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Chapter 3: sweetheart

The whole time went faster than anticipated, I messaged Hobi that I would not be able to hangout with him till evening and he was okay with it as he had his dance workshop scheduled in afternoon. I checked the time and WHAT THE-


"Imma head to class!!" I hurriedly took my bag as Yoongi questioned "But you don't have any class right now, do you?" "I asked Mister Kim for queries and he had free time right now." I explained and then ran for my life "Byyyyeeeee" to which this boy just smiled and went back to his phone.

I regret now taking P.E seriously in high school, I loved playing sports but plain sprinting wasn't my cup of tea. I reached the classroom in five minutes and let me tell you I had to go all the way across the campus because some old man wanted the cafeteria to be in another corner of world. I ducked my head into the class to check if someone was present or not, to no surprise Mister Kim was right there checking papers and through the corner of his eyes he must have sensed commotion he lifted his gaze and looked at me raising his eyebrows.

"You are late." I straightened myself and walked towards the table in front of his desk placing my stuff there, "I went to cafeteria and started eating and then kept eating while talking and.... sorry, eat so much" I mumbled sitting on the chair. "I didn't ask for the reason." oh god, just take me already I am embarrassed. He enjoys me awkwardness or what? "eh..."

He got up from his chair and was now right in front of me leaning back on his desk while crossing his leg, "So, what are the things you had a problem with?" "I am not able to questions from thermal equilibrium and even making notes for the chapters is not working out for me."

I was so much stressed about these topics that I didn't realise that he was now standing beside me, he pulled the chair present and turned it towards me. I handed him the textbook and his hands brushed mine, I swear I felt as if some sort of electric circuit was completed coz a wave of current passed through me.

He leaned forward placing the textbook in front of me pointing at the paragraph he was explaining while making eye contact time to time but I couldn't help but shift my gaze from textbook to his lip and then to his eyes, I couldn't help it. It looked so much tempting, I tried my best to understand his words coz I don't want him to think I am a dumb bitch. He took ten minutes to re-explain and proceeded to ask some questions to me for making sure I understood well.

When he was done explaining he leaned back and straightened his back but still, his body was close to mine making me blush and nervous, unconsciously. The close proximity was filling me with some forbidden emotions and feelings for him. He was looking straight at me, I turned my head towards him sensing the stare. To my surprise, his gaze was soft and kind off.... loving? he looked so soft at that very moment I couldn't help but smile fondly and turn my head back avoiding eye contact because my heart can not take that much softness at once.

"I am not able to memorize the formulas, I have tried jolting them down numerous times but it was to no avail." I looked at him hoping for some advice and he was in thought for a solid minute, "I used to memorize the formulas by solving problems which specifically involve use of that formula. I remember solving more then five worksheets for each formula."

"That won't be a problem for me, I have ample of free time to solve shit for hours." I said smiling brightly but widened my eyes on realising that I just cursed in front of him to which he raised his eyebrows, "I meant sheet, not shit. I swear, I am sorry, Mister Kim." "Its okay, just don't do the same in front of other teachers." I nodded.

"Not every teacher like swear words, sweetheart." he said smiling sweetly, I was distracted by his voice being so smooth that I didn't notice him leaning forward and when I did, it was too late. My heart was beating so fast and his deep stare didn't help. He motioned me to hand over the pen to him and while taking it I don't know why I felt like his hands lingered a little longer, he gripped the pen making me focus on his perfect hands.

He wrote down the formulas I had to get done by tomorrow and few questions for practice. He was so concentrated, I took that moment to appreciate his features as his face was quite close to mine. Everything about his face was godly, flawless. He suddenly raised his gaze to meet mine which caught me off guard. There was pin drop silence, nothing, just him and I staring deep into each other's eyes I was so mesmerized by his eyes and for a solid second his gaze shifted to my lips.

My phone rang ruining the perfect silence making me jump and picked it without checking the caller id, "Hello?" I said and from the corner of my eye I saw Mister Kim gulp, "Hey, I am heading to McDonalds, do you want something?" I heard Joon's voice from the other side.

"Yes, one McEgg, large fries and I swear to god if you forget to get the chilli sauce and get that tomato one I will punch you."

"Yeah, Yeah, bye"

"See ya" I hung the phone only to be greeted with a very amused handsome man, "I don't like the tomato ketchup as well, they are sickly sweet." I nodded agreeing with his intellectual self.

"I have to check the remaining papers now. See you tomorrow then, Ivy?"

"Yes, Mister Kim." I said getting up while grabbing my books and bag where as he took this moment to take a better look at my outfit as out of habit when I got I turned to right now I was so close to him and him getting up the same time didn't help.

We were still for a second then he moved out from the way slightly smirking. I bowed a little and moved past him lightly making sure not to touch him.

"Bye, Mister Kim" I said and headed to the door and heard him say the same. I checked the time and to my surprise only an hour had passed, why did I feel like I spent so much time in there? why am I intimidated that much by him, he is nothing but sweet?

I went home as there wasn't any class on my schedule and because I wanted to eat so bad, I was hungry.... again! 'Fat bitch' my self concise said.

'But my body needs food for survival'

'that's right, food, not fast food.' why does my self concise has better comebacks than me??? I hate it here.

sugabearkay sugabearkay

Let me know what you think of the chapter ♡ if you are shy to comment you can always message me on twitter @sugabearkay ♡

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