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Chapter 8: Visit To The Seer

"I'm afraid you're right my lord. Miss Yuko didn't visit the palace three weeks ago, she was out of the kingdom on an important trip and just returned last night." Jack, the king's advisor delivers the news to the king while reading the king's expression.

They're currently at the throne room and Lucas is sitting on his ivory throne.

It's been over three weeks since Lucas claimed Cara. Their relationship has really improved, and Cara is slowly accepting her true nature as an omega. She's starting to like being an omega and it's all because of Lucas.

Although Lucas hasn't still shown Cara his gray wolf form because of the constant rain fall and his multiple duties awaiting him every morning. Throughout the previous weeks, Lucas made sure he kept an eye on Cara, watching her every move because he's pretty sure that trouble days are ahead.

The king also made it his main priority to make sure Cara is happy and he would do just anything to make that happiness last as long as he's alive. But the thought of Togi's unexpected appearance isn't something he should ignore.

"I see." Lucas's words are short, but also holds great worry. He knows Togi to be someone that seeks vengeance in the worst ways possible, but he's not sure why he's after Cara. Despite having a couple of weeks filled with romance and love, Lucas seems to be deeply troubled about his mate.

"I think we're in trouble, my lord." Jack says when he sees Lucas's disturbed face and the king slowly whips his head up to look at Jack.

"Why say that?" His question isn't quite clear. He doesn't sound as if he's not aware of the pending danger ahead, but he wants to know why his advisor made such a statement. He looks away from Jack and stares towards the direction of his window.

"You're tense, it's clearly visible on your face. Yuko wasn't the one here three weeks ago and I can't help but think that it's Togi." 

"Togi." Lucas hums before looking away from the window. Of course even a child would know that it's Togi because he's the only Gumiho around and one who can shapeshift into whatever forms he desires. "You're right, he's out to kill my mate." 

"The dark raven?" Jack's eyes doubled in size. It's no more a secret that Cara, the dark raven, is in the Avalon kingdom, and they're also aware that she was tricked by Smith. However, they didn't hate her at all, but accepted her wholeheartedly.

"Cara is her name." Lucas corrects his advisor before getting up. "Togi is one to hold a grudge and until his revenge is complete he won't rest."

"Then what could Cara have done to him?" Jack can't seem to keep his curiosity any longer as he's also trying to get a clear answer. 

"Nothing. I've read her mind and she did absolutely nothing. It's just so strange." Lucas finally turns to face Jack and he sighs softly.

"If I know Togi well, then he's up to something. All these weeks he didn't show up and that clearly means that he's up to something terrible and evil. Togi will definitely pay this kingdom a visit of vengeance very soon, so please make sure you gather the knights and make sure you keep all the people safe. I need to pay the great seer Ella a visit." With that being said, Lucas leaves the throne room and heads back to his room. 

Lucas has decided to go on a trip to the forsaken forest to see the great seer who's gifted with amazing and incredible abilities, but prefers to be isolated from the world.

Lucas once encountered Ella in the forsaken forest when he was still much younger. At that time, he was lost with no identity and he knew not his parents. The forsaken forest was his home and luckily enough, the beast didn't bother him and they didn't approach him either.

He was hunting for what to eat when he saw Ella, a woman with white eyes and white hair. She looks pale, but beautiful. As a young alpha, Lucas was full of curiosity and questions, so he approached her.

She wasn't harsh, rather she seemed friendly. She took him to her little house and welcomed him with open arms. As expected Lucas did ask her a lot of questions regarding why she stays at the forest all alone and he also questioned her while looking away.

Ella however answered his questions and she told him that she's born with the ability to see what awaits others. She also told him that she was born with such eyes and she also told him that he's the hair and the prince of Avalon kingdom.

It was with her help that he was able to reunite with his parents. She also told him that he will find his mate in his early 30s, but it will cost him so much.

Lucas sighs as he approaches his room. He recalls the seer's words and he can't seem to stop thinking about it. She said that when he finds his mate, it will cost him so much.

He opens the door to his room with a disturbed expression, but seeing Cara soften his countenance. She's standing beside the window, humming a song he always hears her hum.

His face is unexpectedly graced with a smile of admiration for his queen and he walks over to her slowly and hugs her from behind before placing soft kisses on her neck. But then her scent isn't like before, it has changed. It's like a combination of two different scents and she has been scenting like that for almost three weeks and he's so loving it.

Cara smiles and leans into his body, enjoying his scent. "You're disturbed, do you mind sharing?" She asked without looking at him and the king smiled. He knows that Cara can feel what he's feeling because they're bonded.

However, he can't let her know that dangerous days are ahead. He wants to keep her safe and happy and that's what he's going to do, even though it means lying to her.

"I'm going on an urgent trip tonight, and the thought of leaving you alone is killing me." Lucas says into her ear, his lips brushing her ear lobe as he speaks.

Cara slowly bites her lips and tilts her head to the opposite side, giving the alpha room to her ear and neck. "It's an urgent trip, so that means it's important. Don't worry about me, I will be fine. Besides, Seulgi and Rita will keep me company and if there should be any problem, I will remind them that I'm the dark raven." Cara tilts her head to the side and Lucas kisses her.

"Fine then, but please don't leave this kingdom, always make sure you inform Sam and Jack about where you're going. Please." Lucas suddenly looks serious and Cara nods and she kisses him this time around, easing the frown away from his face.

"I heard you, besides I don't think I will be leaving this room because I'm just okay here and I have a lot of books to read which will definitely keep my little mind busy." Cara just feels like explaining to her alpha that he doesn't need to be so worried about her. The truth is that Lucas is aware of how capable Cara is when it comes to defense and taking care of herself, but he just wants to be extremely careful.

"Little mind huh? From what I know, your mind is far from little. You're the famous dark raven everyone talks about and adores, how then is that brave mind of yours little?" The alpha says in a sweet tone that Cara loves a little bit too much. She blushes and twists herself in Lucas's arms. She's facing him and the alpha can't help but kiss her on the forehead.

"Alright, you're flattering me." The omega leans her head on Lucas's chest and stays like that. She really likes resting her head on Lucas's chest and she's not sure why. Over the past few weeks, she feels protected just being close to Lucas and that's all she wants at the moment even though she doesn't know why.

"So you leave tonight, right?" She gives him a scrutinizing look, and the king makes a sad sigh. 

"I'm afraid, yes." The alpha replies.

"To return when?" She asks and this time the king gives Cara a longing look before speaking.

That I'm not sure of, but once my job there is done, I will head back home. I can't afford to stay away from my queen for so long." The alpha kisses Cara again, savoring the taste of her mouth as he lets her know how important she is to him. But then his thoughts were filled with a lot of questions.

He has always wanted to inquire from Cara how she was able to detect that Miss Yuko was Togi without even seeing her. Well, he guesses it's time he asks her.

He pulled away from the kiss and smiled delightfully at her. He doesn't want her to feel scared when he asks her about Togi, so he wraps his hand around her waist and pulls her closer to himself.

"Baby I need to ask you something very important, but please I don't want you to be scared of anything. Can you promise me that?" Lucas asks and Cara nods her head.

"I promise not to be scared as long as you're with me." She assures the alpha and Lucas gathers courage to ask.

"How were you able to detect that it was Togi approaching this room three weeks ago without even seeing him?"

"His scent. I could never forget that scent of a heartless creature that almost ripped me alive. I hate his scent, it reeks of vengeance and anger." She replies and rests her head on the king's chest.

"I still don't know why Togi is after me, but please let's not talk about him, I'm so hungry." She pouted cutely and Lucas smiled and kissed her forehead.

"Sure, let's have lunch together at the royal dining. There's so much for you to eat, and your favorite fruit, apple and grapes." 


That night the king made sure Cara fell asleep in his arms before he decided to embark on his trip to the forsaken forest. He made sure that Cara is sleeping deeply before he pulls away from her body. 

It's time for him to leave his palace and kingdom to seek the reason behind Togi's anger towards his mate. He puts on his royal robe and walks towards the door, he has to leave as soon as possible before Cara would notice his absence.

He feels his heart clenching in pain as he approaches the door, but he abruptly stops and turns around to look at his mate and without a second thought, he walks over to her and kisses her forehead.

"Please be safe." He whispers into her ears before making his way out of the room. He went straight to Jack and instructed him on what to do before he finally left his kingdom into the thick darkness.

Lucas is a very brave and fearless alpha. He sees the darkness as nothing but just a form of nature which it truly is. He decides to go with his personal horse till he gets to the entrance of the forsaken forest.

He tied his horse to a tree at a safe place where no wild animal would attack it. Despite it being an animal, its life still matters to him.

He walked further into the forest and he made a halt on his movement. He knows that the rest of the journey into the forsaken forest won't be easy on foot, so he decided to transform into his wolf form, it will be quicker for him and his eyesight will be clearer in the dark.

In as much as he needs to get answers to pending questions, he also needs to be with his mate. He strips himself off his royal garments and boots till he's completely naked, and in a matter of seconds, he transforms into his wolf form in his full glory.

He growled proudly into the night, feeling his strength moving through his veins. He uses his big teeth to pick up his garments as well as his boots and runs deep into the forest.

After some minutes of running through the woods, he finally gets to the little familiar house in the middle of the forest. Usually the lights in the house are always out at this time of the night, but he's a bit surprised to see the lights still on.

The alpha transforms back to his human form and dresses himself up. He sighs deeply, preparing himself for whatever awaits him. 

He makes his way to the front door of the house and as he reaches his hand to knock, the door opens up immediately.

"Come in, great king of Avalon." The familiar voice echoes through the room and Lucas smiles softly and makes his way into the house. 

The woman is sitting on her stool while staring at the dark sky.

"You know I don't like to be addressed with formalities, I prefer to be called by my name, Lucas." The alpha says with a graceful smile on his face as he walks further into the room and the door shut itself behind him.

"Pardon me, Lucas. I've been expecting your arrival because the time has come. You've found your mate and there's danger ahead." She says and finally looks at Lucas.

"You're right, great seer. I found my mate over three weeks ago, but she's in great danger. Togi the Gumiho seeks her life for reasons unknown to me and I'm troubled by that great seer. Could this be what you meant when you said it will cost me so much after finding my mate?" The alpha asks with heaviness in his heart m

"Yes, great king. Cara is in danger for something she knows nothing about. Three years ago, Smith the rover sent his evil brother Ken and some of his men to steal a sacred diamond from Kula, Togi's mate and also the princess of the Gumiho clan, but the mission failed as Togi single handedly massacred all the rovers and Ken."

"Driven by anger and hatred, Smith sent some of his men to capture Kula and imprison her in his secret dungeon. He wanted Togi to feel the pain of losing someone he loves, and so he fabricated a death scene and thereby framed the famous dark raven for the death of Kula to save himself from Togi's rut. Smith knew that he couldn't actually do much after you ripped his legs apart when he killed your parents. Although he got artificial legs, he was never able to transform into his wolf form ever again nor ambush another kingdom like before." The seer blows out a heavy sigh and gives Lucas a knowing look.

"Now do you understand why Togi is after Cara's life?" She questions and Lucas nods his head.

"I do. Togi thinks my mate killed his mate, but he doesn't know that Kula is still alive but locked up in that evil rover's dungeon." Lucas pinches the bridge of his nose as he tries to calm himself down. 

The alpha feels so mad, he hates himself for not killing Smith when he had the time to. He shakes his head in regret and anger, but decides to listen to Ella till the end.

"Togi's continuous search for the dark raven scared Smith. He knows that when Togi sees your mate, then he's going to find out the truth that she actually didn't have a hand in Kula's death which never happened to begin with. So the only way to save his life from Togi's mad anger is to send Cara to kill you because he knows that she's no match for the great gray wolf." Ella explained everything to Lucas and the king finally got it all. 

"So what do I do? You said that meeting my mate will cost me so much, so what can I do to stop Togi from attacking Cara? She's so scared of him and when she saw him three weeks ago, she almost took her own life. I don't want to lose Cara for any reason." Lucas hates feeling so helpless, all he needs is a way to stop the danger ahead.

"Find Kula and save her. I'm afraid that's the only way you can save your mate, and you have only tomorrow to save Kula because Togi is on his way to your kingdom, by tomorrow he's going to kill Cara and your unborn child. Hurry now and search for Kula." Ella says with sadness in her voice and Lucas's eyes doubled in size on hearing something so special. Something that catches his attention.

"Cara is with a child? She's pregnant?" The alpha's heart is greatly uplifted at the news, he can't seem to sit still on his seat, Ella nods her head in confirmation to his question.

"She's pregnant, but if you don't find Kula and save her on time, then you won't be able to save Cara or your child." The seer walked over to her drawer and pulled it open to retrieve a black box. She stared at the box for a while before walking back to Lucas who looked so calm while observing her.

"Take this, it's a magical globe of directions. It will show you whatever you ask, so hurry up and seek for the whereabouts of Kula. Remember, you have to be fast with whatever the outcome is. Cara's life depends on this." Ella hands over the globe to Lucas and the king collects it quickly.

He never saw all this coming. He doesn't even know that his mate is pregnant, but at least he finally understands why she was so clingy over the last two weeks and why her scent was so alluring and pleasing to inhale. The thought of Cara being in danger is like a million daggers being stabbed right into his heart.

His eyes are fixed on the globe passionately and without wasting any more time, he asked his first question, the question that will save the life of his mate and unborn child.

"I wish to know where the Gumiho princess, Kula, is." His voice is strong and full of determination, and immediately, the globe reveals a dark dungeon with a stick of fire serving as light. There's a lady folded into a ball with tears in her eyes. Her hands and legs are bonded with thick ropes and there are cuts all over her body.

Seeing an innocent lady being treated like an animal makes the king mad. "That bastard." Lucas folds his fist in anger. Kula is in such state of pain and torture for no reason. He feels his blood boiling in anger when he thinks back to how the rover killed his parents, and now he's suffering Kula, despite knowing that she's only a woman and she doesn't deserve such wicked treatment.

He sighs deeply, trying to put himself together and he asks his next question.

"I wish to know where this dungeon is located?" He asks again and the globe reveals a lonely road leading to a river with a broken bridge.

Once the alpha sees the bridge, he lets out a laugh of anger. Smith is indeed an evil man with a dark heart. He purposely locked Kula up at his dungeon behind the abandoned bridge which connects his kingdom Avalon and his mother's kingdom Alternia which is being ruled by his late mother's elder brother, Jackson.

Three years ago Lucas had received a letter from his uncle, king Jackson about the sudden strange falling apart of the bridge which connects their kingdom and when Lucas decided to see for himself, it was totally destroyed beyond repair. The damage at the middle of the bridge was large, very large and there was no more hope left for the bridge.

They had to build a new bridge and abandon the old bridge, but seeing the location the magic globe revealed to him, Lucas is now certain that Smith was the one behind the destruction of the old bridge.

He turned around to look at the seer and he humbly bowed his head in appreciation. "Thank you so much, great seer, you've really done so much for me and I will never forget your kindness." He looked down at the globe in his hand and reached it to her.

"I know where Kula is and I also know of a shortcut I can take that will lead me to her, so please here is your magical globe." He gave it to her, but she smiled and put it back in his hand.

"Take it as a gift from me to your little prince when he's born. But you must be fast because Togi is already in your kingdom as I speak, but he will lay an attack on Cara tomorrow by sunrise, so be fast with whatever you do. The magical globe will lead you." She says and the king nods his head.

"Thank you once again, great seer. I shall leave now." He hurries out of the house and strips himself off his garments and boots, and just like before, he transformed into his wolf form. He's a huge wolf and that makes it possible for him to hold his garment, boots and globe between his big mouth and he takes off at a crazy fast pace


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