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Chapter 24: Chapter 24

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto.

A/N. Since I haven't really come up with an appearance of Kisekishiki aka Jashin just think of him as Sukuna. I mean they are similar so yeah, he looks like Sukuna, and yes he also has the black marks.


Hidan looked at the puddle lying on the ground. Eyes searching for anything that might hint at the kid still being alive. Seeing no problem with the puddle Hidan got in a low squat position. Hidan put his hand on the ground and using his overwhelming control over chakra made a cup. The cup was simple in design, made to resemble a wine cup. Inside it was the 'body' of the water human he fought. With a quick motion and a few gulps and the water was completely gone.

A sigh escaped his lips. "Tasted like water, stupid jutsu. Just for that I am gonna savor his friend when eating him."

Looking at the other kid's body, he almost just wanted to hurry up so he can start experimenting. Breathing in and out to stop his impatience, he walked up to the body and sat down. Sending chakra to his teeth so there would be no problem he felt his teeth sharpening and changing shape. Ripping off a leg he brought it to his mouth and started to eat. Wasn't long before he was done. Standing up he was dissatisfied with the meal and resolved to get some better 'meals.'

Hidan keeled over, pain racking his body. Not knowing for sure if he would pass out or not he slapped his hand on the ground and trapped himself and the girl in separate chambers of earth with a hole for breathing. Even Hidan would be forced to use very sharp wind chakra to break out of this much less the Uzumaki. Now knowing the Uzumaki was safe he let himself go to sleep from the pain only thinking one thing.

'If it's this much pain for me who has trained pain receptors then a normal person would probably die from it.'

A few hours later (Dusk)

Silence. Nothing could be heard. Not insects, no animals, just pure, silence. One would think that is good, nothing to disturb you and be annoying, however, in the middle of a forest, that is anything but good. Suddenly the forest floor seemed to start... dying? The foliage started to die, entire trees started to fall over because they broke from being too brittle. Everything was dead in a giant circle about a mile in diameter with Hidan's chamber in the middle.


A loud crack was heard. A few more cracks. Then a loud explosion was heard as Hidan's chamber exploded and dust flew everywhere. Green and blue energy could be seen coming off of Hidan as he climbed out of his chamber. His shirt was torn showing off his ribcage karma seal which now extended up the back of his neck resembling his spine and covering his face resembling his skull.

*Maniac laughter*

Hidan laughed as he yet again gained something amazing. His voice reverberated throughout the entire forest as more of the forest started to die even more rapidly than before. Hidan's laughter only got louder and louder as the forest continued to die. Eventually, the spread of this 'death' stopped and Hidan's laughter slowly came to an end.

"To think I could gain this power. The power only the Leaf could boast of. The power of nature and chakra itself. Senjutsu!"


Going into his mindscape he kneeled to Jashin. Feeling the cold blood against his clothes and hearing the dripping of what he would assume was blood as he was waiting to hear his lord.

"Stand up."

The cool voice of Jashin was echoed throughout the mindscape. There was no emotion you could discern from his voice. Nothing to give out the reason he called Hidan into the mindscape.

"Hidan, the nature energy, I want you to get all of the nature energy in this world before you revive me."

"Yes, Lord Jashin."

Hidan seemingly fell through the mindscape as he came back to reality. Already knowing that it was because of Jashin that he was able to create senjutsu chakra he happily complied to this new demand he was given. He didn't know why he needed to do it but if he questioned it, it would not end well. That he did know.

Tenten POV-------------

'Lord Tsuande seemed really irritated today. I wonder what it could be. I hope it doesn't affect my therapy.'

Tenten seemed to be helping out at the hospital in the Leaf Village. She walked around in a white nurse outfit and tried to help patients with the Mystic Palm Technique. She learned that she had a talent for medical ninjutsu after wanting to learn it from Lord Tsunade. She didn't know why she wanted to learn it, she just had this 'urge.' It kept eating at her until eventually she just gave in and it turned out to be one of the greatest things to happen to her.


"Um, Lord Tsunade?"

The girl in question stopped working on a clipboard she had and looked back. Eyes boring into Tenten's making her feel slightly uncomfortable.

"You see, I was wondering, if maybe I could, I don't know, learn medical ninjutsu?"

The Hokage's eyes never left Tenten's. They seemed to be calculating, testing, and observing. It stayed like that for a moment before a smile graced her lips.

"Always great to teach medical ninjutsu. Here since you have therapy with me anyway my assistant Shizune will teach you."


A few footsteps and a small 'coming' that could somehow be heard very clearly before A girl showed up. Short black hair reaching the middle of the back of the neck in the back and barely reaching the bottom of her forehead in the front, black kimono with a white sash and white trimmings and a mesh undershirt the girl looked at the Hokage with questioning eyes.

"Shizune, I know you remember Tenten, I want you to teach her medical ninjutsu."

"Yes, Lady Tsunade."

-End Flashback-

She quickly proved to be talented in the subject, said to be on par with Tsunade before she was eventually made Tsunade's second disciple. While Tenten was yet to be instructed on how to learn the Strength of a Hundred Seal Technique she was happy with what she did learn.

Suddenly, the girl of her thoughts showed and looked her right in the eye.

"I won't be able to give you therapy today. My assistant Shizune will take over for me today and rest assured you can tell her anything."

Tenten tried not to let her emotions show. Even though she trusts Lord Tsunade's judgment she still had a hard time wanting to tell her assistant anything. It's not easy to change therapists and just trust the new one. She would try though, not only for her own sake but for Lord Tsunade's too. She wanted to make this easy for everyone and not complicate things.

"It's ok Lord Tsunade. I'm grateful you give me therapy yourself much less your assistant."

A smile threatened to grace her features before it was overtaken by what she assumed to be 'grief?' While she did not know what she might be grieving over she knew not to look too long. People don't like when people try to read them so she instead chose to clock out and head home so she can prepare for her therapy session.

Pain racked her body as she felt immense pain. She collapsed and screamed so loud it was heard throughout the entire village. Although the scream lasted a second before she became completely silent from passing out from pain it was enough for every medic-nin to come rushing out of the hospital.

A few hours later (Around midnight)

A few grunts were heard as Tenten yet again found herself blinded by the whiteness of the hospital. She looked around and tried to make out anything in the darkness but with her vision blurry she had no luck. Blinking a few times she tried to clear up her vision and after a few times it showed her in a white hospital gown, strapped down to the bed with a few pictures hung up on the wall. She squinted her eyes at one of the pictures and she gasped.

On the picture was her lower section. What was weird however was that there was a giant black marking resembling her pelvis and if her medical knowledge was correct, then it was also located where her pelvis was.

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