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Bleach: Along for the Journey Bleach: Along for the Journey original

Bleach: Along for the Journey

Author: Quade_The_Unknown

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: Ch. 1: 777 the G and Beginnings

A man in a suit was driving his car down the street. He was going home from a long and boring day of work. He had a decent office job that paid well. He was decently fit and young. At least compared to the others working with him. He only worked out to stay fit and not gain weight, he would rather just watch anime or something.

But while working out he would just let Brave Souls auto farm so he felt he was being double productive. He didn't spend much money on the game. He did get the beginners pack just because. But he didn't buy the expensive packs. He enjoyed the game and how it was so different from other mobile games. And the arts of the characters were great.

Like any other man, he enjoyed the female arts. But he would rather have the cooler arts of the characters. Like Bankai Toshiro in adult form. That was amazing. He hadn't read the manga and only watched the anime. But he kinda liked not knowing the origin of the special character. Whether it be the holiday or seasonal characters. And the manga or original characters were great. The hogyoku Ulquiorra that had the multiple wings and special art. Just absolutely gorgeous.

Anyway, the man was driving down the road with Brave Souls farming a random point event. He would only tap the start quest and collect rewards button at stop lights.

He had almost all his characters at level 200. Only a few had link slots. He didn't play that much.

That's besides the point. He was cruising down the road and about to get to his street when he gets rear ended and pushed into on coming traffic.

Now for those of you that don't know. When two objects going 50 miles per hour towards eachother collide. It's not a fun time.

His car crumples upon impact with the garbage truck. And it's ironic because garbage day was the previous day for this area.

He didn't initially die, he had his seatbelt on. But that only gave him a few extra minutes. His body was crushed and he was barely conscious. He saw the green truck in front of him. His car was wrecked. He never knew what the inside of a smashed sedan looked like.

It was weird. The entire place was totaled, but the drivers side was the worst. The passenger side barely got damaged. If he had a wife he would be happy that she would survive, but alas, he did not.

His mind was going fuzzy. He couldn't feel his legs or arms. But he could move his eyes. He tried moving his neck and decided against it when he tasted metal.

He looked to his center console and saw his phone hanging slightly sideways while it was held horizontally by a phone mount. For whatever reason, the phone was perfectly fine. It made the guy want to laugh, but his lungs and abdomen didn't allow that.

He saw that he got his final 2 characters to level 200 finally after completing the quest. At least that was the highlight of his current situation. He heard people shouting and there were screams.

When his car hit the garbage truck it was carried a bit down the road. No way a sedan was going to halt a garbage truck. But everything sounded distant. He saw flashes of light. He thought it was his time.

So imagine his surprise when he looked to the light and saw people taking photos of him inside his car with their flash on.

"At least….turn the…flash off" he got out. It didn't hurt to talk surprisingly. But that probably wasn't a good thing.

The people seemed disturbed that he was joking in a time like this. But they were the ones recording or taking pictures.

His radio turned on for some reason and played "Highway to Hell" by AC/DC. At least it was ironic for his situation.

And then he blinked and he was in an office room.

The sun was shining through the window. He was sitting in a crappy folding chair. He was sitting facing a desk and a comfy looking office chair.

On the desk he saw a a nameplate facing him.

"God num. 4662836777"

'Current God of reincarnation'. was in smaller letters bellow his apparent name.

Not much was around the room. It was just kinda gray besides the black chairs and brown wooden desk. The name plate was green with gold letters. The '777' was a sparkly gold.

As he was looking around he saw a tall man walk in. He was covered head to toe. He had on a golden fancy suit. It was gold but different parts were sparkly or different shades of gold. The golden man had gloves, a scarf, a hat, and a mask. Couldn't even see his hair.

"Hello! Sorry for the slight wait. Had to talk to 776 for a minute" The man shuts the door after walking through. He talks in a very chipper voice that's full of energy and excitement.

The gold-guy sits down on the office chair and leans forward on his elbows that rest on his desk.

"So! You are….Jake Halbin. Right?" The mask had a smiling face, but not the creepy kind.

"Yeah, I'm Jake Halbin. So are you '777' then?" He sits up in his folding chair with his hands on his knees.

"Yep! That's me! God of reincarnation number 4662836777! Normally people say the entire thing. Not a fun time. Glad you just abbreviated it like I'd do. Makes it so much simpler. Now as you know, you died. It was unfortunate honestly". 777 sighs.

"Why is it unfortunate. I mean, I get I died, but that happens all the time…..well, not to me but others all over the world" Jake realizes that he sounded like he was used to dieing. Which he wasn't. He was used to getting small injuries everyday. He's prone to getting injured randomly. And if he goes through a day without getting hurt he might roll off his bed or something to meet the quota of at least 1 a day.

"You are correct. But you dear Jake Halbin should have stayed at work for an hour longer. You were meant to die in the building alone after your computer short circuits because you were charging your phone. Why that would have killed you? I have no clue. The Gods in the death department are getting less and less creative by the decade. But they have their moments. Like when they had to correct your death. Cruel bastards. Couldn't even get a semi-truck to do the job. Apparently he was already booked"

777 leans over the desk and whispers. "I think they just tried to save a few extra bucks and decided to give themselves a bonus"

He sits back into his chair and sits up tall. "Now, I couldn't just have you die like that and so I messed with your radio to send you off. A cherry on top of I do say so myself!" He crosses his arms and nods his head. Clearly pleased by his actions.

"That was you? Nice~" Jake was feeling a little more comfortable in the room. 777 was easy to talk with and seemed cool.

"Right?! Nobody else appreciates my little gestures like that. They mostly get pissy with me! Like I was the one that killed them or something! My job is only to send them into their next life, and speaking of which. We should get you started" He looks at Jake and puts his hands on the desk.

"Oh? So reincarnation is real. Cool"

"Cool indeed! Glad you decided to wait until I'm done explaining! Normally I have to answer 50 questions before I can give my small bit" 777 straightens his tie and clears his throat.

"Jake Halbin. You get the chance of a life time. But it's not like the novels where you choose the world or it's chosen by some wheel that spins. Nope! I get to decide! But don't worry, I'm not cruel like 666 was. That was a dark time for reincarnates. But the ones that survived became true legends. But that's now what I'm about. I may be 777 but I don't like losing. If I gamble I do it with the best odds I can get. Anyway, back to the topic at hand. You will be going to a world of my choice. Your powers….well, you get none. It's completely random and up to you. Always has been and always will be. Has nothing to do with my number. But don't worry. You get to keep your memories. And you get to choose your appearance. It may not sound great, but it honestly is. So with that being said, what do you wanna look like?" 777 had his fingers interlocked and leaned forward on the desk again.

"That's…..a lot to take in" Jake thinks for a minute and comes to his decision. "Can I know the worlds first?"

777 doesn't say anything but sits up and looks at the ceiling and taps the chin of his mask. "Sure! Why not! Few people actually ask that so I had to think if I'm allowed to or not. But I can do here it is! You're going to…..!"

He pauses dramatically and points at Jake before continuing. "Bleach!"

Gold confetti appears from the ceiling and floats to the ground. "You will be in Karakura town when the plot kicks in so don't worry about missing everything"

Jake sits there and watches the confetti fall and listens to 777.

"YES!!! I mean, sweet. Thank you. I know it'll be dangerous, but it's going to be epic to see the sword fights and Bankais….."

"I'll have my own Bankai!!" He almost jumps off the walls of the room he's so excited.

"Well, maybe" 777 says. "It's all up to you which path you take. And your powers aren't up to me either. But work hard and you might be able to"

Jake is reminded about the possibility he might be a mob character and it dampens his mood. But not much, that means he could just watch the fights or listen to the stories of them. Either way it's going to be fun. Except for the part where he doesn't know Japanese.

"Either way. I'm happy. Thank you so very, very much 777. Do you have a shorter name, it's kind of a mouthful"

"I do not. I like 777. But you seem to have an idea so let's hear it" The God isn't mad, but curious.

"777 is cool and unique, but what about G?"

"Hmmm. It is shorter. And it could stand for God or Gold. I don't like it….." 777 puts his head down so Jake can't see it.

"….I fuckin Love it!!!" He jumps up and knocks the office chair over and throws his arms in the air.

"G! Hells yeah. Alright, I like it. It's simple but holds some meaning to it!" He slams his hand on the desk and looks at Jake who is still sitting.

"Call me G! Oh man, the others are absolutely going to hate it! Which makes it even better!"

Jake was sweating. He though he mad the God mad. But hearing him now, he sighed with relief.

"Alright, glad you love it" Jake smiles at G.

"Ok! So, with that done with. Appearance! Let's hear it!" G is standing with his hands on the desk still. He's slightly bent forward while looking down at Jake.

"So I was thinking of having the appearance of Jotaro Kujo. From JoJos bizzare adventure"

"Yep, I know exactly the one. And normally that wouldn't be allowed but I can pull some strings. I normally do this anyway because I want the reincarnator to have as much fun as possible. But I won't help you more than that or I'll get in even more trouble. And no need to thank me" G picks his chair up off the ground and stands it up and takes a seat. "Now with that done. I will send you on your way"

Jake nods. And G waves his hands through the air as gold particles appear and float around the room and Jake disappears.

The next thing he knows he's being held by cold hands. It's like they have gloves on.

That's when he realizes s hood and a bad thing.

He's probably a baby. It's hard to move and he's having trouble breathing.

It's good because he doesn't have to worry about acting like the previous body owner. And bad because he's a damn baby.


"Wahhhh!!" 'Fffffuuuuuucccckkkk' he screamed. Why do they have to smack a baby on its butt so hard. It felt like they just cracked it.

He gets moved around a bit. Then he gets handed to the warmed thing he's ever felt. His eyes hurt due to the lights in the room and decides to leave them shut.

"Jotaro Kujo" He hears. And he's excited, but at the same time distraught. He's called Jotaro, but couldn't understand any other words the person holding him said.

The voice was quiet, soft and filled with love. He can tell it's his mom. She sounds so beautiful.

———Time Skip———

His mom is gorgeous. He hasn't seen his father which confused him but he knew that the real Jotaro Kujos father was on tour apparently and missed his birth.

His moms name is Holly Kujo and his fathers is Sadao Kujo. But she prefers to be called Saiko and refuses to acknowledge you if you call her Holly. So Saiko Kujo it is.

He hasn't seen his father, but his mother was relatively young looking. She has blonde shoulder length hair and green eyes. She's probably British. But she doesn't tell anyone.

Jotaro and Holly are in Japan since he can't understand anything everyone else is saying.

Ash Jotaro was growing up it wasn't so bad. He mostly slept until he could crawl.

But once he could crawl he wouldn't stop. He drove his mother crazy with how active he was. If she looked away for a minute he would be somewhere else. That meant that he was forced to be held or put in something that stopped him from moving. Like those baby backpacks.

One day he was hanging from said baby backpack on the front of his mother going for a walk around the neighborhood. As they were walking they found another woman carrying a baby as well. She had darker hair than Holly and it was longer. She had brown eyes and was also taller than her. Her baby was in a stroller and had bright orange hair with brown eyes.

Jotaro froze when he saw the baby. Had he already met Ichigo and his mom? That's way to easy.

The mothers hit it off. They talked for a while and also continued to walk together. Jotaro had no idea what they were saying but it seemed nice. Their voices were soothing and sweet sounding. He heard Jotaro and Ichigo a few times. He guessed they were talking about Ichigo and himself.

They walked together and showed the Kurosaki clinic which doubled as their home. It was nice and had 2 stories. Then Holly showed Misaki Kurosaki, Ichigos mom, their home. It was smaller with only 1 floor, but it gave a homely feel that was more traditional. Sliding doors and everything.

And they went their separate ways after deciding to meet up more. They were only a block away from each other.

Jotaros mom was so happy when she got home. She even started to talk in English. Apparently she was super worried about making friends since she is new to the town. They've only been their a short while but now she is glad she decided to live in this town.

Jotaro was walking at 8 months old. It shocked his mother, but only because he almost bashed his head on a wall when he fell. But he was pretty durable, even this young.

He also had been reading books. Just trying to understand the Japanese. His mom thought he was just looking at the pictures and got him more books with pictures. This helped greatly with his progress. But it was hard and would take longer, but he was learning little by little.

Misaki would often come over and bring Ichigo. Jotaro and Ichigo would crawl and race eachother. Jotaro often won since he could already walk before Ichigo. And when Jotaro showed Ichigo, Misaki and Holly were taking pictures.

Ichigo clapped his hands in praise. Jotaro could only stand for a little bit before falling so he sat down in front of Ichigo. They then proceeded to do baby things. It was mostly Jotaro mimicking Ichigo because he had no idea how babies normally act.

As Jotaro continued to grow he also grew stronger. And he was able to walk at nine months. And it wasn't the shaky walk either. It was a bit shaky but he could take more steps than other babies.

He met Isshin when he went to play with Ichigo one day and the guy looked so cool. He acted like a love fool but it didn't sour his appearance. Notarized could tell the guy had muscles packed beneath his clothes and his face had sharp features. And his beard was perfect. In his previous life he could never get it to look like that so he shaved it off whenever it came back.

Isshin treated Jotaro weirdly when he first saw him. But then he quickly changed his tune. "Guess the kids will both be lady killers! Haha! Ichigos orange hair and Jotaros eyes will definitely be attention grabbers! I can already tell that Jotaro here will grow up big and strong in no time! That's my medical opinion!"

He was a loud and energetic guy. And Misaki seemed to like that about him as she smiled and lovingly looked at him as he played with Ichigo and Jotaro.

Jotaro couldn't wait to grow a bit older. He wanted to freely explore the town and find a certain cat to lead him to a certain shop. Preferably before the plot started. He also wanted to learn kendo and do other sports as an excuse to works out. He just had to bide his time.

Quade_The_Unknown Quade_The_Unknown

3093 words.

This is my attempt at actually giving the first few chapters serious though since in my other fanfics they are rushed to get to the plot as fast as possible.

I’m just gonna take my time.

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