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Chapter 3: Lost

I slowly opened my eyes to the sound of howling in the distance. For a moment I sat feeling lost and confused. My heart thudded in a slight panic at my unfamiliar surroundings. I took a few deep breaths, inhaling the scent of pine. The crisp morning air nipped at my nose. It seemed much colder here. I must be at a pretty high elevation. When I performed the ritual I had envisioned the man from my dreams. However... it didn't exactly take me to him. Even if this was the right world, where would I even start?

Another howl sounded in the distance. It seemed closer now. That thought brought me to my feet. Even if it sounded like a wolf didn't mean that's what it was. I readjusted my duffel bag, and pulled out some beef jerky for my breakfast. I started walking in the opposite direction of the howling while I ate.

The forest almost seemed happy that I was here. The birds sang and chirped in the tree tops. Most looked strange and unfamiliar. A low breeze rustled the branches causing the leaves to dance. It all came together like a beautiful song. A small creek came into view as I hiked downhill. It was so thin I could nearly jump over it. Small, glittering fish swam back and forth just beneath the clear surface. I smiled at how beautiful they were.

I hopped over to the other side and began to make my way uphill. The forest seemed to go on forever, for a moment I feared this entire planet was solely forests and streams.

It wasn't until I stopped to eat my lunch that I realized how silent it had become. The birds seemed to have all disappeared. Even the trees were eerily silent and unmoving. A predator was coming. I could feel every muscle tense as I more carefully scanned my surroundings.

After a few minutes of trying to see through the densely packed forest I decided to climb the tallest tree I could find.

I grunted as I wiggled my body slowly up the tree. Panting in exertion, I finally made it up to a decent vantage point. Tiny, fresh droplets of blood formed on my new scrapes. My elbow felt sore and I knew it'd be a bruise tomorrow. However I felt victorious for at least a moment.

Suddenly a loud howl caused me to nearly fall off the branch. It was so close and yet I couldn't see it. Goosebumps covered my arms. Cold sweat formed at the back of my neck. An eternity passed as I waited in anticipation.

Finally a wolf walked out from the tree line. Only problem was it was too big to be a wolf. If I had to guess I'd say it stood taller than I did. It's fur was pitch black and gleamed in the sunlight. It sniffed around the tree I was stationed in before looking up directly at me. I tried to stay as still as possible hoping it's sight was based on movement.

No such luck, as it let out a loud and long howl. It sat back on its hind legs staring up at me like I was the best dinner it could hope for. We both stared at each other for a long time waiting to see who would make the first move. The wolf cocked its head to the side as if it was confused.

Then something I could have never predicted happened. The wolf back up slightly and began to change. Bones popped and cracked. It's fur seemed to recede into its skin. It's head began to change shape and morph into that of a human man. He stood up his legs and arms still changing into human limbs. "A demon," I whispered. Only demons could so willingly change their shape.

"Not a demon, just a wolf." He said a slight smirk on his face. He stood proudly looking up at me. Absolutely naked. I did my best to keep my eyes on his but it was difficult from this vantage point.

His eyes were a deep green and his hair was a dark, warm brown. However, I was too far up to see any other distinguishing features. His body was absolutely perfect. Whatever you're imagining...yes.

"Do you have any plans of coming down from there?" His eyebrows raised as if he was amused.

" not really. Just...hanging out."

He laughed the most perfect laugh. "So I'll have to come up and get you then?" He gave me a large smile. I immediately thought of the wolf from 'Little Red Riding Hood'.

"Actually, you can just leave. I'll be fine up here."

"Mmmmm," he scratched his chin seeming to contemplate my words. "But then how would I eat you?" He said smiling at me.

I paled, "eat me?" He must be joking.

"You smell very," he paused trying to find the right word. "Perfect," the way he said it made my body tremble.

"Well actually I'm far from it. I even have a giant wart on my back." I said matter of factly.

"Why should that matter? I'm sure you'll taste amazing regardless." He put his hands on his hips. "How about you come down now?"

I suddenly realized I was casually talking to a demon that wanted to eat me. "Can't you a deer or something?"

He sighed at this, "maybe I'm bored of deer. I guess you give me no choice. I'll have to come get you." He grabbed at the lowest branch pulling himself up easily.

"Well, fuck." I muttered. The only real way to go would be further up. I began to climb higher gaining more scratches and bruises. Every time I looked down he would be closer. He didn't really seem to be in a hurry and yet he was still gaining on me. "Wait, hold on!" I screamed down to him.

He stopped looking up at me, "yes?" He smiled.

"If you come any closer I'll jump!" My voice wavered.

This seemed to darken his mood, "I thought you wanted to live?"

"Well if my options are to be eaten alive or a quick painless death, I'd choose the latter."

He seemed to ponder this before looking up into my eyes. He really was so perfect, and strangely familiar. "I guess I'll just have to catch you."

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