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Chapter 24: Blessings

"How does it work?"

It was a clear beautiful sky, and the breeze was quite gentle as the grass swayed. A lone boy rested under a tree shade looking up on the clouds drifting in the sky.

"How what work?"

From above the tree, a Pachirisu scampered down and on the knee of the boy. Their head tilted to one side in curiosity of the human's question.

"The mark," Ash said, eyes not gazing of the sky, "You said the mark, no matter how much we humans or Pokémon tried, can never be gained. Even if one wishes it, it won't work. Even if one manages to rewrite the world, it will never happen. Even if someone tried to remake it, it won't be the same. so?"

The Pachirisu stared at him before eyes drifted to a thoughtful gaze.

"The mark....well, it is an insignia of destiny. Those who bore it would be put into the test of things both absolute and changing. And I do believe you are aware of the changing," Pachirisu pointed.

A dark, taunting chuckle breathed behind Ash, sending goosebumps in his skin and a growl from his throat before shaking them away, and instead looking at his back palm. There, a halo ring was seen, four curve-sided spikes equally distant and a lone chain curving down to his back wrist and disappearing within his sleeve.

"Yeah, and I am still confused of all of it," Ash said, more to himself but still outloud to hear.

"Then I think it's time for another lesson," Parchirisu said in a chippy manner, in which the human groaned but was ignored, "As you have known, that mark was once known as Blessing of The Arc. It was a very prodigious and omnipotent blessing, one of a kind. So much that it was only given to a number of people,

"However, as time went one, it became apparent that it was too powerful of a gift when a man tried to use it for his own gain. The mark became corrupted, projecting the darkness of the man to the point of physical transformation. As such, those who were still pure manages to defeat him, but it was then and there that it was decided the mark is needed to be given to those with three different keys that unravels the true power of the mark," Pachirisu said, eyes deep and distant.

"So, it's like a puzzle," Ash concluded.

"Exactly, like a puzzle," the Electric-Type went on, "Each one has to be recognized whether the chosen bearer was aware or no. The first was connection, a bond that was forged between man and 'mon. Which was adequately a basic thing since it was the one thing that connects the hearts of both sides all these uncounted years, not to mention all the things like Mega Evolutions, Z-Moves, Bond Phenomenon, and all other things,"

Thoroughly confused, Ash spoke, "That...still doesn't make any sense to me," he then starts counting the various possible answers for this, "What makes him, and me, so different to the rest of the world? Was it because of how we see things differently? Is it because of how we feel towards all Pokémon?"

"Closely to those. What you were looking for was Aura, or in this case..." the Pachirisu placed a paw to their chest, "The Soul Aura,"

Watching the boy's eyes grew wide, the electric squirrel nodded and continued, "Exactly. Now you know why how dangerous this is. I did teach you all about this particular aura, and what it brings,"

Ash silently looked down and placed a hand to his chest. The Soul Aura. It is among the most powerful yet destructive aura any user is born with. The shining light of oneself, and the lurking darkness of their worst monster.

It was one of the reasons why it was a rare aura, and never known to more half a single percentage of the Aura users.

"Fortunately, your alternate-self's Soul Aura laid dormant until the Bond Phenomenon with his Greninja," this made Ash look up to the Pachirisu who closes their eyes with a look disapproval. "However, he had only done nothing more than open and close small gaps of the door it was seeping out of. Even went up and widen the door open at a dangerous width,"

"Then how do I avoid it?" Ash asked, in which the Pachirisu looks at him.

"Instead of opening a door, open a window. Make another route, one that won't put your own life in danger. Once you are ready, your Soul Aura will be strong enough that you can do it without high risk," Pachirisu said this to him, eyes staring to him with dedication, "Which was why you were taken to this plain than do it in the world of mortals, we will be the one to teach you, guide you, and strengthen you to become a master of your soul,"

Ash would never, in his entire life, think of all this as nothing more than some dream. Sure, former him would either deny or go gaga over this entire place. And he can't forget Pachirisu This squirrel has been his mentor, guardian, caretaker, and...

Ash inwardly sighed in dismay. As much as he wanted to say it out loud, it was a more difficult than it seemed.


The boy has been seeing them as a connected companion (he wasn't replacing Pikachu, never), but it cannot be meant to happen.

"Ash, you know it can't happen," Pachirisu said to the boy, already knowing the look on his face, "I am not meant to have a friendship with even a single soul,"

"It's just not fair," Ash breathed in his gritting teeth, an upset turmoil boiling slowly in him.

"I know," the Electric-Type said sadly, "I know..."

They stayed in silence there before Ash thought of something he found confusing.

"If Caden and I both have Soul Auras, why is he allowed to take my place without any idea about the aura? Wouldn't that be dangerous?" Ash said, looking now worried.

"You're right about that," Pachirisu nodded, then looked over their head, staring distantly beyond the plains, "However, this is where the next piece comes in: Blessings. Blessings from the greater beings, or as your world calls them: Legendary and Mythical Pokémon. They help stabilize the leaking power and the control the user has over it,

"There is a difference, however. Mythical Pokémon blessings are more....complex," the rodent bit their lip in hesitation, "Take the blessing from Celebi for example. You were given the ability to perceive the telescope of the past and the windows overseeing the future. Problem was that it also opens to various alternate dimensions. The blessed would find difficulty to know which one points to their reality and which ones were realities that aren't theirs,"

"That sounds...scary," Ash admitted with a hinge of fear.

"Indeed, it is," Pachirisu said, "Which was why Legendary blessings are needed. They act as an anchor. While blessings from Legendaries are well known to many cultural citizens, those blessings are just a tiny speck of what they can grant. True blessings from them are waaay more radiant than that. So if Celebi's blessed were to get a blessing from say....Uxie! This would give them a wider conscience on their perception,"

Ash looked with wide starry eyes that they swear there were actual stars in them, a cosmos even.

Then those eyes blinked back to normal as a thought occurred to the boy, "Then...what would-" Ash asked in wonder.


Ash yelped in shock as Pachirisu flinched at their own voice, which made Ash starting to regret asking that question.

Silence filled the atmosphere for a second before Ash took initiative to speak first.

"Sorry, I shouldn't have-"

"It's fine, Ash. I'm...just not ready yet to face it again," Pachirisu said, sadness was shown in their face.

Ash nodded, then starts thinking of a different question, "What is Ho-oh's blessing? I know many believed he brings eternal happiness to those who lived to see them and in rare cases picks up a fallen Rainbow Feather,"

At this, Pachirisu chuckled with a look of reminiscence in their face, "They're not wrong. Ho-oh was known as the fire of radiance and will. A shining beacon of hope to all who sees him. A phoenix of bright oaths and promises..." sorrow emits on their smiling muzzle as the shine in the squirrel's eyes momentarily dimmed, "However, even the brightest light hides a deep darkness in itself,"

They shook themselves off of that thought, "But we're getting off topic. Ho-oh's blessing anchor's the very heart of those who he bestows. It grants and reinforces the strong connection of one's heart that chains to those close. From bonds to friendships to family to forevermore," Pachirisu spoke continuously, watching as Ash stared in awe, "The Rainbow Hero title, that was-well...meant for you. Like all Legendaries and Mythics, he can read the aura of those he watches and sense. Yours was the perfect candidate and chosen by him and to my surprise, a lot of his fellow Legendaries,

"Your heart is always pure and steady, open and warm. You see the world and the Pokémon as something so much more, and that would cause many to follow your footsteps," they paused then had a look of contemplation, "Well...future you, I mean. You're still a brat if I'm being honest,"

Any admiration the boy had to the electric rodent evaporated in a blink and Ash was now starting to berate like a certain orange-haired girl.

"What does that supposed to mean?!"

Pachirisu snorted before giggling. Giggles soon turned into laughter that of which was a very warm sight to Ash as his irritation towards them diminished. A small smile curled on his face. It was very rare for the human to see the Pokémon relaxed and happy.

If Ash ever said that to anyone who knew the attitude and mischievous mannerism of a Pachirisu and said he's an idiot, then they never met THIS Pachirisu.

Then his expression turned into a furrowed frown as he thought of Ho-oh. Specifically, the blessing.

Legendary Blessings are, in an odd orthodox way, simple. Like the Forces of Nature Trio- Landorus, Thundurus, Tornadus- blesses fertility and good harvest and the Lake Guardians who, individually, rewards knowledge, emotion, and will.

Which brings him back to Ho-oh. A bird of promised happiness and hope. But also grants greater blessings to those who's heart shines brilliant.

But as an anchor, Ho-oh's strengthens the heart, the connections, the desires. But in a depiction of a burning fire, while strong, still has the possibility to waver.

The question is: What Mythical Pokémon's blessing would Ho-oh's anchor to?...

"The one that has been with the Great Phoenix since,"

Ash jumped three feet in the air, before coming back down to the ground and placing a hand on his chest as his current guardian's sudden speak-up had caught him off guard, his back supporting against the tree. Something that happened more often than one thinks.

"Are you trying to give me a heart attack?!" Ash said.

"As if that would stop you to becoming a Pokémon Master," Pachirisu rolled their eyes then scampered down to the ground before stretching their back lazily in a feline-like manner, "But as I have said, the one Mythical Pokémon who's blessing can be anchored with Ho-oh's blessing is the one that had been around Ho-oh ever since the bird's fire burned with radiance. A darkness that existed with the light,"

"A darkness that existed with the light..." Ash whispered in his breathe, his eye flashing with thoughtful searching before they widen, "You don't mean..."

"The one and only," Parischu confitmed sitting on their hunches and looking at the boy, "And to say, Caden is going to be tested in ways both of us would never imagine,"

"Why is that?" Ash asked in both worry and with slight fear.

"Originating to its name...they bless great strength and skills of a warrior," Pachirisu lowly said, eyes staring with a grim, dark aura, "But also opens someone's own worst shadows,"



A blinding flash filled the number of watching eyes, then one manic smile and eyes of horror spread all over various faces as they had witnessed a gunshot. Pikachu stood rigid as he watches far too late to react to the blank-point gunfire. Misty was paralyzed with horror, as never had she experienced a scene like this.

They all watched as the boy fell backwards, hitting the ground, head and upper body turned away in a position that made them all think he really got hit. Misty covered her mouth in fear as she couldn't imagine the pain the kid was experiencing right now. He wasn't making any noise, but the orange hair thinks it might be because of the pain.

Riot grinned, feeling no sympathy at shooting a ten-year-old. Although, he was inwardly growling as the kid wasn't screaming in pain. Normally, he would be hearing those cries and pleas to live coming out of his victims.

Caden, down on the cold floor, was left speechless as to what had happened. He stared down as to where the bullet had hit....and who it hit.

Because hidden in his arms was a wounded Spearow. The same one who attacked him and Pikachu. He was in pure disbelief as to the sudden appearance of the feathered assailant that was, along with the flock, trying to kill both him and the electric mouse.

Spearow, on the other hand, was biting off the screaming pain that had broken his left wing. He had to go for a reckless route and dive-bomb to the center of the crossfire just for the sake of just a human child? Ho-oh never said anything about helping the kid, only give him that damn feather.

So why in Arceus' name did he had to intervene a death he wouldn't have to be hold accounted of?!

...Okay, maybe he would be blamed for that because he was assigned by the big bird that could turn him into roasted Spearow with just a flick.


Spearow looked up at the human, eyes filled with confusion and questions. Sadly, he won't be able to answer that because one: language barrier, and two-


-that big human with a metal pebble slinger is about to let loose another one.

"Why? Because I can," Riot said, gun ready for a second shot, "Now, be a good boy and let me hear you-"


A wooden mallet connected to the right side of the man's head with a heavy slam, making him stagger. Then something bit the hand he was holding his gun with. The Rocket Elite screamed in pain, swinging his arm wildly.

Caden turned his head back to see Misty and Pikachu, both fighting the brute man.



The infuriated roars and squeaks of pain got the attention of the boy and soon realized they almost forgotten about the two other Pokémon in the midst of the chaos.

Rattata, on her part, was impressed of herself at how long she could evade the big lizard. Her parents did say she was one of the slipperiest Rattatas in their family. However, that does not mean she's invincible. While she is great in speed, she wasn't well in stamina and she was soon running out.

Which made her react too late as a large tail swatted her hard and threw her to a pillar, crashing to it before falling to the ground in a weakened state. She could only lay there, bruised and tired, as the Aggron stomps towards her.

"Rattata!" Caden cried out in worry.



Caden's eyes turned back to the cries to see Misty and Pikachu thrown down the floor, a ticked-off Riot towering over with his gun aiming at the two.

All that is happening, all these sudden events, Caden found himself spiraling back down to the darkness. He was starting to hyperventilate, petrified in place. It was all becoming too much for his mind. Caden couldn't....he couldn't-


Caden looked down at the Spearow in his arms, on its beak is an item shimmering with a golden sparkle. His eyes were mystified by its appearance, breathing calming from its presence. Everything else around him seemed to have either ceased to exist or froze in place. From it, he could vision a familiar phoenix, bathed in prismatic light.

He could hear a calling from it, a voice deep and majestic:

"By thy blessing, I gift to thee. Arise, for shalt be the shining fire of one's heart and strength. Burn, shalt be the light that luminates in the darkness within. Go forth, for it shall be one's guidance when lost in shadows. Awaken, for a power within is now unlocked,"

He watches in mesmerizing awe as the Rainbow Feather seemed to have become a tiny sphere of light. His eyes followed it wisped towards his only gloveless hand, slipping between his fingers as he turned his wrist.

Then he saw it.

At the back of his hand, just barely seen, a golden halo. Four long side-curve points on the outer rim. He watches as the sphere slot itself within the ring, sinking into Cade's skin. The boy didn't feel any negative sensations, only warmth. As well as so light in his heart, with a strange swelling growing in him.

Spearow watches the boy the entire time, wondering what got the boy in such a daze.

Then the human's eyes blink once, shifting from brown to gold.

Then the sound of gunshot and crashing came after.

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