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Courting Danger Courting Danger original

Courting Danger

Author: Lulugreg

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: Chapter one cruel fate( spoiler)

Monday October 31 at 3 A.M.

The witching hour on All Hallows Eve

My life has never been normal or even remotely considered boring. When younger I wished upon every star imaginable .For a normal cookie cutter life that everyone takes for granted .

My countless wishes never came true it only got weirder as my powers progressed. Now, not only I can see the dead walking among us I can reanimate them at will. Some would consider this cool to wield this much power over death. In All honesty, great power comes more headaches.

my smart watch began to chime Directly at 3 A.M . " time to get to work " I exclaimed. I threw the last remnience of my delicious coffee into the nearby waste basket. "On the dot and not a minute late I see always punctual" katana stated in a sing song voice mocking me as she strode towards me weilding her favorite sword.

She smiled cheekily at me and shook my head" if you don't have precision then you loose your proverbial "window" so to speak. you would have to wait either another year to do this ceremony . I don't have the that luxury to wait." I snapped as she unsheathed her weapon .

" welcome to my crazy nightmare." I started as katana shook her head at my comment. " my grandmother always declared that this is a blessing !" katana countered as I mumbled under my breath.

My senses tingled the with spiritual field descended. "Its go time" I stated as the spiritual field opened for one day only . the paranormal rushed out to move about freely.

I slowly opened my eyes to see my new normal. I seen the paranormal since birth my mother says I have a extremely sensitive third eye. that draws all good or evil paranormal to me like a gigantic life size magnetic.

At first I was initially frightened to see things others couldn't . I have come to terms of my abilities and learned how to hone in on their powers. I now help the paranormal fulfill their life goal or either pass on to the afterlife . I now harbor a warm feeling whenever I can help them happily find their way.

The night started off as any routine necromancy ceremony would . if I would have known how the ceremony and night would end .I would have not taken this specific job.

I don't care how well they paid me there was no way "I would be .. spiritually bonded to my new annoying "ward"… and raising ( gulp audibly ) my ex. No body ever said I would have to Fight off an army deranged hostile specters .just to get to the coffin to do the ceremony for a person I loathe still to this day."I mentally screamed

Cold Pouring rain pelted my exposed extremities-as I trudged to the royal moselieum . It felt like being stung by a nest of angry hornets all at once.

"Why today's all days ? " I groaned as I swished out my wet hair ". This is a bad omen .. alone on All Hallows' eve in the poring rain . He must have been a person of great strength and power . Or he did something really naughty. Knowing Rhys as well as I do this is his normal tendencies.

To be cursed twice in in life and in death. In which only a necromancer or a shaman could resurrect him. Not to boast..Thankfully for my proprietors I'm the only shaman that specialized in exotic necromancy. I wondered even though this is the perfect night of the year to raise the dead. I loathed my cosmic gift" bestowed upon me by my ancestors at this very moment . I watched as the ghost from past sprang forth from the eternal slumber.

Most of the specters ignore my existence and or presence. They walked through me or any solid object towards their destination.

Then there were spectrums the ones like the one I'm raising tonight restless and can even be hostile. The hostile ghosts followed me around trying to get my attention by being naughty or annoying.

I pushed past them toward the grad casket of embossed with gold and silver ; I shook my head even in death he had to be flashy. Rhys Black the son of king Loren of the outer lands. the late prince resided in the forbidden forest on the outskirts of dragonia.

I looked at the information packet once again to verify the name of necromancy client.I heard upon the wind "leave this place witch"

"A reaper!" I screamed " why can't it not a gentile soul reaper that carries the souls of the departed to the afterlife. Just my luck It had to be this is the "grim" reapers. the king's blood thirsty secret elite assassin's. They stop at nothing to get their assigned mark. If they were here then I must have a bounty upon my head . My heart pounded within. My chest as I valiently pulled out my sword. even though I knew I would be no match against a reaper.

I realized through out my cowardous life I never actually stood my ground. til now I wouldn't go down without a fight the kingdom depended on me. "Then so be it.. !"I screamed. the dark hooded figure materialized in front of me wielding a massive scythe . My askew silhouette mirrored within its gleaming sharp tip . Violently Swung a farmer's scythe in my general direction. The air whooshed past from the force the curved blade . nearly missing my head by mere inches.

" you have been courting death for far too long. Finally embrace it it is your destiny" His deep southern drawl made it hard to discern many words he spoke. I assess he must have been someone in his past life of great importance to to his fine clothing and tampered beard.

"Never " I calmly cooed as the blade sung at my face . This time the curved blade thinly sliced my cheek . Fight or flight was my only two one quick move I unshilthed and trusted up my dagger upwards. The reaper but into a dark cloud around my blade.

I bent letting go the breath I had inadvertently held. " he not dead he will be back" I muttered as I whipped the sweat from my brow.

I watched in horror as the room filled with an angry army of well armed ghost came strategically into the room. " this is a trap!" I screamed as I took off running . Adrenaline filled my veins I heard them hault . They stoop proud and tall as they awaited their generals orders. " stop her don't let her raise the dead prince!" The general bellowed.

I steeled my spine as I pushed the heavy doors open . " leave while you can" I felt a solid hand push my aside. It was the warrior that had given me the scroll earlier . Katana grunted as she lodged the wooden plank barricade in place .The hinges squealed in retort as The army beat upon the door.

"It won't last long go.. " katana screamed through each fatal hit upon the door.

"finish the ceremony.."

"Raise prince Rhys.. so he can defeat king Loren and the evil vampyre kinsley" she screamed

Lulugreg Lulugreg

This is the work of the author’s imagination. It is only by chance if it resembles person place or thing living and or dead. This book is somewhat graphic by nature. It was never any intentions to offend anyone. Please bear with me and enjoy the wild ride

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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