them. Using omnireceptable I make the cutlass whizz around as it kills the crewmates and uses my two tentacle arms to thrash around and deliver solid blows, and wrap around them and throw them around. Spreading my aura to the debris around the place I also start using it to kill the men.

There are about 20 men left when I suddenly felt one of them block one of my tentacle arms. I look over to see a middle-aged looking man, over 7 feet tall, shoulder-length dark brown hair and had a nasty scar across one of his eyes. His appearance seems to start encouraging the remaining crewmates as they start cheering and start talking about how his appearance meant my demise. "He seems to be the captain," I say to no one in particular. He wielded a khopesh with a crimson red handle. " Interesting that a weakling like you could block my attack although it was a considerably weak one " I taunt. This seems to affect him as his veins start bulging and he shouts " I AM THE GREAT CAPTAIN SLASHER. I HAVE GONE HEAD TO HEAD WITH MARINE COMMANDERS, MY NAME IS FEARED THROUGH THE ENTIRE WEST BLUE AND SOON THE ENTIRE WORLD, I WON'T LET A NO-NAME LIKE YOU STOP ME NOW"

In all honesty, I found his statement hilarious, so much so that it makes me laugh out loud which seems to infuriate him more. "It really is the smallest dogs that bark the most," I say with a laugh, "Let's get this over with, I don't want to waste any more time with a weakling." I smile. The large captain looks at me with obvious fury and rushes towards me with great speed, well great speed for one of the 4 Blues. As I was already tired of him I simply rushed at him with speeds that were unheard of in this Ocean and pierce my hand through his heart. The remaining crew looks at me in disbelief, I look at the captain and see him mouthing something and then die.

Seeing how superior I was to their captain the rest of the crew tries making a run for it, I merely manifest 10 aura arms and pick up 10 swords with my omnireceptable and send each of them out to kill one crewmate. I dissipate my aura and omnireceptable causing a loud *THUD* when their bodies hit the floor. Looking at the massacre around me I smile and think to myself " They should be honoured, after all, they did die to my hands."

After admiring the battlefield one more time I decide to search the ship for any treasures before those other captives get any funny ideas. I search the ship and soon reach the captains quarter's where I see a few chests full of a few hundred thousand bellies, Lifting the chests with my omnireceptable and making them float behind me I walk back to the captives room.

As I walk into the room I see the pirate I previously choked and threw through the door was standing close to the cage. He looks up to me and gives off a shriek before frantically looking around. He then proceeds to run to one of the captives and holds them at gunpoint and threatens me "I-I-IF YOU COME ANY CLOSER I'LL BLOW HER BRAINS OU-" he suddenly vomits blood and looks down only to see the left side of his torso is missing and he falls to his knees and dies. The captives start screaming at the sight of a man being brutally killed. " I've taken care of all the guys up there, do any of you know how to sail a ship so we can get back to an island with civilization," I ask them. As they all look at me in fear I wonder what's wrong. Do I have blood on my face? Am I just really ugly? I soon realise that my aura was still surrounding me which does make me look like a monster as not only am I covered in a black misty aura but the aura also has eyes that have 2 pupils in each of them. Withdrawing my aura I take a much more human-like appearance, if you ignore my black sclera and pupula duplex (AN: the two pupils, you can find a picture in chapter 4)

As I was about to repeat the question 1 one of them looks up and stutters " I u-use to be a navigator for my island's expeditions."Great" I reply with a smile. I then untie all the captives and lead them to the top "Don't mind the bodies, after all, I need evidence that I killed him," I say.


We've been on sailing for about three days now and I can finally see an island on the horizon. The captives seem to have finally gotten used to me and I even learn some of their names. The navigator guy's name was Wasabe and he actually had some children at home, It turns out all the people here were attacked and captured during an expedition from the island we were sailing to. Their islands name was Handoo village and it was an island popular for a certain type of fish they sold. The fish was over 3 metres long with purple and blue scales.

As we near the island's docks some people seem to tense up as after all we were sailing a ship with a jolly roger on it, but after we got close enough and people recognised their fellow missing villagers they burst out into cries. Picking up the chests and the body of the captain I soru off the ship and make it to a more remote part of the town as I didn't really feel like talking to all those people. I walk around and ask people for the directions to the Navy Branch of this island and made my way there.

The building itself was quite big considering the fact that this was just a smaller island but considering the fact that they did make a lot of money from the fish I guess it made sense. As I walk into the building I see the marines look over at me with surprise in their eyes. "Oi, oi, oi isn't he that the head of the captain of the Slasher Pirates? We've been struggling to catch him for over a year now" one says. " Ya, we had to rethink our approach after he took out Commander Organ".

I walk over to the reception and put his head on a table. " I've come to redeem a bounty" I say. Although the receptionist was first startled they quickly regained they're composure and went into the back. They soon came with a suitcase filled with 20 million belli. I leave the building and head over for an alley where I moved the money from the chests into the suitcase.


Sorry for the delay with the chapter, I was about to finish it when Inkstone decided to kick me out and I hadn't saved the chapter yet so I lost all my progress. Sorry if the quality of the chapter is a bit lower near the end as I was a bit annoyed that I had to start again.

Thanks for reading the chapter and see ya next time :)

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