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Chapter 50: Chapter 49

"I want to kiss you," murmurs Hiro.

And an ear-piercing ringtone causes the young fellow's shoulders to flinch and bat his lashes anxiously as his gaze shies away from the man's outspoken sincerity and diverts his attention towards his drawer that has been left open.

Jin's fingers slowly clench around the hem of his uniform, his heart trembling and palpitating once again inside his chest. Lately, he's been experiencing occasional tightening of his chest and butterflies in his stomach whenever he's with him. If Hiro knew that, would they do that again…?


What is he thinking?

How delirious of him lusting over a man who's been forbearing towards him.

Jin couldn't afford to meet the man's gaze due to the guilt he felt from his absurd thoughts. But why does he have to say t-that out loud? He didn't even bother warning him a while ago before he did.

That k-kissue (k-kiss)…Does he want to do it again?

He did say he wants to kiss him, did he really mean what he said?

A light caress from the young fellow's cheek brought his scattered thoughts to one place and as Hiro's thumb stroked against the lovely color of his cheeks, his eyes were screaming tenderness.

"Don't be wary of me. I wouldn't do it even if the devil pushed me to."

Unknowingly, disappointment washes over him, "Why not?"

And the provoking word already left Jin's mouth before he could even stop himself and the aftermath of his startled expression brought the man's vanquishing grin to come into the light.

His supple touch went south, down to claim his small chin before pressing his thumb gently against it as the calming warmth he felt inside his chest broke past the depth of his malicious cove. The feel of his flesh was the softest, warm and cold at the same time. He was exactly what he describes him as. A holy piece his sinful and hideous hands were forbidden to touch and hold to begin with.

Even he had forgotten about the itchiness of his palms. He didn't notice that they have long disappeared elsewhere as he grew accustomed to having it since he can remember, but in return, he had to dwell on the aching demand from his maleness which never once came into his mind the need to satisfy his growing tent.

His brows furrow. It's another first after all…

"I'm more worried about you crying after if I did so." He admits the hypocrisy he holds upon being violent but never does he want to use force on him, and at the very least wipe his tears again.

The sight of it brought him enough heartache to repent.

Repentance…He could get to know that.

"I didn't mean to cry when it happened…" Jin looks up at him. The picture was far wider than what he thought so. He felt fear more than everything else. Fear towards himself when his immodest heart forgot its morals and starts to beat and accept his presence starting to grow within him.

He, too, has sinned greatly.

"I was just surprised, but don't carry all the blame on yourself. I was completely sober and sane when it happened," Jin responds and he knows it almost felt like he was lecturing a child.

He's really a saint. Hiro thought so and his demonic lair blared in awe for this little man.

"C-Come to think of it. I d-didn't dislike it…" Sure it was his first time, he was inexperienced, but he knew it was…intense.

Hiro shrinks, his head bent down low, away from his gaze as his playful fingers continue to travel down to the second button of his uniform, playing and swirling his fingertips repeatedly around its circular edge, silently panting. The temperature of his body rises more, burning with his increasing desire for domination, which the young fellow may not be able to thoroughly stand halfway.

Hiro groans in pain and the gunshots he willfully endured from his younger days cannot even compare an ounce to this. He scoots closer to him and buried his face against his neck as he sullenly embraced his petite waist. How much more will he slowly die this?

'Until you do the deed, my liege,' Eros butts in, currently holding up his champagne glass.

Jin. Jin. Jin. Jin...

At this point, he's far better off being mentally disabled. His fingers grip his small waist for restraint but end up cursing himself for a moment as his maleness arouses from its softness.

Just kill me, "Listen to me…" He was panting, his warm breath shaking feverishly.

"Never let your guard down, even when you're with me." He squeezes his hand occasionally from his grip, trying to keep the water inside a full glass from spilling.

"If it's necessary to stab me, do so without hesitation. I want you to do anything to protect yourself." He needs to calm down. The last thing he wants was to see him pushing him away in fear.

He can't let him do that. Not after all the hard work he's put up to gain his favor. This was his deeper reason as to why he needed to deprive his urge to do something recklessly to him.

Jin ran his fingers through his hair, his favorite comforting place so far, "I won't be needing to do that. I trust you…" he whispers softly with a heartfelt smile on his lips, unaware and clueless.


Hiro's tensed shoulders gradually slump down in relief. He was at loss for words. Nothing mattered to him more after hearing those promising three words.

"Your adorableness might just be the cause of your own misery." You smell divine too…This is getting dangerous.

His embrace tightens around him one last time before he hesitatingly moves away from the confused young fellow. Hiro's brows were furrowed in frustration, his shaft was pulsing painfully inside his trousers, already at its limit.

"I think I preferred to be called pretty than cute," Jin says on a whim, grinning and silently laughing.

Damn it.

Hiro reaches his hands over him and pulled him closer towards his chest instead. He then shut his eyes close and forcibly stopped himself from breathing, purposely blocking his airways.

With this, he should be able to hold back for at least three hours. It troubles him that his very scent can already push him past the edge like this.

'Your highness, why don't we take our leave and slice more heads?' The smiling dark imp suggests.

Nah, his palms aren't itching, though it might be for another thing.

"Go pick up the phone call…" His forefinger gently rubs against Jin's delicate knuckles before he finally releases his hold against his hand.

Jin snaps his head at him.

"I can?" Is he stating that suggestion seriously? Or are they back at this conversation again?

Hiro hums softly, refusing to open his eyes, "Give it a go."

His dark and deep baritone voice felt surreal against Jin's flushed ear.

H-He's really not bluffing?

Jin didn't hesitate further to rise from his bed like a programmed software under his command and left the man's side as he walks towards his drawer, absentmindedly. His head couldn't get over the sight of his sleepy face.

He finds it rather adorable…

He felt like he couldn't breathe seeing such godsend visuals. His heart was already reacting ten times more than usual.

Is it because they were on the bed that it somehow felt dangerous—forbiddingly sweet?

With shivering hands, Jin slowly picks up the phone, gulping nervously whilst staring at its lit screen with the name 'Division A's Head Operator' on the caller ID.

He held the phone anxiously between his hands and it was bigger than he thought, he could barely hold it with one hand. He takes one quick peek over Hiro on the bed, still hesitating whether what he's doing is legal.

Even the name of the caller ID itself already sounds intimidating. Is it related to his work? If so, then Hiro should answer it instead of him.

Should he really answer it?

He looks down as if the answer to his question was there written on his shoes.




He forgot to take off his shoes. He glances over the bed where Hiro's unmoving body resides and his leather oxford blinds him.

He looks too stiff. Is he even breathing?

They didn't leave marks, did they? He glances anxiously back at their way from the kitchen but there was only one trace of footsteps that leads to the old school shoes he's wearing.

Crap, he just did.

He gulps as the phone went silent for a second before it starts ringing again. He looked back helplessly at the unbothered man behind him before he swipe to answer the call and put it on speaker mode.

[That's the signal…secure the coordinates as approval—

Secured successfully, sir, case termination approved.]

And without another word said, the call ended from the other line and he waited for a few seconds, but the phone wasn't buzzing off anymore.


Hiro mutters from the distance.

"Who was that?"

Jin curiously ask, no matter how he tries to understand what he heard, he couldn't get a hint of what the other line was speaking. He heard odd beeping noises, faint and low murmurs, a person or two typing furiously in the background, and as well as the sound of engines and the busy road.

"It's Vren. You've met him a little long ago."

He answers without hesitation again and Jin felt burdened under such heavy responsibility of protecting the trust he lent him.

"No wonder ahjussi's voice sounds familiar." So he was one of the ahjussis in black he met?

Hiro opens his eyes, swiftly rises from the bed, and took out three envelopes from the inside pocket of his black tailored suit. His brows were furrowed and he looked upset as he walks alarmingly soundless towards his desk and places the envelopes individually next to each other down before he strides back and sat at the edge of his bed, staring at him with scorching black eyes.

His long legs were bent as he menacingly leans forward, pressing both of his elbows on his knees, his hands clasp against one another in front of the somber look of his face.

"Is there something wrong?" Jin tilts his head to the other side. He thought he was sleepy. His innocent worried eyes alternately shift from him and the envelopes resting on his desk. What are those?

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