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Chapter 20: Katana man

Amidst the echoing gunfire and terrified screams of other passengers, Makima slumps in her seat, blood seeping from her injuries. The train car's windows shatter, filling the air with shards of glass and a deafening cacophony of violence. A stark contrast to the normally peaceful and orderly Japanese train experience.

Each shot that pierced the metal train car was meticulously calculated, and each bullet found its intended target. The Gun Devil hadn't just sent any agents; these were his elite. Their sole mission: eliminate Makima.

Amid the deafening crescendo of gunfire, the train car becomes a tableau of chaos. As bullets pierce through the confines of metal and glass, Makima, the target of this relentless onslaught, is hit. She slumps over, a grim image amidst the horrified screams and panic of the other passengers.

For a few eerily silent moments, the only movement is the gentle sway of the train, and the bleak atmosphere is pierced only by the sound of spent bullet casings hitting the floor. It seems as though the indomitable Makima, a force to be reckoned with, has been bested.

But then, in a scene that would be seared into the memories of the few witnesses aboard the train, Makima slowly begins to rise. Despite the clear evidence of multiple gunshot wounds, she calmly straightens up, her face as stoic as ever. With a deliberate slowness, she adjusts her tie, the motion juxtaposed sharply against the recent maelstrom of violence.

The residual smoke from the gunfire lingers in the air, creating an eerie atmosphere within the train car. Passengers huddle in corners, some weeping, others in shock, their eyes fixated on the seemingly unbeatable Makima.

She steps forward with an unwavering gaze, singling out the gunmen. The realization of what's about to happen dawns upon them as they try to reload, their hands shaking with palpable fear.

Then, Makima's unique ability comes into play. She extends her hand, and like puppets being pulled by their strings, the gunmen are forced to turn their weapons on each other. Their bodies jerk unnaturally, their own fingers pressing the triggers against their will. Within moments, a symphony of gunshots resound once more, but this time the shooters are both the executors and the executed.

With cold efficiency, Makima walks through the train car, ensuring that each gunman has been dealt with. Here and there, she nudges a gun barrel slightly, adjusting the aim to ensure a fatal shot.

The scene is a nightmarish tableau of horror, and when it ends, the car is filled with the still bodies of the attackers, a grim testament to Makima's ruthless power. She doesn't spare them a second glance, her mind already moving on to her next move against the Gun Devil.

The civilian casualties lay scattered, a brutal reminder of the lengths Makima would go to achieve her objectives. As the metallic scent of blood filled the air, the sliding doors of the train opened, revealing Tenodu and Arai. Their faces wore expressions of grim acceptance, knowing all too well the methods Makima employed.

"Tenodu-chan, Arai-kun," Makima greeted, using honorifics, her voice devoid of any emotion.

Arai, still in shock from the carnage, stammered, "Makima-san, you're hurt! We need to get you to an ambulance."

She glanced at the blood splattered on her, the red stark against her pale complexion. "This isn't my blood," she said nonchalantly, brushing away some droplets from her cheek.

Tenodu, ever the stoic one, nodded. "Where to now, Makima-san?"

She met his gaze, her eyes cold and calculating. "The temple. And prepare ten men for me. We have work to do."

Arai gulped, an uneasy feeling settling in his stomach. Whatever Makima had planned next, it was clear it wouldn't be any less ruthless than her previous actions.

In a cozy corner of a café, Denji, Himeno, and Ryota sat, enjoying a brief moment of respite. The ambiance of the cafe was gentle, a soft melody playing in the background and the subtle scent of roasted coffee beans wafting through the air. The humdrum sounds of casual conversations and clinking utensils filled the space.

Their guard was down.

A young man, looking slightly out of place, entered the café. His eyes, burning with a mix of anger and determination, quickly scanned the establishment until they locked onto Denji. Recognizing him as the grandson of the yakuza handler Denji had previously killed, Ryota tensed up.

Before Ryota could warn them, a sudden flash of movement, a sharp bang — and Denji slumped in his chair, a bullet hole neatly piercing his forehead. Himeno gasped in shock, looking down at her chest where a growing red stain indicated another successful shot.

But then, as the assailant prepared to make his exit, something odd happened. The scene seemed to ripple and distort, like a stone thrown into a calm pond. The café and its diners were still there, but Denji and Himeno appeared uninjured, looking equally as shocked as Ryota, who was in the middle of completing his illusion.

"I shifted our table's position in everyone's perception," Ryota whispered urgently to the duo, his tone grave. "We need to leave, now."

Aki, thinking on his feet, decided to utilize the Fox Devil to neutralize the threat. With a sharp command, he beckoned the Fox Devil to consume the young man. However, just as the Fox Devil lunged, the young man shifted form. His arm transformed into a sleek, razor-sharp blade, revealing him to be a hybrid with the Katana Devil.

Swiping effortlessly, the Katana Devil hybrid fended off the Fox Devil's advances, sending it recoiling backward. The fluidity and precision with which he moved made it clear: this wasn't an average opponent.

Knowing they were outmatched, Aki signaled Denji, Himeno, and Ryota to retreat. As they sprinted through the alleyways, the clanging sound of metal and the hybrid's determined shouts echoed behind them. They needed a plan — and fast.

Suddenly, as they turned a corner, their path was blocked by another figure, holding an elegantly crafted samurai sword, glinting ominously under the streetlights. The Samurai Sword Devil.

With enemies on both fronts, the group realized they were trapped. Aki, taking a defensive stance, whispered, "We fight our way out. Stay close, and whatever you do, don't get separated."

Without warning, a deafening explosion resonated, smoke billowing and obscuring vision. When the dust settled, Denji and Power were on the ground, motionless. Panic surged through Aki and Himeno, their comrades vulnerable and the threat ever-present.

Ryota, desperate for a solution, tried summoning the Illusion Devil. But to his exasperation, the Illusion Devil hesitated, conflicted. Through their bond, Ryota understood — the Illusion Devil had a soft spot for the Katana Devil, having shared intimate moments with her.

"Freaking devils and their entanglements," Ryota muttered. "Powerful abilities but useless when it comes to personal feelings!"

Ryota, trying to activate his powers, felt a sudden resistance from the Illusion Devil. He voiced his frustration, "Every single time! Why can't things just be simple and direct, like those overpowered isekai protagonists who can do anything they want?"

The Illusion Devil replied in an almost nonchalant manner, "Well, the Katana Devil and I... we had an... intimate encounter. You know, we had sex."

Ryota, with an eyebrow raised in a mocking manner, scoffed, "It's always the same with you types. All-powerful, yet you go soft at the drop of a hat, especially when it comes to girls. Heck, even a guy with urges like mine can resist someone as tempting as Makima. What's your excuse, huh? Acting like one of those OP isekai heroes who trips over a girl and suddenly forgets all his power?"

Illusion Devil looked away, seemingly deep in thought. Ryota, sensing an opportunity, leaned in closer, his voice dripping with a mix of mockery and earnestness.

"You know," Ryota began, "You don't need to be hung up on one. There are literally hundreds of other devils or even humans out there who'd want to... well, get intimate with someone as powerful as you. Why be faithful to one when the world can be your playground?"

The Illusion Devil hesitated, his internal conflict evident. "It's... It's not about numbers, Ryota. It's about connection."

Ryota scoffed. "Connections? Sentiments? You're too caught up in emotions. You could have anyone. Don't limit yourself."

Illusion Devil stared blankly for a moment, absorbing Ryota's words.

"I... I am faithful to her. She means everything to me," Illusion Devil murmured, a hint of hurt evident in his voice.

Ryota snorted, rolling his eyes, "Faithfulness? Love? All that romantic crap? You really buy into all that, huh? In this twisted world, it's only a matter of time before you lose what you hold dear. When they're gone, you'll just move on to the next best thing. That's how life works. It's all about filling voids, not fairy-tale faithfulness."

Illusion Devil, attempting to validate his feelings, started, "It wasn't just the act, Ryota. The way she looked at me, the conversations we had, the moments we shared, they meant something. Every touch, every whispered word, every shared secret, it wasn't just physical—it was..."

Ryota's anger surged, his face reddening. Breaking free from his usually noble and composed demeanor, he spat out, "I swear, if this lovey-dovey nonsense costs us our lives, I'll tear her apart myself! I won't let some deluded sense of romance bring us down. Wake up!" His voice dripped with pure fury, hinting at the dangerous power he wielded and the lengths he'd go to in order to survive.

The Illusion Devil, even in his smitten state, tried to defend his stance. "It's not delusion. It's real, and—"

Ryota interrupted, his voice dripping with both sweetness and venom. "Enough."

He moved with deliberate pace towards Denji, slicing his arm without hesitation. The crimson hue of the blood became immediately prominent against the pale surroundings.

"Since you're so hell-bent on your romantic interludes, I'm forced to rely on other methods," he spat out with barely concealed frustration.

As the blood flowed, he beckoned Power, feeding it to her. She hissed with satisfaction, drawing strength from the offering.

"See what you've reduced me to?" Ryota murmured, his tone a cold whisper. "Depending on these unpredictable devils because you're lost in your little dream world." The chilling calm of his demeanor was in stark contrast to the simmering rage evident in his eyes.

Power's instincts urged her to bolt, her feet inching backward with every word Ryota spoke, every plea he made. The Katana Devil's presence was just too imposing, and Power wasn't one to stick around in situations that weren't in her favor.

However, Ryota seemed to have one more trick up his sleeve. Changing tactics, he adopted a more coaxing, seductive tone, speaking in the same raw, unfiltered language Power often used. "Power," he began, his voice a sultry purr, "you and I, we're not so different. We both know the thrill of danger, the allure of the unknown."

He stepped closer, his proximity making Power's heart race. "Help me now, and I promise you, the rewards will be... intoxicating."

Power's eyes flitted over Ryota, caught in his magnetic pull. The duality of vulnerability and strength he displayed was captivating. But it was the promise, the allure of something more, something exhilarating, that made her reconsider.

She leaned in, whispering, "What's in it for me, exactly?"

Ryota smirked, the confidence returning to his eyes. "Trust me, you'll find out. But only if you stay."

Power was always one to put herself first, her survival instincts urging her to flee. As Ryota continued to plead, she was ready to refuse, not wanting to get tangled in another potentially deadly mess. But Ryota, sensing her apprehension, had a proposition that he knew might appeal to her more primal desires.

"How about a taste?" Ryota said, shifting his tone to one of temptation. He slit his wrist, allowing a few drops of his deep crimson blood to pool in his palm. "My blood. A rare treat, just for you."

Power's eyes widened, her fangs peeking out from her lips, glistening with anticipation. Ryota's blood was known to be particularly potent, a concentrated essence of power and vitality. She took a hesitant step closer, her nose twitching as she caught the rich, intoxicating scent.

For a moment, she looked like a flustered schoolgirl, caught between the excitement of a new crush and the terror of the unknown. "R-really?" she stammered, her bravado replaced with an unexpected shyness. "Just a sip?"

Ryota nodded, extending his wrist further. "Just a sip. And then you help me."

Feeling both hot and oddly aroused by the proposal,

Power's eyes darted between Ryota's face and the oozing blood from his wrist. Her usual defiant demeanor shifted, replaced by a bashful hesitance.

Ryota held out his wrist, beckoning. "Come on, Power. Just one little taste. You know you want to."

Power fidgeted, twirling a strand of her hair. "Um, are you... really sure about this? I mean, it's your... blood," she said, her voice taking on a nervous lilt, reminiscent of a high school girl talking to her crush.

Ryota smirked, finding her reaction both amusing and endearing. "Absolutely. It's a special treat, just for you."

Blushing, Power took a hesitant step forward. "Well, if you insist," she murmured, her tone soft and flirty, "but only because you're offering so sweetly."

As Power cautiously approached Ryota, she tried to mask the excitement in her eyes. Her fangs grazed his skin, causing a slight shiver to run down Ryota's spine.

"Jeez, don't get any ideas," she muttered, her voice tinged with annoyance, attempting to play it off. "It's not like I'm doing this because I want to."

Ryota smirked, feeling the warmth of her lips against his skin, "Sure, keep telling yourself that."

As she drank, Power couldn't help but murmur, "Why does it feel so... different? This is frustrating!"

Pulling back, a blush evident on her face, she said, "You... you're such a weirdo. I can't believe I'm saying this, but you kind of made me... you know, feel something."

Ryota raised an eyebrow, "Something like?"

She huffed, "Don't make me say it! It's embarrassing. But... thank you, I guess."

Denji, looking exasperated, shouted, "Can you both cut the romantic crap and focus on the situation at hand?"

Power, cheeks still flushed from the intense moment, looked over and noticed the commotion. "Fine," she muttered, her voice still holding a touch of annoyance.

Aki, meanwhile, was tending to Himeno's wounds, his face contorted with concern. "We need backup," he called out. "She's losing a lot of blood."

Ryota, regaining his composure, nodded. "Let's move. This isn't the place to dawdle. Power, can you provide some cover while we get her to safety?"

Power grunted in affirmation, flexing her demon strength and preparing to face any threats head-on.

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