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Chapter 21: Chapter 21: Team Battle Part 2

Boruto, Enko, and Tsuru perched on the tree branches, surveying the teams below them. "Remember what I taught you guys," Boruto said, his voice low.

The three of them vanished from the branches, causing them to shake, which caught the attention of the other teams. Enko and Tsuru were amazed by how quickly and quietly they were able to move. But their amazement was short-lived as they watched Boruto swiftly take down one of their classmates with a chop to the neck, rendering him unconscious.

Taking advantage of the opening, Enko and Tsuru crept up behind one of their opponents, executing a chokehold and sweeping their legs to increase their chances of putting them to sleep. The fight was brought to the ground, and despite a few flaws, they were able to successfully put their opponents to sleep.

However, Boruto quickly intervened, warning them not to go too far. "Stop, you'll kill them if you continue," he cautioned.

Enko and Tsuru backed off, walking over to Boruto with huge grins on their faces. "We never thought that would work," Tsuru said, her eyes wide with surprise.

Boruto nodded, pleased with their performance. "You guys did a great job, but be careful in the future. If you use that on an enemy shinobi, and they have an insane amount of power, you need to be extra careful, as they could easily break out of the hold," he warned.

Enko beamed at him. "We understand, but we did a good job, right, Boruto-kun?" she asked, her voice filled with excitement.

Boruto smiled back at them. "Yes, you did. But let's collect the flag and get out of here," he said, his eyes gleaming with determination.

As Boruto collected the flag, an announcement rang out across the field. "Boruto's team has collected a flag!" the announcer declared.

The other teams were surprised, realizing that Boruto was a serious threat in the match.

Shikadai's team was busy surveying the area when Chocho, the ever-curious one, approached him with a question. "Do you know how strong Boruto is?" she asked, her eyes wide with curiosity. "You've been his friend the longest, so you must know."

Shikadai thought for a moment before responding. "If we want to beat him, we'll need all the help we can get," he said, his voice low. "Based on my calculations, he should be around Chunin level, but I think he's at least a Special Jonin."

Chocho and Inojin were stunned by Shikadai's observation. "Are you sure, Shikadai? You're not joking, right?" Inojin asked, looking at him skeptically.

Shikadai shook his head. "No, I'm serious. I saw him go all out once when he fought against Metal's father. To defeat Boruto, we'll need the help of others," he said, his voice filled with determination.

Inojin was still skeptical. "But how are we going to get others to help us?" he asked, looking at Shikadai with confusion.

Shikadai smiled knowingly. "Don't forget, we all have the same goals. Even if they want to win, they'll need our help to do it," he said, his voice filled with confidence.

Chocho and Inojin looked at each other, realizing that Shikadai was right. If they wanted to win, they would need to work together with the other teams, no matter how difficult it might be.

Mitsuki, Metal, and Hoki had just emerged victorious against the opposing team. As they caught their breath, Mitsuki turned to Metal and asked, "Metal, are you confident enough to go against Boruto?"

Metal hesitated for a moment before responding. "Yes, I am, but even if I go all out, I'm not sure I'll be able to defeat him," he said, his voice filled with uncertainty.

Hoki, who had been listening intently, chimed in. "That's where we come in," he said, a sly grin spreading across his face. "But what if we tire him out first? Make him use up his energy before we strike."

Mitsuki shook his head, disagreeing with Hoki's suggestion. "That won't work," he said, his voice firm. "Boruto has more stamina than a normal Shinobi. We need to work together with the other teams if we want to stand a chance against him."

Metal's heart was filled with determination as he gazed up at the sky, his fist clenching tightly. 'This time, I will defeat you, Boruto,' he thought to himself, his eyes filled with steely resolve.

With a deep breath, Metal closed his eyes and focused his mind. He could feel the energy coursing through his veins, and he knew that he was ready. When he opened his eyes again, he was filled with a newfound sense of confidence.

"This time, Boruto, we are coming for you," he said, his voice filled with determination.

Iwabe's team had just finished hiding their flag, and as they took a moment to catch their breath, Denki spoke up. "How are we going to defeat Boruto?" he asked, his voice filled with uncertainty.

Sarada, who had been quietly strategizing, spoke up. "We need the help of the other teams," she said, her voice firm. "There's no way we can stop Boruto with only our strength."

Iwabe nodded in agreement. "Sarada's right," he said, his voice low. "We need to work together if we want to stand a chance against him."

As Boruto's team jumped from one branch to another, searching for the other teams, Enko spoke up, her voice filled with shyness. "Boruto-kun, will I ever become strong?" she asked, her eyes downcast.

Boruto turned to her, a kind smile on his face. "Yes, you will become strong if you work towards it," he said, his voice reassuring.

Tsuru, who had been listening intently, spoke up. "But we have a long way to go before we catch up to you," she said, her voice filled with uncertainty. "Do you think we can ever surpass you?"

Boruto's expression softened. "It's up to fate and your hard work," he said, his voice calm. "If you want to surpass me, then good luck. I'll be waiting for you."

Tsuru's heart skipped a beat as she looked at Boruto's kind smile. She knew that it wouldn't be easy to catch up to him, but she was determined to work hard and become the best Shinobi she could be. With Boruto's words of encouragement ringing in her ears, she felt a renewed sense of determination.

Suddenly, something pierced through the wind, hurtling towards Boruto. With lightning-fast reflexes, he crossed his arms and blocked the attack, but the force of it sent him flying backwards, crashing into a nearby tree.

"Boruto!" Tsuru shouted, her heart racing with fear.

"Boruto-kun!" Enko cried out, her voice filled with worry.

But then they remembered what Boruto had said to them before. "Whatever happens to me, remember your mission," he had told them. With a sense of duty and determination, they pushed their fear aside and continued moving forward, not daring to look back.

As they ran, Tsuru's mind raced with questions. Who had attacked Boruto? Was he okay? But she knew that they couldn't afford to stop and check on him. They had a mission to complete, and they couldn't let anything get in their way.

Enko, who had been lagging behind, caught up to Tsuru, her eyes filled with determination. "We have to keep going," she said, her voice firm. "For Boruto-kun."

Tsuru nodded in agreement. With a renewed sense of purpose, they continued on their path, their hearts heavy with worry for their friend, but their minds focused on the task at hand.

As Boruto emerged from beneath the rubble of the fallen tree, he couldn't help but grin as he addressed Metal, his former teammate. "You are a bitch, Metal, for doing this," he said, his voice laced with humor.

Metal just shrugged, a smirk on his face. "Like you said, everything is fair in war," he replied, his eyes narrowing as he entered his fighting stance.

Boruto chuckled. "This is the Metal I remember," he said, his eyes scanning the area for any other attackers. "You've already removed your weights, it seems. No wonder that kick hurt."

Just as he finished speaking, Boruto sensed an incoming attack from above and quickly moved his head to the side to avoid it. With lightning-fast reflexes, he grabbed the person who had tried to attack him, but they slipped away, revealing themselves to be none other than Mitsuki.

"Mitsuki!" Boruto exclaimed, a smile spreading across his face.

"Boruto," Mitsuki replied, his voice calm and collected.

As Mitsuki prepared to attack Boruto, Tsuru and Enko found themselves being chased by Hoki. "He's on our tail!" Tsuru shouted, her heart racing with fear. She threw a kunai at Hoki, but he deflected it with ease.

In a flash, Hoki performed a series of hand signs and released an Earth Release Jutsu. The ground beneath the girls shook as an Earth Bullet hurtled towards them. Tsuru and Enko tried their best to avoid it, but they were hit and sent crashing to the ground.

Despite the pain, Tsuru and Enko remained conscious and quickly got back on their feet, only to see Hoki rushing towards them. Tsuru blocked his attack with a guard, but Hoki launched two right straights, causing her to stumble. He then ducked to avoid Enko's kick to the head and launched a sweep, making Tsuru fall to the ground.

Before Enko could continue her attack, Hoki pulled out a kunai and directed it towards her neck, stopping her in her tracks. But before Hoki could end the fight, Tsuru launched her own Jutsu, her hair attacking Hoki and causing him to back away.

"Thanks, Tsuru," Enko said, her voice filled with gratitude.

"No problem," Tsuru replied, her heart still racing with adrenaline. "We nearly lost."

"Yeah, we should be more careful," Enko said, her voice filled with concern. "Boruto was right. Hoki is skilled, and we need to be prepared for anything."

Boruto's heart was pounding in his chest as he deflected Metal's right straight with his left arm. In one swift motion, he grabbed onto Metal's wrist and blocked an incoming roundhouse kick from Mitsuki with his right arm.

Using his raw strength, Boruto threw Metal to the side, causing Mitsuki to collide with him. But the two of them cushioned their fall, with Mitsuki's flexibility allowing them to stand on their legs again.

Boruto rushed towards them, but they quickly split up, rushing to the left and right before turning back towards him. Boruto stopped in his tracks, his eyes scanning the area for any signs of danger.

Suddenly, Mitsuki launched a powerful Jutsu called The Hidden Shadow Snake Hand, using both of his hands. Boruto saw this and quickly used only two hand signs before launching a Wind Style: Breakthrough. He took a deep breath and expelled strong hurricanes, destroying the snake hand and causing Mitsuki to avoid it by rolling to the side. The hurricanes also destroyed the ground and multiple trees in their path.

But as Boruto overcommitted to the Jutsu, Metal arrived with a shout of "Konoha Senpuu!!!" and launched his spinning kick, sending Boruto flying and causing him to hit the ground hard.

Despite the impact, Boruto refused to give up. He slowly got back on his feet, his guard up and his eyes locked on Metal.

This fight was far from over.

Boruto grinned as he looked around, pointing out his fellow classmates. "This is fun," he said, his eyes shining with excitement. "Sarada, Iwabe, Shikadai, Inojin, Chocho. I know you guys are here."

Shikadai landed next to Metal, followed by the rest of their respective teams. Iwabe, looking surprised, asked, "Since when did he sense us?"

"By the look of it, since the beginning," Sarada replied, her eyes locked on Boruto.

"I guess we have to start fighting together," Mitsuki said, a determined look on his face.

'He is not even injured' Inojin observed Boruto closely, noticing that he didn't even flinch after receiving the kick from Metal.

Chocho made her fist bigger, ready to take on whatever came her way. Sarada pulled her kunai and wielded it. Shikadai put his hands together, preparing to launch his Jutsu. Inojin was also ready to start launching his Ninjutsu, while Iwabe stabbed his bo staff into the ground before bringing it out as a stone hammer.

Taidanotsumi Taidanotsumi

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