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Chapter 35: Chapter 35: Creating A Perfect Disguise

Mitsuki found himself standing before Orochimaru, who was engrossed in reading a stack of papers. Without lifting his gaze, Orochimaru asked, "Is there something you need, Mitsuki?"

Mitsuki took a deep breath before asking, "Do you know what happened to Boruto?"

A knowing smile spread across Orochimaru's face as he replied, "I do, indeed. It's quite an interesting turn of events."

Mitsuki frowned, puzzled by Orochimaru's cryptic response. But before he could question further, Orochimaru continued, "It's rather ironic, don't you think? Naruto, who is so devoted to the village, has a son who chose to leave it."

"Boruto left?" Mitsuki echoed, his surprise evident.

Orochimaru nodded, his smile never wavering. "Yes, he believes that staying in Konoha is hindering his growth. And he's not entirely wrong."

Mitsuki was about to rush off in search of Boruto when Orochimaru's voice stopped him. "Don't bother looking for him. He'll return in a few years. He's going through what I like to call the 'Sasuke phase'."

"Sasuke phase?" Mitsuki repeated, confusion clouding his features.

Orochimaru explained, "He's in search of power, much like Sasuke was at his age but much younger." His words hung in the air, leaving Mitsuki to ponder the implications of Boruto's departure.

Land of Demon,

Boruto awoke with a groan, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. His mind was already buzzing with plans for the day. "I need to find the ruins of the Sky Village. There's a technique there that the old man used for body recovery, similar to the RCT. It uses Dark Chakra but–" he paused, a realization hitting him.

"Damn, Naruto did destroyed the whole place and I think the Jutsu is with Orochimaru. I should've thought this through. I should've gone to Roran. Stupid!" he berated himself.

With a resigned sigh, Boruto decided to make the best of his current situation. "Let's work first, collect some money, and then head to Roran."

After freshening up, Boruto donned his disguise and set out for the day. His first task was to find a place to stay. After hours of inquiries and house-hunting, he finally found a single apartment room that was available for rent. It wasn't perfect, but it was decent enough, and he couldn't afford to be picky.

Once he had settled his belongings in his new home, Boruto headed to the recruitment center. He was surprised to find only a few people there, as not many had been accepted into the program.

When his number was called, he entered the room to find three intimidating instructors waiting for him. He took a deep breath, ready to face whatever challenge they had in store for him.

The first instructor stepped forward, his stern gaze fixed on Boruto. "State your name," he demanded.

"Kuzunoha Raido," Boruto replied, not missing a beat.

The instructor nodded, his expression unchanging. "Alright, Raido. If you wish to be selected as a private soldier, you must prove your worth in battle. Choose one of us to fight against."

A confident smile played on Boruto's lips as he pointed towards an empty corner of the room, near a pillar. "I pick you," he declared.

To everyone's surprise, a figure materialized from the empty corner, a look of fear flashing across his face as he deactivated his disguise and began to flee.

Boruto and the three instructors exchanged baffled looks. "Huh?" they all echoed in unison.

Without missing a beat, they swiftly apprehended the fleeing figure, pinning him to the ground.

"Do you know this man?" Boruto asked, turning to the instructors.

"No," the first instructor replied, confusion etched on his face.

"Well, it seems we've caught a spy," Boruto mused aloud.

"But how did you sense him?" the second instructor asked, clearly intrigued.

"I heard an additional heartbeat in the room. I used my chakra to enhance my sense of hearing," Boruto explained nonchalantly. "I thought it was part of your test."

"Well, it wasn't, but you've certainly proven yourself," the third instructor admitted, clearly impressed. "You're accepted."

"Eh, just like that?" Boruto asked, taken aback.

"If you have the ability to detect a hidden enemy, you must possess extraordinary combat skills," the second instructor reasoned, confirming Boruto's acceptance into their ranks.

After several hours of intense interrogation, the group finally extracted a confession from the spy. Boruto's use of his burning torture technique was the turning point that ultimately broke the spy's resolve.

"I suspect that the person who is trying to kill the priestess is one of the people here," Boruto declared, his sharp instincts honed by years of training.

The three instructors exchanged a knowing glance, silently acknowledging Boruto's astute observation.

[AN: From now on, I will call Boruto - Raido until he removes his disguises]

"Raido, you will be working with us from now on. Your extraordinary senses will be invaluable in helping us identify the culprit," the first instructor announced, his voice authoritative and commanding.

Raido mentally noted their names - Yoshitsune Ukiyo, Kamakura Somen, and Minamoto Yoritomo - committing them to memory.

With his outfit in hand, Raido wasted no time in donning it and beginning his first day on the job. He knew that the only reason he had been hired so quickly was due to the suspicion that still hung over him. The instructors had made the calculated decision to keep him close, hoping to uncover the truth behind the recent attacks.

Raido's first assignment was a relatively simple one - he was to guard the enormous doors to the priestess' shrine. He couldn't help but wonder why he, a private guard, had been given such a menial task. But he understood the reasoning behind it and didn't question it further.

As he stood watch, he was aware of the other guard's watchful eye on him. But Raido refused to let it get to him. Instead, he used the time to meditate and focus his mind, preparing himself for whatever lay ahead.

When his shift was over, Raido returned to his rented house, eager to relax and unwind. As he entered the room, he was greeted by a clone of Boruto, who was engrossed in a book.

"Hey, bro," the clone greeted him cheerfully.

Raido smiled in response, glad to have some company after a long day. "You'll be taking over as Raido next," he said, nodding towards the clone.

Boruto chuckled. "Yeah, I figured it was time for a change. I'll be heading out for some training now," he explained as he changed his clothes and the Raido disguise disappeared. The clone followed suit, dispersing into nothingness.

Boruto then created a new clone, which he transformed into Raido. He handed the clone the outfit and said, "Make sure to keep up the older brother act, okay? I'll see you later."

As Boruto made his way out of the house, he accidentally bumped into someone, causing them to stumble. Reacting quickly, he reached out and grabbed the person's wrist, steadying them before they fell.

"I'm sorry, I wasn't watching where I was going," Boruto apologized, feeling embarrassed.

The person he had bumped into was a young woman with long, flowing hair. "It's okay," she replied with a smile. "Are you my new neighbor? My name is Sara. What's yours?"

Boruto couldn't help but feel a bit taken aback by the name - it wasn't one he was familiar with in the Naruto world. But he quickly composed himself and replied, "Yes, I'm your new neighbor. I live with my brother. My name is... Raiden."

Sara nodded, seemingly unfazed by the stutter in Boruto's voice. "Nice to meet you, Raiden," she said warmly.

Boruto couldn't shake the feeling that something was off, though. He decided to ask, "Are you blind, Sara-san?"

Sara chuckled and patted Boruto's head. "Yes, I am. But I don't need your help. I can see where I'm going just fine," she assured him before bidding him farewell and walking away.

As Boruto watched her go, he couldn't help but be intrigued. He wondered if Sara was using chakra to sense her surroundings and navigate the world. It was an interesting concept, and he made a mental note to try training that technique in the future.

With a sense of determination, Boruto set out to find a secluded training spot where he could hone his skills without any distractions. He wandered deep into the forest, searching for a place where he could be alone with his thoughts.

As he walked, he stumbled upon a nearby mountain that seemed to be uncharted territory. "This place is perfect," he thought to himself. "Not many people are here."

Boruto quickly got to work, summoning 40 clones to help him with his training. "Train like usual, but remember to disperse one by one," he instructed them.

One of the clones spoke up, "We know, we don't want you to die. But can you speed up your Fuinjutsu skills? With that, we can create a memory storage after we disperse without hurting our brain."

Boruto let out a sigh, "I know it's hard without a great teacher. Kakashi just ignores us, and the only one who taught us this was Tenten-sensei. She's the only good teacher we have."

He paused for a moment, reflecting on his skills. "We need a few more years before we can even get our Fuinjutsu up to the level of Uzumaki. We only have weapon seal in our palm and storage seal also connected to our palm."

One of the clones suggested, "Boss, should we go check the Sky village? Maybe we can find any leftover knowledge from the old man."

Boruto nodded, "Sure. How about this - gather all the knowledge you can in this continent. Then disperse, capiche?"

"Capiche," the clones replied in unison, ready to carry out their mission.


Behind the Uzumaki household, in the serene and secluded backyard, Himawari was diligently practicing her gentle fist techniques. Her small frame was a flurry of motion as she executed swift and precise palm strikes, her face contorted in intense concentration.

Hinata stood nearby, watching over her daughter with a mixture of pride and concern. She couldn't help but feel a sense of apprehension at the sudden change in her daughter's demeanor. It was clear that Himawari was determined to become a skilled ninja, just like her father.

"I cannot stay the same," Hinata murmured to herself, her resolve firming. She knew that she needed to set an example for her daughter, to show her that being a ninja didn't have to mean sacrificing one's own happiness and well-being.

With that thought in mind, Hinata joined her daughter in her training, determined to hone her own skills and become the best ninja she could be. Together, they practiced their gentle fist techniques, their movements fluid and graceful as they worked towards mastering the art of combat.

Taidanotsumi Taidanotsumi

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