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Chapter 31: Pewter City- Arrival

"Yeeees! More chaos! More insanity! Give me mooooaaaare!!!!"

Ash was starting to feel regret as Zorua cackles like a villain mastermind as the two watched Caden going on about the journey. Zorua likes two things: chaos, nonsense, and the 'mon's own dramatics.

After the Team Rocket encounter(?), and a bit more training and relaxation, Caden returned Pidgeotto, Spearow, and the newly evolved Metapod to their balls. The remaining member (already excluding Pikachu because he was never in his Pokéball) is left out. Expectedly, Rattata went back in the bag and Pikachu went on Caden's shoulder.

Caden suddenly buckled down on one knee, looking in pain. Both him- Ash, Misty, and the Pokémon became worried as the mouse asked what happened as Ash could only and literally only watch.

It was then revealed to them the cause was a bad shoulder condition.


Ash didn't know if he should laugh or fume at the joke but decided to wept in tears as he watches his body being beaten by Pikachu's Iron Tail and Misty's mallet for minutes while Rattata watches with confusion. There were more Iron Tail hits than mallet whacks.

After that scenario, Caden and Misty were back on the road. Although, Pikachu decided to ride on Misty's shoulder as he held a grudge on the joke. Caden even accepted it and admitted he deserved it.

In which Zorua commented without a beat while watching that Ash would whine about it, which the ten year old denied.

It was there, they encountered the Samurai. Or more of Samurai met Caden In the form of coming out of the bushes and the Samurai bringing his sword at Caden's throat, which the latter properly replied by twisting the former's wrist, pulling him in with a hard knee to the abdomen, and proceeds to shoulder throw the poor kid to the ground.

To say, it was a poor impression for the samurai kid.

As expected, the Samurai asked Caden for a Pokémon battle. Which Ash was actually both ecstatic and anxious to see.

The first Pokémon were thrown in the field: Pikachu VS Pinsir. The battle started...with Dexter blaring his vocal existence, interrupting the battle and scaring everyone and every 'mon. Why? Because Caden, ever since he left Pallet Town, has not yet used him to scan and identify every Pokémon they have encountered.

Which woke up some inconveniently sleeping Kakunas hiding in the tree the group were next with. And now they are running from the newly evolved Beedrills.

Ash has never felt both relieved, empathetic, and annoyed of the situation all at the same time. And if his thought were correct, they would be going to that wooden shed.

One of the first things Ash has been made aware of since coming here was his supposed future. Not the entire thing, just some key points and certain others. And boy, does Pachirisu had his paws full with a both amazed and traumatized boy after incidentally showing him a little too much.

Anyways, Ash remembered when they managed to get in the shed, the Samurai starts talking about Caden being a novice. Caden looked unimpressed but said nothing else.

But when the Samurai starts speaking that the spiritually fourteen year-old is a bad trainer while he himself was a better trainer than Caden...

Caden's mood changed and there were no filters on every word he said soon after. Every point struck hard and true. From the Samurai's poor choice of actions in asking for battles, to the Samurai's composure and sword handling, to the legality of approaching trainers with a sword whether if it was real or just a model, to the nailing fact that the Samurai knew of the sleeping Kakunas even BEFORE they were disturbed and didn't bother to warn any of them until they evolved into Beedrills.

When Caden was done, he stood up and told them he's going out with a tone that says final. And opened the door.

Coming face to face with one of the Beedrills.

While Ash was panicking, Zorua watches with glee and a wagging bushy tail for some expected fight and chaos. But it didn't came.

Because the Beedrill, followed by its comrades, got a first-hand experience on what Ash and Pikachu would soon dub as "The Stare of Fayte". No matter how much anyone tries, once you looked at the stare, your eyes and attention are indefinitely paralyzed to it as it bores to your soul until the stare was broken off by the one casting it. And if Caden speaks while the stare was in effect...that would be an entirely different level of the matter.

All present party were left either gawking with open mouths or lost the ability to hover for a long time as the boy trudged off to clear his head. Only two were able to get out of the trance: Pikachu who went and followed the leaving boy, and a hysterically hollering Zorua.

Everything resolved soon after: Samurai admits his faults, Dexter gets his needed attention and data (after having some strong words from Caden), and the Beedrill hive left them be without a hitch....kind of. The Beedrills had considered Caden as a higher authority, an alpha at most, which Pikachu found it hilarious as the bugs bowed down at the boy.

Which gained the attention of the Beedrill Queen. Who somehow recognizes Caden as the "Chosen One".

Pikachu and Zorua were hackling for long minutes.

On the plus side, Caden got a Kakuna. Which makes it his sixth capture.

And now, here they were projected by the pond, he watches as Caden stands on a large rock while gazing at the breath-taking sight of-


"Pewter City...." Caden breathed out, looking at their destination with wonder.

The real thing surely beats the TV show one. He can see the sun shining bright over the buildings and houses. He cannot help but be awed with Pikachu on his shoulder.

Misty, on the other hand, sighed with relief. "Finally! I don't want to stay another day in that forest," she said.

"I'm curious why you're scared of Bug-Type Pokémon when as a Gym Leader you will face against them in battles at certain points," Caden pointed out while glancing at her, then looks back at what is in front of him, "So, this is Pewter City, huh?"

Caden then trudged to the safer part of the ledge and hops down to the dirt road. There was a bit of a stumble, but he recovered.

Same cannot be said with Misty who fell face first on the dirt path.

"You okay there, Misty?" Caden asked his companion.

"I'm fine, I'm fine," The girl waved him off, dusting herself with a grumble.

Caden still went over and checked on her as his big brother instincts took over for a monent (which got her flustered for a different reason and Caden was now mentally barricading off the memories of some of the ridiculous and almost horrifying shippings and pairings behind a heavy locked door...and it wasn't even this world). Looking around the dirt road, he spotted an abandon shelf of rocks. No one was there and the shelf racks had "merchandises" on them.

'Odd,' Caden thought, 'Flint should be in that spot. Possibly left to check on his children at a distance,'

Putting that simple thought in mind- and dismissing a sense of tiny dread in the back of his head- he and Misty made their way towards the path to the city.

"Hey, Misty. Do you know where the Pewter City Pokémon Center is? Assuming you already came through here," Caden asked, hands behind his back and eyes gazing up at the passing clouds.

"Fortunately, yeah. Though it was by pure luck and asking directions," Misty replied.

Caden hoped that the same luck would show mercy at them this time around.


Cade plopped down on his back to the bed with a content sigh.

After making sure that asking for directions and getting to the Pokémon Center (Caden was still awed at the city's buildings and community during the walk), he went ahead and got himself registered to the Pokémon Tournament before heading to his room.

Now came the challenging and nerve-inducing part.

"I'm going to have my first Pokémon battle. Either today or tomorrow," Caden spoke to himself, sitting up and looking to Pikachu who was by his left talking to Rattata, "Pikachu, I have no clue what in the Poké-gods' name I'm going to do,"

He was, unfortunately, ignored as Pikachu talks to Rattata about...

Caden could not believe what he was hearing right now.


"What? No! Ketchup is not blood or made of it! They are mostly made of tomatoes and are the greatest things mankind has ever made!"

"Rat-rattata rat,"

"It is not a ruse! Ketchup is the most magnificent thing to have in every food. The sweet and savory goodness they left in your mouth would make you feel like you're in heaven~,"


"HEY! I am not obsess-ow-ow-ow-ow!!!!"

Having heard enough, a flatly staring Caden had proceeded to gently pinch and stretch Pikachu's cheeks for only a few seconds before letting them go. His disappointed and unamused stare didn't change even as Pikachu turns around glaring while massaging his cheeks.

"What was that for!?" Pikachu said.

"I am here having a mental breakdown about the gym challenge and here I find you talking and possibly trying to edge Rattata to your ketchup addiction!?!" Caden flailed his arms around and at the two rodents.

Pikachu huffs, crossing his arms and turning his head away, "Hey! It is not an addiction! I haven't even gotten to that level!" 


Pikachu looked and recoiled from the purple rat with a horrified and offended gasp, "Whose side are you on?!"


Everyone paused in silence as their eyes turned and landed upon Caden's stomach. Or Ash's stomach.

"Oh yeah, we haven't gotten to eat yet," Pikachu thought.

"Well, let's get going then," Caden said, sliding his way off the bed.

As he does, Caden thought back to the gym challenge he would face.

'...Rock-Type Gym. Brock's Pokémon are Geodude and Onyx. Some of my Pokémon had the advantage in type moves, it is only the matter of how to utilize the battle to your accordance... that somehow sounded a bit wrong,'

With Pikachu and Rattata on both shoulders, he starts walking down the hallway of the second floor as he was deep in thought.

'Geodude in the episode showed no moves in its fight with Pidgeotto but knows how to handle a battle, and Onyx is literally Brock's top mon in his team and favorite of the kids... which would be a problem in the battle,'

Coming down from the escalator, he was making his way towards the cafeteria that was pass the front entrance, reception, and lobby area of the Pokémon Center.

'Speaking of kids, I wonder how everyone back at the orphanage were doing. I have been in this world for what? Almost two weeks? If I'm here spiritually, then what is going on with my physical body back at my room?'


Caden blinked as he was called back to reality and found himself in the cafeteria. It was quite spacious and consist of tables with some padded benches (which were mostly close by the walls) and chairs surrounding them. There were some vases with plants in them to give the place some liveliness, as well as photos ornating the walls. Finally, there was the food counter being attended by a staff (one of which is not Nurse Joy, thankfully. While Caden adores her dedication along with all other Joys', he can only imagine how stressful it may be to be the only staff along with a Chansey or two) who was serving some delicious looking meals for both human and Pokémon.

"What are you standing for?!" Caden heard Pikachu complain as the boy glances at his companion, "Come on! Let's eat already!"

Caden chuckles and shook his head as he walks up to the counter with a picked up food tray and a serving tray. He scans the food before him and can't help but admit that they look good. He looked up at the staff with a smile.

"Can I have some salad, a mashed potato, three of those roasted poultry chops, and a glass of apple juice, please? Also, two bowls of Pokémon food," Caden politely requested.

The staff nods and starts putting the contents in his tray. As he watches, Caden couldn't help but feel something churning in his stomach at the sight of the chops. They look good, the skin being a good brownish red glaze and a spicy yet savory aroma. He did not know why.

"Mind if I ask what the name of this dish was?" Caden spoke up as two bowls of Pokémon food were set on his tray.

"Oh? This is Roasted Golduck glazed with Tamato Berry Sauce. Why?"


"Huh," Caden said, face looking with the outward expression of surprise.

In his mind, however:


And thus, another thing he will have to get used to: eating Pokémon. Which was both hypocritical of him and a bit of a dark eye opener to his situation.

By the time he had gotten to a table where Misty is munching on her meal, she gave him a raised eyebrow as he mutters a prayer with hands clasped together.

It made him more guilty and horrified to find out how damn good of a Roasted Golduck it was.


A day has passed.

Now, Caden and Pikachu stood before the imposing stone of a Gym.

To say, looking at it now, it was very generic. A Rock-Type Gym designed to look like a mountain-sized block of stone with the words carved on it in all capitals feels like something a caveman with about five braincells would make.

It was close to noon when the duo got here. They had taken a few hours of training before getting here.

"This is it," Cade spoke, eyes gazing on the building, "Our first gym battle,"

Those words felt disgusting to his mouth. And his electric companion must have noticed this.

"Cade, it's okay," Pikachu said to him, rubbing his cheek on his, "We can work things out with Ash once we find a way to work things out with him,"

Cade sighed, then gave his companion a smile and a scratch under his chin, "Thanks, bud,"

"Hey! Are you just going to stand there or what?!"

Both were snapped out of their doing and looked ahead to remember that Misty was here too. Taking a deep breath, trainer and Pokémon walked foward. Each step resonating with their core as they stride.

In Caden's mind, he repeated something his uncle made up:

'Every small step a trainer makes is a giant leap to the unknown,-'

"Took you long enough," the orange-haired girl scoffs half-heartedly, then gazed at the big double doors before them, "You sure you're up for this?"

'Every waking hour to a new day means looking ahead to the road of tomorrow,-'

Caden nodded, and raises an arm to knock on the door.

'Remember, Caden-'

The door opened before he could knock, revealing the inside shrouded in darkness. It was imposing and intimidating, Caden would admit.

 '-In the face of a challenge-'

The boy steels his eyes on front...

'-take one foot forward-'

...steps forward...

'-And take it on with a strong heart,'

...and lets his voice echo throughout the darkness.

"I am Ash Ketchum from Pallet Town! I am here for my first Gym Badge!"

First, there was silence, leaving only the steady drumming of their heartbeats to be heard in their ears. And then a single spotlight shined over someone from the far end of the dark building.

"So... you're here to challenge me, sonny?" a mirthful chuckle rumbled from the gym leader's throat.

And Caden and Pikachu stared bafflingly at the Slate before them.

"Well then-" with a finger snap, the entire gym was bathed in lights and the battlefield made itself appear through a special mechanism. And Flint Slate smirked with a Poké-ball ready in hand.

"-let me show you how this old man play in the fields," 

...Remember that small feeling of dread Caden felt and dismissed? Well, it came back hitting like a truck with a "What did I say!".

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